Happy Friday!
I hope all of you are making some fun plans for the weekend. I am! This morning I had the most relaxing time. Not only did I have a very cool and refreshing BATH, but I also got to play in the water with my guys! It felt terrific!
As you can see, it is a very pretty morning in Lexington. Lane’s End is such a beautiful place to live. I am really enjoying myself.
Sarah took these photos this morning so you could get a chance to see ME as I am at this very moment. I’m doing everything just as a should….as an expectant MOM…. and I am really starting to have that ‘IN FOAL’ look.
Baby-to-be and I are doing GREAT! Everyone is so gracious to ME! My dear paddock pal, Tasty Temptation, and I are enjoying every single moment of this attention. I must say…I really feel SO PAMPERED and LOVED. LUCKY ME!

This weekend, as has been the case often this summer, both Del Mar and Saratoga are featuring some very competitive Grade 1 races. This time for 3 year old fillies….one on the main track and one on the dirt. Other race tracks are also offering some terrific races. I hope you have a great time handicapping and enjoying our SPORT!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Kate Wheeler
Zenny, you look so serene as you bathe in the early morning light with baby Z tucked quietly inside your curving torso, your coat gleaming in the suds and the sunlight. What a delight to see you again, ears pricked and camera savvy. Bathing never looked so good. You remain forever our muse and inspiration. I think as we look around at ourselves and each other we realize just how much better humans we are because of our love for horses, especially you queen Z. You are always a gift.
@Judy Berube: Thanks for referring us to the Alex Brown article on Our Host, I did not really know about him before, and also for all of your other helpful references. You are downright encyclopedic.
@Abigail from Montreal: I just read your story in The Vault about Our Host. It was extraordinary and moving, as was the link in your mind and heart to your Jericho. What courage.
@Kari Bussell: Good to hear from you again. We have missed you. Judy B. had just reminded us of your incomparable Dancing Queen video of Zenyatta. I will never tire of watching it. It is a total heart warmer. We have been truly blessed by your special talents. You sound like times are difficult for you right now. You are in our thoughts and you have our full circle of support. Hopefully all will work out for you.
@Denise in AZ: I finally got to see your posted pictures of Cayenne Pepper’s Passion. She appears to be so aptly named. What a beaut!
@All: Here is the link to the Jenny Rees article about Charlotte Farmer and Noor’s last journey. Wishing Charlotte a safe and memorable trip. http://blogs.courier-journal.com/racing/2011/08/21/4694/
@Dottie and All: Thank you, Dottie, for providing us this forum, and thank you all for the opportunity to learn so much here. Everyone have a good week.
Trina Nagele
@Mary Copelin—What a great idea to wear the Dumplingz name tag around town and not just at the racetrack! As you say, it makes it easy to engage in conversation with others who ask about it and to spread the word not only about Z but also about horse rescue. High hoof!
For “Z” Friends who would like to share an Evening Prayer:
The setting sun now dies away,
And darkness comes at close of day;
Your brightest beams dear Lord impart,
And let them shine within our heart.
We praise your name with joy this night:
Please watch and guide us till the light;
Joining the music of the blest,
O Lord, we sing ourselves to rest.
Trina Nagele
@Sunny Boyd—Right on on all three! I too loved the Sherriffs interview and Boston Legal, and so want John to train Z’s offspring, just like he trains her half-sister E, and if we are lucky, the new full sister (or brother) to be!
Lisa g
Ms Zenyatta; Have a wonderful, beautiful day. I love you so, Lisa g.
Gorgeous, even when wet. Love her!!!
@Uncle Mo and Stay Thirsty fans:
@Lisa g, Blind Luck is staying in California, but she is likely to face the boys there in the Pacific Classic (yay!). BL and HdG are neck-in-neck for Older Female, and probably HotY as well, at this point. None of the boys stands out.
Very nice bath picture, and, yes beautiful day in Lexington. I made my first trip to visit Lane’s End, but, alas, it only includes a visit to the stallion barn. I knew this.
Someday, I hope your fans can at least see you from afar.
Hugs and Prayers
Abigail from Montreal
@ Kate Wheeler: thank you so much for the thoughtful response to my piece on Your Host. Yes, “courage” is the right word — for a gallant horse and my gallant Jericho. HUGS!
