Happy Friday!
As you can see, I’m getting my BEAUTY REST and making sure that I am taking great care of myself these days!
Additionally, I want to get plenty of rest so I can be energized and watch all of the terrific weekend of racing on both coasts. I’m going to be spending tons of time with my guys here at LANE’S END handicapping and watching the races. The conversation around the barn is already heating up now on who likes who in which race…and why! It is great FUN!
From Saratoga, running the Travers and the King’s Bishop… to Del Mar carding the Pat O’Brien and the Pacific Classic to name a few of the quality stakes running the next few days, it will be one very sporting weekend.
Uncle Mo…is making his first start back in the King’s Bishop since ‘feeling under the weather’ around Kentucky Derby time. There are so many contentious 3 year old colts running in the Travers….that I will really have to study the FORM here.
Then in Del Mar, they are running The Pacific Classic which is their premiere race of the entire meet. My farm, Lane’s End, has a horse competing in the field…TWIRLING CANDY. So this is very, very exciting!
My friend, BLIND LUCK, and her connections decided to ‘skip’ the Pacific Classic for this year and have her compete on another path: The Lady’s Secret and if all goes well The Breeders’ Cup Ladies Classic. These are both very distinguished and prestigious races….I know them quite well. All the best to her and her future plans.
Enjoy your weekend! Have a terrific time watching all of these high quality races! It is SO MUCH FUN! I can’t wait!
Hey, Matt, Charles, Mike, David and Sarah…who do you like???
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Kari Bussell
What a cute photo of you! You look very cosy in your stall. Looking forward to the races today. The Travers telecast starts in half an hour or so here in CO. Thanks to all your connections for keeping us informed about the races.
Hope ypu have a great rest of the weekend, Zenny.
Trina Nagele
Too close to call–Uncle Mo? He was leading!
Trina Nagele
Oh no, Uncle Mo second. Great run though! Way to go, Mo!
Kari Bussell
Love You!
Trina Nagele
Stay Thirsty wins! Hoof ray!
Maria K.
Queen Z, Bernie’s boy WON the Travers! Stay Thirsty did a great job!!! I love you!
Trina Nagele
@Shari Voltz—Happy Birthday! Thirsty and Mo both did better than show!
Kari Bussell
Way to Go Uncle MO!….I wanted the Win for you so bad, but YOU ARE BACK- GREAT RUN!!
Barbara Wood
@Kari Bussell– thank you so much. I had another thing to tell you about U of TN. Some time back, there was a story on thehorse.com about a horse who had a pasture injury and had run up $17,000 in vet bills. His owner was frantic about paying the bills, so the website started up a fund for him. I believe the horse’s name is Diego, and I thought if that were our daughter’s horse, we would surely appreciate the kindness of strangers. So I made a small donation, and to this day I receive the U of TN vet school publications. Horse did well and got to go back home.
I heard Uncle Mo threw a shoe, so that could certainly have had something to do with his loss, but he ran a great race. (Hope it didn’t fly back and hit another horse in the face!)Reminded me of Z. and Blame.
Congrats to Stay Thirsty. I confess to being sorry Shackleford wasn’t closer at the finish. But they all came home SAFE, which is the main thing. Hoping everyone is safe out there.
judy berube
Congrats Mo and Thirsty. Love you both. Hugs, Judy and Russ
judy berube
Dear Shari Voltz:
Happy Birthday. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Barbara Wood:
Happy Anniversary to you and hubby. Hugs, J.B.
Congratulations to Stay Thirsty. Hoof, hoof Hooray!! Your Bernie’s baby has done so beautifully. Like Father like son.
and Uncle Mo – just lost it by a nose and Ms. Zenyatta knows how that goes. What a comeback. Stay well, Uncle Mo. Nothing lost in defeat. Lots of love and kisses to the winners and the losers. Hope everyone has a safe weekend with all your weather and Hurricane Irene.
Thinking of you. So nice to watch it on a major network. All because of you Zenyatta.
Hope you know we love you so much and Dottie selected an incredible Daddy for your baby to be.
judy berube
Dear Kari B.
Hugs to you. J.B.
