Good Morning,
I must say this was such an exciting weekend of racing! So many of the graded stakes races we all watched were truly ‘thrillers’…with several of them requiring the aid of a photo finish camera to determine the winner.
My Barn 55 friend, Mr. Commons, lost by a ‘tiny’ nose in Del Mar’s Mile G2 Stakes. He ran an incredible race against older, very accomplished horses. Everyone at the barn really applauded him for his outstanding effort and accomplishment. I think Mr. C also felt rather proud of his race and the way he performed. When he returned to the barn after running, he was happy, playful, ready to graze and enjoy himself. He wanted lots of hugs, kisses, treats and attention! A high-hoof to you, MR. C. I’m wishing you all the best as your racing career continues to develop!
Yesterday, the Pacific Classic G1 at Del Mar was decided in a thrilling stretch run between Acclamation and Twirling Candy. (His sire, Candy Ride, won this race several years ago and stands here at Lane’s End Farm.) Acclamation held on to win in a wire to wire victory. Kudos to his connections and the ride by his jockey, Patrick Valenzuela. Patrick has always been known to be an incredible talent who can ration out speed on the lead with perfect timing. In this particular race, he was definitely at his best doing this!
The stakes races at Saratoga on Saturday were all quite interesting. Bernie’s son, STAY THIRSTY, won The Travers Stakes G1 in fine fashion. During the first part of the race, he positioned himself right off the leader, Shackleford. Then at the mile pole , he took the lead and went on to finish strongly for his victory. I know MY BERNIE is really proud of this guy for all of his achievements to date! Yeah, Stay Thirsty! Congratulations to all of the winners on Saturday. It was a great day of racing!
Throughout the weekend, though, we were all extremely concerned about the path and strength of Hurricane Irene. The scope of her presence and the intensity level of her travels were a constant source of consideration for all of us. On a horse racing level, Monmouth Park in New Jersey and Saratoga on Sunday in New York both closed. Then along the entire east coast, families were evacuated from their homes. Businesses were closed. People were asked to be safe, be careful, and stay in a protected place. Thus, as we are spending time reviewing all of the weekend’s activities, we must be thankful that the effects of Hurricane Irene were not worse. So many people had their lives change during ‘her’ travels. Let’s extend our thoughts and kindness to wish them well and keep their safety and welfare in our thoughts.
It is like so many things in life, when the review is in and people say it was ‘not as bad as it could have been’…this is certainly important. However, when YOUR LIFE has been directly damaged or changed by the incident…in this case…the hurricane, it is very painful. Blessings to all who have had their lives directly touched and influenced by Hurricane Irene! We are thinking of YOU and wishing you many blessings!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
@Kari Bissell
Thanks for reposting the Ruffian tribute, very lovely. I have it bookmarked.
@Nancy in nj
Could not find one with Brightman either, glad you enjoyed it.
I have heard it a number of times but unable to find in on You tube until tonight.
Sunny Boyd
Good evening Zenyatta,
a very nice post as always. Thank you. And TV can help work off one’s antagonisms. And if you haven’t any antagonisms, the commercials will give you some. Alfred Hitchcock
:) :) :)
JAG ~ California :-)
I’m sharing an article about the Pacific Classic because it mentions YOU, Queen Z!
MR seems to be enjoying the the high and lows of racing (bipolar as he said this weekend), spending lots of money on 2 year olds to get that great champion that will go all the way until they are 6. We know that is not very likely. They are all getting injured and retired at 2, which is a darn shame. These are well pedigreed equines that have a load of talent and potential. Time needs to be taken to let their bodies mature instead of pounding them in the ground with racing injuries and retirement at 2. What a life for a talented horse. I am not fond to TP son either, Rags first filly has a foot fracture at 2 and is not going to be able to start until later. What are the statistics on leg and foot injuries in the young horse and their relationship to too vigorous training for their growing maturing bodies.?????
Sunny Boyd
Good evening Zenyatta,
a very nice post as always. Thank you. And aren’t you the flirt, Missy?! Your picture above is telling on you if I might say so myself.
Have a restful night and I leave you with a chuckle:
Seeing a murder on tv can help work off one’s antagonisms. And if you haven’t any antagonisms, the commercials will give you some. Alfred Hitchcock :) :) :)
Thanks for the great article on Pacific Classic, a great race.
