Happy Friday!
I hope all of you are making some fun plans for the weekend. I am! This morning I had the most relaxing time. Not only did I have a very cool and refreshing BATH, but I also got to play in the water with my guys! It felt terrific!
As you can see, it is a very pretty morning in Lexington. Lane’s End is such a beautiful place to live. I am really enjoying myself.
Sarah took these photos this morning so you could get a chance to see ME as I am at this very moment. I’m doing everything just as a should….as an expectant MOM…. and I am really starting to have that ‘IN FOAL’ look.
Baby-to-be and I are doing GREAT! Everyone is so gracious to ME! My dear paddock pal, Tasty Temptation, and I are enjoying every single moment of this attention. I must say…I really feel SO PAMPERED and LOVED. LUCKY ME!

This weekend, as has been the case often this summer, both Del Mar and Saratoga are featuring some very competitive Grade 1 races. This time for 3 year old fillies….one on the main track and one on the dirt. Other race tracks are also offering some terrific races. I hope you have a great time handicapping and enjoying our SPORT!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Trina Nagele
See You at Peelers—the Zenyatta of Standardbreds–goes 22 for 22!
Sue Fredrick
Trina you just be me to the punch! Wow what a great standardbred filly, congrats to her.
@DianaS, so sorry to hear about your sister will keep her in my prayers,I went thru this with my mom and a girlfriend and there are possitive outcomes.
@Kari Bussel, hope you are okay will put you in my prayers too.
Abigail from Montreal
Boy! When the weekend comes this site gets jumping!
Hi there everyone. Well, I’m over the disappointing non-run of Inglorious and must conclude that there are times that even a champion doesn’t show up. Except for you, sweet Zenny. Reminds me, still again, of how amazing an athlete you were!
@ Lisa g., Trina and others who sent me “Inglorious condolences” — thank you!
@ Judy B. Where would we be without you? I hope that Barbara Grimaldi has you in mind as the Official Reporter on the new site!
@ Charlotte & Kathy K: Almost lift-off, right ladies? Not a day goes by that I don’t think about you and the adventure that continues of bringing Noor home…..
@ Shari Voltz + Brenda S: You’ve got mail! I posted both off yesterday.
@ Diana S. & Kari & Donna: You ladies are each in my thoughts and prayers. Sending you virtual HUGS!
@ Kennedys: The Mario & Zenyatta stories are lovely. Thank you so much for sharing! Our friend “signofthetimes” suggests I interview Mario for THE VAULT, since I intend to do a story on their relationship. (Am currently working on one about Will & Man O’ War that involved 5 years of research.) When does the Shirreffs barn go back to Barn 55? Where is Mario now?
@ Chris H. SO GLAD to hear that Keeva is doing well and WHAT A BEAUTIFUL NAME!!!!
@ Terry Crow LOL
@ Max: Thanks for the link to the interview with John Shirreffs. GREAT read!
@ Sue F : I did an article on THE VAULT about Your Host awhile ago now. He’s one of my favourites. If you didn’t catch it, here’s the link: http://thevaulthorseracing.wordpress.com/2011/03/12/shine-on-the-story-of-your-host/
GREAT RACE NEIREID & STAR BILLING — so close, so close. It could have been anyone’s win.
Terry Crow
@Barbara Wood-Sweet Music Man was written for Waylon Jennings by his wife. Kenny Rogers had a hit with it several years ago. Neil Diamond’s version of Solitary Man is one of my favorites. Check it out on You Tube.@DIana S-Nothing but good wishes coming to you from California.@signofthetimes-Solitary Man is my second favorite song, next to Brother Love. I also like You don’t Bring Me Flowers Anymore, a duet he sang with Barbra Streisand. I’m not afraid to admit it. A truly sad song with a message.@Judy Berube-You were awfully quick with that link for the jockeys” calendar. Why is that? @Lisa g-Very good choices.
Suzanne G
@ALL–thanks to everyone for all the great links.
@Christine in Va–I’m putting your perfect post over one of Zenyatta’s pictures on my wall–“you bring a ray of light into my dark room”.
Love and hugs to all, Suzanne G
Robin S
Hi Zenny! My labs received their baths this weekend too. Just like you, they really enjoy bath time. Happy week ahead to you and everyone!
Shari Voltz
Dear Zenyatta I hope you had a good dry day. It rained off and on in Ohio. I was busy with lesson plans and typing the vocabulary words for 5th grade. I am going to teach them a trick to remember the Great Lakes(My Super Horse Eats Oats) Michigan, Superior, Huron, Erie, Ontario. What do you think Zenny? I am going to include horses as much as posssible. I can’t help it. It is pure love on my part. I will get them excited Tuesday morning when I yell out Hello MOYATTA Homeroom 215. I just hope they fall in love with you and Mo and Cousin Thirsty. You three are going to be my teaching assistants. We will follow you with the baby and with that a little science will be mixed in. Well sweet girl I must now go on my EdHelper and look up some sheets for their first project. I love you so much. Tell TT hi and thank that Special Sarah for her pictures of you. Hugs and Kisses, Shari XXXOOO
@Abigail I am excited for the book. I am going to read it to my Homeroom then put it on the Horse Station. I have a beautiful story called Old Bones about Exterminator also on the station. Thank you so much. God Bless :)
@ GO MO GO !!!!
