Happy Friday!
I hope all of you are making some fun plans for the weekend. I am! This morning I had the most relaxing time. Not only did I have a very cool and refreshing BATH, but I also got to play in the water with my guys! It felt terrific!
As you can see, it is a very pretty morning in Lexington. Lane’s End is such a beautiful place to live. I am really enjoying myself.
Sarah took these photos this morning so you could get a chance to see ME as I am at this very moment. I’m doing everything just as a should….as an expectant MOM…. and I am really starting to have that ‘IN FOAL’ look.
Baby-to-be and I are doing GREAT! Everyone is so gracious to ME! My dear paddock pal, Tasty Temptation, and I are enjoying every single moment of this attention. I must say…I really feel SO PAMPERED and LOVED. LUCKY ME!

This weekend, as has been the case often this summer, both Del Mar and Saratoga are featuring some very competitive Grade 1 races. This time for 3 year old fillies….one on the main track and one on the dirt. Other race tracks are also offering some terrific races. I hope you have a great time handicapping and enjoying our SPORT!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Pardon me if I reflect just a bit, Zenny, but my heart tells me I must. Last year at this time Hubby and I were beside ourselves anticipating seeing you at the BC in Ky. We eagerly watched your races leading up to the grand finale with pure joy in our hearts. Then, seeing you on that track was the highlight of our year. You cemented your spot in history with that historic run and we still feel honored to have witnessed it. I guess I am just humbly thanking you for those cherished memories. Oh, I’m following the action this year but no one has truly stepped forward to capture the public like YOU did. Yes, there are some very good horses racing but there is not another who comes close to you. There have been so many injuries this year…your John and Mario always had you in the great shape and you always came home happy and healthy. I know everyone at the track must miss you terribly. You spoiled us, my dear, and it felt grand.
Sleep well tonight and know in your heart that all the affection you bestowed on your fans is being returned tenfold. If I could kiss that soft nose of yours I would. Instead here’s a cyber {{{ }}} for just for you.
Hi again,
Have you seen the Free Download offer for Zenyatta – Mare of the Ages on Thoroughbred Times website? I just saw it. Thought you might be interested. LOL, Arlene
Barbara Wood
@Arlene–thanks so much for sharing your beautiful day with us. Saratoga looks so beautiful on tv–and it was 24 degrees cooler than here.
@Sunny Boyd–funny!
@Terry Crow–forgot to mention earlier that I like your “Sweet Music Man” name.
Congratulations to all of today’s winners.
Good night, sweet Z–we never watch a race that we don’t think of YOU! Love you always.
@Arlene. Thanks for the notice about the download from TB Times about Zenyatta. I also liked your story about your trip to Saratoga. Glad you enjoyed it.
@Lisa g, I love that video. He is soooo sweet on Maria. Too bad the clip is so short.
@Linda in FL, sorry but Zensational is taken, by a rather good Grade 1 winner who is currently standing at stud at Hill ‘n Dale. Even though your spelling is not identical, they are too close according to JC rules.
Peggy (N)
Thank You Trina, I’m a little bit worried about the storm possibly heading our way. Hope it misses all of us.
Karen Gogue
Suew…and Zenny surely felt that heartwarming, softly sent kiss thru the air of Zenyattasphere…her lustrous, smooth as silk nose gently brushed by the breeze of many such as this…beautiful reflection…thank you for writing a lovely sentiment Suew…
Z fans;
Here is video of Del Mar Oaks:
For “Z” Friends who would like to share in a Night Prayer:
Almighty God, who art the light and day,
Who chasest nightly shades away,
Thyself the Light of Light confessed,
And promiser of radiance blest:
O holy Lord, we pray to thee,
Throughout the night our guardian be;
In thee vouchsafe us to repose,
All peaceful till the night shall close.
O let our eyes due slumber take,
Our hearts to thee forever wake:
And let thy right hand from above
Shield us who turn to thee with love.
O strong defender, hear our prayers,
Repel our foes and break their snares,
And govern thou thy servants here,
those enfolded in thy care.
For “Z” Friends who would like to offer a Prayer – Zenny Candles are low…
To Terry C:
Here’s an address to Cigar’s profile page. I couldn’t get it to post like a link, so you may have to copy it and paste it in your browser. Sorry for the inconvenience. The first joke I saw was on August 16th.
To All: Hope you are having a great weekend.
Beautiful bathing beauty, Zenyatta, stay as cool as you can!
Well, how about that?! It finally worked this time.
Martha Lydick
So happy to see you again and you look fantastic.
Sally (B)
@the Kennedy’s; keep up with those cute stories of Z and Mario
@Peggy I hope there will be the sales next year in March sometime, as I will be in Fl. Do you know whether they have them then?
judy berube
Dear DJ:
Thanks for the Evening Prayer and the candle link. Hugs, J.B.
