Good Morning,
The other day at Barn 55, Gilbert was there ready to work. He
does horse dental work for some of my pals at the barn.
Well, he truly came prepared with his ZENYATTA CAP. Around the brim,
he has all of the different jockey figures and pins he has collected in relation
to certain races, horses and people in the industry. It is really a very unique
I know that the DEL MAR HAT CONTEST was last Wednesday….but in my
opinion, GILBERT’S cap is a real winner!
Happy ‘Hump Day’! Dottie tells me this is a reference used by people when
working a normal business week…Monday through Friday. Wednesday is the
mid-point…thus, you only have 2 days until the weekend.
This is TOO CUTE! In our industry, Wednesday often begins the racing week!
Interesting, how differences occupations can have such varying schedules. I
think that is what makes life so much FUN!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Sue Fredrick
@Kari Bussel, its easy to be kind to you, you are so nice! Thanks for the link to Winter Memories I saw her run this spring at Keeneland and bet on her and won!
@Michael Blowen, so sorry about Miss Cozy I met her this spring at Old Friends you must be heartbroken to lose these horses so close together.
@Terry Crow, hey I’ve been studying from the master (you) but I’ll never have your repertoire.
@Susan in TN, congrats to you and your daughter, boy I bet that will be nice for you with horses yourself to have a doc in the house.
Sally (B)
Sweet Z; Gilbert would have gotten my vote for an awesome hat. Hope Wi. weather comes your way, except for the hard rain, as we have turned cooler. Just watched a video “Time to Say Goodbye Zenyatta”. I got so so choked up. Perhaps you ended your greatest racing career but I will always want to say “Hello” not “Goodbye” to you!! I am so grateful for you writing us. love you, with 2 kisses on your soft nose
@Gloria Jean I voted for Z
@J.Berube or Brussel; I can not remember who posted the link for the video; but thanks ever so much. I am always behind on posts, a day late & a dollar short. Keep up your interesting links, I’ll get to them eventually!
@?? What is this about “Dumplings”?
Yvonne and Maurice
Hi Zenyatta. Wow, did you get a chance to view Frankel’s race — it was so awesome. I do hope that Canford Cliffs was not injured in any way – he veered off to the left dramatically. I just know Bobby was looking down at this race today and was riding with his namesake. Love you Zenyatta – just loved the decorated Zenyatta hat – I have your hats hanging on my door besides all of your pictures – of course, your posters and pics are throughout our apartment! Love you big girl. Stay cool in this heat, eat well for two and have fun with your BBFs. Love you, Angel in Disguise.
Trina Nagele
Dearest Zenny—Just saw the video of the Sussex Stakes. I’m sure you’re pleased with your friend’s victory! As the announcer said, “What a race! What a horse!” High hoof to your friend Frankel in England, your special friend Dottie in California, and to Bobby Frankel up above.
@Lil from KY—Of course we’ll say prayers and think good thoughts for your dear friend Catherine in ICU, and for you with your up-coming surgery. I certainly hope all will go well. It’s good to hear that both sons are “on the mend.” Hugs to all.
@Barbara Grimaldi—I love your charming honesty: With the holidays coming, Zenny clothing would be perfect gifts for…(wait for it…) OURSELVES! I think the Temple Grandin book you mentioned, Animals Make Us Human, would be another great gift for ourselves! I haven’t gotten a hold of it yet, but “aspire to,” as you said so nicely in reference to the Dumpling badge. I am also trying to find time to read Grandin’s Animals in Translation, which is sitting on my book shelf, but finding time for Zenyatta dot com takes precedence in my life, and even so, I’ve fallen behind!
@The Kennedys— Thanks for your link with that great photo of the enthusiastic Shackleford. Doesn’t he look super cute? Thanks too for the link comparing Blind Luck and Havre de Grace. Love them both!
@Cheryl Smith —Belated happy birthday wishes, and may you have many happy returns!