Good morning Zenny and all, Feels like fall here. When I had a horse she really felt frisky in the cool fall air. Does it make you dance Zenny? It would be beautiful to have a picture of you dancing in the field!!!
@Trina Nagele & @Shari: God bless your teaching season. You are wonderful teachers!
Trina, if you do have time, you mentioned something about you have a book of poems???
Blessing to all, LOL Arlene
Lisa g
@lauraJ, O, thank you so much for the update and good news, I thought BL staying in CA, she would not be facing the boys…If she beats the boys, then she will win Older Female and possibly HOTY. I love BL and Grace equally, when they run together, I cannot choose, if is an impossible decision for me. I hope I make it thru weekend, it is going to be, o, so exciting. Thirsty, My Muddy Baby Boy, and Mo, My Baby Boy, are looking good. I always feel sorry for Thirsty, when he is running and Mo was not, the reporters talked more about Mo than Thirsty…He needs to given his due….Thanks again, this is all great news….It is going to be a long week…Lisa g
Lisa g
@Arlene, where do you live that you have almost Fall weather? I am so jealous, you lucky girl.
Terry Crow
@LInda in NJ-Monmouth is a fun track. Glad you had a good time. @Judy Berube-Regarding the jockey calendar, you say charity. However, I happen to know that the boy was instructed to pull charity for the past four races. @Trina Nagele and Cynthia H-Go Awesome Gem! Looks like he will probably compete in the Breeder’s Cup dirt mile. @Gary Moulton-Didn’t mean to step on your line. Just my feeble attempt at humor. keep up the good handicapping. Here is a short one until the thread changes.-An artist asked the gallery owner if there had been any interest in his paintings, which were on display at the time. The gallery owner replied “I have some good news and I have some bad news. Which would you like to hear first?” “The Good news,” said the artist. The gallery owner said “Well, the good news is that a gentleman inquired about your work and wondered if it would appreciate in value after your death. When I told him it would, he bought all 15 of your paintings.” “That’s wonderful!” the artist exclaimed. “What’s the bad news?” The gallery owner replied “The man was your doctor.”
Susan in TN
Hi, Z friends! Some exciting racing this weekend, wasn’t there? Royal Emblem was flying at the end! Congrats to Neireid and Star Billing and their wonderful trainer!
@Gary Moulton and Judy B and Delrene: THANK YOU for the race info!
@Abigail in Montreal and Brenda S: Inglorious looks like a glorious filly- I don’t blame her for not liking dirt being flung in her eyes!
Abigail, I enjoyed your article that included Goldikova. I look forward to the article about Will and Man O’ War. Hope you get to do one on Mario and Zenny. When I first started following Zenyatta, her relationship with Mario was the first thing that fascinated me- here was this big, gorgeous, spirited horse (it was pre-race)and this calm man at her side, expressionless, and I remember thinking,”Wow- he really KNOWS her.” I can’t explain it more than that. Of course, after that there were many more fascinating things about Z to notice!
@Max: Thank you for link to interview with our John-interesting.
@Trina N and Max: Isn’t it incredible that pacers and trotters can do 26-27 second quarters?!? See You At Peelers is pretty amazing. I read an article about her and her groom, who is this nice young lady from Sweden (I think). She is very devoted to Peelers and, apparently, Peelers can be quite a handful in the barn!
@Linda in NJ: Thanks for the origins of “purse” and “wire”- I had never really thought about it! Have fun at Saratoga!
@Denise in Arizona: LOVED your pictures! What adorable babies-horse and goat!
@Barbara Wood:Very interesting info about The Carpenters and A&M. And you SAW Johnny Cash-wow!I laughed about you and your “puppies”- we still call our 2 younger horses “the little boys” (have had them since they were weanlings)- and they are 12 and 14 years old!
@Barbara Wood and Lisa G: I pray for the heat to let up and the rain to fall. Be careful in the heat- it will sneak up on you!
@Mary Copelin: Great idea about wearing your Z name tag! Think I’ll try it.
@Eveline: Belated happy birthday! Hope you had a good one!
@Arlene: What a trip to Saratoga- pretty amazing!
@Shari V: Hi, friend! What lucky kids you have!
@Barbara Grimaldi and others(forgive me-I don’t have all the info yet): I am still behind on all my Z news but I have some emails regarding your new site and I am eager to look into it- sounds wonderful and pertains to something that has gotten very, very close to my heart!
