Good Morning Dear Friends,
What a special time this is for our industry! This week the ‘bones’ of NOOR, a very famous racehorse, were moved to OLD FRIENDS in Kentucky for truly their final resting place.
NOOR resided at Loma Rica Ranch in Grass Valley, California…after retiring from his very successful racing career. He was a strong and magnificent thoroughbred who was famous for his racing achievements which included beating Citation. For years, he stood as the ‘Senior Senator’ in the stallion barn at Loma Rica. Upon his death, he was buried there.
Henry Freitas was the manager at Loma Rica during this time. MY JOHN later spent a great deal of time at this Ranch during the early part of his career….and adored Mr. Freitas. MY JOHN, to this day, considers HENRY to be his greatest MENTOR in the thoroughbred industry. He was an excellent and very practical horseman…and shared his knowledge, skills, and love for the horse with all who were blessed to be under his guidance and work with him closely.
NOOR was one of those horses.
As happens in today’s economic environment, this property has recently been sold. It is going to be redeveloped for commercial purposes. Enter…CHARLOTTE FARMER. She has worked endlessly during the last several months to have ‘NOOR’S REMAINS’ properly moved to a new resting place…one where his memory will live in dignity. She contacted our friend, Michael Blowen from OLD FRIENDS in Kentucky, and a plan was created.
Ms Farmer did all of her homework to be sure everything was done perfectly to protect NOOR. She contacted people who worked at the Ranch during the time NOOR was there and even called MY JOHN to see if he could help her with details. John was not there at that time…but knew Henry and how he might do certain things. The information proved to be helpful. They were able to find the exact place, size, and depth of Noor’s grave…and were able to move HIM proudly to OLD FRIENDS.
What is truly special about all of this…is that PEOPLE REALLY DO ÇARE. Without being asked, so often people step up and work with great passion to encourage and assist ‘the right thing to happen’.
With Love,
Hugs to All~(With great appreciation and love to Ms Farmer and all who helped her with this endeavor!)
Kim S
Aw Zenny and Dottie, what a great post. I might not have known about Noor until it was too late to help, if I had not been peeking into your diary. :) You have opened so many doors for so many of us horse/animal lovers, Zenny and Team Z. Thank you.
@Diana S–wonderful news about your sister but just as wonderful is your thinking ahead. With that dreaded disease, it is best to try to stay a few steps ahead. Thinking and praying for you all.
@Susan in TN/Trina Nagele/Judy Berube–Thank you all. William is a sweet, sweet boy and my daughter has gotten so interested in horses (just like I have always been) and it is not work to be out there, it is my therapy. So many wonderful horses and so many wonderfully differnet personalities.
@Sue Frederick–Thank you for the link about the smartphone pictures. I will be fowarding that to all my family and friends so they can be warned.
@Karen Gogue–Thank you for your post.
@LauraJ–Thanks and well said to EK. Open mouth, insert foot, I’d say.
@Kip Hannan–Thank you for the “million” words.
@Terry Crow–LOLLLLLLLL!!!
@Beautiful Pleasure–RIP, I’m sure the great and not so great ones that succumbed to laminitis were awaiting arrival.
@Barbara Wood, Karen Gogue or anyone else–In my trying to catch up with the posts, I must have missed how to get to The Annex. Help!!! Email me or post here. Thank you.
Sweetest Zenny, have wonderful night. We are almost ready to “go” to the races on Saturday. Already have my DVR programmed, just in case. Everyone have a great Friday.
Lotsa love to all.
Linda in NJ
Dear Zenny: Thank you for such an amazing story. It is so nice to know that this world still has people who are sensitive and truly care. While on this earth, Noor brought many exciting moments to many people over the course of his career. Now those memories of this great race horse will be shared and live on forever. I am sure if Noor could—he would send a sign of appreciation to Charlotte Farmer and all those responsible for a remarkable job well done! Noor can continue to RIP knowing his memory continues to live on and will never be forgotten thanks to Charlotte Farmer, Dottie and you, Zenyatta!
Kim S
@Barbara Wood–sorry, unless you know :), should have Barbara Grimaldi.
Susan in TN
@Judy B: I’m so sorry! I don’t completely “get” the whole Facebook set-up and I was so hoping you were seeing the Sweeties! I have to go out to feed our horses right now but I will at least write an update either tonight or in a.m. for you and anyone else who is interested-and too polite, like you, to say,”We can’t see it, dummy!” HUGS <3
Marty R
Congratulations to Ms Farmer for never giving up and for accomplishing her goal of bringing Noor to his final resting place. I know this could not have happened without the support and efforts of many others. Amazing things can happen with unity and determination. Thank you Zenyatta via Dottie for bringing this story to the diary. Thank you to the posters who provided the links for more information about this incredible journey. I am wondering if anyone knows a place to be able to read the inscription on Noors marker? R.I.P. champion Noor
Here is some more information on Northern Dancer’s grave. It looks like some action has already been taken, but this bears watching. That horse was amazing. He is related to so many champions such as Frankel who has his blood from both his sire Galileo and his dam Kind. Stay Thirsty’s mother was a daughter of Storm Bird. There are hundreds more from this remarkable little Canadian horse.
judy berube
Dear Max:
Thanks for the article on Northern Dancer. Think you right; we have to keep a watch on what happens there. Glad they’re cleaning up his grave site. His legacy is so encompassing. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Susan in Tn.:
No, I would never think that. I just wanted to let you know that I never joined Facebook (really don’t want to) and that’s why I can’t access Chester and Friends. Whenever you have time to do an update on the Sweeties, I will definitely enjoy hearing from you. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Kim S.:
It’s you and people like you, who are so caring and loving, that make a difference for ex-racers and give them a chance at life. Thank you for all you do. Hugs, J.B.
sue and tony
Zenny, this diary has become such a wonderful refuge for so many people, us included. You and Dottie make us smile, give us hope and tell of of the greatness of the human spirit (thank you Charlotte).
