Good Morning Everyone,
I sincerely hope you had a great weekend! Mine was quite nice and very relaxing. I’ll share some current photos with you during the next few days.
I thought all of the weekend racing was quite captivating. I was especially pleased to see Bernie’s son, STAY THIRSTY, win the Jim Dandy Stakes-G II at Saratoga. Bernardini also had some other nice winners over the weekend. This is great news! Congratulations, BERNIE! I’m sending you a HIGH HOOF!
On another note, I am very pleased to share some information with you this morning. It is so special to touch base with an ‘old friend’ and keep up with how he or she is doing. This weekend, Dottie was able to get an update on my PONY PAL, HOOTIE, to share with ALL OF US. You have seen HOOTIE in countless photos with ME…accompanying ME back and forth to the race track. While I was in training, he was with ME on these walks the majority of the time. He has been my very dear friend for years.
One of the many jobs at the race track is to be a ‘PONY PERSON’. In this position, you and your ‘pony’ (which is often a retrained retired race horse) work with different trainers and accompany certain horses from their barn to and from the track. A man named Freddie Wilson owned HOOTIE and he was a pony person at the track. Since I really liked HOOTIE and got along so well with him, MY JOHN worked out a schedule with Freddie so HOOTIE could be MY PONY in the mornings! As we have written in a previous Diary, after I retired….so did he. HOOTIE was adopted by TROTT of Southern California and now has a second career working with them. In the above photo, he is getting his daily “SPA TREATMENT” from Dee, on the left, and Susana, on the right. Per Bonnie, who updated Dottie on all of this, he is truly one of the BARN FAVORITES. HOOTIE has truly become part of the TROTT TEAM!
TROTT is a wonderful organization which ‘adopts’ horses from the racetrack and retrains them for their NEXT CAREER. So many dedicated people work endlessly trying to accomplish this goal to help horses. The organization is volunteer based and the hard work and loving care given by these people is truly appreciated by all of US! MY TEAM and I have also worked to help raise funds for TROTT. I loved the one T-shirt they did with ME on it. MY JOHN came up with the words to be placed underneath my picture stating……’DANCING AGAIN IN 2010′.
I have been told that TROTT is currently planning a Del Mar Charity Fundraiser. They are a 501(c)(3) organization. It will take place on August 28th at the San Diego Polo Club from 6 to 11 p.m. More details may be found on their web-site….TROTTUSA.ORG.
I also understand that Liza G. Fly will be singing at this event . I hope she sings the song she wrote and recorded for ME! I must say…I DO GET A KICK OUT OF LISTENING TO IT! (Blush, Blush)
Watch it here…ENJOY!
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (Great to hear from you, HOOTIE! I’m SO HAPPY to see you again!)
Shari Voltz
@ Diane S HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I am an August Bday too. Mine is the 27th. YEA FOR AUGUST BIRTHDAYS!!! God Bless and many more :)
@Delrene et al.:
Kari Bussell
@Shari V- I am August 12 right after Dottie…too cool!
Hi dear Z happy to hear you are doing well hope your fans can visit soon it is sad though that you left all of your frinds in ca. when you retired how come Hootie couldnt be with you at lanes end? love ya.
Kathryn Cogswell
You are all on my mind & heart, DJ; so glad to see TROTTSoCal & Hootie w/ the girls today — up to my lashes in organizing a big mess of memories. .. Take care all; back in ? ?! .. . by mid-Sept. hope, hope, HOPE! ~ Got adorable dancing chicas — surprise! K.
Kathryn Cogswell
& the Happy – est of B`days, you two: DianaS. & Karenlg
Brenda S
@ Diana S – Many, many happy returns. To celebrate your special day I shall have a therapeutic glass of ice wine, so CHEERS DIANA!!
As I have mentioned before, I am a complete dimwit when it comes to computers and I have no idea at all how to put some of my Lane’s End photos on Zenny’s Facebook. I have had to ask my daughter, Susan, if she will kindly do this for me even tho I have the photos on my laptop. So, for those of you who mentioned that you would like to see the LE horses, they will be there in the next few days. I wonder if a dimwit is also a Doofus.
I found this article about Lisa’s Booby Trap. I hope they figure out why she ran the way she did and it’s not a physical issue. She’s already gone through a lot to even make it to the racetrack. She’s such an inspiration.
Diana S
@Liza G. Fly: Every phrase of your song about Zenyatta is so perfect and so cleverly worded! I always cry though because it reminds me of what was. I would like to send you a Z Dumpling name tag. Let me know where to send it at diastu46@gmail.com
diastu in tempe
Diana S
@Karen Gogue: You are so sweet, but old enough to get forgetfull – I’m the one who is older! Lakewood High 1964. Who are you again?
