Happy Friday!
I hope all of you are making some fun plans for the weekend. I am! This morning I had the most relaxing time. Not only did I have a very cool and refreshing BATH, but I also got to play in the water with my guys! It felt terrific!
As you can see, it is a very pretty morning in Lexington. Lane’s End is such a beautiful place to live. I am really enjoying myself.
Sarah took these photos this morning so you could get a chance to see ME as I am at this very moment. I’m doing everything just as a should….as an expectant MOM…. and I am really starting to have that ‘IN FOAL’ look.
Baby-to-be and I are doing GREAT! Everyone is so gracious to ME! My dear paddock pal, Tasty Temptation, and I are enjoying every single moment of this attention. I must say…I really feel SO PAMPERED and LOVED. LUCKY ME!

This weekend, as has been the case often this summer, both Del Mar and Saratoga are featuring some very competitive Grade 1 races. This time for 3 year old fillies….one on the main track and one on the dirt. Other race tracks are also offering some terrific races. I hope you have a great time handicapping and enjoying our SPORT!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Zenyatta, you are magnificent. You always find a way into our hearts. Thank you for all of your exciting races. Bless you and your little one.
s (in San Diego)
@Diane S will be praying for you and your sister.
@Barbara G. Thank you for all you are doing. I tried to leave a post yesterday, but the passcode did not pop up. (the mystery letters).
Congrats to you Dear John..Nereid and Star Billing did great.
Sweet Dreams to all:)
I dreamt about you last night, Zeny. You and this beautiful foal were standing beneath a banyan tree. Sleep well and sweet dreams.
Diana S
@Ensign: Of course we won’t see an apology from nofanofensign, will we – – -.
diastu in tempe
Here is a nice article about John, Dottie and Zenyatta. See what it says about the decision to choose Bernardini. Very interesting.
Lisa g
@LauraJ, Yes, that cute video is way too short, were the H’s raging or what? Too Cute! She just walked on by.
Lisa g
@JSmith, O, lucky, lucky you. You will see the Grreat Ones in person? O, yes, that is going to be extra stressful for you..Donuts, yes, good idea, I think I will begin this morning. It is going to be something, The Travers, and I am already just a little bit too excited about it, so the donuts is an excellent idea. Lisa g.
Lisa g
@DianaS, Will we get information about how to get to the “Alternate Site” once it is completed? Thank you..Lisa g.
Lisa g
@DianaS, my prayers and thoughts for your sister and your family. Safe journey to the wonderful Charlotte and Noor. Lisa g.
Lisa g
@Max, Thanks for the great link Zenyatta/John/Dottie/Bernardini..that was excellent. Thanks..Lisa g.
Stella Bagwell
Dearest Queen,
So wonderful to hear you and baby are doing great. And every girl needs a bubble bath–that cool water must feel heavenly in this hot weather.
Hope you and Tasty Temptation are having a chance to enjoy the races!
Lisa g
@JB, yesterday I asked you how Mike R got all these grreeat horses, within minutes you posted a link with an article from DRF explaining exactly how Mike R get all his grreeat horses. How do you do that? I do research and I do get results, eventually! Between you and me, and The Dumplingz..it takes me what seems forever to get the info I want. Example, Bernardini, when it was first announced that he would violate our Queen (that is how I thought at that time, as no one is good enough), my first attempt to know everything about him led me to a man’s website in Italy that owned alot of restaurants or art gallerys, or perhaps both, I do not remember. He is quite popular and in Italy, but not as handsome as Bernardini. I met a retired Aussie gelding on Ruffian’s FB, Rogan Josh, decided to research his career and such..my first attempt I found out that Rogan Josh is a very popular food item that the Aussie enjoy. Like I said, eventually I get there…so, how do you do that? I Hang with Haskin, BloodHorse.com/mag/e mail alerts, the link posts that all share here, Ann Maree on my FB has made my computer life so much easier..but there are alot of researches I do that are in the past..and it just takes me what seems like forever to get what I wanted/needed to know…Please give me some advise. Thanks, Lisa g.
Lisa g
Ms Zenyatta, A beautiful, wonderful, Sunday morning to you. I know you are busy watching this weekend’s exciting races, and glad that your picture is on this post for the weekend. High Hooves to Your John, saw him on TV, he looked so happy and pleased. Max posted a link about Your John and You, if you have not read it yet, you are just going to love it. I love you, you are #1 forever..Lisa g.
Barbara Wood
@Lisa g–in case Diana S has already left, the answer is “yes” we will be advised. I want to echo diastu’s compliment to Barbara Grimaldi. We’ll never know how many hours she has tirelessly worked. So many thanks due her.