Linda in NJ
Dear Zenny: Love your photos. You do look like you are striking a pose. Too Cute! Zenny, I had a great day yesterday at the races at Monmouth Park here in NJ. The weather was so beautiful. There were 2 stake races, which were really good. And Monmouth held a special event, “The Shore Chef Crab Cake Cook-off.” A lot of area restaurants participate and the food was wonderful. Also, the program had various little tidbits-one of which I thought I would share.
“Have you ever wondered where the term “purse” originated? In the early days of American Thoroughbred horse racing a wire was stretched across the track from the judges’ stand with a small silk bag filled with gold pieces. When the race was over, the winning jockey untied the string holding the bag and claimed the money. This custom brought about the terms “purse” as well as “wire” when referring to the finish line.” I never knew that. We all learn something new every day. Take care Zenny. Love you!
Linda in NJ
@Ensign: So glad to hear from you. Like so many others on this site, I really miss your comments. Hope you will consider posting more often.
Maureen Burke
Hi all – went to Saratoga yesterday for the Alabama and made a bet on B Shanny in the sixth race, a 2 yr old filly by Street Cry and Nothing but Fun by Dixie Union. She had the race all the way. She is a beautiful horse much like you, “Z” with a lot of promise. What a great sire he is; all class. I bet on Its Tricky to win in the Alabama as I always do, and although she didn’t win; she was wonderful. I went out to the paddock to see her, and was very close to her. What a magnificant horse she is; very beautiful, and I think she knows it. All the horses were great; and unfortunately, one had to win. Congrats to the winner and everyone in the race; they are all winners! Thank god for horsew racing in these times that are so uncertain; the horse always show up ready to run!! Miss you “Z”, but know that at the track greatness is all around us if we look are able to see it!
Shari Voltz
@ Thank you Judy. I love Mo and cousin Thirsty ;)
Linda in NJ
@Maureen Burke: Sounds like fun. I went to Saratoga to see the Alabama Stakes in 2009 when it was between Proud Spell and Musical Note. It was great fun. I am going up next weekend for the Travers. I hope, I hope, I hope Uncle Mo races. What a thrill that will be.
Abigail from Montreal
@ Shari Voltz: Old Bones is a GREAT book!!!! I’m sure the children will just LOVE it. And as I guess you know, Old Bones was a great favourite with school children of the day!!!!
@Trina Nagele. This one is for you and all fans of See You At Peelers. These pacing fillies are truly amazing. She is incredible.
judy berube
Dear Shari Voltz:
You’re welcome. Me too. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Terry Crow:
Charity, of course. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Abigail in Montreal:
You are TOO SWEET. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Trina N.:
Wow, See You At Peeler’s keeps right on rolling along. Good for her. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Barbara G.:
Amen. Hugs, J.B.
Kim S
Hope you had a great weekend Zenny. Looks like it started off good with a refershing bath.
Hopefully I can really catch up on the weekend posts tomorrow but as I scanned thru, saw some that needed attention.
Not going to name anyone right now but my thoughts and prayers are with every Z Dumpling, as always, with some extra thrown in for tonight.
Beautiful Z, have a wonderful week.
Team(s) Z you do the same. And to all Z’sters, Z Dumplings and posters :)
Lotsa love to all.
@Lisa g and other Mo fans, he had the bullet work at 5f this morning:
Uncle Mo (3-Year-Old Colt)
Date: August 21, 2011
Distance: Five Furlongs
Time: 59:95 Breezing
Track Condition: Fast
Surface: Dirt
Rank: 1/20
Abigail from Montreal
Under jockey Joel Rosario, the Mosses newest “Rising Star” a 2 yr-old filly called Sister Moon & trained by John Sadler, takes them wire-to-wire in a jaw-dropping performance. Hope this link works — it should take you to TDN’s video of the race:
Especially Horses
@Kari Bussell: Whatever the circumstances, God is good All The Time.
Trina Nagele
Congratulations to 8-year-old gelding Awesome Gem on his win in the Longacre Mile, the premier thoroughbred race in the Pacific Northwest, at Emerald Downs.
Cynthia H.
@Kari Bussell: My 12th of Never friend, I loved your extraordinary story. But then, everything you do is touched with the etraordinary. You will always be in my thoughts and prayers, and you will live forever in my heart. You are the strongest person I have ever known, and you have blessed the lves of everyone you have ever met.
Cynthia H.
AWESOME GEM wins Longacre Mile!
Lisa g
@JB, thanks again, girl, for all the links..disappointed that Blind Luck will not be runnng against the boys, but there must be a good reason. When owners and trainers change a schedule, I am disappointed, but I believe that they made the decision in the best interest of, in this case, our beautiful Blind Luck..Lisa g.
Trina Nagele
re: Awesome Gem–One of the owners in the winner’s circle just said “We love you, Gemster!” Too cute!
Lisa g
@LauraJ, another Bullet…he is Uncle MO, plus. I will always see him as the sweet, cute faced, a little immature 2 year old….for all my life…He is just adorable, my Baby Boy….and GO MO, GO, BABY. Thanks for info…everything about Mo just puts a smile on my face…Have a great week…Lisa g.
Lisa g
Ms Zenyatta, good night, beautiful Queen. Hope you and the little one are tucked in and cozy for the night. Hint to Sarah to carry her camera this week, wink, wink….I love you, I just love you…Lisa g.