Good Morning to All~
Happy Tuesday! Everything is moving right along perfectly at the farm. I am able to go outside with my pal, Tasty Temptation, and relax for hours at a time. As you can see in the photo, I am just like so many of you. My coat gets ‘lovely high-lights’ from the sun and I do need to have my ‘sunglasses’ (aka fly mask) on when outdoors.
I must say, this mask is a fabulous accessory to have. Not only does it keep the flies off of my face and away from my eyes…but it also screens out some of the sun and direct light…which is quite helpful!
We have had really warm weather recently. I’ve heard that it is also quite warm back home in Arcadia (by Santa Anita). Dottie looked up the temperature for today and it is to be 93 degrees in Lexington. It is even a bit warmer than that in Arcadia. As I have mentioned before, Charles and the guys here monitor how hot it is for ME. If too warm, I am taken back to the barn where the fans are keeping it nice and cool. I must say, I am one very lucky girl!
It is also the first of the month and as MY TEAM requested, they weighed me. I am gaining just the right amount of weight for this stage of my pregnancy. YIPPEE! I am eating all of the right foods and drinking LOTS of water to stay properly hydrated….so this is all good! I’m really trying to do all the RIGHT THINGS here to be a GREAT MOM!
In racing, for many of the major race tracks, today is a ‘dark day’…meaning the tracks are closed. So for quite a few people who work with the horses, this is a more relaxed day and they have some time off. Whether going to the lake, to play golf, or to have fun in the ocean, I hope everyone remembers to be careful in the sun, drink lots of water, and wear your ‘sunglasses’….JUST LIKE ME!
Have a very pleasant day!
With love,
Hugs to All~
tony and sue
@JAG, thnks for the link. We always enjoy reading about our magnificient Zenyatta and how she took the horseracing world by storm. She will always be perfection in our eyes. And, Zenny, the picture of you with your fly mask is “too cute”. Thanks to Sarah for giving us another Z fix and to Dottie who keeps giving us the ultimate gift…this diary.
Irene Caty
Hi Zenny, Happy Tuesday to you. I am in Lake Elsinore, Ca. and the Tempture here right now is 107 degrees. We are going through a hot spell and only go out early in the morning when it is real nice out. I dont have horses but I do have Dogs and are keeping them in. I call you my horse because I love you so much. I am so happy that we are able to keep up a daily report on you Zen. Thanks so much Dottie.
I was surprised that this picture is you, and I can see that you have put on weight and your coat is really lighter and brighter, maybe it is the grass you eat there. Glad to know you are doing so well. I like your Mask/glasses. Love you much Zenny.
@ all
Those who are disgusted with kill buyers here in the US and shipped to Canada and Mexico take note:
Senators Lindsey Graham and Senator MAry Landreu are writing legislation NOW to ban the shipment of horses across either border.I mentioned this a couple of weeks ago and no one even responded on this site. They are proposing the stop of shipments and ENFORCEMENT. Do with this information what you will, but a flood of letters could not hurt. I sent my letters the day I posted this info. What ever you may think of congress , there are some good people in DC and hate what is happening. So enforce no shipping and that will take care of the kill buyer, what an A–.Sorry about that I could have said much worse.
Love ya Z.
Kari Bussell
I just love this video and song….Seabiscuit Tribute…”Gift of Desire”…original footage….
Brenda S
@ Barbara G – I found out about this horrific event by reading the article in the Toronto Star newspaper yesterday. I have already sent an e-mail to my Member of Parliament asking that ALL slaughter houses in Canada be closed down. There are two such places in Alberta and two in Quebec anf they need to be closed immediately. My MP represents an area of Canada that has one of the oldest TB tracks in Canada and the Prime Minister is from Alberta so I can’t believe that they support this disgusting practice.
Kari Bussell
@-Joan- Thank you for helping to spread the word. I sent e-mails, letters and made phone calls weeks ago. I would guess that the reason you did not get a response is most of us here are very well informed with everything horse related. It is ALWAYS a great thing to make sure everyone knows…. every little bit helps. I admire your passion and feel the same way.
Charlotte Farmer
@Devora Berliner – You are so sweet to create a Facebook page for *Noor. All the pictures and material that you have gathered up are there for others to look at and read. Very nice and thank you so much. I am so glad that I got a chance to meet you and your sister at Loma Rica.
Terry Crow
@JAG-Agree on Victor’s Cry. I just hope the connections involved with Life At Ten also do the right thing. I do not believe that the outstanding fillies and mares we are seeing today is a fluke. The racing careers of most males are truncated and the public does not get a chance to know them.@ DJ, Margie, Judy Berube and Barbara Wood-glad you enjoyed the joke. It is one of my favorites. @Diana S-I could be an excellent hit man if given the opportunity to go Bird hunting.