@Susan in TN—Please give my congratulations and a high hoof to Beth on passing that test! You go, girl!
@Kari Bussell—I’ll try to make my directions for posting links a little clearer in a little bit. But you know, I think it’s best if you call me at (805) 525-3630. Start to leave a message, and I’ll pick up if I’m home and awake. Leave a complete message if I don’t pick up, and I can call you back. Let me know an appropriate time. I’m on Pacific time, and I have my morning exercise routine (an hour of jogging/walking) and feeding of dogs and cats and myself before I’m ready for the day—so say from 9:15AM on till 11PM to receive a call, but out for an evening walk also from 7PM to 8PM, more or less. So give me a call when you have your computer going and a link you would like to copy and paste. Together we can do it!
@Anyone who wants help on how to post links without typing them–Just in case you are interested, any Z-ster can call me if you want info about how to post links without having to type them (see post above to Kari), or e-mail me if you like at trinambn@yahoo.com.
@Max—Thanks for the Frankel/Bobby Frankel link, also mentioned by Paula Higgins, and for the link to Northern Dancer’s line.
@Anyone who wants help on how to post links without typing them–Just in case you are interested, you (or any Z-ster) can call me too if you want info about how to post links without having to type them, or e-mail me if you like at trinambn@yahoo.com.
@Terry Crow—Missed you! Glad you’re feeling better now. Great joke, and more great titles. Thanks!
@Kin S—I sure didn’t think William was going to do that! But I bet you’re right, that flirty Lacy provokes his jealous side, and poor little Laddie took the brunt of it. Kudos to you for getting William to let go of Laddie before any harm was done! High hoof!
@Laura J—Thanks for the link about Cozy Miss. That was an adorable photo of her happily making horse angels in the snow not so long ago.
@Old Friends—Condolences on the loss of Cozy Miss and Awad. It was nice for them that they already lived in horse heaven at Old Friends, so they’ll know their way around in the heavenly pastures.
Trina Nagele
Dearest Zenny—Just saw the video of the Sussex Stakes. I’m sure you’re pleased with your friend’s victory! As the announcer said, “What a race! What a horse!” High hoof to your friend Frankel in England, your special friend Dottie in California, and to Bobby Frankel up above.
@Lil from KY—Of course we’ll say prayers and think good thoughts for your dear friend Catherine in ICU, and for you with your up-coming surgery. I certainly hope all will go well. It’s good to hear that both sons are “on the mend.” Hugs to all.
@Barbara Grimaldi—I love your charming honesty: With the holidays coming, Zenny clothing would be perfect gifts for…(wait for it…) OURSELVES! I think the Temple Grandin book you mentioned, Animals Make Us Human, would be another great gift for ourselves! I haven’t gotten a hold of it yet, but “aspire to,” as you said so nicely in reference to the Dumpling badge. I am also trying to find time to read Grandin’s Animals in Translation, which is sitting on my book shelf, but finding time for Zenyatta dot com takes precedence in my life, and even so, I’ve fallen behind!
@The Kennedys— Thanks for your link with that great photo of the enthusiastic Shackleford. Doesn’t he look super cute? Thanks too for the link comparing Blind Luck and Havre de Grace. Love them both!
@Cheryl Smith —Belated happy birthday wishes, and may you have many happy returns!
@Susan in TN—Please give my congratulations and a high hoof to Beth on passing that test! You go, girl!
@Kari Bussell—I’ll try to make my directions for posting links a little clearer in a little bit. But you know, I think it’s best if you call me at (805) 525-3630. Start to leave a message, and I’ll pick up if I’m home and awake. Leave a complete message if I don’t pick up, and I can call you back. Let me know an appropriate time. I’m on Pacific time, and I have my morning exercise routine (an hour of jogging/walking) and feeding of dogs and cats and myself before I’m ready for the day—so say from 9:15AM on till 11PM to receive a call, but out for an evening walk also from 7PM to 8PM, more or less. So give me a call when you have your computer going and a link you would like to copy and paste. Together we can do it!
