Happy Tuesday!
Today is an exciting day at Santa Anita. It is the first day horses will be permittedto use the ‘new dirt main track’ since the renovation has been completed. They will be able to go on the main track to jog and gallop this morning for the first time. Such terrific news!
As many of you may have read, the dirt surface on the SA main track has been completely redone. A great deal of planning, organization, and scientific study goes into this process.
The man behind the scenes responsible for orchestrating this project is Ted Malloy. John and Dottie go over to Santa Anita at night to check on the horses John has stabled there. While doing so, they take SOPHIE for a little walk and go out and check the surface. My John has visited with Mr. Malloy countless times as this renovation has been taking place…even to riding around in the golf cart with him to inspect certain sections of the track.
To explain the track renovation process “very simply”, all of the work needs to be accomplished in stages. It starts with detailed research concerning the types of materials needed…and then purchasing them. Once all of the ingredients are on-site, the crew can start work on the actual ‘track’. The old surface needs to be removed. The track is taken down to the ‘base’ and inspected along with the drainage systems etc.

The next step involves mixing the materials together to create the ‘cushion’. This ‘cushion’ is then put on the base of the track. It is approximately 6 inches of material. Part of this is a bit more compressed and becomes the PAD for the track. The remaining portion which is about 3 1/2 inches deep is the more ‘fluffy’ part of the surface. This is what you actually see when you are looking at the track.
Normal scheduled maintenance is required using harrowing and water to keep the 3 1/2 inch ‘fluffy’ part of the cushion ‘consistent’….all the way around the entire oval.
Needless to say, CONSISTENCY is extremely important! This is so significant for the horses, of course, but also for those who enjoy handicapping our sport!

Thank you so much, MR. MALLOY, for adding your great knowledge and experience to our Santa Anita dirt track!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Kathryn Cogswell
TrinaN: [‘jb’ hugs**] ~ My grandmother wrote in #2 pencils whittled to the erasers, with a pen-knife on the round oak table next to her rocker, lit late by a floor lamp I have now, a crossword puzzle for the day, her Bible, and a radio for the ball game. Those that came to her and to us were in ink. ** K. ~ [DJ: singing the praers & whispering the hymns; they stick, matins and vespers. .
Kathryn Cogswell
Susan in TN: Scrolled up — concerned for Beth [!??!]. ~ Love that you will be able to spend time with the field-of-dreams gent & that he`s pretty healthy. He will only improve w/ you there. [**]K.
Kathryn Cogswell
Dear Any: Bonnie Adams sends news of the August 28th TROTT Del Mar Charity Fundraiser Event by way of http://trottusa.org/trott_del_mar.html where tickets can easily be purchased. OR, go to TrottUSA.org which is the website; find same info there, plus more — the adoptions are brimming good vibes. Bonnie writes they receive news of 5-8 horses daily.. With excellent facilities available and competent personnel to handle the calls, all they really need is a reliable flow of even the tiniest regular contributions multiplied [& compounding]. ..
Kathryn Cogswell
O0oOp! [re: TROTTSoCal (above)]: IT`s enough they hear from 5-8 WEEKLY needs — N0T DAILY . .. they`re ‘taking a leap of faith’ at this point, trying to say yes every time they can.
How many horses does John have and why does he have them in two places? Isn’t it harder to take care of them?
Barbara Wood
@Susan in TN–thanks for the update on Chopper and also on Beth. Please let us know.
Trina N–I saw the Owney story on Freekibble this morning as well. Thanks for the address. I sent a Christmas card to the “street address” but it came back a long time later. Now I know better.
@Kathryn Cogswell– I remember those 3-cent stamps. And I marvel that most mail gets delivered correctly. However, my you-know-what to Karen Gogue took 11 days, and we thought it was lost!
@Diana S–thanks for your hard work on the name tags!!
Barbara Wood
I guess I missed “Anti-Dumpling”? I scrolled way back but couldn’t find it. What was that? I heard a story on the news last night about the internet being as addictive as drugs or alcohol. Well, we’re about that way with zenyatta.com, but it’s all good!
Barbara Wood
@sally (B)–love the story about getting in to see Z. Wish I had been with you–lol!
