Good Morning,
The other day at Barn 55, Gilbert was there ready to work. He
does horse dental work for some of my pals at the barn.
Well, he truly came prepared with his ZENYATTA CAP. Around the brim,
he has all of the different jockey figures and pins he has collected in relation
to certain races, horses and people in the industry. It is really a very unique
I know that the DEL MAR HAT CONTEST was last Wednesday….but in my
opinion, GILBERT’S cap is a real winner!
Happy ‘Hump Day’! Dottie tells me this is a reference used by people when
working a normal business week…Monday through Friday. Wednesday is the
mid-point…thus, you only have 2 days until the weekend.
This is TOO CUTE! In our industry, Wednesday often begins the racing week!
Interesting, how differences occupations can have such varying schedules. I
think that is what makes life so much FUN!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Diana S
@Lisa g: I’ve actually already made your name tag ’cause I thought you would be at HP on Gold Cup day. So send me that address and it’ll be on its way. [Note to all – Google and Gmail were having some difficulties today; just try later.]
diastu in tempe
judy berube
Dear Barbara Grimaldi:
I think Terry Crow could answer your question better than I. He is very knowledgeable about horse racing and track surfaces. But I think its more the way the track surface sets up, than where it’s located, that gave Belmont that nickname. Terry, can you please add your expertise. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Diana S.:
You are a riot. Laughing out loud at your “law firm”. Hugs, J.B.
Barbara Grimaldi:
Your “it’s like waiting for Santa to send me a pony…” cracked me up. I think you, Diana and Terry Crow have missed your calling. Hugs, J.B.
Shari Voltz
Hi Sweet Zenyatta. It has been a rather emotional day so I need a kiss. How about I kiss that BEAUTIFUL NOSE. I love you sweet girl. I love the hat. I have a black Z hat and I really like that one a lot too. I wear my Uncle Mo hat to walk the dogs so I don’t get ticks in my hair. I walk them in the woods and one time got a tick in my head. YEAK!!! Zenyatta I am reading a story about Genuine Risk. It made me think of you. Strong females in a male dominated sport. Like the song says now she’s (Zenyatta) the Queen of the sport of Kings. I am learning so much about your sport. Three females have won the Run for the Roses. That is just amazing. I always thought the Kentucky Derby was only for males. I am learning. Well sweet girl tell Tasty Temptations hi and both you girls stay cool. Sending you Big Kisses and Big Hugs. Love, Shari XXXOOO
@ Thank you Z family for listening to me tell about Our Mims.
@ Hi Susan in Tn. Thank you for listening :)
Luv the hat!!! I have a Zenyatta hat but I need to embellish it with pins and stuff that are related to horse-racing.
How are you doing these days Zen? I hope you are safe and cool in this ultra-hot weather.
Paula Higgins
If you haven’t read it, go to google/news and read the article about Frankel and his namesake Bobby Frankel. It is just wonderful. Dottie is quoted extensively in it. I loved how Bobby left money to the ASPCA and Old Friends because he loved his dogs so much and obviously, horses as well. What a good guy he was. Dottie you were the kind of friend to him that we all wish we had.
For those who love the two Frankels, there is an interesting and inspiring article about both of them. Dottie is quoted extensively about Bobby Frankel and his legacy. All great winners.
Ingrid in MA
Hi Zenny and fans! I did my part and voted for the BC calendar. In the words of the TV show “the Highlander”, There can be only one….and of COURSE that one is our Zenyatta!! I think we need a whole calendarfull of just Zenny,for instance,March would be her enjoying her Guiness (St. Paddy’s Day, you know). Mingle racing pics with candid photos from then and now. Proceeds could go to a charity (or charities) of the Mosses,Zenny,and Dottie’s choice. Sounds like a win-win situation to me! Just a thought!
Love you, Sweet Zen!
JAG :-) California
I’m streaming DM from work shhhh – JUDY’S MY ANGEL got a good lead, but got nailed before the wire by THREE CUTIES :-( and lost by head
judy berube
Dear JAG:
That’s my exacta. Played Judy for my name and Three Cuties because it reminded me of Z. Got to check what it paid. Hugs, J.B.
JAG :-) California
@ judy – my name, too! :-) JUDY Congrats!!
Abigail from Montreal said that Frankel reminded her of Nijinsky, the last English Triple Crown winner, and son of Northern Dancer. Take a look at this picture of Nijinsky and you may see Frankel. The Dancer genes still rule.
Sharon Call
@Judy Berube. I did watch that video of Galileo. Just amazing that final burst of speed.
judy berube
Dear Max:
Thank you so much for the link about the two Frankels. Hugs, J.B.