@Anyone who wants help on how to post links without typing them–Just in case you are interested, any Z-ster can call me if you want info about how to post links without having to type them (see post above to Kari), or e-mail me if you like at trinambn@yahoo.com.
@Max—Thanks for the Frankel/Bobby Frankel link, also mentioned by Paula Higgins, and for the link to Northern Dancer’s line.
@Terry Crow—Missed you! Glad you’re feeling better now. Great joke, and more great titles. Thanks!
@Kin S—I sure didn’t think William was going to do that! But I bet you’re right, that flirty Lacy provokes his jealous side, and poor little Laddie took the brunt of it. Kudos to you for getting William to let go of Laddie before any harm was done! High hoof!
@Laura J—Thanks for the link about Cozy Miss. That was an adorable photo of her happily making horse angels in the snow not so long ago.
@Old Friends—Condolences on the loss of Cozy Miss and Awad. It was nice for them that they already lived in horse heaven at Old Friends, so they’ll know their way around in the heavenly pastures.
Barbara Wood
@Sally B– Diana S is making name tags for us. If you will e-mail her the name you want to use plus your mailing address, she will make one. After the mess-up I made earlier, I am afraid to post her e-mail address. OK–here goes: diastu46@gmail.com.(If this doesn’t get it, she posted it herself earlier in today’s diary. Just scroll up.)
@Laura J–thanks for the heads up about Cozy. RIP, dear girl. It was great to see her rolling in the snow.
Michael Blowen has both the best and the worst job in the world. Condolences to everyone at Old Friends.
Dearest Z– when we hear of injuries and losses, we are so thankful that you are safe and well and SO LOVED! Love you always.
Trina Nagele
@Sally (B)—- As you know, Dottie is the racing manager for the Mosses, and she started affectionately referring to their horses collectively as “the Mosses’ dumplings.”’ Karen Gogue then started calling Zenyatta’s fans “Z’s Dumplings.” And Diana S has undertaken to make name tags featuring a picture of a dumpling preceded by “Z’s”. Above that, she’ll write the zenyatta.com handle you use when you post, or your real name, just as you wish. Free for the asking!
It helps us spot each other when we meet at a racetrack. Too cute!
This is TOO CUTE that you are learning vernacular from humans! That’s for sharing with Z Dottie! Keeps her new life interesting!
judy berube
Rest in Peace Cozy Miss. Hugs, J.B.
Kari Bussell
@Lil in Ky – In my effort to get caught up on replies from days ago & keep it brief I left out – my thoughts and prayers are with you, your sons and friend Katherine. Please let us know how she is when you have time.
Love you Zenny and little Z.
@ EK:Thanks for your notes on sprinklers and lightning rods. I am hoping your notes will cause some owners to think about it and take action! Also appreciate your comments on cryotherapy and how cruel the research is when the therapy is proven already.
@Trina: I’m going to try to get some Owny stamps the next time I go to Montgomery!
@Lil in KY: Your many friends are praying for you, your sons and friend.
@Terry Crow: I confess I was getting worried! Soooo glad you’re back! Relief aptly described! Hope the problem is gone for good.
@ Kennedy’s: Lot of information on one poster. Again shows the beginning price isn’t the ultimate measure for some like Zenny and now BL.
@Susan in TN: YEAH for your Beth!
@Diana S and Jag: You had a rhyming theme going for sure! Perhaps it will go in a song…or maybe not:)
@Ann Maree, JAG, and judy berube: Thanks for the links to Frankel and Galileo.
@DJ: Bless you and I totally agree with your sp. int. for Diana S.
@Kari Bussell: Exciting race! She’s beautiful!
@Laura J: I loved see Cozy Miss enjoying the snow and making angels. RIP dear one.
