Happy Friday!
I hope all of you are making some fun plans for the weekend. I am! This morning I had the most relaxing time. Not only did I have a very cool and refreshing BATH, but I also got to play in the water with my guys! It felt terrific!
As you can see, it is a very pretty morning in Lexington. Lane’s End is such a beautiful place to live. I am really enjoying myself.
Sarah took these photos this morning so you could get a chance to see ME as I am at this very moment. I’m doing everything just as a should….as an expectant MOM…. and I am really starting to have that ‘IN FOAL’ look.
Baby-to-be and I are doing GREAT! Everyone is so gracious to ME! My dear paddock pal, Tasty Temptation, and I are enjoying every single moment of this attention. I must say…I really feel SO PAMPERED and LOVED. LUCKY ME!

This weekend, as has been the case often this summer, both Del Mar and Saratoga are featuring some very competitive Grade 1 races. This time for 3 year old fillies….one on the main track and one on the dirt. Other race tracks are also offering some terrific races. I hope you have a great time handicapping and enjoying our SPORT!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
judy berube
Dear Lisa g.:
I use Google and for example, if your looking for Bernardini, type in Thoroughbred Bernardini. That should pull up articles on him. In the case of Uncle Mike’s Bloodstock Agent, you can type in the question, Who is Mike Repole’s Bloodstock Agent? and that should pull up articles relating to that. Just try different questions on the subject your trying to research and see what comes up. Have fun and good luck. Hope this helps. Hugs, J.B.
Kari Bussell
My beautiful, perfect Queen- forgive my absence. I am facing a huge crossroad, followed by a very high mountain. I want to again thank you and all of your Team-Z for running you in 2010. The only perfect day of my entire life was the day you won your historic 16th win at Oaklawn. I purchased a huge mounted print at the track as my posters I had ordered did not arrive in time. I sat there in the owner/trainer section feeling very out of place and uncomfortable….then to my most pleasant surprise Cindy & Larry Jones came walking down to the front row and sat in the box next to me. Larry nodded hello politely and left. Cindy smiled at me as if knowing and understanding how out of place I felt. She then ask ME if she could see my Zenyatta print. she held you Zenyatta…she looked at it with awe and great respect…..she said you are amazing and she hoped Just Jenda would come in right behind you. She is the most kind lady. she said how wonderful your Dear John & Dottie and all your connections are. Cindy if by some fluke you read this please know how eternally grateful I am to you for the kindness you showed me. It was her vet Karen who lead me onto the track to Zenny’s barn……..Now move up in time to the 2010 BCC and guess who was to the right of me…Vet Karen…It was the most amazing “Z-magic” experience….I got the chance to tell her what that gesture meant to me….and thanks to dear friends in California…I can rest easy that my dear, special Frank Leal knows how much it meant to me that I got to touch Zenny’s ear thanks to him…..So on this day I give thanks I made it to 49…I give thanks for all of my Zenyatta family…..and I hope each of you give your loved ones a hug today and tell them you love them…..each moment is so precious….
Thank you Zenyatta- if not for you I KNOW I would not be here…For me to look at you is to know there is a God…This is for those who believe…”How Great Thou Art”
judy berube
Dear Max:
Thank you so much for the article on John, Dottie and Z. What a great guy he is. So honest, sincere and genuine. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Kari B.:
So nice to hear from you. Hugs, J.B.
@judy berube. Yes, I thought that was yet another good insight into John’s character as a trainer. It also shows how significant a role which Dottie plays in the Moss operations and in the life of the great Queen. Great people. Great horse.
Kari, {{{ }}} God Bless you!
Barbara Grimaldi
Hello, Dumplings! I want to thank all of you who posted about me here. All I can say is that Zenyatta has inspired me–inspires me everyday–to work on the mission to save horses and right some wrongs in racing. I am devoted to it.
KARI B! So glad you are back–so many of us have been worried! All emails I’ve sent have not gone through–and I am a worrier!!!!
LouAnn: healing thoughts and prayers going out to you since I read your message.