Diana S
@sue fredrick: How to get a Dumpling name tag – rule 1) Love Zenny, Dottie, Team Z; rule 2) post here from time to time (FaceBook doesn’t count – oh, God don’t let all 90,000 of those people find out!); rule 3) live ANYWHERE except Mars (not that I have anything against people on Mars, but our postal service has enough trouble keeping the doors open here); rule 4) ask for one; rule 5) send me your mailing address and whether you want your blog moniker as the name or something else; rule 6) no moolah to me – help a charity instead (if I run out of card stock, money, or brains, I’ll let everyone know – oh, wait, about that last one – – .)
diastu in tempe
Shari Voltz
@ I forgot to ask. Anyone in the Z family know if any famous horses are going to run in the WV Derby? I know Animal Kingdom was suppose to be there but got injured. Also anyone know about the Jockeys? I saw Mike ride Mine That Bird two years ago. I had never seen a famous horse like him up close until that day. I was so excited to see Mike too.
judy berube
Dear DJ;
Finally got one and, wouldn’t you know, the Exacta 8-3 only paid $11.10. Three Cuties and Judy’s My Angel. So Investment $20.00 – Winnings $11.10. In the Red $8.90. There’s always tomorrow. I think maybe Gary M. fared no better today. Will wait to hear from him. Hugs, J.B.
To JB: Yes! It never ‘pays’ to be popular! As long as you had a good Today! Hugs are free..DJ
To Diana S: Evening Prayer is with sp. Int. for you…
p.s. ‘Sumpling tells me your new law firm will be a success!’
diastu in prayer…
Barbara Wood
@Diana S–you crack me up! TOO CUTE!
@Terry Crow–Welcome back! I feel your pain. Actually, I have had that. It woke me up in the middle of the night the morning after our daughter’s baby shower. She’s adopted, and someone said I was determined to go to the hospital for that baby myself!! I can laugh now, but I drink plenty of water. They put the fear into me. So glad you feel better.
@Sarah Powell–our vet comeds to the boarding facility for most things, but she needed her equipment and the med. for the floating.
@Barbara Grimaldi– so glad you got Diana. I was beginning to think I was crazy–glad it was just the computers.
judy berube
Dear Shari Voltz:
I’ve checked a few sites for Probable Contenders in the 2011 West Virginia Derby and so far came up empty. I think next week there will be something on the entries for that race. I’ll keep checking and post it for you if I find anything. Hugs, J.B.
To Terry C: I am sorry.. that is so painful I have heard. We missed you!!
About the joke..that just stinks! :)
Kari Bussell
Zenyatta- I hope you are nice and cool and having a super day. What a great hat Gilbert has-What I would not give to hear his stories about all his pins….I am sure his memories would be a treasure house of history. I am very behind on replies so please overlook the length.
@-Frankel- What a race…We love you too!
Back to #304 & 305
@Karen Gogue-Thank you! The words -my special friend-have a whole new very special place in my heart!….much more because of YOU!
@Harriet- thank you.She chokes me up too ,but I hope it also made you smile.
@Judy Berube-thank you. Hugs-Much Love & Joy back to you friend.
@Barbara wood Thank you- In responded-lol..
@Arlene-thank you very much.
@Dottie O. Moore- I am very glad you enjoyed it. Big Hug right back to you.
@Susan in Tn.-Thank you-also thank you for Chopper update. I really love all you are doing horses.
@DMCQ-Thank you! I am honored.
@Kate Wheeler-Wow! Thank you.
@Brenda S-thank you. You are always so nice.
@Signofthetimes-thank you!
@Suzanne G-Thank you.
@Trina Nagele-Ha-ha! Four very bad typos in a row. Thank you dear!…also-I keep trying to get my Mother to share here. I gave her your hug.
@Kim S-Thank YOU-As always!
@DJ-thank you for your beautiful words.
judy berube
Dear DJ:
Too funny. Never like to play favorites. Thought I had some value, but the odds dropped way down from the Morning Line. Hugs, J.B.
Irene Caty
Hi Zenny, I love the hat and I have that exact same hat without all the pins ect. on it plus I have a shirt to match showing all your races that you one including the 2009 Breeders cup win. Mike saw me at Hollywood park wearing the hat and shirt and he really liked it. I wore both to all the races and I had so many people asking me where did I get them. I was always so proud to wear them to show that I was a true Zenyatta Fan. I’m still a true fan of yours and love your Mom and Dad also. Have a great dat Queen Zenyatta and know I love you.
judy berube
Dear Kari Bussell:
Good to hear from you friend. Hugs, J.B.
Kari Bussell
@eastcoastkid-We are very lucky we go to witness such greatness!
@especially horses-Whenever I see footage of Big Red it Never fails to make the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I will smile and sometimes choke up in awe of him, but I always react.It is the same for Zenyatta…
@Brenda S- left out above- that you are so very lucky you got to see Secretariat run his last race in person.
Lisa g
@JB: Thank you, and bunches of hugs to you. Had to leave work before trying again, and figured it would be better at home anyway. I sent it and it has not come back…Diana has already made it, she did get my message…I have never know such loving, caring, supportive people in my entire life.
To Kari B: You are always welcome!