Good Morning,
The other day at Barn 55, Gilbert was there ready to work. He
does horse dental work for some of my pals at the barn.
Well, he truly came prepared with his ZENYATTA CAP. Around the brim,
he has all of the different jockey figures and pins he has collected in relation
to certain races, horses and people in the industry. It is really a very unique
I know that the DEL MAR HAT CONTEST was last Wednesday….but in my
opinion, GILBERT’S cap is a real winner!
Happy ‘Hump Day’! Dottie tells me this is a reference used by people when
working a normal business week…Monday through Friday. Wednesday is the
mid-point…thus, you only have 2 days until the weekend.
This is TOO CUTE! In our industry, Wednesday often begins the racing week!
Interesting, how differences occupations can have such varying schedules. I
think that is what makes life so much FUN!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Lisa g
The E mail on this post…first one since rejected by organization…then it came back again as the E mail address is not correct.
Lisa g
Ms Zenyatta: Frankel is an extremely talented and handsome man. Blush, blush.
Wink, wink.
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Galileo, Frankel’s Daddy. Like Father, like Son. Hugs, J.B. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnTpdiTHLrE&feature=related
Lisa g
Kennedy’s in SD: Love that link..too cute, for sure. I love both those ladies..I am just glad they are 1 and 2, they are both so great.
Terry Crow
@All of my Z friends-I have been battling kidney stones the last few days and was not able to post yesterday. Things are better now and here is today’s joke–Two cowboys are talking to each other. One cowboys says to the other “You going to the dance Saturday night?” Yep, says the other cowboy. The first cowboy then says “You takin’ a bath?” Second cowboy-“Nope. It ain’t formal.” More country titles–She feels like a new man tonight; He’s been drunk since his wife’s gone punk; I bought the boots that just walked out on me; If you won’t leave me alone, I’ll go and find someone else who will; Oh, I’ve got hair oil on my ears and my glasses are slipping down, but baby I can see through you; What made Milwaukee famous has made a loser out of me; I’m not married but the wife is; She got the gold mine and I got the shaft; Bridge washed out, I can’t swim and my baby’s on the other side; The pint of no return.
Carole #42
Hi Zen…Great hat, I have one too, I had to have a ZENYATTA hat. Love all the posts, enjoy reading them. I lit some candles for you. Thanks to Dottie for all her work.
Love to Zen..hugs and kisses.
judy berube
Dear Lisa g.:
Just checked my e-mail address for Diana. Try diastu46@gmail.com. Hugs, J.B.
Barbara Wood
@Sarah Powell–be glad to. I think there are several around. You have to be careful because they are not licensed veterinary dentists. We live in central TX, but there may be one in your area. We have a great vet, but our daughter had to walk Money around for quite a while before he could get in the trailer to come home, and that was scary because he nearly stumbled and fell. The tooth fairy just uses herbs that they sniff(or something like that that calms them) and then they just open their mouths, and she goes to work. Maybe you could google “natural horse tooth floating” or something like that. I’m sure not all are created equal, so you would want to ask a lot of questions of the prospective candidate, I’m sure. Money is 14 now, and it’s been 2 years. I don’t remember what it cost, but we got a cheaper deal because she did several at our boarding facility.
judy berube
Dear Terry Crow:
Hysterical. The day is now complete. Russ, had three bouts with stones over the years. One time on the way home from Saratoga the pain kicked in. What a ride that was. Hope you’re feeling better. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Signofthetimes:
Check out the video link of Galileo, Fankel’s sire posted above. He had that same burst of speed. Hugs, J.B.
JAG :-) California
“You may never know the result that comes from your actions, but if you do nothing, there will be no result.” ~ MAHATMA GANDHI
Terry Crow
@Judy Berube-I don’t want to even think about it. I was ready to go to the hospital when I passed the offending stone. @Barbara Wood-Just as a point of in formation, The Belmont track in the old days was configured for horses to run clockwise.
judy berube
Dear Signofthetimes:
Here’s an article about Franklin from May of this year, where they mention him maybe coming to Breeder’s Cup. Hope he does. Hugs, J.B. http://www.paulickreport.com/features/the-lane-s-end-weekender-pedigree/the-lane-s-end-weekender-pedigree-uncle-mo-and-frankel-a-stunning-contrast/
That is one cool hat! Hope you and your foal are keeping cool in the heat! I never that Wednesday was the start of the racing week; that is quite interesting. Is any reason as to why Wed. or just because? Love you Zenyatta and of course the “Queen’s Team” as well,
Sharon Call
@Everyone. Just got to watch the video of Frankel. Wow, what a horse and what a win. What really fascinates me is that they race right down the middle of the track. No staying on the rail to save ground. Is this standard with European races? I wonder how he would fair running turf in the US where they hug the rail. Anybody know?
