Today is such a great day…and a time for gratitude and celebration! This statement leads to the fact that there are 2 things about ME I’d like to share with you that perhaps you may not already know!
First of all, I absolutely love the element of SURPRISE! Upon reflection, I think this was a consideration with my ‘come from behind strategy’ when I was racing. This style does add a ‘tremendous amount of surprise’ and excitement to a race.
Secondly, and this is very important, I LOVE A GOOD PARTY! I have actually hosted and attended many of them while I was at BARN 55! (We were truly such a FUN GROUP!) MY JOHN always knew that I wanted to be a part of everything that was going on…so I actually became quite an endearing hostess!
Well, recently, I was able to do both of these things and it felt TERRIFIC! Pam Harper’s parents were celebrating their 50th Anniversary. The family was already hosting a lovely party for them…but gave great thought to what would be the PERFECT gift to honor this celebration. The family wanted something special, meaningful, and especially memorable for them!
Lo and behold, guess what? IT WAS ME! Pam and her family bought a ZENYATTA BRONZE for their parents’ special 50th Anniversary present. This is absolutely TOO CUTE!
Not only did I get to surprise them, per Pam, but the entire atmosphere of the party was filled with great fun and lots of memories and emotion. From the moment I was removed from the gift box, I was able to spend the entire evening with the HONOREES. They literally carried ME around during the party. I went from table to table with them visiting with all of their guests. They shared their thoughts, experiences, and memories of ME with all of their dear friends. It was truly a very special evening!
Pam commented that after quite some time, she literally had to take ME from her Mom’s arms. Her Mom would not let me go! I’ve heard everyone had a GREAT time at the party…especially ME! THANK YOU for including ME!
How FORTUNATE am I! I am deeply honored to be thought of as the “PERFECT GIFT” for such a memorable occasion for such charming people. I am truly BLESSED!
Have a fabulous day! Here’s to enjoying some ‘fun’ surprises in your life!
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (HAPPY 50th ANNIVERSARY!)
Neva Rae Powers
And you continue to bring joy to people lives!
Sue Fredrick
Brenda S, oh absolutely Secretariat, I agree,he was my first love. But I was referring to living horses when I said Zenny and Indy.
Lois Gillespie
@Georgia Harper- what a wonderful special gift! It would have been a highlight of my life as well- congrats on your 50th!@all – many thanks to whomever provided the info about the documentary on Dick Mandella, “On the Muscle’- I have been watching and learning more about the behind-the-scenes art (and it is an art) of racing. Dottie, you and the Mosses are featured prominently – such fun!
The Kennedys in San Diego
Del Mar Oaks this Saturday — Shirreffs’ Nereid and Star Billing entered.
The Kennedys in San Diego
Sure hope they can get the halter on It’s Tricky.
YOU ARE WONDERFUL! Thank you Dottie for every post.
Dear Zenyatta, I have been lurking and scanning for a few days while I was on a “mini- workcation”. I wanted to bring my kudos to You and Dottie for the thoughts on teaching You how to become the very best that You could be! During a conversation with my students, some years ago, we talked about what we wanted to be. One child answered that he wanted to be “Real”. So, I had to learn where he was and what that meant. Another child wanted to know what I was going to be when I grew up and I told her that I wanted to be the best teacher/learner that I could be. The question had a lot to do with understanding ages and roles which we were doing, but the group was very accepting of the answer. I’m telling You this because You were a listening, learning students and became the very best possible You! Now You (and Dottie) have become the very best teachers for Your Dumplingz and very broad fan base. We are learning about so many aspects of the TB world and Your world. As I read other articles now, I am so grateful that I understand what the terms used actually mean. Terms unfamiliar to me, i.e., breezing, homebred, schooling. I could only relate to those kinds of terms from my usual perspective before. I am even trying to” get the hang” of betting from Gary.
I also have always known that You liked to be “in on things” and enjoyed Guinness, surprises, parties, and gifts. You are so joyful and fun-loving and a true gift to all who have had any tangible experiences with You, but also to those to whom you have reached out to through the distances and made You hoof prints on our hearts. Thank you for remembering members of Your Barn 55 Team and just recently telling us about Mario’s birthday. Happy Belated Birthday, Mario.
Your gift of this Z Diary has brought together a community who has become friends, finding we have so much in common and so many things to appreciate in each other. By Your example of praising Your competitors, You have been teaching us about civility and how to bring that into our interactions. When I taught children, we learned the basics of cooperative learning, so from that perspective, I understood the importance of Your loving examples to us. You have demonstrated and Your Z Dumplingz and fans have tried to treat each other as valued members of this wonderful Z pasture, as I have dubbed it, even though our comments come from diverse understandings. People are being encouraged to check Your diary out because it is a site where civil dialogue is found! Many of us have benefitted from the gifts of our fellow Z Dumplingz too! There are Lisa’s beautiful videos/ tributes, DJ’s morning and evening mediations/prayers, diastu in tempe’s earnest and humorous comments, the inventive play, including Cynthia H, Terry C.’s special treats to tickle our funny bones, signofthetimes and judyberube’s research and providing links, Karen G’s and Kathryn C’s thoughtful and well said comments, Trina’s comments and poems, and all of the many other contributions so cherished by folks that come to read and enjoy Your company and Your Dumplingz/companions in the Z pasture. I hope you are feeling the cool breezes today! We all pray for Your good health, Your little Z, Your safety, and Your contentment with Your 4 legged companions.