Peggy (N)
@Judy B and Signofthetimes, Thank you both for all your links so glad your here.Well, its off to Church Everyone have a wonderful Sunday. LOL Peggy
Lisa g
@Barara Wood, I have no idea how much work, and I know it must be alot, to create a website. I echo the same to Barbara Grimaldi.
Neva Rae Powers
What other expectant Mother is given a bath by 2 men!
To Diana S: On may to Church..special prayers for you and your sister this morning! God bless you and thank you for including us so that we can pray! See you later in Morning Prayer. My son’s 20th birthday today! Breakfast after :)
Paula McCaleb
Splish Splash takin a Bath……u look BEAUTIFUL ZENYATTA! Thanks for taking the pics Sarah, you can tell our Z still loves the camera. She has such a “glow” about her.
To JB: you are welcome! A big hug for the hugger!
Sunny Boyd
Good morning Zetty,
well, the sun is shining :( , again, I hope for you plenty of shade, and that goes for me, too.
Another chuckle in the am.
“The first clergyman was the first rascal who met the first fool.” Voltaire
Have a great day.
You look fabulous Z! You must be careful though, I think you got Little Silver Charm at Old Friends excited. He posted on Facebook about you and that you are the most beautiful girl. I think he is love – so cute. Love you forever
Especially Horses
@Neva Rae Powers: The best comment of the day, lol.
Sunny Boyd
That was a really nice Shirreffs article.
Boston Legal is one of my fav shows, too. What a crazy show. Of course, I’m a big Candice Bergen fan. And Will Shatner was great in that.
I hope the Moss’ will choose Shirreffs as official trainer for Zenyatta’s (March Madness) foal. :) :) :)
Gary Moulton
@BABY BUMP SUNDAY PLAYS [+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+]{=} 08-21-11 (11:54 pm est.)
Saratoga has four baby races today, race 2, race 6, race 7, and race 10. We will bet to win in the 2nd race, play a double in the 6th & 7th, and bump box the 10th. Del Mar just has one baby race and it just happens to be the 1st race. Race 1 is a small field and I think the favorite will win so instead of passing, betting to win, or box a small field with all chalk we will try a straight tri bump.
Race 2 – $10.00 to WIN on #6 “Shoshana”
Race 6 & 7 – Race 6) #1 “Sweet Cat” & #8 “Singn On Themoon”. Race 7) #7 “Flavor Girl” & #8 “Read the Research”
$2.00 Daily Double 1, 8 // 7, 8 = $8.00
Race 10 – #3 “Strike Accord”, #5 “Wholelottashakin”, & #9 “Royal Bonnie”
$1.00 Triple Box 3, 5, 9 = $6.00
Race 1 – #1 “Sister Moon”, #4 “Candy and Thunder”, & #6 “Lady Fairbanks” in exact order.
$5.00 Straight Triple 1, 4, 6 = $5.00
$29.00 Bet Today +$193.20 Starting Out The Day. Good Luck Everybody
@How about a Sunday joke? I can’t keep up with Terry, by the way I read the joke every day along with the Prayer and every day I get a smile and a little piece of mind.
Thanks Folks.
‘Bless me Father, for I have sinned. I have been with a loose girl’.
The priest asks is that you little Joey?
‘Yes, Father, it is.’
‘And who was the girl you were with?’
‘I can’t tell you, Father, I don’t want to ruin her reputation’
Well, Joey, I sure will find out her name sooner or later so you may as well tell me now.
Was it Tina Minetti?’
‘I cannot say.’
‘Was it Teresa Mazzarelli?’
‘I’ll never tell.’
‘Was it Nina Capelli?’
‘I’m sorry, but I cannot name her.’
‘Was it Cathy Piriano?’
‘My lips are sealed.’
‘Was it Rosa Di Angelo, then?’
‘Please, Father, I cannot tell you.’
The priest sighs in frustration. ‘You’re very tight lipped, Joey Pagano, and I admire that. But you’ve sinned and have to atone. You cannot be an altar boy now for 4 months. Now you go and behave yourself.’
Joey walks back to his pew, and his friend Frankie slides over whispering ‘What’d you get?’
Joey replies, “4 months vacation and 5 good leads”
judy berube
Dear Gary M.:
Too cute joke. Good luck today. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear DJ:
Happy Birthday to your boy. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Peggy (N):
You’re welcome. Always enjoy your posts. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Barbara Wood and Diana S.:
Admire Barbara G. so much and as both of you said, she is working hard and doing a wonderful job setting up the new site. Hugs, J.B.
Lookin’ good, Z Girl! You are just sooo beautiful.