@Lisa G: I had the right address, just couldn’t type it in the right order the first three times. I think I have CDO, it’s like OCD, but the letters are in the correct order:)
@all: sweet dreams everyone. I’m off to light candles then turn in. See you tomorrow.
judy berube
Dear Gary Moulton:
That’s why I don’t like playing favorites. I like to look for long shots I think have a chance to upset. Didn’t expect Three Cuties to be the favorite. The only way to to break even for the day with an $11.10 Exacta is to play it in a $10.00 box. Would cost $20.00 and pay back $111.00. I do that sometimes. Good luck with the next babies you choose. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Kari Bussell:
As Tom Durkin said, “What A Filly”. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Sally B.
It was Kari Bussell who posted the “Time to Say Goodbye” video of Z. I love it too. Hugs, J.B.
Kari Bussell
@Judy Berube- several weeks ago you replied to a comment I made and it ended with “then you are the fire”….You gave my husband a great chuckle and he said to tell you to add the word spit in front of fire…-Southern Term-
@Barbara Grimaldi- I agree with Trina Nigele-I love you charming honesty too!..very refreshing!
judy berube
Dear Terry Crow:
Carson was something else. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Z,
Goodnight and Sweet Baby Dreams. Love you, Judy and Russ
judy berube
Dear Z Family,
Thank you for all the wonderful posts and links today. Enjoyed them all. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Kari Bussell:
You are the Spitfire if I am the flame. Hugs, J.B.
Kari Bussell
@Judy Berube-Funny!
Michelle Cross
I love you Z! I think you need a date next year with Galileo (Frankel’s Daddy) or Frankel himself when he retires. WOW what a baby that would be. His race today was spectacular. Winter Memories was awesome too. None compare to you though.
Anne from Paramount, CA
@Queen Z As usual, enjoying your diaries this week. Loved the photo of you “studying” yourself in the previous (I think) diary. TOO CUTE! It’s been a busy week for me, and I show off your pictures wherever I go. (Such as out to a b/day dinner with two girlfriends last night) and tomorrow evening there will be an annual (for me) Concert in the Park–I hesitate to say this Z, but it will be cool down by the ocean…will need to bring a sweater along with my HollyPark/DelMar towels. Perhaps reading this will make you (and others) feel a teeny bit cooler…I hope! The hot weather is beyond YIKES! BE SAFE! Can you chew on ice?
@Terry Crow—whew, what you have been through! Happy you are okay and still joking. Following up on your remarks re Bo Derek with Roger Stein, I tend to agree with you. She stood up for herself and did not let Roger “get away” with some of his usual remarks, such as what he said about Dick Mandella. He is a good interviewer, but at times gets carried away. That interview with Frank Stroanch was a classic in that at the end, I said to Rod, “huh, what’s that he said? Sure wasn’t in English!” I think Mr. S.learned some dance steps from OUR QUEEN, except you dance for fun and flirtation, right, Z? :)
@Jane C from a couple of diaries past: I was very moved by your post.
@JSmith: LOL, Uncle Mo the handicapper–ha ha. Although could be a Guys and Dolls Damon Runyon (sp?) character, no?
@Michael Blowen and Old Friends: so sorry for your recent losses. :(
@all, very sorry about First Dude. Last Saturday Trevor D mentioned how fragile the horses are with their legs on 1200 lb bodies…
@The Kennedys & @ Judy Berube, thanks for your continuing links.:) And yes, Lava Man is way cool.
@Susan in TN..congrats to Beth. Way to go!
