Happy Friday!
I hope all of you are making some fun plans for the weekend. I am! This morning I had the most relaxing time. Not only did I have a very cool and refreshing BATH, but I also got to play in the water with my guys! It felt terrific!
As you can see, it is a very pretty morning in Lexington. Lane’s End is such a beautiful place to live. I am really enjoying myself.
Sarah took these photos this morning so you could get a chance to see ME as I am at this very moment. I’m doing everything just as a should….as an expectant MOM…. and I am really starting to have that ‘IN FOAL’ look.
Baby-to-be and I are doing GREAT! Everyone is so gracious to ME! My dear paddock pal, Tasty Temptation, and I are enjoying every single moment of this attention. I must say…I really feel SO PAMPERED and LOVED. LUCKY ME!

This weekend, as has been the case often this summer, both Del Mar and Saratoga are featuring some very competitive Grade 1 races. This time for 3 year old fillies….one on the main track and one on the dirt. Other race tracks are also offering some terrific races. I hope you have a great time handicapping and enjoying our SPORT!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Christine Coleman
Hi Zenny Coleman! You look so cute and round! Glad you are truly happy, it sure shows :) Please tell me what happened to Pirate Queen? Is she still at Lane’s End?
Barbara Wood
@Mike Sekulic–I am definitely praying for our dear Lou Ann. We thought she was getting better. Thanks for the heads up, and please keep us posted. We are like family here.
Agreeing with JAG and Trina for Mary Ann and Catherine Uher.
Susan in TN–what about Chopper? It mentioned he is in a better place. As in adopted or deceased? Hope it’s the former.
Peggy (N)
Good Morning Zenyatta, Happy Saturday to You.
GO “It’s Tricky” Good Luck to All Horses Racing today.
@Eddie Castro,”Hold On” Eddie
@Judy, Susan, Trina, Sue, Karen, Dawn, Laura J., Signofthetimes The Kennedy’s in San Diego JAG,LisaG,Ensign (I know Ensign your out there somewhere) Couldn’t name everyone, but “Everyone Have a wonderful Weekend.
I am headed to the Ocala Breeders Sales on Tuesday. Looking so forward to seeing the New Babies. Have a few days off from Work.
Love to Everyone Especially You Zenyatta
Yvonne and Maurice
Hi Zenyatta. You look so gorgeous in soap suds and you are beaming with that mommy to be look – just spectacular. Love you big girl. Yes, it is going to be a great weekend of racing. Let everyone run their race and be safe. I am watching my neighbor’s dog and may not be able to get to the race track to bet but I will sure be enjoying the races on t.v. It is good I have all horse racing channels – could not exist without them. Stay comfy and cool with TT, eat well for two and enjoy the blue grass. Love you, Angel in Disguise.
Looking great! You deserve all the attention you get!
Looking good Zenny :)
Lisa g
@Abigail from Montreal, I wouldn’t mind having one of those human baths, sounds luxurious to me. Lisa g.
Lisa g
@The Kennedy’s in SD, ok, you have got me hooked, we’ve Terry’s jokes daily, we’ve our morning and evening prayers by DJ daily, I think we need a Kennedy’s Zenyatta/Mario story DAILY now. I love this one, Zenyatta crying for Mario for her beer and grazing time..this is so sweet. Cannot wait for the next story..wink, wink..Thank you. Lisa g.
Lisa g
@JB, thank you for all the great links, I am upset about Overdrive, I hope he will be ok….Lisa g.
Lisa g
@Peggy (N), have a wonderful time.
Lisa g
@Denise in AZ, they say that the 3rd time is the charm, but my charm was 5 times. LOL..Your pics are terrfice, your baby is so cute, and those goats, I love all the pictures. I signed in as Lucy & Me, whenever there is something regarding the animal kingdom, Lucy, my canine baby girl, wants involved as well. Thank you for sharing, and I think next time I peak at you I will be able to do it the first time..at least, I can hope! Lisa g
Lisa g
@All: With the posts of The Carpenters, Waylon Jennings and Herb Albert relating to the Moss’, it made me think that if Our Queen has a colt, and the name is not taken, he should be named “Alberto”. It is the music industry and one name. Mike R. has another filly he name MARIASTOPALLTHATSHOPPING, poor filly. Maria is his aunt, guess Awesome Maria (beautiful name) is named after his aunt, did not know that until last Thursday. I like Alberto, but still having hooves crossed for a filly…Lisa g
Lisa g
@Terry Crow, I too loved Waylon. I am not really a country/western music fan (remember your joke, I really loved that one), but I love the Old Country (my daddie did that to me), Waylon, Johnny Cash, Johnny Paycheck, Eddie Rabbit, Tammy Wynette, Dottie West, to name a few. When I was a little girl, I thought that Dottie West was the most beautiful woman to walk this earth and wanted so much to look like her. Anyway, when the Willie/Waylon thang was going on…who do you like better? I was a Waylon girl. I wish I could find the story on Jerry Moss and Waylon Jennings for you, I am just not good at links and stuff like so many Z Dumpingz are, especially that JB, I just do not know how she does that….If I do get lucky, I will let you know, as the story read so much better than what I wrote. Lisa g.