Charlotte Farmer
Why Zenny I almost forgot what you looked like, wink wink. I am so glad to finally see a picture of you. As always you look beautiful California girl. I hope we get to see more pictures of you. Stay cool and know that I love you.
Kari Bussell
@Terry Crow- You can borrow my Granny Kerr’s sawed-off shot gun…..Loved today’s joke….
Charlotte Farmer
God, I must be slipping to have to post more than once.
@Terry Crow – I love the joke about the Lone Ranger. Cowboys and horses that’s the life for me. I remember my mom introducing me to the late Saddle Bronc Champion Guy Weeks who was out of Abilene, Texas. God he was gorgeous, all 6 foot plus and a voice that went with the looks. He gave me his autograph and I barely could burp up, “Thank you.” I refused to give my mother back her pen and I still have it to this day.
@ Kari
I am consumed with this. We had a slaughter house here in Fort Worth where Ilive. I never gave up and now all US shops are closed. The people on this site in Westren States will have to really get on board, because their representatives are influenced by the ranchers in the Western US. We all know who will be heard the loudest. SO this is your challenge, bury your reps, support the 2 Senators mentioned. As the economy continues to worsen, more of this will tehy are trying toopen these shops in the US again.You can’t just fire off 1 letter , look at what the tea baggers accomplished. the noisy wheel gets the attention.It is frustrating, evil and NOT acceptable, at least not to me.I think about Z and what she would truly say to each of us if she could speak. We all know what she would say,each one of us. She appreciates our love, her owners appreciate us, but there is something important and wrong happening and we are the only ones to give these animals a voice.Passionate, not really,it is the humane thing to do.
Love ya Z
Maggie N
To Judy Berube. Yep that’s the one. Isn’t that baby adorable?? There is no way anyone can be in a bad mood after watching that.
But of course as cute as that baby is, we all know our baby Z is going to be the most beautiful baby we’ve ever seen
Wouldn’t it be cool to have your sunglasses in the Moss’s racing colors?
Stay Cool-but we know you are already too cute and very cool
Love you Z
Z I missed not getting here earlier today. The power company came and oh boy you should have seen the huge job they did. We were without power for about 8 hours. I had warning ahead of time but the hardest part was NO INTERNET so NO Z news!
But now I’m back!!! Gotta go start dinner…
Terry Crow
@Emily-Haven’t heard about that but it is logical. However, if any racing entities deserve such treatment, they are Zenyatta and Charlotte Farmer. @Kari Bussell-I have one that will do the job.@Charlotte Farmer-I am sorry I do not have the technical chops to deal with FB. Since you apparently approve of what has been done there regarding Noor, I am sure it was/is a fine job. I must admit that I had my computer for almost a year before I even tried to send an e-mail. You do seem to like the cowboys. The autograph experience you had is similar to one I had with Bill Shoemaker. I caught him one time when he was leaving Rex Ellsworth’s barn after working out Swaps. My mother’s horses will stabled near there. He was a fine man.
Sue Fredrick
@Joan, sorry if you didn’t see my post when this was first brought up but I did respond with letters and emails to my Senators here in Wis. I certainly feel like you that this needs to be stopped. I saw a horse program on Tv the other day showing a fancy restaurant in Canada that serves horsemeat and they interviewed a couple eating it who were saying how delicious it was. I WAS REVOLTED. Canadians should also stand up and protest this abomination if they haven’t already!
Pamela J Hebert
You look marvelous darling!!! Such a beautiful picture-such beautiful highlights & you certainly are the diva. Look at that lush Kentucky Blue. You are quite lucky to have Charles & the others there to take care of you Z.
hi Z! Happy Tuesday to YOU! I love the photo of YOU in your “sunglasses”!! YOU’RE TOO CUTE!!! Stay cool;) Love YOU gorgeous mama xoxoxo
Christine in Michigan
I was reading an article yesterday on Noor that stated that he was 29 years old when he passed away and had dementia. How on earth does a horse get dementia? How was this diagnosed? I don’t know very much about horses, but am learning more each day thanks to Zenny’s influence. What beautiful creatures of God they are. Thanks to anyone who can answer my question.
Janet Cutting
Hi Zenny !! I am so busy this week but I am just taking 5 minutes to say HI and that you look so beautiful and cute in your face mask– You just stand out with such class!!!!!!!!! Keep that glow –take care of Little Z. Bye bye…….
