Happy Friday, Everyone!
Wow, it has been a very busy week in our industry. There is so much going on that I want to share with you.
First of all, I’d love to congratulate FRANKEL (GB) on his success in winning the SUSSEX S. (G1). He is now undefeated and has a race record of 8 for 8. FRANKEL (GB) is truly a sentimental favorite in my camp as he is named for a very dear friend. Jay Hovdey, in the DRF, wrote a special piece on all of this in a recent article. Dottie and Bobby were very close friends for years. Ruben Loza, who now works as one of MY JOHN’S assistant trainers, held the same position for Bobby for 25 years. Jose Luis….who currently grooms MR. COMMONS and STAR BILLING for My John…was a long-time groom for Bobby. “Chuma” (as he is known around the barn) is also such a hard-working gentleman. He has groomed so many other wonderful horses during his career as Medaglia D’Oro, Sightseek, and Intercontinential to name a few.
So, it was with great joy and pride that MY TEAM watched FRANKEL(GB) win #8 on Wednesday. A heartfelt congratulations to his owner and breeder, Juddmonte Farms, his trainer, Mr. Cecil, and the entire team who works with this exciting colt!
I’m sending him a special HIGH HOOF for a job well-done!
Both of the SUMMER MEETS on each coast are in full-swing….and this weekend, Monmouth Park has a wonderful stakes program including the HASKELL. This should be a very exciting race!
Then at Saratoga, several big stakes races are taking place including the JIM DANDY and THE THE RUFFIAN. These should be great to handicap and enjoy. At Del Mar, we have some very accomplished sprinters competing in the BING CROSBY. So much action!
From all reports, the dirt surface at Santa Anita is terrific! This is fabulous news. In California, they now have Santa Anita open for training in addition to Del Mar. Hollywood Park closes for the next 5-6 weeks to allow the maintenance crews to completely clean out the barn area and freshen up everything that needs to be repaired and painted. The track crew, headed by Dennis Moore, is given the opportunity to work on the track and the surface to get it freshened up for the upcoming year. This is traditionally done in CA each summer…one year Santa Anita is closed to accomplish these maintenance needs and the next Hollywood Park. This alternating system works out quite well for everyone and it really helps to keep everything in the best possible shape.
Thus, since nothing can be left out at Hollywood Park for this big clean-up process to take place…everyone and everything needs to be out of Barn 55. My John and his crew did a great job getting this organized and properly storing everything that was in MY STALL. It was all safely packed for the future!
So all of my horse BARN 55 friends had to relocate as well for the summer. They were split between Santa Anita and Del Mar. In the photo above, you see STAR BILLING on the left and EBLOUISSANTE on the right getting ready to travel. They are loaded on the van and on their way to Del Mar. They are comfy, cozy, the windows are open just right…and these girls are READY TO GO TO THE BEACH!
I gather “E” wanted to snack along the way.
The TOO CUTE part of all of this is that “E” is in the same exact stall on the van I always used. In California, I shipped on Vida and David Randall’s Ranch Runner’s van. That was MY STALL! They even put a plaque on the side of this stall with MY NAME on it. So, I guess for all practical purposes, I still get to travel right with them…..in spirit!
Have a FUN weekend…and enjoy RACING!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Diana S
@Judy Berube: Yay! The post office can still find its way around! Hope you’re not disappointed in the “handiwork”. I don’t think I have to worry that they will be eBay hot deals any time soon.
Happy Saturday, Zenyatta. You sounded so nostalgic about your stalls and your life in California. I enjoyed reading about where you stayed and all about your things being moved and the plaque in your stall in the van. You are beautiful Zenyatta. You have moved on to more adventures in your life. How exciting to be expecting a little one. Hugs Beautiful Lady.
Diana S
@All: While waiting for a new Hoofprint, Teacher says the following are wanted in the Principal’s office:
S (in San Diego)
Sally (B)
Gary Moulton (real men wear Z’s Dumpling name tags)
Abigail from Montreal
Kari Bussell
OraJean Stevenson
Jeanie M
Valerie Chase
Marilu V
Linda Henderson
Patti in Carlsbad
Brenda S
@ All – I must apologize, it seems that I’ve opened a hornet’s nest with my worry about horses and the heat. I don’t want it to appear that I’m critical of Old Friends, quite the opposite, they do an awesome job. I guess I need to be less of a worry wart. As I mentioned in another post, my daughter has added OF to her monthly donation list and I will be sending them donations too when the budget allows.
@ Abigail, WOW!!! Canada Post has certainly improved, I only put that envelope into the system on Wednesday. For future specials on ESPN I will ask my son-in-law to record them so we don’t miss them. It’s so frustrating that we don’t get the ESPN channel.
@ Diana S – Are the Canadian Dumpling Tags on their way? I’d love to have mine and Vic’s so that we can wear them when we go to Saratoga for the Alabama. Who knows, we may get to meet some other Dumplings.
Abigail from Montreal
@ Diana: Oh Oh…what did I do? Or not do????
I am glad all the racing is in full swing! Have a great day Z :)
Abigail from Montreal
@ Max: Glad you enjoyed them. Hoof It — I know!!! Double Wow! right?
@Brenda S. You are sweeter than sweet, Ms. Brenda. Question: Do you have the Blood-Horse Collector’s Issue on Zenyatta?
Thought you might know someone interested. For all my horse loving friends out there: 52 thoroughbred horses need homes, headed to slaughterhouse on 7/30. Owner died, son wants nothing to do with them. Most broodmares are broke and some are in foal weaning, yearlings, 2-3yrs old most are gelded. FREE and papered, friend of deceased is trying to find homes. 440-463-4288 Barnesville, OH. Please re-post if you can help.