Karen Gogue
Zen Power in the 13th race at Saratoga – wonder where I’ve heard that name before? hummm, Zenny? Let’s see if he’s any good – with a name like that he ought to be super!
Barbara Wood
@judy berube–thanks and hugs back to you!
judy berube
Dear Terry Crow:
Too Cute. Thanks for your well wishes for us in the East. It’s nice to know how gracious Seth Hancock was to you. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Trina N.:
Thank you. Isn’t Bernie gorgeous!. Hugs, J.B.
Bernardini is so proud of his foal, Stay Thirsty, to have followed in his hoof prints yet again to win the Travers. Bernie says on his Facebook: like father, like son. Congrats to Thirsty on a job well done.
Zenyatta: You must be happy by this success by this Bernie baby. Good looks and talent too!
judy berube
Dear Max:
So glad their keeping up Bernie’s Facebook page even though he’s in Australia. Both his boys won. To Honor and Serve yesterday and Thirsty today. Gotta be a proud Papa. Hugs, J.B.
Lynn ..... (nearby Hwd Park) California
Zenny, I sure do love your photos. Hugs Thanks.
… Wasn’t that a fun race that Stay Thirsty won. Good Boy!
… Repole said Uncle Mo lost a rear shoe in the race today. Maybe he would have been 1st. Gotta hang on to those toeshoes! So glad Mo feels better.
Take care lovely Z. Love you.
@judy berube Bernie seems to be quite tech savvy like Uncle Mo. He even sent a postcard from Australia to his fans and he mentioned that Z still has the right dance steps by posting one of her recent photos from Lane’s End.
Still very concerned for you and other Z East Coasters. I hope that Z people and all others ride out the storm without incidents. Thinking about all of you all of the time until this is over.
mary bobolis
Congrats to Bernie as Stay Thirsty just dusted the Travers field! YEAH!!
judy berube
Dear Max:
Thank you so much and I wish all the Z Fans on the Eastern seaboard safe going through this storm. Hugs, J.B.
@Barbara Wood – Happy 45th Anniversary!!!
@Shari V – Happy Birthday!!!
@Lisa g, Karen Gogue, and Arlene – thanks for you well wishes for those of us who live on the east coast.
Congratulations to Uncle Mo – he did great in his return race – it just shows how much talent and heart he possesses.
Congratulations to Stay Thirsty – looks to me like he’s currently the top 3-year old. I’m sure he will be pointed towards the Jockey Club Gold Cup at Belmont on the 1st of October, then on to the Breeder’s Cup.
Congratulations to Mike Repole – he must be a proud owner/papa today.
Barbara Grimaldi
Well, the local NBC affiliate in the NY Metro area preempted the races and never even had the decency to announce that. So much for giving horse racing more attention. Instead, we were shown silly nonsense things like a wedding on the beach for 20 minutes of people we don’t know…I’m sorry my Shack lost but he has been entered in EVERY big race since the Derby–is Romans pushing him to far? The handsome boy needs a rest. Delighted for Bernardini’s son. I wish Uncle Mo had not thrown that shoe, as it might have had a wee bit of influence on the outcome of the race. It is so good to have him back.
BARBARA WOOD: YOU DID NOT SAY IT WAS YOUR ANNIVERSARY!!! Congratulations and many many years of continued happiness and health. Love from Skipper!
SHARI VOLTZ: Today’s your birthday–hope it’s been a wonderful day for you!!!
KARI B: saw this on a FB page somewhere today and immediately thought of you and of all the incredibly strong and beautiful women who are Zenyatta’s friends:
This is for all the strong ladies who have made it through so much in life… I am strong because I know my weaknesses. I am alive because I am a fighter, I am wise because I have been foolish, and I can laugh because I have known sadness…I am a proud, strong woman who has made it through the rain and learned to dance in it
@Lynn near Hwd park, maybe Mo needs to talk to Mucho Macho Man’s new farrier.
Vicki B.
@Sharon Call – Thanks so much for that Zenny U2/MJ Blige vid link, I had never seen that one before! It’s great.
Kari Bussell
Go Mr. Commons
race in 30 minutes—Del Mar
thanks JAG- :)