Good Morning,
The other day at Barn 55, Gilbert was there ready to work. He
does horse dental work for some of my pals at the barn.
Well, he truly came prepared with his ZENYATTA CAP. Around the brim,
he has all of the different jockey figures and pins he has collected in relation
to certain races, horses and people in the industry. It is really a very unique
I know that the DEL MAR HAT CONTEST was last Wednesday….but in my
opinion, GILBERT’S cap is a real winner!
Happy ‘Hump Day’! Dottie tells me this is a reference used by people when
working a normal business week…Monday through Friday. Wednesday is the
mid-point…thus, you only have 2 days until the weekend.
This is TOO CUTE! In our industry, Wednesday often begins the racing week!
Interesting, how differences occupations can have such varying schedules. I
think that is what makes life so much FUN!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
For those who would like to share an Evening Prayer/Hymn:
Come, thou almighty King,
Help us thy name to sing;
Help us to praise:
Father, all glorious,
O’er all victorious,
Come, and reign over us,
Ancient of Days.
Come, thou incarnate Word,
Gird on thy mighty sword;
Our prayer attend;
Come, and thy people bless,
And give thy word success;
Spirit of holiness,
On us descend.
Come, holy Comforter,
Thy sacred witness bear
In this glad hour!
Thou who almighty art,
Now rule in ev’ry heart,
And ne’er from us depart,
Spirit of pow’r.
To the great One, Thee,
Eternal praises be
Hence evermore!
His sov’reign majesty
May we in glory see,
And to eternity
Love and adore.
…………………….Anonymous c. 1757
JAG :-) California
J Smith
JAG thanks for Ghandi quote, that’s what I’m always saying, but in my own words, and people just think i’m nagging! I will use his quote now, they will surely take a lot more notice of Ghandi than me!!!
Kathryn Cogswell
‘The Swat Team!’ by Robin Laws ~ http://www.robinlaws.com/swat-team.htm .. . her life-size bronzes get hugs every time I`m near their corner.
judy berube
Dear DJ:
Thank you. Hugs, J.B.
Kari Bussell
@Susan in Tn. Congrats to Beth!
Brenda S
Vic has done some research on Tasty T’s height and believes she is 16.1 hands so, if Vic’s research is good, the recent photo that seemed to show Zenny and Tasty T being the same size must have due to the camera angle. Good to know that our Zenny still stands above the rest.
I voted for the 2012 calendar – we should get the best cover girl ever.
You are welcome Judy. Goodnite and God bless!
@Martha in Ocala, I posted a link to that particular hat a couple of times above. Scroll way up and you’ll find it, or look for my posts. You can also find a different design by clicking on “Merchandise” at the top of the page. :-)
judy berube
Dear DJ:
Goodnight and God Bless you. Hugs, J.B.
Kc: Swat Team..so beautiful and true to form. Turning in early, God bless you and yours.
Kari Bussell
This is a great race. The filly who wins this race has won 5 of 6 of her races…won’t tell who in case you have not watched this yet….but Way to Go Girl!-
J Smith
@Lisa G. Don’t know who is racing on Friday, but which ever horse she bets on, tell her to bet to SHOW, then she will win if it comes in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd. For your first bet, better to win something than nothing! Have u mentioned Uncle Mo to bday girl? If so, u can tell her to look out for cousin Thirsty in the Jim Dandy at Saratoga on Sat. Stay Thirsty is also Z’s ‘step son’ (!!!) he is a Bernardini colt. I’m pretty sure u already know that, but it’ll b fun for bday girl to know a little about it. I have told this story before but u may not have seen it, I was at the track with 2 know it all guy friends the first time I saw Thirsty run, I dragged them to the TV and was yelling for Thirsty, who won. The guys looked shocked and said, why didn’t u tel us to bet on him, I did, but they wouldn’t listen! They asked how I knew about Stay Thirsty, I said, Uncle Mo told me. They thought Mo was a handicapper! So much for them knowing it all. Ha Ha, and don’t think for a minute I let them forget that one.
Love you Zenny!!!! Gilbert wins the contest by a mile!!!.. Lots of big Hugs and Kisses to you, Alene PS, Congrads to “Frankel” for winning the Sussex Stakes today.. I’m sure Bobby Frankel was there with him.. I’m glad he beat Canford Cliffs. Why? Because I LOVE “Goldikova” and Canford Cliffs beat her in her last race…. :-)
Brenda S
@ Kari B – What a race, and what a finish.
