Good Morning,
The other day at Barn 55, Gilbert was there ready to work. He
does horse dental work for some of my pals at the barn.
Well, he truly came prepared with his ZENYATTA CAP. Around the brim,
he has all of the different jockey figures and pins he has collected in relation
to certain races, horses and people in the industry. It is really a very unique
I know that the DEL MAR HAT CONTEST was last Wednesday….but in my
opinion, GILBERT’S cap is a real winner!
Happy ‘Hump Day’! Dottie tells me this is a reference used by people when
working a normal business week…Monday through Friday. Wednesday is the
mid-point…thus, you only have 2 days until the weekend.
This is TOO CUTE! In our industry, Wednesday often begins the racing week!
Interesting, how differences occupations can have such varying schedules. I
think that is what makes life so much FUN!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
judy berube
Dear JAG:
Pretty jacket. Hugs, J.B.
To JAG: Wow! Those are beautiful! How are they sized? I’ll ‘Bet’ the larges are like smalls :)
Sarah Powell
Now that’s a cool hat! Hope you’re staying cool in this heat – we still need rain badly. You have over 600 votes for calendar girl – thinking you will be the cover. You can vote more than one time but have to leave the site and then go back. Hope we can reach 1000 by July 31st (end of the contest).
@Lil in KY continued prayers for your sons, your upcoming surgery and your friend.
@Marilu V you don’t have to vote for 12 but you can. After you click on vote under Z’s picture, it offers the option of posting something on your facebook page but I just click on skip then you have to scroll up the page a bit and there is a window that says your vote has been accepted (or words to that effect). You have to close that window before you can vote again. Hope this helps.
To Terry C: You are missed! Hope you are well and just busy because there is no replacement for you :(
Pam Zacek,
Wow, like that hat also, and crazy days for everyone, but Wednesday on for race horses,well how are you doing, I hope your staying, cool some how, when the heat hits, anyway, havea good week for you and baby, bump. I love that guys, hat wish I had one just like it
The Kennedys in San Diego
Great side-by-side comparision of Blind Luck and Havre de Grace (ranked #1 and #2 in the NTRA Polls).
Robyn Mullhausen
Fun hat! Thanks for posting the photo.
Ingrid Arnone
My adorable Zenyatta, love the cap, is so cute! I love you Ingrid.
JAG :-) California
JAG :-) California
@ DJ – are you asking about the size of Zenny’s jacket – they run S through XL, however, they run SMALL!!! I don’t know why they were cut this way, but I was lucky to get my arm in one LOL. However, the sleeves are long :-D
Barbara Grimaldi
TO THE KENNEDYS AND TO SUSAN IN TN! Thanks for your good wishes regarding the Haskell–can’t wait to see Shack and all the other horses on the card that day–just to be near horses is a thrill for me.
BARBARA WOOD: would love a Dumpling badge–how do I get one? I’m new but true here!
ALEXANDRA BOWDOIN: Please explain to this New York City born and raised city slicker what floating horse teeth means! Is it like the cleaning we get at our dentists?
Have a wonderful day everyone!!! Love and hugs to my favorite horse in the world: the incomparable Zenyatta. And, as always, a huge thank you to Team Z.
Georgia Harper
What a fabulous hat!!!! My Bill is sporting his hat too but must admit not quite as cool. Congrats to Frankel, got up bright and early this morning to watch and it was so worth it. Waiting to see Winter Memories at Saratoga in just a bit, she has become one of my favorites. Love you “Big Girl”
Georgia Harper
@gloria jeanne – all voted thanks for the link and reminding us
Barbara Wood
@Barbara Grimaldi– since she is busy making name tags and getting ready to travel with Noor, I don’t think Diana S would mind sharing what she posted earlier. You just send your mailing info. to disastu46@gmail.com, and she’ll make you one. I think you joined us after this got started. Also, I don’t want to steal anyone’s thunder (Alexandra may have a better answer), but floating a horse’s teeth is done periodically to keep them from growing too long (thus the phrase”long in the tooth” for an elderly person) so that they can chew their food better. The teeth grow longer as they age. Usually a vet does it, but because our horse got too much anesthesia once, she tried a natural tooth fairy last time that doesn’t use drugs, and the vet says his teeth are fine even after 2 years. so that worked for us.