Our wish is for no animal or human to endure suffering or neglect of any kind. Noor was cared for by gentle hands during his lifetime. Now another pair of gentle hands has made it possible for him to RIP in the most fitting place.
judy berube
Dear Brenda S.:
I hadn’t heard anything about Winfields either. I just found the article I posted because another Z Fan had mentioned it in a post. If you scroll up, Max posted a recent article, since Hurricane Irene, on Northern Dancer’s grave site. We should keep ourselves aware of the situation. Hugs, J.B.
From post #331
@Diane S
Great news about your sister, miracles do happen.
@Linda J
Oops. Linda in NJ went to Saratoga. I do so agree
With you about animals period. My male intact Vizsla
Was a handful at 6 to 8 months. Really the first year, if
You don’t spend the time they have a lot of issues. I had
Him in conformation class and had to switch to obedience
To get control and I had a dog walker that made him
The pack leader. That too awhile to undo.
Horses are very different because of their work. They
Have to be trained correctly so they don’t have
Soundness issues, short strides, stiff neck, unbendable.
I have run into so many people who attempt to train their
Horse and it creates a huge problem and then finding a trainer
That can undo and correct it costs a fortune and the
Horse often has physical issues, can’t be ridden etc….
Horses are so very special because they trust the ones
Who train them and are on their back to guide them.
It is such a very special relationship to ride a horse like
No other.
@Judy B
From post #331
It seems very easy to love horses without
Knowing the reality of their expense. They are
So very special and need to be trained and ridden
By someone that understands them and has the $$$$.
I have come very close to buying a horse a couple
Of times, the reality of the expense, not having it and
Leaving the horse in a pasture or at a barn with no
Attention or human connection is very sad. I have seen
So many sad situations of horse owners not having
The money and Rescue is often the result. It is not
Fair to them. They are such wonderful creatures and when taken
Care of have so very much to give of themselves.
judy berube
Dear DJ:
Thank you for another beautiful Evening Prayer. Hugs, J.B.
Kari Bussell
Rest in Eternal Peace Noor-
Your Charlotte never forgot You!
Charlotte Farmer- You have my admiration, gratitude and Love!
What a tenacious, get the job done, wonderful Lady you are. Thank You!
Zenytta -(Dottie) Thank you for this wonderful post about Noor!
Thanks for the link on Northern Dancer.
He contributed so much to TB breeding
Lines and of course on the track. So sad
About these farms.
judy berube
Dear Signofthetimes:
You are absolutely spot on. Taking on a horse, or any pet, requires a commitment for the life of that animal. So many horses, dogs, cats, puppies and kittens end up in tragic straights. It’s good that you posted the reality of what the commitment entails (especially in the case of horses). Hugs, J.B.
@signofthetimes. Yes, Northern Dancer was a great horse and a real Canadian hero as Abigail from Montreal has written in the Vault. Now that the word is out I think that Canadians who loved him will rise to the occasion and look after this horse and the others who are buried at this site. I doubt that they would let him be taken to Maryland. Like the article said, he put his birthplace of Oshawa, Ontario on the map.
Kari Bussell
@Karen Gogue- Thank you for keeping us informed about Noors journey home to Kentucky. ….and just for being you.
@Judy B-Hugs & Joy back to you.
judy berube
Dear dhurst:
Thank you so much for posting a correct photo of Beautiful Pleasure. The photo I posted has a caption that is definitely wrong.
The photo you posted is not the same horse that’s in the photo I posted. And your post has her name clearly visible on the saddle cloth. Guess I have to be a little more thorough when taking for granted a caption under a photo is accurate. Thank you again for the correction. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Z,
Goodnight and Sweet Baby Dreams. Love you so much, Judy and Russ
Good Evening Queen “Z”, Dottie thank you for the wonderful post and tribute to this amazing woman Charlotte Farmer. Noor’s gravesite looks fit for a king! Job Well Done!!!!!
Hugs and Kisses
What a wonderful update Zenny. I’m happy that champions like Noor are remembered. Thanks to Old Friends and everyone involved.
Barbara Wood
@Susan in TN–left you a message on FB. Couldn’t find the pics you mentioned but enjoyed browsing as always. I don’t know how you do it. The expense must be immense.
@Kim S–If Karen Gogue has your e-mail, she can direct you, or you can e-mail me at moo@grandecom.net, and I’ll sign you up.
@DJ–such an appropriate prayer. I needed that today!
Wow, what a great story. Your John really has quite a connection with the Noor family. Love to all.
Karen Gogue
Go to: Noor In Memory Of A Champion – just type that in. You do not have to join FB to read and see videos. The inscription is also written out by a person who posts – there are photos of both sides of his headstone with that inscription – would anyone be good enough to post a link to that for Marty, please…
Deborah Richman
What a beautiful post about Noor. I am speechless with admiration for Charlotte Farmer and this tremendous labor of love on her part.
I am humbled by her accomplishment and filled with gratitude for Charlotte, Michael Blowen, and all who helped bring Noor to his final resting place at Old Friends.
Z-sters…love to all :)
Sunny Boyd
Good evening Zenyatta,
hope the day treated you to a cool breeze and plenty of shade.
Pillow chuckle:
A bachelor is a guy who never made the same mistake once. Phyllis Diller
Have a good night :) :) :)
Eddie & Freddie
We truly appreciate the work of Charlotte getting Noor to his proper resting place.
The amazing video provided by KIP HANNAN is brilliant and an appropriate tribute.
These horse racing treasures must be kept alive!
judy berube
Dear Karen Gogue and Marty:
Is this the page you wanted? Hugs, J.B.