@anyone: when at BC 2009 SA–they–security -were very strict regarding NO chairs. Rod had to convince the guy I NEEDED a chair, which he eventually allowed as I had my cane with me at that time, but was told to keep it (chair)in one place. (This was on Friday and at the top of the stretch. Saturday was completely different–another time for that.) I am able to move around a lot better now (knock on wood, the power of modern medication), but I could not/would not stand/walk for extended periods. For Gold Cup Day with the Dumplings, it was more than usual for me, but oh so much FUN! :) :)
@Charlotte Farmer, hope you are feeling better. Sending positive thoughts to you and to Noor on your trip. Same @ your boyfriend and our unstoppable Diana S. @Myself: MUST GO…Good night all, from SoCal. :)
Gary Moulton
@Everybody is wondering if Bobby is watching from above. Well according to this famous Cowboy Poem by “Wallace McRae” he might already be among us somewhere or soon will be. I didn’t know Bobby but from what I’ve heard I think he would get a laugh from this one. And everybody knows how important that is in this trying times.
“Wallace McRae” is a third-generation rancher, with a 30,000 acre cow-calf ranch in Forsyth, Montana. He is has been a part of nearly every National Cowboy Poetry Gathering. He was the first cowboy poet to be awarded the National Heritage Award from the National Endowment for the Arts. He is a recipient of the Montana Governor’s Award for the Arts, and has served on the National Council of the Arts.
“What does Reincarnation mean?”
A cowpoke asked his friend.
His pal replied, “It happens when
Yer life has reached its end.
They comb yer hair, and warsh yer neck,
And clean yer fingernails,
And lay you in a padded box
Away from life’s travails.”
“The box and you goes in a hole,
That’s been dug into the ground.
Reincarnation starts in when
Yore planted ‘neath a mound.
Them clods melt down, just like yer box,
And you who is inside.
And then yore just beginnin’ on
Yer transformation ride.”
“In a while, the grass’ll grow
Upon yer rendered mound.
Till some day on yer moldered grave
A lonely flower is found.
And say a hoss should wander by
And graze upon this flower
That once wuz you, but now’s become
Yer vegetative bower.”
“The posy that the hoss done ate
Up, with his other feed,
Makes bone, and fat, and muscle
Essential to the steed,
But some is left that he can’t use
And so it passes through,
And finally lays upon the ground
This thing, that once wuz you.”
“Then say, by chance, I wanders by
And sees this upon the ground,
And I ponders, and I wonders at,
This object that I found.
I thinks of reincarnation,
Of life and death, and such,
And come away concludin’: ‘Slim,
You ain’t changed, all that much.'”
——————————————–Wallace McRae
Marshall (girl's name)
Dear Zenny, please stay cool! We love you! Sweet dreams!
@Terry Crow, Sorry about the kidney stones, but glad you are better! Thanks for the cowboy joke and for the funny titles, too! I loved Johnny Carson and miss him still.
@Susan in TN, Congratulations to your daughter and you! Hugs to Lou, also!
@Old Friends, condolences to all on the loss of Cozy Miss. The picture of her making snow angels this past winter was really sweet!
Maria K.
I love you Queen Z!!!!!!
s (in San Diego)
Dear Z…great hat on your buddy Gilbert.
@Gloria Jean..Voted.
@Terry, glad you are feeling better. Ouch.
Frankel was impressive again today…Hope it comes here for the Breeders Cup. Hope to get there this year. It was easy when it was a couple hours up the road year before last.
Update on the mare: She is still with Keith but he said there is alot interest and people are completing the application. So..we should have a home to announce soon, I hope. Amazing how attached I have gotten to this little mare.
Sweet dreams everyone and God Bless.
Before I sign off for the night! This is a great article about FRANKEL’s win today – The Shirreffs are also quoted :-)
s (in San Diego)
didn’t mean to call Frankel “it”…meant to say..hope He ….
Diana S
@Teacher: Can I go play with my Z Blog friends? Pleeease?
@diastu in tempe: Did you finish your Z Dumpling project?
@Teacher: Yes, ma’am. See the box of envelopes by the door? So can I go play?
@diastu: Did you warn them that the name tags are all done by hand and no two are alike?
@Teacher: Um, no. I’ll do it now: Warning!
@diastu: Oh, get out of here and go play!
Diana S
@sue fredrick: eeeuuuwww!
diastu in tempe