Brenda S
Dear Abigail, No, I do not. I am looking into getting Vic a Blood Horse subscription for her birthday/Christmas, both in December, to go along with her Canadian Thoroughbred subscription. Thank you for such nice, kind words – I totally agree with you about the people you meet on this diary, it feels like one big happy family.
Hilltophorsewoman No Cal
Dear Z,
Summer is such a busy time. I love the picture of the girls headed to the beach and like knowing that E is in your spot. I hope you are feeling super and not too hot. I set up a sprinkler for my horses to run through. They love getting wet and then rolling in the dirt. What a mess. I am headed to Seattle on Sunday for work next week. Am hoping to check out Emerald Downs.
I love and miss you and am counting the months and days for Baby!
Hi Zenny and Baby Z, hope you are staying cool and having a good weekend – lots of love and kisses, Sweeties!
Michelle Cross
I am so glad everyone enjoyed Blind Luck’s workout video. She is awesome and a pure racehorse. Probably my favorite horse currently racing right now (although I love them all). She has so much heart. She has 21 Starts and has never finished off the board. She has 12 Wins, 7 Places, 2 Shows. How is that for a racing record? She has also raced at numerous tracks. I heard the connections are considering taking on the boys in the Pacific Classic at Del Mar. I would love to see it! I think she deserves that chance. Back to my HRTV and TVG. Have a great weekend.
Hannah J.H.
YO, Whatzup Zenny? That pic is adorable!!!
Luv ya!
Does anyone know Zenyatta’s OWNERS address? I have Lane’s ends Address, But I wanted the owners.
Can someone help with that?
Hannah J.H.
@ Dj,
I really like that Hym. :)
Can’t wait for your next post , ZEn!
Hannah J.H.
um.. Okay so I signed up for the newsletter like three/four months ago but they havent sent it to me yet?
I would appreciate any help. :)
@Hannah JH, I signed up back in November. I don’t expect there will be a newsletter. One isn’t really needed, as all the news appears in the diary posts anyway. Think of the diary AS the newsletter. :-)
@Linda/Maryland, that “alert” is VERY OLD NEWS from back in February. All the horses were placed long ago. Indeed, most were offered homes before the gentleman died (lengthy illness), and they weren’t in real danger to begin with. They were all taken in by friends and family of their previous owner. So, PLEASE DO NOT REPOST, and PLEASE DO NOT CALL.
Sue Fredrick
YIIIIPPPPEEE Stay Thirsty, Bernie’s boy just won the Jim Dandy!!! High Hoof to Z’s babys daddy, his kids are winning!!
Sue Fredrick
@Michelle Cross, I agree with you 100% she’s a real scrappy filly, I call her Mighty Mouse!
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Congrats to Bernie’s Boy, Stay Thirsty. Like Father, Like Son. Good for Uncle Mike. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Diana S.:
Love the art work. I put them right next to my Zenyatta Breyer Model. Thanks for all your hard work. Hug, J.B.
@Dani, signofthetimes, judy berube. Thirsty did it. So happy! Love that horse. He is a late bloomer like his daddy.
judy berube
To Ingrid Arnone:
Dear Ingrid:
Thank you for your kind, kind words. You and Z Fans feel like family to me. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Terry Crow:
Very funny. About Seabiscuit, I think he came back later, when he was a big star, and raced at Narragansett Park again. Not sure, I have to check on that. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
To Loverofhorses:
Wow. J. C. Pride; that’s terrific. Hugs, J.B.
Congrats to Mo’s Cousin Thirsty!
@Barbaro fans, Barbaro’s little brother Margano has a Facebook page:
He is now at Saratoga and is posting official works, most recently 4f in 49:66 earlier this week. Time to add him to my virtual stable.
And for Azeri fans:
Take Control, her firstborn by A.P. Indy. He only has 11 fans and could use some more.
judy berube
Dear Laura J.:
Thanks for the great links. BTW, Step ran a good 3rd last night. Led most of the way and was a neck behind the 2nd place horse. As long as his breathing problem is solved, he’s going to win soon. Hugs, J.B.
Barbara Grimaldi
My first concern is Kentucky weather—we’re baking again in NJ—so I worry about ALL the horses in KY, especially Zenny and her buddies. BARBARA WOOD: I shop Amazon and will check out Exclusively Equine, too, for those special books. Thanks! CHARLOTTE FARMER: You know so much about these 2 horses! You’ve given me a lot to go on—thank you very much!! JUDY B: I like Diana’s idea and I know the funds will be directed toward what OF needs the most. That’s what’s important. TERRY: I really did think the Biscuit was small and stumpy while the Admiral was sleek and tall. You and Charlotte and LAURA J are co-chairs of the Horse Biography Dept. at ZU! Thanks very much! And I did love today’s joke! One more comment about MTM—what great writing that show had!!! Love the Credo Song! LAURA J: no doubt in anyone’s mind that OF will use the grant wisely. Thank you, too, for the extra info on the Biscuit and the Admiral. I had forgotten he was in Zenny’s bloodline! No trace of Man ‘O War’s sour disposition in the Queen, though! Laura, you, too, know so much about these two, like Terry and Charlotte…really impressive to read what you all say. DUMPLING BADGE didn’t arrive today, so Monday can’t come soon enough! But first—the Haskell!!! Good luck and great fun to everyone here! Can’t leave without saying I love you to Zenny and a wink to her voice!!!!!!!!!!!!
Abigail from Montreal
HIGH HOOF to Stay Thirsty. I was so happy to see him win.
@Brenda S. Well, I’m going to send the issue out to you as a HUGE thank you for your kindness. I ordered 2 by accident, so it’s just been sitting here. Waiting for Brenda, I can only assume!!!