Happy Friday, Everyone!
Wow, it has been a very busy week in our industry. There is so much going on that I want to share with you.
First of all, I’d love to congratulate FRANKEL (GB) on his success in winning the SUSSEX S. (G1). He is now undefeated and has a race record of 8 for 8. FRANKEL (GB) is truly a sentimental favorite in my camp as he is named for a very dear friend. Jay Hovdey, in the DRF, wrote a special piece on all of this in a recent article. Dottie and Bobby were very close friends for years. Ruben Loza, who now works as one of MY JOHN’S assistant trainers, held the same position for Bobby for 25 years. Jose Luis….who currently grooms MR. COMMONS and STAR BILLING for My John…was a long-time groom for Bobby. “Chuma” (as he is known around the barn) is also such a hard-working gentleman. He has groomed so many other wonderful horses during his career as Medaglia D’Oro, Sightseek, and Intercontinential to name a few.
So, it was with great joy and pride that MY TEAM watched FRANKEL(GB) win #8 on Wednesday. A heartfelt congratulations to his owner and breeder, Juddmonte Farms, his trainer, Mr. Cecil, and the entire team who works with this exciting colt!
I’m sending him a special HIGH HOOF for a job well-done!
Both of the SUMMER MEETS on each coast are in full-swing….and this weekend, Monmouth Park has a wonderful stakes program including the HASKELL. This should be a very exciting race!
Then at Saratoga, several big stakes races are taking place including the JIM DANDY and THE THE RUFFIAN. These should be great to handicap and enjoy. At Del Mar, we have some very accomplished sprinters competing in the BING CROSBY. So much action!
From all reports, the dirt surface at Santa Anita is terrific! This is fabulous news. In California, they now have Santa Anita open for training in addition to Del Mar. Hollywood Park closes for the next 5-6 weeks to allow the maintenance crews to completely clean out the barn area and freshen up everything that needs to be repaired and painted. The track crew, headed by Dennis Moore, is given the opportunity to work on the track and the surface to get it freshened up for the upcoming year. This is traditionally done in CA each summer…one year Santa Anita is closed to accomplish these maintenance needs and the next Hollywood Park. This alternating system works out quite well for everyone and it really helps to keep everything in the best possible shape.
Thus, since nothing can be left out at Hollywood Park for this big clean-up process to take place…everyone and everything needs to be out of Barn 55. My John and his crew did a great job getting this organized and properly storing everything that was in MY STALL. It was all safely packed for the future!
So all of my horse BARN 55 friends had to relocate as well for the summer. They were split between Santa Anita and Del Mar. In the photo above, you see STAR BILLING on the left and EBLOUISSANTE on the right getting ready to travel. They are loaded on the van and on their way to Del Mar. They are comfy, cozy, the windows are open just right…and these girls are READY TO GO TO THE BEACH!
I gather “E” wanted to snack along the way.
The TOO CUTE part of all of this is that “E” is in the same exact stall on the van I always used. In California, I shipped on Vida and David Randall’s Ranch Runner’s van. That was MY STALL! They even put a plaque on the side of this stall with MY NAME on it. So, I guess for all practical purposes, I still get to travel right with them…..in spirit!
Have a FUN weekend…and enjoy RACING!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Trina Nagele
@Max—-I enjoyed reading the article by Amanda Duckworth about Frankel. Thanks for the link.
@Eveline—Good luck to all your horses. I too hope the temperature cooled off a bit—I can’t imagine running in that heat!
@Charlotte Farmer-—Glad you are feeling better. Try to rest up for the trip ahead.
Trina Nagele
@Don in San Diego–So nice to see you posting! And I totally share your thoughts about Z, E, and John.
Diana S
@DJ: Eeeewwww! That Happy Hour menu turns my vegetarian gills green!
diagagging in tempe
Kathryn Cogswell
Dear Charlotte Farmer: [You sound better! Good!!] Can`t resist noting gratefully no such crushed spirit afflicted ‘Z.’ She knew she gained a victory, something The Admiral couldn`t claim. I have always been grateful she carried that off the track last Fall. ~ Kc.
Kathy Kimber
@Diana S: Maybe you should turn the fire hose on full force.
Love reading your posts! Keepem coming.
JOANNA IN GB, I am from York UK. I think FRANKEL is as impressive as BRIGADIER GERARD as a miler. I used to watch him run when I was young. His Timefotm rating is still the highest I think.
