Happy Tuesday!
Today is an exciting day at Santa Anita. It is the first day horses will be permittedto use the ‘new dirt main track’ since the renovation has been completed. They will be able to go on the main track to jog and gallop this morning for the first time. Such terrific news!
As many of you may have read, the dirt surface on the SA main track has been completely redone. A great deal of planning, organization, and scientific study goes into this process.
The man behind the scenes responsible for orchestrating this project is Ted Malloy. John and Dottie go over to Santa Anita at night to check on the horses John has stabled there. While doing so, they take SOPHIE for a little walk and go out and check the surface. My John has visited with Mr. Malloy countless times as this renovation has been taking place…even to riding around in the golf cart with him to inspect certain sections of the track.
To explain the track renovation process “very simply”, all of the work needs to be accomplished in stages. It starts with detailed research concerning the types of materials needed…and then purchasing them. Once all of the ingredients are on-site, the crew can start work on the actual ‘track’. The old surface needs to be removed. The track is taken down to the ‘base’ and inspected along with the drainage systems etc.

The next step involves mixing the materials together to create the ‘cushion’. This ‘cushion’ is then put on the base of the track. It is approximately 6 inches of material. Part of this is a bit more compressed and becomes the PAD for the track. The remaining portion which is about 3 1/2 inches deep is the more ‘fluffy’ part of the surface. This is what you actually see when you are looking at the track.
Normal scheduled maintenance is required using harrowing and water to keep the 3 1/2 inch ‘fluffy’ part of the cushion ‘consistent’….all the way around the entire oval.
Needless to say, CONSISTENCY is extremely important! This is so significant for the horses, of course, but also for those who enjoy handicapping our sport!

Thank you so much, MR. MALLOY, for adding your great knowledge and experience to our Santa Anita dirt track!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Kathy S.
Team Zenyatta, what would you think of a 2012 calendar featuring Zenyatta? I think that would be TOO CUTE!
Thank you for giving us an interesting lesson in track building! I knew it was a complicated procedure, but I am happy they are taking their time to get it right. Safety of the horses is the most important aspect of it for me, so I hope that this new surface will prove to be the safest ever. It is so important to keep learning all the time and I appreciate your sharing your knowledge with us in these ways. Thank you!!
judy berube
Dear Z,
Good Tuesday to you and Dottie. Thank you for all the inside info you share with us. Thank you for all you do, Dottie, to include the fans. Z, hope you are well and keeping cool. Love you and love to all of you, Judy and Russ
judy berube
Dear Happy Harriet:
Love “and the Royal Baby”. Hugs, J.B.
Kathy B.
Thanks for the great pictures! I am eagerly awaiting the fall when SA opens for live racing again! I am still a little miffed at their handling of Oak Tree though…..I wish OT much success anyway in the coming season!
judy berube
Dear Margaret and Z Fans:
This is Cloud. Rest in peace Admiral and Climbs High. Hugs, J.B. http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/episodes/cloud-wild-stallion-of-the-rockies/introduction/29/
judy berube
Dear Brenda S:
That sounds wonderful. Hugs, J.B.
Dear Zenny
Thanks for the very informative update on
New SA track. A huge amount of planning
Goes into a new dirt surface. At our barn our
Large outdoor ring was not well designed and held
Lots of water. Redoing it cost lots of money. Riding
In the mud daily can be hard on horses legs so
It was often not used for 3 weeks after a heavy rain,
Will definately put my
Vote in for you on cover of BC calendar. Hope you
Had a restful day day with lots of grazing and talking with
judy berube
Dear Shari Voltz:
Thank you for the info on Our Mims. Will try to send what we can in August. Hugs, J.B.
@Judy B
Love the Cloud link.
You should be getting a phone call from the advertising execs @ John Deere with the role their equipment played in such a major renovation–Right down to Tom’s hat!
Christine in VA
OK Zen,
Got to know what is the best and safest surface for you to run on? I only watch races after they are over as I am so afraid I will see a fall. Happend once and it left an impact on me. Have a great week MOMMY
Susan in TN
I enjoyed all the posts from yesterday and looked at links,etc. The video clip of Secretariat was hard- other than his feet, he looked incredible. Laminitis is such a terrible thing. My daughter said that when a horse comes in with an injury or anything that will require more weight-bearing on one limb or who have certain metabolic problems going on, they are automatically put on laminitis prophylaxis.
@Kari B: Beautiful video of Our Girl!
@Amanda G: Good to hear from you- hope things are going well.
@Judy B: Thank you <3
@Barbara Wood and Kathy Kimber: I got to see Chopper up close yesterday for the first time in awhile. He actually looks good! I asked Jane at the rescue if we could bring him in out of the big pasture and I can feed him a little extra, groom him, etc. and then make a concerted effort to adopt him to the right person as a companion/pet or even to put kids on for light riding. Except for his age, there isn't anything wrong with him (well, except worn-down teeth) and if someone were willing to "go the extra mile" for him, I think he would make someone a wonderful horse. Jane said sure, so I will be back out there tomorrow. He is just a dear. He is staying with the herd, but on the periphery. Thank you for asking! I'll try to keep you posted.