Lisa g
Ms Zenyatta, you are so beautiful and looking right into the camera who loves you so. Have a wonderful weekend, and hope Sarah is carrying her camera around this weekend….Thank you Dottie, Thank you Sarah..I love you, Girl. Lisa g.
Gary Moulton
@BABY BUMP BOXES ././././././././././././././././././ 08-20-11 (12:01 pm est.)
On “Horseland’ (11:00 am est. CBS) this morning they had a flash back episode when one of the girls first came to “Horseland”. Guess what her last name was? It was “Whitney” but not Mary Lou. There are three baby races today, race 2, race 6, and race 8. All three races have good size fields. We will Baby Bump Box all of them. Del Mar has two bumpers, race 2 and race 6. Race 2 has a small field so we have to bet to win. In the sixth race I’m pretty sure a first time starter will win this race because it’s the first rodeo for all of them. We are just throwing darts at this one. >>>>>>>>>>>> (.*.) Watch this one will be the one we hit, LOL, Let’s tee it up.
Race 2 – #6 “Swag Daddy”, #7 “Unbridled Command”, & #9 “Mississippi Duel”
$1.00 Triple Box 6, 7, 9 = $6.00
Race 6 – #4 “Grandpa Len”, #7 “Flashy Sunrise”, & #9 “Tripendicular”
$1.00 Triple Box 4, 7, 9 = $6.00
Race 8 – #4 “Ancil”, #6 “Awesome’s Eleven”, & #9 “Honor Call”
$1.00 Triple Box 4, 6, 9 = $6.00
Race 2 – $10.00 to WIN on #2 “Inquisitive Son” (Pass odds below 2-1)
Race 6 – #2 “Sweet Swap”, #3 “Mr. Newton”, & #9 “My Best Brother”
$1.00 Triple Box 2, 3, 9 = $6.00
$34.00 Bet Today +$227.20 Starting The Day. GOOD LUCK !
@Susan in TN – When nobody wins the pick 6, a “Carry Over” is money that is carried over to the next day and added to pool for the next days racing in the pick 6.
Linda from Vermont
You look great Z! Can’t wait to see your baby!
Barbara Wood
@Lisa g–you’re making me feel so much better about taking so many tries to get into the Flickr pics!
@Kari Bussell–where are you? I’m beginning to worry now…..
judy berube
Dear Z,
Happy Saturday. Hope you are happy and well. Love you and love to all of you, Judy ad Russ
For “Z” Friends who would like a Morning Prayer:
God our Father,
in a wonderful way you guide the work of angels and men.
May those who serve you constantly in heaven keep our lives safe from all harm on earth. Bless the Lord, all his angels. Mighty in power and obedient to his word. Give thanks to the Lord, all his servants who do his will. Give thanks to the Lord, all his works, in every place where he rules. My soul, give thanks to the Lord!
judy berube
Dear Lisa g.:
I read where Mike Repole named the horse StopShoppingMaria after his wife. Too cute. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear DJ:
Thank you for the Morning Prayer. Beautiful. Hugs, J.B.
Susan in TN
@Gary Moulton: Thanks! I actually don’t know what a pick 6 is… Good luck today!
Susan in TN
@DJ: Very beautiful-thank you!
judy berube
Dear Gary M.:
Good luck today. Street Cry has a two year Colt in the 6th today at the Spa. Won’t be betting today, but I would choose a $2.00 Exacta Box with #8 B Shanny (Street Cry) and #9 Tripendicular (Tiznow). Hugs, J.B.
Jan Doyle
@The Kennedys: Thanks for Mario/Zenny story. I can never get enough of them. I wish someday Zenny can be back with Mario, not racing, but just be close to him. You just look so beautiful Zenyatta. Thanks Sarah for the pictures, we enjoy them so much. Hugs to all
judy berube
Dear Susan in Tn.:
In a Pick Six you have to pick the winner in six consecutive races. Example: Races 5 through 10. Very difficult. If no one picks it, then there is a monetary carryover to the next racing day. Hugs, J.B.
The Kennedys in San Diego
For Shackleford lovers — his work followed by a roll in the dirt — he looks gorgeous!
judy berube
Dear Lisa g.:
StopShoppingMaria won her Maiden race on 8/14/11 at Saratoga. She is a two year old By More Than Ready Out of Skybox. Mr. Repole truly has some very talented fillies and colts in his Stable. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Peggy (N):
Have a wonderful trip. Please tell us all about it when you return. Hugs, J.B.
Lisa g
@JB, Mike R. does have Grrreat horses, but this name, I do not like, but she is not mine to choose. I think it is great that he names his fillys after his Auntie, tho.