Love and Hugs, your fellow trouble maker.
diastu in tempe
Lover of Horses
Hooties is soooo adorable, Zenny! And I think it’s really cute that you wonderful athletes have “friends at the track”!
Just found this update on Lisa’s Booby Trap’s facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Lisas-Booby-Trap/188128577903231
Love your video big girl. You truly are the best. Love you beautiful xoxo!!
Barbara Wood
@Shari Voltz–on your birthday this year, we’ll be celebrating our 45th anniversary. How cool.
Sunny Boyd
* * * * :)
Diana S
@Ensign: Oh please, put this thing to bed before it takes on a life of its own! Colt or filly? (But give us a little time to place bets first) (How’re you handicapping this one Gary?)
diastu – like you either way
Barbara Grimaldi
Dear Friends: just found a short film that shows a young horse trying to get an older horse who has collapsed to stand up…the love and devotion this little guy shows is both heartbreaking and inspirational…
Diana S
@DJ: Never tire of any video of the great Secretariat running! That was a lovely B’day present. Thank you.
@Barbara Wood: People (JAG) find out (JAG) because there be (JAG) snitches (JAG) amongst us (JAG). Or maybe it was that poster in the post office?
@All: Thank you. It makes me feel really special. I am a PROUD leading edge of the Baby Boomers clearing the way for all who follow. BLAM! Take that, AARP! Kaapow! Go away Depends ads! SOCK! Take your Viagra spam and shove it – – – (wha??? why are you sending ME this stuff???) Splat! Squish all that Medicare and Social Security junk mail! I am gainfully employed and ain’t planning to change that soon (enjoy tormenting my employer way to much to stop).
@Seriously: I love you guys! You fill spaces best not left empty in my life. Kisses on the nose to all who request.
diastu in tempe
Dear Zenny,
What a great pic of Hootie. He is sure being spoiled and a great lesson. Hope you had a great day with TT keeping that baby foal warm and safe. Happy playing, but not too much in the heat. I am sure Charles and everyone is watching out for you. Sweet Dreams
Here is the link on Shakelford’s travels to Saratoga. He may take on the older guys in the Woodward at a mile and 1/8 or Travers.
@Barbar Grimaldi
Don’t get discouraged. These three year olds are an unusual group and the late bloomers are going to be testy. Don’t ever forget Shakelford won the 2011 Preakness and that gives him
a lot of clout. I am sure he will be in BC somewhere.
Michelle Cross
@ Kari Bissell
What a great video “Nothing but love with the Dumplings”. It is soo good to see the CA Group, you are sooo fun loving.
@ Barbara G Hope you are feeling better today.
@DJ love your morning and evening prayers sooo very meaningful
@HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY B-DAY to Diana S – diastu master and co-chair of the Doofus Dumplings. You have the best and greatest sense of humor.
@Laura J Really appreciate all of your shared knowlege about horses in all aspects.
@Eveline Thanks for the kind words
@Doreen Thanks for the update on Lisa’s Booby Trap; I was soo intent on watching the winner, I did not see her pull up,
Da !!!!
@Barbara Grimaldi
What a touching video. Animals do connect in various ways.
Good Evening Queen “Z” Hootie looks like a Hoot! He has such a kind presence. It is so nice to hear there are such wonderful organizations such as TROTT. There is another great organization called Equine Advocates and do a wonderful job in educating and preventing the abuse of these splendid animals as well as providing a santuary for many equine. They are having a fund raiser in Saratoga on the 4th of August and Jerry and Ann Moss of course donated a beautiful painting of Zenyatta. http://www.equineadvocates.org/news.php?recordID=27.
K. Bussell enjoyed the video.
B. Grimaldi I agree it was both heartbreaking to watch but yet inspirational.
I read that Lisa’s Booby Trap is okay. She was pulled up but she is doing fine. The jockey did what he needed to do to prevent any further injury.
Have a wonderful evening.
Hugs and Kisses
@ Diana S
Happy Birthday from —–
judy berube
Dear Doreen:
Thank you for the update on Lisa’s Booby Trap. Have been trying to find out what happened. Hopefully her mouth will heal and she will be fine. Hugs, J.B.
Diana S
@Lisa’s Booby Trap and her Human: I love you so much little girl! Take care and I hope whatever it was is not serious and you are okay. Maybe time to hang up your saddle cloth? But you will let your human know and he is a good guy who will listen.
diastu in tempe
Here is AP Indy’s facebook page:
Since he retired from the breeding shed, he has time on his hands to talk with all of his fans and let us know how he is doing and all of his fillies/mares and colts/stallions are doing. Let all join his page!!!!!! Every well known Sire needs a new
position. We are soo lucky to get to speak with him.
judy berube
Dear Diana S.:
Love you Doofus Dumplings. Does walking into door frames count? Ha, ha. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Deborah Richman:
You are so welcome. Hugs, J.B.