@Diana S– I LOVE your sense of humor–“Dumpling Up”! What a hoot. High hoof!
Brenda S
Good Wednesday morning Zenny, It’s a bit cooler here in Fort Erie today, hope it is for you down there in Ky. I’ve actually opened up some windows this morning to let some fresh air in the house, there’s even a bit of a breeze.
@ Diana S – Well said! If you’re not a Dumpling why are you here? I’ll be looking out for the Maple Leaf name tags. By the way, I loved your British phrase for “go away”, I still use it after more than 40 years on this side of the pond.
Have a good day Zenny and Tasty T, hope you get outside a bit today before it gets too hot.
judy berube
Dear Diana S.:
Love your sense of humor. Funny and clever. Expect nothing less from a Dumpling. Hugs, J.B.
For those who would like to share a Morning Prayer/Hymn:
Heart of God, we sing thy praises,
Wellspring of eternal life!
Through the sweetest of thy Blessing
We find refuge from our strife.
Heart of God, thou dost embody
All the wonder of Your love!
Thou dost tell the tender mercies
Showered from our Light above!
Heart of God, who bringest healing
To the lowly and the weak,
Let us know thy loving kindness,
Show thyself to all who seek!
………………………Melvin Farrell
Kathryn Cogswell
Dear B. Wood: Couldn`t find lumpy dumplin` notes either — everything happens while I`m in re-hab. ~ Our mail across a little town 80+ miles east of Portland, went to Pendleton; stayed in Pendleton, then returned back to our PO. Post-Marked ‘Pendleton.’ ~ Now, mail across Santa Fe goes to ABQ, return later, w/ ‘ABQ’ Post Mark [s]. . . FOUR ABQ central Post Office stations, even ‘OldTown,’ are on ‘The List.’ ?!?? Our downtown PO is delightful — a real town square. K.
Lil from KY
To all Z-ers, Z-sters, Dumplings, I have a dear friend, Catherine, who has been in ICU for 9 days, please say a prayer for her, she is about the sweetest person you would want to know.
A follow up on my sons situations, my son in KC, whose home & cars were damaged by the terrible hail storm, things are gradually getting back in order, and my son in Harrodsburg, who had the fall, injuring both legs, he is out of the casts & in his 4th week of physical therapy, a few more wks to go yet, so I am thankful that things are going better for them.
My surgery is coming up very soon, so I may not be posting for a little while, but I will be thinking of all my wonderful Z friends and our great Queen.
I admire Dottie so for all these newsy & educational postings, I don’t see how she does it. There are sooo many great people on this website, I can’t begin to name them all, people who are doing so much to help horses, (and Z’s connections, WE KNOW WHO, don’t we) OK, for “DumplingUP”,
love it! Goodbye for now.
judy berube
Dear Susan in Tn.:
Hope you’re keeping hydrated in this heat. We used to watch Laugh-In all the time. The other night on PBS they had a program, “The Best of Laugh-In”. It was still so funny. Good luck to Beth. Hugs to you and the Sweeties, J.B.
Sue Fredrick
Hey big girl, well Frankel did it again, wow, he blasted away like a rocket. Nice horse, he has a good namesake too!!
@Diana S how do I get a dumpling name tag, I thought it was just for the California group?
judy berube
Dear Lil in Kentucky:
Glad things are improving for your boys. Wishing all the best for your dear friend, Catherine. Will be thinking of you and waiting to have you back posting. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear DJ:
Another beautiful prayer. Hugs, J.B.
Good Morning, Zenyatta. Can’t wait to see more pictures of you as March draws closer. I have looked on several websites for any mention of a recent breeding of Vertigineux with Street Cry, but alas I cannot find any information. Maybe Ensign is trying to stir the pot in hopes that it might happen.
judy berube
Dear Sue Frederick and Z Fans:
Here’s Frankel in all his Glorious Goodwood. Hugs, J.B. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATAXoBx5yS8
Beautiful Zenyatta, I loved the #304 picture. I called it Three ladies reading:) Have you “can’t put down” book and stayed up much too late to finish it? Well that’s what I did last night! Zenny and Dottie and Dumplings, you are fascinating!
@ Karen Gogue: Thank you for all that you do…love reading your comments.