@Judy B: Thank you, as always, for your info and kindness<3
Susan in TN
@Diana S: My prayers and warm wishes go out to you and your sister and family <3
@Kari B: Praying for you, my Tennessee friend. Email me if you need me to drive over for any reason: carothers.susan@yahoo.com
@DJ: Thank you for the link to the candles.
Susan in TN
@Louann Cingel: praying that you are on the mend
@Catherine Uher: Hope your are doing better
Susan in TN
Here is an original riddle (you all will easily believe that!): What do you call a Z fan convention eating at a KFC? Chicken n’ Dumplingz!
Gary Moulton
@BABY PICKS ___________________________ 08-22-11 ((Crack of Noon est.))
All 3 & up today. No baby races at Saratoga. Del Mar is closed today so we will take a couple of days off. Back on Wednesday.
SARATOGA – No Baby Races
No Bets Today +$251.20 Starting Out On Wed.
@Terry Crow – Thanks, No Problem, I thought it was a funny come back. At first I thought you meant change it to clean up the joke a little for the kids that read these posts.
I have some artwork and the artist is still alive, LOL
Susan in TN
@Barbara G and Trina N, Judy B,et al: I tried to access the “new” site but one wouldn’t connect at all and the other one (the “2” site) took me there but I couldn’t scroll down past the 7th message on either blog. Any ideas? Thanks!
Lisa g
@Susan In TN, thank you for the thoughts, I am so hoping that Arlene would share some of the Fall Like weather she is having..Lisa g
Lisa g
@Terry Crow: Now that was really, Too Cute. Lisa g.
Lisa g
@JB, What is the new site called to try to get in? Please help!
Lisa g
@Shari V, Happy Birthday yesterday, I did not know until visited MO…Happy, Happy Birthday…Lisa g
Barbara Grimaldi
Bright and blue and dry and autumnal morning to all! Lovely day here after days of violent thunder storms and torrential rains. Precious Zenyatta–hope you have this same weather in KY!! I know you’re a California girl, but there’s nothing like the four seasons!
The “annex” site working fine…new version currently being built. Sorry for the difficulties. Once the second one is ready, its URL will be emailed to those whose emails we know. Many thanks for your interest–we really welcome you as colleagues. SUSAN in TN and LISA G–hang in there!!!
Anyone have a clue as to why Calvin Borel is not riding at the best parks anymore? DUI last night in Henderson TN where he rides.
Barbara Wood
@Shari Voltz–Happy belated Birthday!! I would sing, but you would run away!
@Susan in TN– thank you so much. The ONLY good thing I can say about our heat is that for once, it’s not the suffocating heat you have had, but more like the baking heat of AZ. Still doesn’t make it any easier, but I’m trying to think it could be worse. Only way to survive. A chicken restaurant here is selling t-shirts that say, “I survived the central TX heat wave of 2011”. I wanted to say, “But we haven’t survived it YET. It’s not over”.
Terry Crow
@Gary Moulton-You probably know this but, if not, an explanation for the proposed change. Hollywood Park, many years ago, was truly the track of the lakes and flowers. The whole infield was lakes and there were plenty of flowers, no humans could go there except one. HP had a beauty contest of sorts before the racing season started in which a “Goose Girl” was elected. The Goose Girl would go out into the infield and get in a goose shaped boat, sail the lakes and feed the various birds that were out there. Guess I’m showing my age here. So my suggestion was actually related to horse racing. NOT. I have artwork also. Dogs playing poker. @Lisa g-Glad you enjoyed the joke.
Lisa g
@Shari V, OOOppps, your Birthday is next weekend…we will all know now. Mo is for certain to win, for your Birthday…Lisa g
J Smith
Barbara G. I was wondering same thing. I’ve been to Henderson & Evansville, didn’t even know there was a track there. It’s not a big place. But I think it’s a vacation spot. Maybe he just likes the area and it’s a nice place to spend the summer with his family, a bit quieter and low key?
Terry Crow
@Susan in TN-Johnny Cash used to make it out here once in a while. I did see him live once. One of the featured acts, they were just getting their start, was The Statler Brothers. Great show.
judy berube
Dear Lisa g. and Susan in Tn.:
The ANNEX site is equiarmy.com No Day Off Blog. Try Googling that. The new site probably ready in another week. Let me know if you access OK. Hugs, J.B.