DIANA S: what a great pleasure to work side by side with you–thank you for your kind words. Did not know about your sister, and praying hard for her…and even with this, you keep up the fight. You’re a great colleague.
JUDY B, BARBARA WOOD, and so many others I have the honor to work side by side with–also great colleagues in our fight. Thank you, Zenyatta, from my heart, for introducing me to these wonderful friends here on your diaries and for giving me a mission such as this. I am one lucky dumpling!!!
J Smith
Lisa G – so stressed already that I forgot to even mention, the most stressful race of next weekend will be the return of our darling Uncle Mo. I do hope all goes well for him, Mike Repole really went to bat for Uncle Mo when he was sick. That he is even well enough to be in a race again is a wonder. Love Team Repole, Uncle Mike does a lot to fill in the void left by you Zenyatta, in all aspects of racing. He really admires Team Z and like you does a lot for charity, what a good example you set for him. Too Cute, did you know he named 2 of his young horses for his aunt Maria, apparently she is the shopper of the family, so he named the horses Stopshoppingmaria, oh, I forget the other one now, but it’s similar. They must all have a good sense of humor.
Judy B is def. the research queen! I don’t get things to come up that quick either. Lisa, did u at least get us an invite to Mr Bernardini’s restaurant in Italy! Off to drink my coffee, start on the donuts, & read Max’s article on the Shirreffs. Good luck to Paddy O Prado’s (unofficial) sister, Winter Memories, in the Lake Placid, & Mildly Offensive in the Rancho Bernadino at Del Mar. Anyone that likes Mildly, I posted a lot of pix of her in her stall on her fb. Happy Sunday & good week ahead to all.
To JB: Thank you! So nice of you :) hugs.
Good luck today to the Moss’ with Sister Moon and Irish Gypsy!!
The Kennedys in San Diego
@Max — Thanks so much for the link and from our local newspaper no less.
Terry Crow
@Gary Moulton-Great “confession.” The only change I would make would be for the first line to read goose girl rather than loose girl.@@Barbara Wood-Besides brother Love, I also like Solitary Man.@signofthetimes-Glad you are enjoying the jokes.@Judy Berube-Agree with you on Inglorious. This wonderful filly simply did not like the track. It appears that the jock simply did not persevere with her.@DMCQ-There were probably no jokes from Cigar before because he was a little hoarse. @Trina Nagele and Barbara Wood-It would be a good name but, as Trina points out, not one that Jerry Moss would pick.@Diana S-Good thought directed your sister’s way. @Kari Bussell-Good to see you posting again. Your narrative almost makes me feel as if I were there at Oaklawn. Today’s joke-The head Cardinal goes running into the Pope’s office and is quite beside himself. “Holy Father!” Holy Father!” The Pope asked what the excitement was all about. The Cardinal then says, “I have some good news and some bad news.” Which would you like to hear first?” “The good news,” replied the Pope. The Cardinal then said “OK. The good news is that the Lord Jesus has returned as he promised.” “Alleluia, Alleluia. Praise be to God,” the Pope responds. “So, what is the bad news?” The Cardinal then said “He is in Salt Lake City.”
For “Z” Friends who would like to start the day with a Morning Prayer:
Lord, by your grace we are made one in mind and heart.
Give us a love for what you command
and a longing for what you promise,
so that, amid this world’s changes,
our hearts may be set on the world of
lasting joy.
Almighty Lord, our day and our sunlight,
shining on all men and never setting.
Our souls give thanks for your immeasurable kindness!
Ingrid Arnone
Dear DJ, you always gives me so much strength with your the prayers thank you Ingrid.
Barbara Wood
@Kari Bussell–WELCOME BACK! You’ve been so missed. Amen to everything you said. Fervent prayers and big hugs being sent to you. Loved the Carrie rendition. Also, I recall Larry Jones saying after the 2010 Apple Blossom that he hoped Just Jenda would forgive him for running her against Zenyatta. That was an awesome experience. The only time I ever got to see Z. What a blessing.
@Barbara Grimaldi–agreeing with you that we Dumplings are among the luckiest people in the world!
@DJ–Happy Sunday–hope you have a marvelous time with your son.
