Happy Friday!
I hope all of you are making some fun plans for the weekend. I am! This morning I had the most relaxing time. Not only did I have a very cool and refreshing BATH, but I also got to play in the water with my guys! It felt terrific!
As you can see, it is a very pretty morning in Lexington. Lane’s End is such a beautiful place to live. I am really enjoying myself.
Sarah took these photos this morning so you could get a chance to see ME as I am at this very moment. I’m doing everything just as a should….as an expectant MOM…. and I am really starting to have that ‘IN FOAL’ look.
Baby-to-be and I are doing GREAT! Everyone is so gracious to ME! My dear paddock pal, Tasty Temptation, and I are enjoying every single moment of this attention. I must say…I really feel SO PAMPERED and LOVED. LUCKY ME!

This weekend, as has been the case often this summer, both Del Mar and Saratoga are featuring some very competitive Grade 1 races. This time for 3 year old fillies….one on the main track and one on the dirt. Other race tracks are also offering some terrific races. I hope you have a great time handicapping and enjoying our SPORT!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Hope you enjoyed your suds, dear Zenny!
Love the “look” Z! Thank you and your team for staying the course in allowing all of us who love you to continue following your life! Bless you all!
Penny P
True to form, you’re looking at the camera just knowing someone is taking a picture of you. Funny girl.
Anthony Andrews
As always, it is a treat to see and hear that you and baby are doing well. We love you so very much, and wish you all the best in your everyday.
Especially Horses
There is a lot of horse there to rinse down. I’m glad you enjoy water sports. I remember one of my favorite things to do in the summer was to give my mare Candy Buck a good bath and grooming in order to see her buckskin coat shine. It gave me a chance to cool down and play too! And then the two of us would go relax under a tree and I’d give her plenty of kisses on her soft muzzle. Ah, summer is winding down, and fall is just around the corner. The passing of each season is just a little sweeter this year because as each new season appears we are just a little closer to the arrival of Baby Z.
Ms. Zenyatta – You do look fabulous!!!! Carrying your pregnancy so regally. Thanks so much for the pictures. We live for them. Thanks to Sarah and Dottie.
Enjoy your weekend. We look forward to safe and good trips for all horses and riders….
especially those from Your barn and the Mosses! Can’t help but be partial.
Nancy Colley
Miss Z; you look just gorgeous and how much fun to be pampered; and yes you are truly loved by all. We fans look forward to your daily diary every day. Keep up the good work and have a wonderful weekend.
Jean Gilbert
Zenyatta you are beautiful!!! Can’t wait to see your baby.
Lisa g
Ms Zenyatta, you look absolutely, fantastically, beautiful….you carry your Baby Bump well. I see you are having a wonderful morning at the spa, and still looking into the camera that loves you so (Thank you, Sarah). If anyone deserves to be pampered, it is you My Queen! I hope you will be watching the races this weekend, it will be good for the baby as well. I love you, I miss you..You are the Greatest…Lisa g.
That is so cute of you taking a bath…you can tell you are looking at the camera…you love those cameras… that has always been a big part of your life. Thank Sarah for taking those fun pictures of you. Us fans love seeing you Z….and us fans love you!!! Have a great weekend….hugs to you Z!!!
Lisa g
Ms Zenyatta, I would love to give you a bath.
Lisa g
@ALL, I hope the Kennedy’s have some more sweet stories to share…It made me feel like I was a part of the Z Team at 55. It is a wonderful feeling…I get so excited when Dottie and Sarah put the pics up. Lisa g.
Joen Mitchell
Does your tail get “done” with conditioner?
I always loved combing tails so every hair was silky and separated when I washed my beloved horses.
You are as beautiful as ever, Queen Z!
Gloria Jeanne
Zenny – you are starting to really fill out in your tummy area – it’s really great to see you. I miss you so much – I can’t just go see you are Barn 55 any time I want…. But I am happy you are safe and sound. Love
Chris Balmes
You look just beautiful and boy do you ever love the camera – looks like you are getting ready to do a little dance, too, because of how good it feels, huh? Enjoy…………..
Thank you for the great pictures beautiful lady. Hugs and kisses
Susan in TN
Zenny- you look gorgeous! As others have pointed out, you really know how to “strike a pose” when there is a camera around- too cute! It does my heart good to see you as you are “right now”- please thank Sarah for us! Love you much <3
love ya Z have a great weekend love ya wish your fans could see you
love ya Z have a great weekend wish your fans could see you like your team said when you retired.
Susan in TN
@sherry drish: well said!
@Cheryl Smith: Sounds like a great program-I’ll check out that link.
@lisa g: I totally agree!
@Dottie: Thank you so much for all you do<3
Susan in TN
@Judy Berube and Terry Crow: “Let It Ride” is still on my “wait list” on Netflix-grr! I might have to borrow one of yours after all! I have the documentary “Jockey” right now- haven’t watched it yet.
Susan in TN
@ANYONE: I missed Dottie’s birthday. Does anyone know where I can mail her a card? I think I have the HP address but should it be sent to Del Mar?? Thanks!
Dear Great One,
You look FABULOUS! You carry your pregnancy so well it is nearly undetectable :) Really, you look SIMPLY MARVELOUS! Glad to year you and TT are doing well. How is PQ doing? Do you still see her?
Your humble J
Kathy B.
Still posing for the camera I see! I guess old habits don’t easily go away. I want to go live at Lane’s End and have all those cute guys work around me!
Hay Z I washed my hair in the shower this morning. I know pretty much how it felt. All that cool/make that hot for me!, water, bubbles and rinse.
Just make sure to close your eyes so you don’t get soap in them. Soap stings.
JAG from California :-)
@ Susan in TNL:
Del Mar
Attn: John Shirreffs Barn
2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd.
Del Mar, CA 92014
Obviously, add Dottie’s name c/o of John’s barn :-)
Bonnie MacRaith
Oh, Zenyatta! I miss seeing you! Will I ever get over it?! Doubtful! But to Dottie, John, Mario and the Mosses you must, at times, seem so far away.
Thanks for the photos Dottie ;=)
Will have to settle for that for now!
JAG from California :-)
Queen Z! Happy Friday!
You haven’t lost your touch locating a camera LOL :-) TOO CUTE!
I always look forward to new photos of you and Baby Z :-D I adore your “baby bump”!!
I will be at Del Mar this weekend. I’m meeting some new facebook friends whom I’ve not met before!! Exciting times! We met because of YOU!!
Everyone have a great and safe weekend!
Kisses & Hugs Queen Mamma and Baby Z X0X0X0X0
Linda Shull
Love the new pictures!!!
Rosemary McCauley
Zenyatta you are so beautiful. Glad to hear they are taking such good care of you. Wish you were here though still settng the track on fire. Can’t help but notice that in both photos above, you have direct eye contact with the camera. Are you imagining yourself having your picture taken in the winner’s circle? We miss having you make our hearts jump. Have a great weekend with your pals.
judy berube
Dear Z,
Happy Friday. You look gorgeous and peaceful. Love you and love to all of you, Judy and Russ