Terry Crow
@DJ-Thank you. @Lil in KY-Nothing but good vibes going out to you, yours and your friend.@Judy Berube-Guess I was walking around lucky when the stone passed. It was like someone turning off a rap “song.”
judy berube
Dear Signofthetimes:
Oops. Senior Moment. …article about Frankel…Sorry. Hugs, J.B.
Paula Higgins
Gilbert’s hat is a hoot!!! Saw SECRETARIAT last night on t.v. and all I could think about was our girl. He had the same come from behind style as Zenny. He was a very handsome boy and Zenny is the Elizabeth Taylor?Angelina Jolie/etc. of thoroughreds imo. They would have made a lovely couple LOL.
tony and sue
Awesome hat, Zenny. But, anything with your name on it is in style!
judy berube
Dear Terry Crow:
I can only imagine. Well, thank goodness it’s over. Like the reference to “like turning off a rap song”. Ha, ha. Hugs, J.B.
Sue Fredrick
Hey big Z, love your friends hat, that is a real classic and I agree he should have won the hat contest. Congrats to Frankel he ran a real stunner of a race (posted it on yesterdays message). Would sure be cool if he came to Breeders Cup but it doesn’t sound like he will.
@Kennedys in SD, thanks for the post on BL and HDG I love both of these fillies but especially that little “tough nut” BL.
Hope she can do it again….imagine $11,000.00 that’s less than my car cost!
Thank you for sharing the photo of Gilbert’s wonderful hat! It scores high in my book just for being a Zenyatta hat, but all those jockey pins on it just add so much character also. It is wonderful!! It is also wonderful to read all the enthusiasm for Frankel’s great race this morning – wow!!! He is just an awesome colt. That is one race that will be watched over and over simply to admire how fluidly he moves, if that makes any sense. Thank you all for making this such a special place!!
Sarah Powell
@Barbara Wood thanks for your response – I will do some investigating. I don’t have to worry about getting them back home as my vet comes to me (due to numbers) but I still would prefer natural if possible. Thanks again – hope your weather is better. I had been watching the national map after several of your posts but I havn’t checked in the past couple of days. We’re in the low 90’s which sure beats triple digits but still no rain.
judy berube
Dear Sharon Call:
Check out the video link of Galileo (Frankel’s Sire). Same burst of speed. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear JAG:
Lit a candle for exactly that reason. (Fear could be a very bad result). Smart man, Gandhi, Hugs, J.B.
Diana S
@Groan Alert: I’m starting a new law firm -Humpling, Rumpling, Bumpling and Dumpling. Sorry. Better go back to work!
diastu in tempe
Barbara Grimaldi
BARBARA W–I followed through on the corrected email address and it’s like waiting for Santa to send me a pony, which, of course, never happened in Brooklyn!
DIANA S.–thank you so much for doing this for all of us…if you need any kind of help, please ask–I’d be happy to help you in any way.
SARAH POWELL–thank you, too, for the teeth information–like, who knew all this besides horse people? I find it fascinating
ALEXANDRA–That is one informative piece! The mysterious hook that appears and disappears, shear mouth, wave mouth, and so many other facts…if an owner doesn’t do this, the horse can be irreparably harmed…which made me think of all the abandoned and hoarded horses that barely got food and water–and got no vet care…bless them all and please Universal Power–rescue them all…
TERRY C–you have a condition that most doctors say is far more painful than giving birth, and yet you can laugh and joke. Wow. Would like to shake your hand and pat you on the back for being one of the best troopers I know…
Judy B–if Belmont is called Big Sandy (and it’s really far from the ocean, as I taught high school very near it years ago), why isn’t Del Mar and for that matter Monmouth described as having sandy soil?
I learn so much here every time I visit that it’s like going to a school I always wanted to attend and learning about what I love. I was an English/American Literature teacher and still love everything about books and literary fiction and writing. But I’ve always wanted to learn about horses–so to me this site is like striking gold because I have so many fine teachers here!!!!
THANK YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!
Diana S
@Terry Crow: OUCH! Now if you were my cat, I’d reduce the kibble and up the canned! And through it all you provide jokes. What a trooper!
diastu in tempe
judy berube
Dear DJ:
Second at Del Mar finished 1-3-8. Victoriously ran third. Had a 3-8 Exacta Box. Close, but close don’t count. Hugs, J.B.
Diana S
@Barbara Grimaldi: Get out of my head! How did we do that?
diastu in tempe