Thanks for the link.
Time for bed, have to get up very, very early to take my daughter to the airport. Good night Zenny, sweet dreams of baby Z.
sp.int. for Diana S. and her prayerful ministry of tagging all Dumplings into one fold and allowing no Dumpling to be ‘left behind’ near or far..
The eternal gifts of our Good King,
The friends before us, let us sing,
And all with hearts of gladness, raise
Due hymns of thankful love and praise.
Their faith and trust, the Lord, prevailed;
Their hope, a light that never failed;
Their love ablaze o’er pathways trod
To lead them to the eternal God.
To thee with thankful hearts we cry,
That thou wouldst join to them on high
Thy good servants, who this grace implore,
For ever and for ever more.
…………..diastu Saint Ambrose, d. 397
Barbara Wood
@Diana S–oh good grief! Am I hopeless or what?? I didn’t realize the typo until I went back to see my letters were jumbled. AAUGH!!!! (And I really was an English teacher; I just can’t type!) Glad the new Dumplings are being taken care of, despite my goofs. Apologies to Barbara Grimaldi and Lisa G.
@Susan in TN– CONGRATULATIONS TO BETH. WAY TO GO! We are honored to be the next to know after you. Please keep us updated on Lou as well.
Anyone heard any more about Lil in KY’s Catherine?
Sunny Boyd
* * * * :)
@friends of Old Friends, more sad news:
@Michael Blowen, if you are reading, so sorry for your loss. It’s been a terrible week for you guys.
Gary Moulton
@Baby Results – 07-27-11
Race 3 – “Hard Nose” was out sprinted despite leaving the gate under some encouragement, underwent a three wide pursuit, folded, and finished dead last.
The winner “J C’s Pride” reinforces “Overdriven’s” win in the Sanford and CJ’s time was very good. -$5.00
Race 5 – Should have known better, I took the wrong War Front and with a name like “Doctor Chit” he didn’t have the salt, like a lot Doctor’s that don’t show up, and the way I feel about Doctor’s right now, well enough said. The other two got 2nd & 3rd. There were two scratches and I expected one of the entries to scratch, but not both of them so the field ended up being 8 horses. -$6.00
Race 1 – The odds were below 2 to 1 on “Hot Ride” at post time so I passed this race. Good thing too because “Hot Ride” came 2nd. Void Bet.
Race 8 – Bumps finished 3rd, 4th, and 8th . There was a late scratch when “Elegant Eve” decided she wanted to run around alone. Nice pick up to the out riders.
Back to work -$6.00
@”Frankel” – WOW!!!! – Boy he sure grew up today, straight and true like an arrow. All I can say is in the Sussex Stakes, “Frankel” ran a furlong in 10:13, at 42mph. Clicking off 11’s is impressive, but 10’s, are you kidding me? If he stays sound and continues to learn, look out, “Eclipse”, Big Z, Big Red, and all the rest, there’s a new sheriff in town. Sports analogy “Drafted right out of High School “Bobby Frankel” trounces one of the top college athlete’s in the land “Canford Cliff’s” who just beat a seasoned pro all-star “Goldikova”. Will he make the playoffs? [BC]”.
I hope Bobby and his connections keep going until he loses.
I would beg GOD that we see him healthy, happy, strong, and winning at 5.
@Winter Memories – Very nice recovery after checking hard, went wide, re-bid, geared down, won easy. We are seeing something very special in this 2nd half of the season.
Thank you Lord. Please keep-em coming!!!
@judy berube – That’s why there is no value in boxing chalk.
@DJ – Can’t play them all. I might have a good one on Friday.
@ harriett – You’re welcome but I wouldn’t invest too much the way I’ve been running.
-$17.00 Today – $63.00 going into tomorrow
@LauraJ. Very sad news about Cozy, but it was nice to see her in that photo so happy playing in the snow. Rest easy sweet girl.
Kari Bussell
@Laura J- very sad news about Miss Cozy – too much at one time….
@ Michael Blowen….I am so sorry. I’ll keep you in my prayers
Kari Bussell
*Cozy Miss- good grief I do know!