@Charlotte Farmer: Hope you are feeling better! I'm still worried about you having such a short turn-around time on your trip with Noor. Don't know if you can change it now- sounds like you're on a tight schedule. I'm sure it will be fine!
@ Dyna King: Wow- he is so much better! Isn't that wonderful? I can't remember but how did he come to be found in "Dogpatch"?
@Margaret: Enjoyed your description of your trip to Yellowstone! I've always been partial to "mooses".
@Barbara Wood: How is Charlie? And you are related to FANG?? Wow! I was never sure if he was a real person- now I know!
@Shari V: So glad you mentioned Our Mims- I'll check it out.
I still have to go back and get caught up.
judy berube
Dear JAG:
Thanks for the link on Frankel and Canford Cliffs. Will be rooting for Frankel. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Susan in Tn.:
You’re welcome. Good work with Chopper. Hope he finds a forever home soon. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
He is something, isn’t he! Hugs, J.B.
Ingrid Arnone
Great information, thank you my adorable, Zenyatta, love you, Ingrid.
Barbara Wood
@Susan in TN–Charlie is doing fine–thank you so much for asking! I’m so glad you will be seeing to Chopper on a regular basis. How old is he? Do you just have to guess? When I send in my next donation to Hear of Tucson (DynaKing), I’ll tell them that I posted the DynaKing book link here. Hope they get some donations. As I can recover from lots of unexpected bills this month, I’ll try to send a little something to River Edge as well. So many need our help. I have to turn down requests every day so that I can keep helping the ones I’m already giving to. Breaks my heart.
Do you have any news on Beth’s test results? It may be too soon. Not sure.
@Shari Voltz–I’m so glad you got to Our Mims. There is a page on them in one of the Old Friends books (vol 1 or 2) by Barbara Livingston. Jeanne is a hero.
JAG :-) California
I’m so behind on reading your diary, Z, that this link may have already been posted; forgive me if it’s a duplicate! I just really, really needed a smile :-D today and this VIDEO did the trick!
Ingrid Arnone
@ Margaret, what stupid person I hope hi goes to prison, Ingrid.
@ Jag- I’m also in with you on the bucket list, Ingrid.
Dear Judy B, beautiful link from Cloud, hugs, Ingrid.
JAG :-) California
@ Happy Harriett ~ hopefully, at Del Mar!! :-)
judy berube
To Ingrid Arnone:
Dear Ingrid,
Hugs, J.B.
Barb Zylbert
Thanks for keeping us informed! Very cool!
judy berube
Dear JAG:
Thank for the Living Legends video. Enjoyed it. Hugs, J.B.
Kathy Kimber
@Susan in TN: So glad to hear about Chopper and so good of you to want to take time to help him. He needs some extra loving and spoiling bless you Susan for this special task you are taking on. Chopper is so lucky and Lou is so lucky to have you for a Mommie. Hope he is still doing good.
Deborah Richman
Beautiful Zen and Z friends, I just wanted to check in and say hello to all of you. How interesting to find out how a dirt track is built! Z, you are just a wealth of knowledge!
Z friends, as usual I have laughed and cried as I read your posts, poems, prayers, jokes, and followed links to wonderful videos and articles. I wish there was a way to respond to each and every entry as I read them…e.g…”tell em, sister!”…or “so true!”….or “wow, wonderful story”…or “thank you so much for…” So thank you ALL for sharing your wonderful selves here.
There are three things I want to add:
The Dumplings Breeders Cup box seats is a great idea :)
I think I will order an Our Mim’s tee shirt (thanks Shari) in honor of Mama Z :)
I just might name one of the feral kittens Sasparilla (thanks Susan and DJ) :)
p.s. Charlotte, thinking of you, hoping you feel better and that all goes well.
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
A slideshow of this week at Del Mar and Saratoga. Hugs, J.B. http://gallery.bloodhorse.com/SlideShow/default.aspx?gallery=072511
Brenda S
I’m so happy today, I’ve made reservations for Vic and I to go to Saratoga for the Alabama on August 20 so we’re keeping hooves, toes and fingers crossed that Inglorious will be be there. We’ve never been to the Spa and are wondering if any Dumplings will be there. We so enjoyed meeting Dawn C at LE and it would be fantastic if we got to meet more Z’ers.
@ Kari B – thank you so much for yesterday’s video of Secretariat. It was so nice to see that day again when I stood in the rain and cold, close to the wire, to see him barrel down the stretch like the champion he was. If I’d had more sense back then I would have placed a bet to win on him and kept the ticket, but I didn’t.
@ Judy B – I’m so glad you posted the Cloud link. I’ve watched the series on PBS and wondered if the posts were about the same horse. I hope the driver gets the book thrown at him/her.
@ Charlotte – Hope you’re feeling better. You’ve tired yourself out with all the work you’ve done for Noor so TRY to slow down a little bit.
Ooh exciting Zenny! It looks really cool (:
Zenyatta, what do you think of the Standardbred filly, See You At Peelers? She is undefeated in 20 starts!!!