Hope to see Acclimation at the BC. He is a talent. Chantal was out raced by P Val. He has way more experience than she does. She came on strong but Game on Dude got intimidated and quit at the end. That big horse coming over onto him did what he was meant to do intimidate.
judy berube
Dear Brenda S.:
Thank you so much for thinking of us. Glad your daughter fared well. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Sunny Boyd:
Hitchcock was quite a wit. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Nancy in N.J.:
Glad you fared well during the storm along with all your sweet critters. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Max:
Thank you for the article and handsome photo of Bernie. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Z,
Goodnight and Sweet Baby Dreams. Love yo so much, Judy and Russ.
Dear Dottie:
Once again, thank you for this Diary and sharing Z with us. Hugs, J.B.
Peggy (N)
@Judy Berube, so glad you’re ok. Blessings Peggy
judy berube
Dear Cynthia H. and Kari B.:
For you, Majestic Prince. Hugs, J.B.
Susan in TN
@Sally B: Hope all goes well with your tests.
@Barbara Wood: I just can’t even believe the HEAT you all are still getting! I think we were around 90 today and it feels so much better. Thoughts and prayers are with you!
@Abigail: Thanks for update! It’s hard to believe, isn’t it? Glad you were safe from the storm.
@East Coasters: I breathed a BIG sigh of relief that everyone seems to be okay-hope we have heard from all.
@Judy and Russ B: I was so happy to see your posts! <3 Felt like a weight had been lifted.
@Lil in Kentucky: I can't imagine the relief you felt when Olivia got in touch- so glad she is okay!
@Kari: LOVED the Ruffian tribute! What a gorgeous girl. And that song is one of my all-time favorites. You kept your promise <3
@Brenda S: Glad you and yours are safe! Your trip sounds fantastic!
@Terry Crow: Great jokes! I can't believe you met Peter Graves and James Arness! I didn't realize he was that tall. We never missed "Mission Impossible" when it was on. It was one of a VERY few TV shows that my mom let us watch while eating dinner! "Wizard of Oz" was one and she always let me see "Snowfire."
@Eveline: Congrats on your horse's win! Glad everyone is okay. That's funny about your dog- you'd think a hurricane would REALLY get him stirred up! One of our's (our Saint Bernard) is so sensitive to weather changes- I wonder if he would have reacted and pray I never find out!
@Brooke: "Beauty Queen" is just right! It's good to see you posting. How is Dusty?
@Nancy in NJ: So glad you and your babies are okay-must have been scary!
@Kimberly Potter: Sounds like good news for mommy and baby! Thanks for the update!
@Kari and Cynthia H: I saw Majestic Prince race, too! Haven't watched your video yet, Kari-can't wait!
@Laura J: Thanks for explanation of "nicking." Slowly but surely I am learning the ins and outs of racing. It adds to my enjoyment, for sure. I realized that I am starting to recognize some of the jockeys from their rear ends! Don't know what to make of that-ahem.
@Terry Crow: Dennis Weaver as…CHESTER!
Susan in TN
@Sharon in Seattle: Hoping you had a GOOD day <3
@Amanda Gilliland: Prayers sent your way <3
Love you, Our Dear Kari!
@Catherine Uher: Hope you are feeling better and better <3
Paula Higgins
Yes, a high hoof to Mr. Commons and Stay Thirsty! Also. Uncle Mo did himself proud. A very impressive race for him first time back after his illness. Hurricanes are very nasty things and the flooding has been horrific in some areas. My thoughts go out to all those effected by Irene. Very glad Zenny is safe and sound.
Maria K.
I love you Queen Z!
For “Z” Friends who would like to share an Evening Prayer with sincere gratitude for so many prayers and concerns to all who are in harms way, and also the loving thoughts and caring which come forth from the ‘Heart of hearts.’
A mighty fortress is our God,
A bulwark never failing;
Our helper he amid the flood
Of dire ills prevailing:
For still our ancient foe
Does seek to work us woe;
His craft and power are great
And, armed with cruel hate,
On earth is not his equal.
Did we in our strength confide,
Our striving would be losing;
Were the right man on our side,
The man of God’s own choosing:
You ask who that may be?
Almighty Lord, it is he;
Our Creator his Name,
From age to age the same,
And he must win the battle.
And tho’ this world, with evil filled,
Should threaten to undo us;
We will not fear, for God has willed
His truth to triumph through us:
The prince of darkness grim,
We tremble not for him;
His rage we can endure,
For lo! his doom is sure,
One little word shall fell him.
Martin Luther
Marshall (girl's name)
What a gloriously sensitive expression graces your countenance! Such sweetness and those gorgeous eyes – deep pools of wisdom! Oh, Mr. De Mille, Zenyatta is ALWAYS ready for HER close-up!! Intrinsic beauty doesn’t need to get ready for the camera. Love you, Zenny! Hugs to Dottie, too.