Terry Crow
@Diane S-I was gato del pain. @DJ-Thank you. @Barbra Grimaldi-Thank you. I survived, but it was in doubt for a while. As for track surfaces, Judy Berube is quite correct. The physical location of the track has very little to do with the composition of it. The only consideration it gets is when it is in an area where there is a lot of rain or snow, and elements are added to the track to compensate. Being close to a beach would not mean that the track has a lot of sand in/on it. I am reviewing the post about the new track at Santa Anita. I will comment on it tomorrow.@Barbara Wood-The pain is immediate and with no warning. There are only two ways to cure it. either you pass the stone or the doctor goes in and destroys it with a laser. @Susan in TN-Great news. Does a mother of a doctor have an official title? If not, they deserve one. @Sue Fredrick-Good one. Similar to a line used by Johnny Carson one time in Vegas when I was there. A heckler was giving him a bad time. He said, as near as I can remember, “There’s a bus leaving in 10 minutes. Be under it.” His standup routine was very funny and his jokes were clean.
Gary Moulton
RIP Cozy – I love the horse angels pic.
I remember her well and her Daddy even better.
The world is spining faster and faster now
Kari Bussell
@Terry Crow- glad you made it to the other side. I hope you are all out of pain now….you are obviously a real trooper! Keep them coming…
Lisa g
@JSmith, I did tell her to bet across the board, that is usually what I do. As for Thirsty, I told my cousin to bet him Across the Board at the Belmont, I knew he was a mudder, and NY rain was coming down. He did not and was kicking his own behind for not laying down an extra 12 bucks…I wish there was a way to find out about Friday on Thursday at least. She is starting to ask questions and is getting into Zenyatta….Thanks again.
Lisa g
Thank you everybody.
Congratulations to Beth, what an achievement!
Rest In Peace,Cozy.
Ms Zenyatta, did I tell you I love you today. I love you, Big Girl. Somebody called our niece/newphew Tiny Dancer earlier…I really like that. Good night, Queen of All.
Kim S
Happy Hump Day to you Miss Z. Hope the “Bump” is well on this hump day :)
@Terry Crow–welcome back, sorry about your discomfort, to say the least. Great come back post!
@JAG–really cool jacket, only white and I don’t get along too well.
@Lil from KY–keeping you in my thoughts and prayers with all that is on your plate right now.
@Diana S–yes, you are a hoot! Really perked up my day.
@Susan in TN–Woo Hoo!! Tell Beth congratulations and good job!! Thanks for asking about William. He is doing fine but has been a little bit of the Alpha male of late. Some stalls were switched around and he is so jealous of any males that Lacy likes to “flirt” with. **wink, wink** I think she does this on purpose, the bad girl. William did give me a scare today at feeding time though. Sometimes the 3 mini’s are brought into the middle of the barn to be fed, like today. They also do the cleanup of spilled feed and loose hay. Well, Laddie, got too close to William’s stall while on cleanup duty and William reached over and grabbed the top of Laddies’ neck, about 6 inches above the withers, luckily, his mane is very thick. Picked the little guy up off of his front feet. I thought he was going to sling him around like a doll or hurt his hooves or legs. Poor Laddie is laminitic. I was about 3 feet away from William and said his name loudly and threw my hands in the air which had the desired effect and he let Laddie go. (No marks or blood, just saliva) And not surprising, the little guy went back to eating :), as I got my heart rate back to normal. Of course, I had to tell William what a bad boy he was and then love on Laddie.
Wow, Zenny, good and bad news again in the horse world. So sad to hear about Cozy Miss, but at least she was at one of the best places possible, with Michael Blowen at Old Friends.
Congratulations to Frankel for his fantastic win. What a racer he is!!
Have a wonderful night Zenny, Team(s) Z, Z’sters and Dumplingz. Lotsa love to all.
J Smith
Lisa G – me too! I knew Thirsty & Ruler on Ice both love mud so put $2. on each to show, big spender that I am! I watched on TV from HP and all the guys around me couldn’t believe I had the 1-2. I couldn’t believe none of these people read and act accordingly. I mean, it doesn’t take a genius to read, ‘loves mud’ and see the track is covered in the stuff. Then they all proceeded to relish the fact that I missed winning 100’s because I didn’t box them. I don’t care, I was happy with my $25, and bragging rights. You could ask Gary Moulton for tips. Or, you could go to Del Mar & Saratoga websites, they will have the race entries posted, see if you recognize anyone. If not, look & see who the winningest trainer & jockey are and look for that combo. Failing that, just pick a horse whose silks colors you like, at least you enjoy looking at it!!! Don’t laugh, I have won many times with that one.