@Barbara Wood: Thanks for the link to Heart of Tuscon, Inc. and kudos to Judy Glore and Greg Ambrose for putting together the Dyna King/Gifted story. I know this happens over and over. I will never understand it in my heart.
judy berube
Dear Max:
Frankel did it again and in fine fashion. Bobby’s got to be smiling. Check out the link above. Hugs, J.B.
Barbara Grimaldi
HASKELL AT MONMOUTH JULY 31: I will be there in my black Zenyatta tshirt with Zenny on the front. Short brown hair, 5’2″, chubby but cute!!! Please say hello. I don’t have a Dumpling badge but I’m aspiring to it! For the Haskell I will be at the rail so I can get as close to the horses as I can. I’m not sure Shack can win at that distance, but he is my favorite in the race.
Zenyatta/Dotty–who knew about this race track construction? A revelation. Tracks have to be safe, and I didn’t realize what a job it was to design and create that surface.
I really enjoy coming to this site and seeing all the friendships. I hope Team Z creates a good line of clothing, sweatshirts, tshirts, jackets, golf shirts, with an elegant Zenyatta crest in her colors. I search all over the net for good Zenny shirts, but other than the one I will be wearing on Sunday, the others are poorly done so I give them away to charity. The holidays are coming and Zenny clothing would be perfect gifts to ourselves!
@judy berube. Thank you so much for that video of Frankel at Goodwood. Frankel is a brilliant horse. It almost makes you cry to see how glorious that he is. His namesake, Robert Frankel, must be smiling down on Frankel today. Both of them are winners all of the way.
The Kennedys in San Diego
@Barbara Grimaldi — Wish we could be at Monmouth for the Haskell. We will be watching and rooting for Shackleford. Have a great time! And Good Luck!
The Kennedys in San Diego
Don’t you just love Shackleford — a little hard to keep on the ground.
The Kennedys in San Diego
The high-spirited It’s Tricky is now ranked #10 in the NTRA Polls. What a girl!
Diane in CA
Way to go Frankel! 8 for 8! Hope they bring you to the Breeder’s Cup.
The Kennedys in San Diego
If you haven’t already voted, go to this link and vote for Zenyatta today.
Susan in TN
@Judy B: Thanks for video of Frankel!
@The Kennedys: Thanks for the links!
@Kathryn Cogswell: Beth is fine! A few people have asked about her test and they are referring to her equine specialty boards she took recently- she should know something next week. Thank you for asking! And isn’t TROTT great?!?
@Barbara Grimaldi: Havefun at the Haskell and loved your self-description!
@Judy B: Just saw your other post. I am pouring the liquids in-thanks! Didn’t see the PBS special-bet it was great. The “young folk” don’t realize how ground-breaking it was!
@Lil in Kentucky: Glad your boys are doing better. You and Catherine are in my thoughts and prayers.
@Marshall(GN): Thanks!
@Eveline: Fascinating hearing about your experiences on and at the track! Hope you are doing well.
@brenda S : How wonderful that you and Vic are going to Saratoga! Have fun!
@EK: Interesting points about horses and mud.
@Terry Crow: I know I’ve been out of the loop, but miss your comments and jokes!
@Diastu in tempe semper fi: Funny!
@Trina N: Hi!
Going out to rescue now- warm wishes to all<3
@Carolyn Caswell-Brown – Cloud, the stallion, turned 16 years old the end of May, and still going strong.
@Margaret – I also read about Admiral & his son – what a shame.
To all:
Currently, another horrible round-up -the “trible B” , is taking place, rounding up 1700 horses (& this is foaling season – so many newborns amongst them) taking place. There have been several babies injured during this roundup – which just began a few days ago, which were later killed by BLM.
To learn more, & how you can help – go to http://www.rtfitch.wordpress.com (Straight from the Horse’s heart)
http://www.savingamerica‘shorses.org , and,
Our mustangs & burros are at great risk of becoming extinct soon. Western Watersheds has a suit opposing the China Mountain Wind Project in the Elko area (Nevada; Idaho). Our lands are being sold off & leased to energy, mining, fracking, (mostly foreign companies). For further info. – http://www.westernwatersheds.org .