Sarah Powell
@Barbara Grimaldi I’m not Alexandra but I’ll answer your question – the back teeth especially tend to get sharp edges/ points and can make eating or a bit painful – my vet gives the horses a little “feel good” med. as he puts it and files down the points/edges. Some horses need this procedure more often that others but all need it at some point.
Good Afternoon Zenyatta. Hope all is good for you and yours. I love the hat it is definetly original. Yes today is hump day and its almost over. Looking forward to the Haskell this Sunday. Hoping for Shackelford to take it start to finish. Love that Frankel he is such a good miler. Glad he won and by such lengths. Anyway keep safe and cool. I love you as always, Yvonne
Alexandra Bowdoin
@Barbara Gimaldi, go to: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horse_teeth
This is a safe site online…
judy berube
Dear DJ”
Can’t seem to get it right. Fifth at Saratoga finished 5-6-7. Gary M. had 3-6-7 boxed; I had 6-7-8 boxed. Oh well, maybe Del Mar. Hugs, J.B.
Sarah Powell
@Barbara Wood – Can you give more info on the “natural tooth fairy”? I hate giving my horses any meds that I can avoid. Guess we were posting at the same time because when I hit the post comment button, I saw you had answered Barbara G.’s question also. I would appreciate any information.
Zenny…that hat is “too cute”! Happy hump day right back at ya! Stay cool, happy and healthy. By the way, can you do something about the debt ceiling stalemate? You are wise and intelligent…a real problem solver. How about giving it a try? ;-)
judy berube
Dear Kennedy’s in S.D.:
Thank you so much for the link on BL and HDG. Wow, BL was purchased for $11,000. Didn’t know that. Love the bit about the carrots. Very informative link. Hugs, J.B.
Brenda S
Zenny, it’s hump day here, Vic’s Mom goes home tomorrow so it’s been a quiet, last day of her visit with us. She has set me up with my own Facebook page so that I can vote for our calendar girl. I’d never wanted to be on Facebook before so it’s something new I have to learn.
Nice hat and nice jacket but it seems that the jackets are sized for toothpicks not dumplings, certainly not this dumpling.
@Marilu V, the hat itself is from Horsehats:
He has probably collected the pins over the years. I suspect the jockey pins are or were from the HP gift shop, or they may be custom made/limited editions for winners of certain races. Just guessing. It’s hard to tell about the other ones; they are probably from various places and/or events.
You can always get a hat and start your own pin collection.
Hope you are keeping COOl.. Great hat Gilbert. :)
Lisa g
Ms Zenyatta, hi, miss your pics, but love all the interesting and educational things you post with the pictures of the experts. I love you, Big Girl. Lisa g
Lisa g
I was rejected to request a Dumpling Name Tag, does anybody know why???
judy berube
Dear Lisa G.:
Were you able to e-mail Diana S.? If you e-mail her with your name and address, positive she will include you in her list for one. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Lisa g.:
Barbara Wood posted Diana’s e-mail address previously on this Diary. Hugs, J.B.
Dear Zenny
Really love the hat and so glad it is “hump day”.
Just watched the Sussex. Wow a complete dominance
By Frankel. When he was called on he went like the
Wind. Great turn of foot!!!! Will he come to the US for BC??
So glad Canford was left in the wind. Goldi is racing
In France this weekend. Go Goldi!!!!!
Hope you had a relaxing day!!!! Eating healthy and chatting
With the “girls” XXXXOOO
WOW- Did you all see Frankel run in the Sussex today. That was absolutely breathtaking. He is on my list of top three favorites runners. You still head the top even though you are retired Big Z. There will never be any horse that will replace you in my heart or mind. Hope you and your tiny dancer are doing well!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Lori