Trina Nagele
Dearest Zenny, I was off-line for a while, so I am still trying to catch up with belated comment for #309. Hoof, hoof, hoof-ray for Utopian! And also for Lisa’s Booby Trap because she will be OK to race again another day—only a dental work problem that made her unresponsive to the bit. Whew!
@Barbara Grimaldi—So sorry for your spill at the track. Hope you are healing fast and well. Thanks for the touching video of the compassionate colt.
@Diana S—Belated happy birthday! You’re the best!
@Karen Gogue—When is that birthday of yours ?It’s not the same as Diana’s is it?
@Anne of Paramount—I collect frogs too! Not the live kind…I raised one from a tadpole in my little pond—it sat on the lily pads for just a couple days before it hopped away never to be seen again! Diana S is a vegetarian and didn’t go for DJ’s menu which included frog legs—I would find that unappetizing too, but to each their own.
@Shari Voltz and Liza G Fly—I “sing” the Zenyatta song again and again every day to myself while I am out walking/jogging and there’s no one around to hear! Actually, I recite it to myself since even I can’t stand to hear my attempts at singing.
@Christine B—So nice to see your post about your adopted horses!I look forward to hearing more about your good times with them, and when you go visit Hootie. By the way, the trick to posting links is simply to highlight the address by clicking on the URL in the upper left-hand corner of the screen to copy it, then pasting it into your comment by positioning the cursor in the comment text, activating the cursor by a left click, then clicking on the EDIT tab on your toolbar and then clicking on the PASTE in the box that will drop down, or if you don’t see your toolbar, you can paste by holding down the CTRL key together with the V key. Please let me know if this works for you. If it is still clear as mud, you can e-mail me at, or call me at 805-525-3630. If you call, you must start to leave a message because I don’t pick up until I hear who is calling (I’m in California too, So Cal).
@ALL—including Sue Fredrick and Kari Bussell (still!)—Please see the above comment on how to post links if you are wondering, and all on here are invited to call or e-mail if you wish more explicit directions. I am always glad if I can be of help.
@ Charlotte Farmer –Loved your quote on #309 from Seabiscuit about the value of a life even though it has been banged up.
@ All
Checked outMr.Bird. This horse was not claimed. He traded hands between Cynthia Bayley,Owner/trainer, after his 4-29 race and then Bird raced him on 6-19 and 7-11. He was bred in Florida and foaled in 2005, he saw 6 1/2 years of life, 40 races. His first race was believe it or not in Canada and that is where his race in this life was finished. RIP Deputy Broad. you ran your race well.
The kill buyers they aren’t human. Life has KARMA and D Bird’s KARMA is lurking. His doom is guaranteed.
Love ya Z
OraJean Stevenson
dear Queen-Z & Team-Z,
You look so relaxed and happy out in your pasture. Your coat has really gotten
lighter. Thanks for all the photos and the entries to your Diary.
Hugs. Stay well. Fondly, OraJean
Barbara Wood
@Kari and Karen–HAPPY BRITHDAY!
@Margie– beautiful words to Sharon Call.
@Kari Bussell-I even checked the San Antonio chapter of Make-A-Wish, and no news about Zoe Bragg.
Kim S
Hey Zenny-Cali girl!! Don’t get too light or we won’t recognize you. Who am I kidding, sure we would. :)
@Diana S–Happy Belated Birthday!!
@The Terry and Gary Show–Thanks for the laughs. I still need to try to catch up from a few posts ago about the hindquarters references. Missed the answer to “Why did the horse go behind the tree?” or something like that. Will have time Thursday, have been getting my daughter ready to go with her Dad to Georgia for the weekend.
Will stop for now until I can get back thru these and respond properly. Have sent a few emails to my Senators already, since I get updated from a few websites. But may sit down to hand-write some, may get a better response…???
Zenny have a great Tuesday evening. Everyone stay cool and hydrated
Lotsa love to all.
Kathy Kimber
@Devora: Thank you so much for Noor’s beautiful facebook page. I wrote but why son’s name came up I have no idea. Thank you so much. Hugs
Karen Gogue
No, in January, whats up? :)
For those who would like and Evening Prayer/Hymn
Lord, you often speak to men
Upon the mountain, in the plain;
O help us listen now and then,
And wonder at your words again.
We all have secret fears to face,
Our minds and motives to amend;
We seek your Truth, we need your grace,
Our living Lord and present Friend.
Your Truth speaks, and we receive
Your light, your love, your own command.
O help us live what we believe
In daily work of heart and hand.
H.C.A. Gaunt
Zenyatta, you are the smartest horse I know. Next to The Candy Maker. (my horse) You seem to have lots of common sense. Will you run for President?