Today is such a great day…and a time for gratitude and celebration! This statement leads to the fact that there are 2 things about ME I’d like to share with you that perhaps you may not already know!
First of all, I absolutely love the element of SURPRISE! Upon reflection, I think this was a consideration with my ‘come from behind strategy’ when I was racing. This style does add a ‘tremendous amount of surprise’ and excitement to a race.
Secondly, and this is very important, I LOVE A GOOD PARTY! I have actually hosted and attended many of them while I was at BARN 55! (We were truly such a FUN GROUP!) MY JOHN always knew that I wanted to be a part of everything that was going on…so I actually became quite an endearing hostess!
Well, recently, I was able to do both of these things and it felt TERRIFIC! Pam Harper’s parents were celebrating their 50th Anniversary. The family was already hosting a lovely party for them…but gave great thought to what would be the PERFECT gift to honor this celebration. The family wanted something special, meaningful, and especially memorable for them!
Lo and behold, guess what? IT WAS ME! Pam and her family bought a ZENYATTA BRONZE for their parents’ special 50th Anniversary present. This is absolutely TOO CUTE!
Not only did I get to surprise them, per Pam, but the entire atmosphere of the party was filled with great fun and lots of memories and emotion. From the moment I was removed from the gift box, I was able to spend the entire evening with the HONOREES. They literally carried ME around during the party. I went from table to table with them visiting with all of their guests. They shared their thoughts, experiences, and memories of ME with all of their dear friends. It was truly a very special evening!
Pam commented that after quite some time, she literally had to take ME from her Mom’s arms. Her Mom would not let me go! I’ve heard everyone had a GREAT time at the party…especially ME! THANK YOU for including ME!
How FORTUNATE am I! I am deeply honored to be thought of as the “PERFECT GIFT” for such a memorable occasion for such charming people. I am truly BLESSED!
Have a fabulous day! Here’s to enjoying some ‘fun’ surprises in your life!
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (HAPPY 50th ANNIVERSARY!)
Kiki Sim
Ohhhh Z. You made me laught out loud…
I’m coming out of the gift box! YEAH!
Nice work!
judy berube
Dear Gary M.:
Good for you. Great Handicapping today. Good luck tomorrow. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Paula Higgins:
Congrats to you on your 35th and your Bronze. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Eveline:
Thanks for sharing your Z story. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Kennedy’s in S.D.:
You’re welcome and thanks for all the wonderful photos and links you share with us. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Terry Crow:
Just visualizing that scene cracks me up. I’ll bet you were a wonderful Dad to your “Little Princess”. Bet she giggled a lot. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Kari B. and Susan in Tn.:
I’m with Barbara Wood. Miss you. Hugs, J.B.
Linda in NJ
Hi Zenny: How are you today! What a great story and such a nice surprise for Pam’s parents as they celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary. I have your bronze #50! I have you placed in the center of my dining room table. You look absolutely beautiful! I love looking at you! Love you Zenny.
Peggy (N)
@Judy Berube, Thanks for posting It’s Tricky’s news.
@Its Tricky, I am sending you all the best wishes to win Saturday(I may not be at home tomorrow or the next day) so its early I know. But I hope hope hope you win and I hope everyone has safe trips home. There are some great horses I know in that race but I have to pull for you this time you and your connections.
You are I believe owned by Godolphin Racing, So that would mean Sheik Mohammed wouldn’t it?
@Godolphin Racing, Darley America, Sheik Mohammed. I have visited Darley and I have to give a shout out to you. You are I believe one of the best Organizations of people I have ever met. So kind, caring, and my trip to Darley was one of the highlights of my life.
@Zenyatta, too on my Trip to Darley, guess what I met your Dad. I saw this horse in the distance and I took my camera out and started to take a picture of him. Some other people were looking at him intently. They were clients. The guy that was taking me around and showing me the farm told me that i could wait to take the pictures as they would bring him over to see me personally. And they did. I was just blown away. Zenny your Dad Street Cry is just great. Very handsome, seemed very gentle and kind. (Don’t know if he is always like that) but he was that day.I got to pet him such a gentleman.I see a lot of his traits in you. I know there are a lot of great farms in Kenturky, but Darley just great great great.(You can tell i really had a good time there that day, (Can’t you)?
@Back at It’s Tricky, again. You’ll be in my prayers to win, but listen if you do get to the Winners Circle again, listen this goes especially to you. Please don’t try to toss Eddie off again. Yep, I did see you do that last time. Bad Filly….Just teasing, Love you very mcch. Make your Dad and Grand Dad proud, I know everyone knows how much I love A.P. Indy.
@Zenny, I’m excited I know, Just love all you horsed so much. You the most, Your right up there with Indy for me. I just love you all and you just make this world such a better place. Love, Peggy
Linda in NJ
Wishing Mario a very Happy Birthday!