@Judy Berube: Hallelujah! Welcome back!! We were worried about you; so glad you emerged fairly unscathed by Irene! Hugs!!
@Andrea: Glad you survived the hurricane, too! Thanks for checking in – take care!
@DJ: So good to hear from you, dear friend. Thanks so much for the Isaac Watts lyrics. This truly is my favorite hymn together with its St. Anne melody. I always find it tremendously comforting. The first verse is normally part of my bedtime prayers. Many, many hugs!
@Margaret: Our CBS local news reported that the Outer Banks horses in NC had come through Irene unharmed. They are hardy stock and apparently have areas that are sheltered from the coastal storms. I think they are quite smart!
@Terry Crow: I am still laughing at both of your jokes! I particularly liked the first one (Jesus & the disability checks).
I always enjoy your informative bits AND the wonderful humor. Incidentally, I loved Marshal Dillon! As a youngster, I would sometimes pretend to be Matt! I was a little bit of a tomboy, I guess. Saturday nights at 10 PM were dedicated to Gunsmoke. That was as regular as clockwork, or as church on Sunday!
@Lil in KY: So happy to hear that your granddaughter in Norfolk, VA is well and that you finally heard from her! YAY!
@Kari Bussell: Thank you for your kind, generous heart and indomitable spirit! You make me want to be a better person. I have not as yet seen your videos since my computer is so slow (dinosaur dial-up), but I look forward to viewing some of them soon! Had my annual chest x-ray today. This takes the place of mammography which saved me in late 1999. I had surgery(on my birthday) in February 2000; this was the nicest gift I could have had. I continue to be thankful. Special wishes and much love to you, always! Healing prayers, too! You’re the Best! Love to Bonnie Blue and Clyde, and to All your loved ones!
Anne from Paramount, CA
Hey (hay?) there Queen Z– (and fellow dumplingsz)—didya miss me? What sweet photos of you to welcome me back! I returned to Paramount several days ago; did not “run into” Irene back east, thank heavens. Had to catch my breath, go back to work and of course go to Del Mar (this past Saturday– even won a nice exacta box!)) I told my sister all about you Ms. Z and showed off Dumpling pictures. A funny: Jean could relate to the people pictures of course(I even proudly named names), but she was confused about my “relationship” with you, Zenyatta! I was tempted to say you were my adopted daughter, Z, but then you are the adopted daughter of us all, right? I think she was thinking was it the same as our own Rightful Image, so I explained about the Mosses and John and Dottie. I further said how you got your name , the fair ZENYATTA!!
My week there was a family week, centered on my beautiful great nephew Caleb (and my sister’s b.d on the 19th) but there is one more racing story: Jean gets the Sunday NY times and in that edition (8/21) there was a BIG spread on Todd Pletcher—going over a day from dawn to dusk,I think about three different horses. Anyway, Jean mentioned that there was this article written about “a NY trainer,” so when she mentioned TP’s name I said “we are good friends,” but do not call him him to verify this.(Remember this was before the big ones of this past weekend.) Now I do not know what to think. I have just scanned the past couple of diaries, so have not gotten into details, but I, too was very pleased with Uncle Mo’s race and was surprised to learn of Mike R./Todd P’s comments. Heck, he didn’t lose in embarrassment, considering that time off.
@Barbara Wood, thanks for asking after me. @Judy Berube, glad your damage was not worse. Whew again,with all this weather stuff year round. Hope all the east coast Zsters are OKAY. I could not believe what I saw on the tube about Vermont this morning. (It is still Monday eve here.)And @ all regarding Noor: that seems to have been completed properly, very nice to learn. @All who were ill or had other issues while I was away, hope you are all feeling better.
@Terry Crow, I MUST do some catching up on your jokes! I will add a little more later–don’t want this one post to be too long. It’s nice to be back amongst friends! Hoof hoof hooray! :)
Barbara Grimaldi
KARI–thanks so much for remembering. I just cannot get that horse out of my mind, and it’s been years and years. I think you know I was at Belmont when it happened…the noises, the hushes, the trailer…and before, in the little post parade, she walked by like an empress, an ebony empress, with such delicate legs and steps. I love your tribute. I love that song. I will always, always be grateful to you for this.
Hugs and Love
Barb G
s (in San Diego)
Good Evening everyone. So happy to see many of you back and read that you are ok.