Diana S
@Kari B: Whatever you are facing, know that we are all supporting you and pulling for you. You know that you can ask us for help, yes? Is there anything?
diastu in tempe
Diana S
@Chris H: I am so happy to hear the update on your filly! Quite a mouthful of a name for her. Mind if I just call her “Blessing”? I think it fits. Now, you’ve got to find a way to get some pictures for us to see – looks like Flickr is easy.
diastu in tempe
Diana S
@Terry Crow: Always partial to Willie Nelson’s verson of “You were always on my mind”. It was the song that was going through my mind during my oldest son’s memorial service two years ago. He and I had been somewhat estranged and had just been warming up again when a sudden heart attack dropped him – forever young – at age 42. Hug and kiss somebody quick, people!
diastu in tempe
Barbara Wood
@Terry Crow–don’t think I’ve heard the “Solitary Man” song. I was thinking your name for Z’s colt could refer to one of his clients, past or present.Love the jokes, as always.
@Barbara G and Diane S
Thanks for all your hard work in the new website.
The Z Dumplings are very resourceful, and who
Taught us, Zenny herself.
@Diane S
My thoughts and prayers are with you, your sister
And your family.
@Charlotte Farmer
Best wishes and a safe trip to KY with Noor. I love
His races from the 50’s. He is so fortunate to
Have you take him to rest at OLD FRIENDS.
Thanks for the new article from John
Sherrifs Barn 55 after Zenyatta. Training
Much be such a wonderful experience, but
Getting used to them moving on and looking
For that next Champion can be difficult.
John Sherriffs is a very unique trainer. His
Horses are always resting and sleeping well,
Eating and drinking exotic delicacies to make
Life on the track a home rather than a bunk bed,
Which is what their stalls look like.
@Terry Crow
Love Solitary Man by Neil Diamond.
Diana S
@Jockey Calendar: Would someone post a quick link for purchase please? I’m feeling – um – charitable.
@Terry Crow: Speaking of “charitable”, since my recent birthday, I have a new man in my life: Geri Atric
@Zenny foal names: Playing on Terry’s ideas, I like “Sweet Music Maker” for a filly and “Music Makin’ Man” for a colt.
@Sales: Are on my bucket list – providing someone goes along to put duct tape over my mouth and ties my hands down to the chair!
@Your Host: Today, he would have been euthanized on the track, in spite of incredible medical technology. Can we even begin to imagine a racing world WITHOUT KELSO???
diastu in tempe
@Kari B
Glad you are back, hope everything is alright.
Live the video of ” How great though art”.
@Z fans
Blood horse article on NY bidding for 2013
BC. Did not get 2012 bid due to $$$$$. They
Are proposing construction at Belmont and including
NYC to make financial bid. No details of 2012 bid
From NY or proposed 2013 bid either,
Lil from KY
@ Diana——Praying for your dear sister, so many of us have been thru this, and we do know there is hope.
@—Lou Ann—Hope things are going better for you, you are missed.
@——Kari—-Appreciate your lovely thoughts
@Neva Rae Powers—-TOUCHE!!
@Gary M—-I do believe you are keeping up with Terry Crow—-great altar boy joke!
Darling Zenny—So good to see those handsome LE boys giving you a bath!
Looks like you’re doing great, & you are a bit “chubby” LOVE you sweet girl, xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Diana S
@All: Have human people chores to catch up on so will be gone from all sites for rest of day. Hope to be able to make Sunday dinner with cocktails at sunset. Hugs and grateful candles to all of you.
diastu in tempe
To Barbara: Happy Son-Day to you too! Off to Disneyland with my ‘little 20 yr old’ :)
To Ingrid A: It makes me very happy that I can contribute! Thank you.
To Kari B: Welcome back! So good to hear from you. I am climbing the Mountain with you in prayer!! You are not alone..thank you for all of the treasures you have gifted this “Z” Community with!
judy berube
Dear Diana S.:
Thinking of you and your family. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Diana S.:
Here’s the link to order the 2012 Jockey Calendar. For Charity, of course. Hugs, J.B.