Yvonne and Maurice
Hi Zenyatta. What a wonderful gift. Happy 50th anniversary. I am so fortunate to have one of your statues. It is simply gorgeous and captures your heart and soul. I can just imagine you being carried from table to table and everyone enjoying their special memories of you. You are so special. Love to you, stay comfy, eat well for two and have a great time with your BBFs. Love you, Angel in Disguise.
Linda in NJ
@Trina Nagele: Hi Trina: Such a nice poem for Mario’s birthday! Thanks for the address too.
Linda in NJ
@JAG from California: Thanks for sharing the article about the Jacksons and Matz parting ways. This is sad news.
Barbara Wood
@Eveline–thanks for sharing your story! I can’t wait to hear them all.
@Trina N.–thanks for asking. Sadly, the girls lost after having the lead for quite a while. But I can’t be greedy. We’ve won 11 titles! The Illinois team did a great job. We’ll get ’em next year.
Good night, sweet Z. You have blessed us all and brought us together. I just can’t seem to get over the fact that a year ago none of us even knew each other, Eveline didn’t have a computer, and we couldn’t have imagined how this diary would have changed our lives. Love you always, Z.
Kim S
Zenny you are a gift that keeps on giving :) Happy Anniversary.
Wishing Mario a belated Happy Birthday!!
Cutting it short tonight Zenny, have a great night.
Lotsa love to all
Kim S
Sorry Eveline, Happy Birthday to you :)
Sunny Boyd
Good evening Zenyatta,
wow, what a great surprise. Now that’s what I call a present. :)
Hope you had a cool & breezy day, it’s starting to get hot & humid again. :(
I bid you good-night and leave you with another lofty pondering:
“Question with boldness even the existance of God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear.” Thomas Jefferson
Sunny Boyd
@ Barbara Grimaldi
Damn straight !!!
Congratulations to Pam Harper’s parents on their 50th Anniversary and receiving Zenny Bronze !!!
Happy Birthday to Eveline. Loved your story and wonderful poem from Trina !!!
Happy belated birthday again, Mario. Trina’s poem fit you and Zenny to a T !!!
Jane D: Happy 35th anniversary
LOL to Zenny, Dottie and all. Arlene
Irene Caty
Hi there Zenny, you are really in a happy mood beinging able to be the Queen of the 50th Anniversary party. Your Bronze was the ultimate gift and I Congradulate the 50th Anniversary couple. I can see everyone was so happy. I know that is what you love to see. You are so wonderful to me and I love you so!
Sue Fredrick
Peggy (N) So glad you are a fellow AP INDY lover, there aren’t any on this site, but I just wanted you to know he has a new facebook page you can join. It’s just getting started but there are pictures of all his great sons, daughters, and grandkids. Its a good way to keep track of him now that he’s pensioned.
Jackie feinberg
Good evening Queen Z. Wow what a post. GeorgiaHarper congrats on your parents 50th wedding anniversary. There is no way I am waiting 17 more years for my bronze. Lol. Well I better start saving. Alot of info in this post. Happy belated birthday Mario my fellow Leo. Trina Nagele what a beautiful birthday wish for Mario and Eveline. I certainly hope you are keeping them stored for a future book!
B. Grimaldi I agree THE HORSE needs to be our country’s symbol. Certainly nothing against the Bald Eagle.
Shocked to hear about Maltz and Jackson separation. They went thru so much together. Not surprised to hear about Jaycito, he has had throat problems for sometime. I thought he had a tough race. Good luck!
Well Z it has been a long day. Have a wonderful night.
Hugs and kisses
For “Z” Friends who would like to close the day in an Evening Prayer:
To thee our inmost heart doth cry,
Our voice resounds in melody,
For thee chaste love with longing yearns,
Our humbled soul doth worship thee.
And when dense blackness falls to close
The day in thickest folds of night,
Let not our faith such darkness know,
But by that faith let dark be light.
Allow thou not our souls to rest;
Let pure, refreshing faith be strong
To cool all dreams that heat the mind.
Stripped clean from senses’ danger, let
Our inmost heart dream deep of thee;
Let not our envious foe disturb
Our rest with thou and love for thee.
judy berube
Dear Peggy (N):
You’re welcome. That should be quite a race. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear DJ:
Thank you. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Peggy (N):
How great is that! You got to meet Street Cry. Hugs, J.B.
jeanie langford
You are the gift that keeps on giving. What a wonderful and benevolent Queen you are. Hugs and Kisses and a little peck for the foal.
JB: …Waited for you. Goodnight! Hugs always.
judy berube
Dear Sue Fredricks and Peggy (N):
This is for you. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Sorry Sue, Fredrick. Hugs, J.B.