@DJ..You are such a blessing to us, providing us with morning and evening prayers. I pray that the storm you are in passes swiftly. If there is anything specific you would like prayer for, please let us know.
@Judy B…Oh my. Majestic Prince has such a special place in my heart. When I was 12 years old, my Dad surprised me with a trip to the Kentucky Derby. Just the 2 of us..and it was the year of the beautiful red colt..Majestic Prince. I remember thinking his name fit him so perfectly. It was a very special trip.
To everyone…Sweet dreams
@Signofthetimes – I did a research paper on catastrophic breakdowns in racehorses for a college course I took last year because the subject is near and dear to my heart. My favorite all-time filly Ruffian left an indelible mark on my heart. I’ve seen too many breakdowns, both fatal and non-fatal on the racetrack. I wanted to learn what causes horses to break down, so that perhaps, one day, I could make a difference using what I learned, in the profession that I’m pursuing. Perhaps it is naïve, but it is a goal of mine. To answer your question, I can see if I can find out what the statistics are for leg and foot injuries in 2- year olds. In the meantime, I’m providing you the following information: as far as 2-year olds training/racing, I was very surprised to find out what I did. I thought it was a lot more dangerous for a horse to start out as a 2-year old rather than as a 3-year old. The Jockey Club Information systems examined this by extracting one-year windows at five-year intervals starting in 1975 and ending in 2000. The first category examined was “starts per starter lifetimes.” The data showed horses that raced at the age of two ran more races in each of the years examined compared to horses beginning their racing career at the age of three or older. The second category showed two-year-old thoroughbreds earned twice the amount of “life-time earnings per starter” than racehorses not racing when they were two-years-old. Lastly, the “percentage of stakes winners,” (higher quality thoroughbreds), racing as two-year-olds is nearly three times higher than in racehorses not racing until they were three-years-old or older. This data taken as a whole, shows thoroughbreds beginning their racing career as two-year-olds are more successful, have longer careers and show less predisposition for injury than racehorses not beginning their racing career until at least the age of three. The data would indicate the ability to make at least one start as a two-year-old has a strong effect on the length and success of a racehorse’s career. Researchers in Great Britain found thoroughbreds beginning their racing career as four-year-olds were twice as likely to have a fatal breakdown as a racehorse that began racing as a two-year-old. This is based on the fact younger thoroughbred tendons grow in response to high impact exercise and their bones remodel much faster than older thoroughbreds. There are exceptions to the rule, i.e. Zenyatta (which makes what she has accomplished even more spectacular), but the data reflects that she is in the minority. I also covered in my research paper other factors that may cause breakdowns: track surfaces, training, drugs, and breeding. If you want, I can send you a copy of my research paper. My email is: doreen.fortheloveofhorses@gmail.com.
Anne from Paramount, CA
Our Queen, you are no doubt snoozing away dreaming of motherhood, but here I am again! Must finish my thoughts before going to sleep myself: I was rooting for both Mr. Commons and Caracatado because Mike M is our trainer for R.Image. So I was happy with THAT outcome. Great racing by both. I would have been satisfied either way. @Judy Berube, since you usually ask): R. Image is still on the farm–he keeps sending us bills– another one just arrived today. At this time we have no specific update…perhaps if we go to Del Mar this weekend (not certain) we can grab Mike quick and find out what he knows. Perhaps we may even go to the backstretch, who knows? All plans subject to change.
@Anyone–did anyone else see after the Classic (we watched at home), after the winner’s circle celebration, Bob Baffert came up to the owner (still in winner’s circle area), saying he wanted to congratulate him on a great race with his horse (you could hear him say this) and they shook hands. BTW, nice article in today’s LA Times on Classic, by Bill Dwyre.
One final thing with my Pittsburgh trip: they were filming “Batman” there– due in theatres near you a year from now. It was amusing to see “snow” on the streets of downtown Pittsburgh in August. Then there was that earthquake, which I did not feel, but my nephew’s wife did–while on a job interview. Kinda strange–a movie being filmed and an earthquake–did I bring California with me? :)
Trina Nagele
@Arlene(in VT)–Hope you and yours are OK. We’re all so sorry about Vermont getting hit so hard.
judy berube
Dear Anne from Paramount:
Welcome back. Thanks for thinking of us. We are fine. Hope you hear good news on Rightful Image. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Doreen:
Really interesting info. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear S (in San Diego):
Glad you enjoyed the link on Majestic Prince. His name really did suit him. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Marshall (girl’s name):
Thanks for thinking of us. We were very lucky; no damage. Hugs, J.B.