ZBEST ….. thanks to everyone for posting. The Zenyattasphere always makes my day.
Blind Luck is 15 3 or 15 4 like Goldi.
Small but mighty. Hope she takes on the
Boys. Goldi does.
Blind Luck’s connections really love her. The
Were petting her frequently in the CAM. TOO
SWEET. Wonder if she is a sweet mare?
Always felt dangling in the air riding on
A smaller horse. Felt like I was moving but
Could lose balance or fall off more easily. Just
Something to get used to.
@Donna. Here is the latest on Frankel’s time form rate. Very impressive. He is a super horse who lives up to the standards of his great namesake.
Kathy Kimber
Michael Blowen just came back from Saratoga and received a huge amount of money from a fund raiser, maybe someone should ask what he plans to do with it. Hopefully help some of the horses is this awful heat.
Barbara Grimaldi
DIANA! Brilliant idea–one account, all of us as depositors with only one person authorized to withdraw. Great team concept with a great goal!
KATHY K: Hope Michael got a good amount and that he can use it to fix up existing barns and perhaps build extensions?
MICHELLE CROSS: You have shown me another mare I really dig–Blind Luck. I loved her comments during her run! Is she cute or what??
TATIA: I hope Frankel ships to more of our tracks here.
S in San Diego: HOORAY for the adopted mare!
CHARLOTTE FARMER: Hi Charlotte. I’m new here but please let me join others who wish you good health, and say welcome back. Yes, I know lots of info on War Admiral is out there, but I just wanted to know if any of our Z experts here on this string had any personal opinions about the horse. I watched the film and wonder if the War Admiral parts were real.
Next May, Road Scholar (former Elderhostel) is running a trip to the KY Derby plus tours of horse country. Since I have never been to KY and Churchill, it’s a chance for a single person to join other kindred spirits who love horses and racing. I guess it’s for neophytes only, but heck, that’s what I am!
ZENYATTA!!!! I adore you more and more each day and your marvelous voice as well. Thanks, Dottie!!!!!
For those who would like a Morning Prayer/Hymn:
I sing the mighty power of God,
That made the mountains rise;
That spread the flowing seas abroad,
And built the lofty skies.
I sing the wisdom that ordained
The sun to rule the day;
The moon shines full at his command,
And all the stars obey.
I sing the goodness of the Lord,
That filled the earth with food;
He formed the creatures with his word,
And then pronounced them good.
Lord, how your wonders are displayed,
Where e’er I turn my eye:
If I survey the ground I tread,
Or gaze upon the sky!
There’s not a plant or flower below,
But makes your glories known;
And clouds arise, and tempests blow,
By order from thy throne;
While all that borrows life from thee
Is ever in thy care,
And everywhere that man can be,
You, God, are present there.
……………………..Isaac Watts 1715
Thanks for the great link/article on Frankel.
He is a force to be reckoned with as we say
In the South.
To Diana S: Not to worry! That particular Chef (Kermit) is no longer with us. He jumped ship before he was fried, I mean fired! You’ll be happy know Chef Vole has taken over his duties. Tossing ‘in’ the greens now..
p.s Diana S: You have my “Washington!”
Patricia Emery
The girls look great in the photo and what an honor for “E” to be in your stall! I am sure she feels your spirit wherever she goes…
What a beautiful message and of course, I absolutely love the photo. This is such a wonderful place to visit. I am still in awe of Frankel’s performance on Wednesday and quite amazed at the ease with which he dispensed his rivals. I knew that Bobby Frankel would be so proud. I loved that article by Jay Hovdey and wanted to link it here on that day, but I’m not too good with all of that and figured someone else would get it done. Again I will say thank you for this message and the wonderful photo, but now I need to get busy so I can be ready to watch some good racing this afternoon. Safe trips to all!
Abigail from Montreal
What an interesting post, Dottie & Zenny. Wow! That has to be a ton of work getting a whole stable organized to trek to 2 different tracks! I was also glad to hear that your stall memorabilia, Zenny, is in storage until John’s stable returns to Barn 55. We wouldn’t want those precious treasures compromised by cleaning fluids and whatever else.