Sally (B)
Goodnight sweetheart Z!! love you
judy berube
Dear DMCQ:
Thanks for the link on Cigar. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Enjoyed all the posts and great links. Thank you. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Z,
Goodnight and Sweet Baby Dreams. Love you, Judy and Russ
J Smith
Jim Rome had his first G1 win on Friday, with Mizdirection. A lovely photo of him kissing her in the winners circle with this article. You’ll remember Zenny posted photo’s not long ago of Jim’s visit to her. Apologies if it was already posted, haven’t had time to read posts this week. http://www.drf.com/news/del-mar-mizdirection-gives-tv-sports-commentator-jim-rome-first-stakes-win
Lisa G. It’s funny how many people are stressed by races their fav’s are in. I’ll be superstressed next week trying to watch Blind Luck in person, Thirsty, Shack, & Ruler On Ice in the Travers, and help with the Trott fundraiser. I suppose the good news is, I can eat donuts all week, I surely won’t be able to eat on Sunday, I’ll be tooooo stresssed!
@Arlene – Sorry you didn’t the bet the #3 in race #3 – he ended up being even money any ways. I know the managing partners of the stable that he belongs to. It’s great that he finally broke his maiden after his 4th try, and he did it in style too – winning by 8 lengths!!! I too was up in the Saratoga area but instead of being at the track, I went to Old Friends at Cabin Creek. It’s a modest place, around 44 acres and they presently have 11 horses. I took lots of pictures and came armed with carrots and mints. As you said, it was a beautiful day to see the horses, whether on the track, or in my case, at Old Friends. I’m glad you enjoyed your trip to the Spa.
Peggy (N)
Hi Sally, I am looking back at my sale dates for this year and I believe there was one March l5, 16, it was the 2 year old sales, as there was one in April also, the one I previously went too. There is the yearling sale this tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday the one I am going too. They are also having a mixed sale October 18-20
I believe they announce these dates at the first of the new year. I will try to remember to check it out and let you know.
I hope you get to go it is just wonderful, the sales pavillion is beautiful and you can just get up close with the horses. They call Ocala the Horse Capital of the World, (I always thought Lexington was. but i have seen lots os signs and postings that Ocala was. I would be enterested to know the fact about that. I read somewhere more horses per capita or for the area something like that. There were so many beautiful horses there in april, I was just in heaven. You will love it and it is very easy to get too. You know our last triple Crown winner came from Florida, so we just don’t know when we will see that next special horse. I think it is just so exciting. (I forgot to say Affirmed) He was on lots of signs down there when i was there.LOL Peggy
Congratulations to Your John for his girls, Nereid and Star Billing!
Both made their Daddy’s proud. RHT & Dynaformer. Beautiful weather today along the coast.
Everyone have a wonderful Sunday!
Especially you Zenyatta. We love you and miss you but know you are so happy every day.
Diana S
@Well look what the cat herd dragged in!
@Dear Zenny and Team Z: I’ve been mostly lurking here of late rather than posting (see below) but I wanted to tell you how much I have been enjoying the cute pictures and new racing information. Of course seeing YOU enjoying your bubble bath is always TOO CUTE, but I admit I keep going back and looking at the sequence with sleepy-head Bronze Beauty barely stirriing for her dandelion treats. She is just so precious in those photos. Excellent racing efforts for YOUR John and your Barn 55 buddies. Look forwawrd to more!
Good night, Zenny. Waiting to see a conformation shot that really shows that baby bump!
diastu in tempe
Diana S
@All my Z friends: I’ve just been ducking in to see the past few posts but haven’t had the time to read everyone’s comments, Terry’s jokes, or DJ’s prayers, and I miss the interplay.
I figure I owe some of you some explaining. Along with several familiar people, I’ve been lending my hand and suggestions to the “alternate site” being set up for those of us wanting to take action on issues related to the welfare of horses. Lots of back and forth emails, formulating mission statements, and prioritizing the various areas of focus. There is, or will be, something there for everyone, from someone with deep pockets who wants to donate, to someone who is only able to write letters.
She’ll probably make me walk the plank, but I must give a shout out to Barbara Grimaldi for steering the ship and keeping us all in line while at the same time working night and day to get the website set up. It is a work in progress, but the mission is so very important!
There is one more item I need to tell you about – in my next post.
diastu in tempe
Diana S
@Dear Z friends: This one is the tough one. My older sister has been struggling with breast cancer. She currently is okay, but not great given some additional underlying health issues. My family is having a pow wow this coming weekend. I am sadly not going to be able to travel along with Charlotte Farmer as she takes Noor to his final resting place at Old Friends in Kentucky. I really hope there are many along the way who will take lots of pictures and video for posterity. And I wish Charlotte a safe trip.
diastu in tempe
Diana S
@Two Quick Ones: DJ I have soooo miseed Happy Hour on the Virtual Green with you and uber-scribe Khc. Back soon I hope. Keep one chilled for me.
@Denise in AZ: That little foal is just so adorable and so beautiful! Beautiful sculpted face – looks almost Arab – and a personality that just jumps through the computer at us! May that little one never want for love, tender care, and respectful handling.
diastu-who-doesn’t-know-brief-from-a-stone-wall! GN, ST, DLTBBB
judy berube
Dear Diana S.:
Enjoy your posts and wonderful wit so much. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Diana S.:
Just read the post about your sister. Will keep you, her and your family in our prayers. Yes, safe trip to Charlotte F. and Noor. Hugs, Russ and Judy
judy berube
Dear J. Smith:
Thanks for the sweet link on Jim Rome. Hugs, J.B.