Happy Friday!
I hope all of you are making some fun plans for the weekend. I am! This morning I had the most relaxing time. Not only did I have a very cool and refreshing BATH, but I also got to play in the water with my guys! It felt terrific!
As you can see, it is a very pretty morning in Lexington. Lane’s End is such a beautiful place to live. I am really enjoying myself.
Sarah took these photos this morning so you could get a chance to see ME as I am at this very moment. I’m doing everything just as a should….as an expectant MOM…. and I am really starting to have that ‘IN FOAL’ look.
Baby-to-be and I are doing GREAT! Everyone is so gracious to ME! My dear paddock pal, Tasty Temptation, and I are enjoying every single moment of this attention. I must say…I really feel SO PAMPERED and LOVED. LUCKY ME!

This weekend, as has been the case often this summer, both Del Mar and Saratoga are featuring some very competitive Grade 1 races. This time for 3 year old fillies….one on the main track and one on the dirt. Other race tracks are also offering some terrific races. I hope you have a great time handicapping and enjoying our SPORT!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Thanks for the prayer.
judy berube
Oops. Here’s the Calendar link. Hugs, J.B.
Lisa g
@Gary Moulton, love that joke. Lisa g.
To Diana S: Sunday dinner with Happy Hour sounds lovely! You are vegetarian… if I remember correctly? Maybe Enchiladas Suiza with sweet onions and olives, Frijolles de la Olla, light tossed salad with red radishes and cilantro, Silver Blue Agave with a splash of soda water and lime, floated Grand Marnier? Of course plenty of warm tortilla chips and mango salsa. See you on “Z’s Green.”
Lisa g
@JB. Thanks for the tip, I will try and I will let you know how it goes. Thanks for the good luck wish, I usually start early in the morning on something I want so be evening, maybe I will have the results I am looking for. Who said Flickr was easy??? LOL Lisag. Hugs to you.
judy berube
Dear DJ:
Thank you for the Morning Prayer. Have fun at Disneyland. Hugs, J.B.
Lisa g
@Kari, Welcome home. JB posted one of videos yesterday that we enjoyed. Missed you. Lisa g
judy berube
Dear Diana S.:
So sorry for your loss. Hugs, hugs, J.B.
To signofthetimes: Happy to pray with you!
Lisa g
@JSmith, even if we did not mention my Baby Boy, Uncle MO, I know we were thinking about it. If I think too much on his first race back I do not think I could make it thru the week sanely! This race will be almost exciting as one of Ms. Zenyatta many, many races. My main thought is win or lose, he remains healthy. Yes, I really like and respect Uncle Mike R, he really cares for these horses..he has gone beyond proving it. O Uncle MO, Go, Go Go. Lisa g
judy berube
Dear Terry Crow:
Loved the joke. Too funny. Hugs, J.B.
Lisa g
@Terry Crow, Solitary Man and Shihlo are my favorite Neil Diamond songs.
Lisa g
@DianaS: I am so sorry for you loss. Lisa g.
Overdriven’s nuclear scans at New Bolton were
Inconclusive. He is to get more testing.
Calvin Borel off mounts Sunday, driving under
The influence
(HRTV news)
judy berube
Dear J. Smith:
Thanks for the kind words. Actually, StopShopping Maria is named for Uncle Mike’s wife, Maria (Aunt Maria to Uncle Mo). Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Barbara G.:
I feel very lucky and blessed becoming a “Z Dumpling” and getting to know all of you. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Max:
I second your words. Hugs, J.B.
@Diane S
It is so easy to feel charitable looking at all
Those great jocks on the calendar each month.
Thanks for reposting Judy B.
judy berube
Dear Kari B.:
Just read your post. Will keep you in our prayers. Hope all goes well with you. Hugs, Judy and Russ
judy berube
Dear Signofthetimes:
You’re welcome. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Lisa g.:
You’ll do fine. Just have fun and try different questions, phrases and see what pops up. Yes, let me know how it goes. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Article on Mo and Stay Thirsty. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Blind Luck staying in CA. for next race. Hugs, J.B. http://www.bloodhorse.com/horse-racing/articles/64627/blind-luck-staying-home-for-next-start
Mary Copelin
DIANA S.- Am so sorry about your sister’s situation. I will be sending lots of positive energy and prayers to you and to her.
Want you to know that I wear my Dumplingz name tag quite frequently, even when I am not anywhere near a track or horses. Many people ask me about it, and I am able to talk with them about Z and about horse rescue. Surprisingly, many folks are interested in both.
Thanks again for the name tag and for your wonderful contributions to all of us through your thoughtful and often fun posts.
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Getting ready for the Travers Stakes. Hugs, J.B. http://www.drf.com/news/travers-horses-work-three-fronts-saturday-shackleford-goes-five-furlongs
Mary Copelin
KARI B.- I am so glad you are back on site but am concerned about the difficulties you are facing. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Barbara Wood
@Terry Crow–don’t think I’ve heard the “Solitary Man” song. I was thinking your name for Z’s colt could refer to one of his clients, past or present.Love the jokes, as always.
@Max–thanks for the NYT article about John, Dottie, and Z.
Peggy (N)
@Ensign: Meant to comment earlier. I too knew you were right about Vertigineux all along. Most all of us here I believe do have a huge amount of confidence in you.
We have missed your comments here. I have always believed and appreciated your comments. Blessings Peggy
Barbara Grimaldi
Whenever I think about Zenny and her first foal, I keep calling the foal ZENDINI. Just fits, somehow, until we know the great name the Mosses will choose. It’s not on the Jockey Club Registry. Fun to think about the name but all I really care about is Zenyatta’s health and well being. She is a life-changer and I bless the day I ever found her and this site.
Pam Zacek,
Oh you look beautiful, and happy, and you can almost see that little one, in your tummy, saying , hey don t forget to look at me too, Im beautiful, I see you love them suds, and can be great to cool you down, for sure.. My Prayers are with you and your baby, Im sure, your going to enjoy ever minute of this, and when he or she starts moving, how your be so happy, have a great sunday, and the week to come,