I also loved hearing about the “living thread” that connects John & Dottie to Bobby Frankel through people who are now active in Barn 55. Frankel the colt — as I said earlier in a previous post, his Sussex win was really impressive, I thought. I never compare horses I love, that’s probably the teacher in me. They’re all just so unique. And no question that Frankel is one horse who has brought excitement to UK racing over the last 2 years.
@Brenda S. THE DVD arrived!!! Here’s the story: Brenda & I “met” on zenyatta.com and when she heard that I couldn’t get the ESPN coverage of Zenyatta on Gold Cup Day here in Montreal, Brenda burned me a DVD and mailed it to me!!!! It arrived yesterday & I settled down to watch it. So much fun to see bits on Zenny, as well as the GOLD CUP coverage.
This is what Zen-Nation means to me. Incredible people who come together to share — and to give — love.
Carole #42
Hi Zennie..love the picture of the two girls traveling togehter.@Karen Gogue, its great to hear the horsey snorts, I love to put my nose into my horses neck and smell her horsey smell. GREAT and have a great weekend Zenny and baby. XOXO
Abigail from Montreal
Here’s a great race from the UK featuring another super horse called “Hoof It”…check out the SIZE of this field!!!!
Abigail from Montreal
And here’s the great MIDDAY pulling off a hat-trick in the Nassau Stakes with Frankel’s jockey in the irons:
Mary Copelin
MICHELLE- thanks for the link to Blind Luck’s video. I loved her snorted commentary on the work. She is so fun and so little compared to the Queen.
JOANNA-I am envious that you have been able to see Frankel. He truly looks like a star in every sense of the word.
judy berube
Dear Z,
Happy Saturday. Wishing you have a comfy day with TT in your paddock. Hope it’s a little cooler there. Love you and love to all of you, Judy and Russ
Barbara Wood
@Michelle Cross– thanks so much for the Blind Luck link. She was flying! And I love the little snorts , too. Those helmet cams are the closest I’ll ever get to riding a racehorse.
@Barbara Grimaldi–there are lots of interesting stories about War Admiral–how he left blood on the track in one race, and how he was so small when he was born that his owner didn’t want him.
@S (in San Diego)__so thankful the little mare has a new owner. One horse at a time. I hope we can learn her name, (does she have a tattoo?) and that her new owner will become a dumpling.
@Diana S–sounds like a great plan. I’m in. Eagerly awaiting my name tag. I just realized that when these show up at vsrious track, everybody is going to want one.
judy berube
Dear Diana S.,
The Dumpling Tags came today for Russ and me. They’re adorable. Thank you so much for all your hard work and for being so sweet. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear DJ:
Thank you for the morning prayer. Hugs, J.B.
Gary Moulton
@Baby Plays for today – ——————————–07-30-11 (12:30 pm est.)
There are two very nice specials today at the Spa, race 2 & race 6. I should only play the biggest field but what the heck, I’ll play them both. At DM there are two better specials, race 4 & race 6. I’m going to lay off the filly race and go with the bigger of the two fields. At DM I really like “Hurry Home Clover”. I should bet him to win but I want to hit a tri so I will box his bump.
Race 2 – #3 “Officer Prado”, #5 “Stealcase”, & #6 “Doctorious”
Race 6 – #3 “Saturday Classic”, #4 “Quiet Danger”, & #6 “Captain Webb”
$1.00 Triple Box 3, 4, 6 = $6.00
Race 6 – #1 “Big Bad Barry”, #5 “Dr. Evil”, & #6 **“Hurry Home Clover”**
$1.00 Triple Box 1, 5, 6 = $6.00
Bet $18.00 Starting the day -$87.00 Good Luck
@DJ – Very Nice – Amen – For folks that are numbers players, only boxin for fun, I would play 1, 5, 7 you might be quite stunned, at every track in the land, at the Spa 1, 4, 3, A little tip from the upstairs Man.
Good morning Zenny and all, A beautiful day here today. Love the picture of the travelers.
@Michelle Cross: Thanks for the Blind Luck cam link. It sounded like Blind Luck was verbally responding to the jockey’s voice and pet and was having fun. CUTE! Fun to watch.
@Abigail from Montreal: Thanks for the link to Frederic Pignon with Lancelot. Glad for YouTube so we can see these wonderful, beautiful videos!
And people like Dumplings to share the links. LOL Arlene
judy berube
Dear Diana S.:
Like your idea of everyone donating and then dividing proceeds among different charities. Hugs, J.B.