To Denise: I found that it is easier to post a picture on Z’s facebook page than just about anywhere. You go to the FB page and there are several choices under the top picture that say, “Post; Photo, Link, Video”. I just posted a picture of my Zenyatta cap and Dumpling name tag that I am so proud of. I chose Post and added my comment, then clicked on Photo. I clicked on “upload a photo from your drive”. It will ask you to select an image, so click on “Browse”. At the next window click on open and choose the picture you want to share. Click on the picture you want to share . Wait until the download is complete. Click on share. WALLA! We can see the picture of your newest family member!
To the Harpers: Congratulations on your 50th! I bet in some ways it doesn’t seem long. :)
To “All y’all”: I apologize for the length. I failed my lessons in brevity, but I promise to retake the course. Z- Hugs
Barbara Grimaldi
Good morning Dear Zenyatta, Dottie and friends here: saw a small item in the NYTimes today about the Jockey Club study and how NBC will televise a few more races now…here it is: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/18/sports/nbc-sports-group-to-broadcast-from-fall-meet-at-keeneland.html?_r=1&ref=sports
SUNNY B: thanks for agreeing about horses AND I really love that saying by Sagan…he was a great scientist and scholar and writer.
Have a beautiful day, everyone!!!
Robyn Mullhausen
Awwwww. How sweet. Wish it was me, too. Have a wonderful day Zenyatta. :)
Gary Moulton
@BABY PLAYS ————————————–08-18-11 (12:23 pm est.)
There are no Baby Races at Saratoga. At Del Mar there is just one Baby Race, race 5. Looks like a nice two turn mile on the grass, a 63K Special with a ten horse field. We will Baby Box this one.
SARATOGA – No Baby Races Today
Race 5 – #4 “Ali’s Lake”, #7 “Duality”, & #10 “Hard to Know”
$1.00 Triple Box 4, 7, 10 = $6.00
$6.00 Bet Today. +$257.20 Starting Out Today. Good Luck
@judy berube – Thanks, any day you show any kind of a profit it’s a good day. Good Luck to you today.
judy berube
Dear Gary M.:
Thanks, but I’m still on a break. Good luck to you today. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Kennedy’s in San Diego:
Thank you for the links It’s Tricky really lives up to her name. She runs around in the stall and they have to corral her to get her halter on. She got away from them last time and was loose for a while until they were able to catch her. Very feisty filly. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear DMCQ:
Love being part of this Z Family and sharing our love of Z and all the great links and comments. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Abigail from Montreal:
Love your idea to write about TB’s and their Grooms. Such a close bond. Can’t wait to read about Z and Mario. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Robin S.:
Congrats on your 10th and on your Bronze of Z. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Barbara Wood:
That photo of him rolling in the dirt is a riot. Gotta love him. BL’s work is amazing. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Lisa g.:
You’re welcome. That would do the trick, but there is apparently a possibility that they won’t be entered in the same race. Havre de Grace might run in the Woodward Stakes and Blind Luck may return to CA to run in the Del Mar Oaks according to recent articles. (I posted one here and the Kennedy’s from S.D. posted another one also on this Diary). Guess we’ll have to wait and see. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Brenda S.:
You’re welcome. Have a wonderful time at the Spa. Love Shackelford too. Hugs, J.B.
Marilu V
@ The Kennedys – Thank you for the information on Blind Luck. I hope I can make it to Del Mar that weekend. Thanks again for the information you share regularly. I enjoy reading them. Regards, Marilu
judy berube
Dear Sue Fredrick:
You’re welcome. I love so many of them too. Z has a special place in my heart, but there is room for all of them. Hugs, J.B.
nancy mcnaul applegate
Who wouldn’t like to have a bronze YOU in their arms?!
LouAnn Cingel of Union, Missouri
Happy Anniversary and am so glad that the couple got such a wonderful gift, a bronze statue of Zenyatta. May the couple have many more anniversaries. You are such a pretty lady Zenyatta, even as a bronze statue! Love you lots sweetie! Thanks for being there for me each and every day!
Zenyatta, you seem like a perfect hostess since you’ve done it so many times and therefore had lots of practice and I don’t expect you to stop now. Neither does anyone else. You are right that your strategy to start at the back of the pack of horses and end ahead of them to win the race was a perfect plan of attack in your racing days. At least it worked until your last race when you lost to Blame by a nose and even then, you still gave it all you had which was not lost on most people at all, especially announcer Trevor Denman. I’ll bet the person who got a bronze of you as a present was really happy. If I were to get a Zenyatta bronze as a present anytime, I would be the happiest person alive. It would be among the most prized and treasured possessions of my entire life and I would guard it with my life until the day I die. That sounds like it was a great 50th wedding anniversary. I wish I could have been there.
What a great surprise! I would love to have seen all their faces in person. That would be a dream come true for me. Congratulations to them!!! 50 years!! Fantastic!!…and what a tribute to you Z!!! See how deeply you touch everyone. We’re coming up on our 27th? Could you put a good word in with my husband????