Happy Tuesday!
Today is an exciting day at Santa Anita. It is the first day horses will be permittedto use the ‘new dirt main track’ since the renovation has been completed. They will be able to go on the main track to jog and gallop this morning for the first time. Such terrific news!
As many of you may have read, the dirt surface on the SA main track has been completely redone. A great deal of planning, organization, and scientific study goes into this process.
The man behind the scenes responsible for orchestrating this project is Ted Malloy. John and Dottie go over to Santa Anita at night to check on the horses John has stabled there. While doing so, they take SOPHIE for a little walk and go out and check the surface. My John has visited with Mr. Malloy countless times as this renovation has been taking place…even to riding around in the golf cart with him to inspect certain sections of the track.
To explain the track renovation process “very simply”, all of the work needs to be accomplished in stages. It starts with detailed research concerning the types of materials needed…and then purchasing them. Once all of the ingredients are on-site, the crew can start work on the actual ‘track’. The old surface needs to be removed. The track is taken down to the ‘base’ and inspected along with the drainage systems etc.

The next step involves mixing the materials together to create the ‘cushion’. This ‘cushion’ is then put on the base of the track. It is approximately 6 inches of material. Part of this is a bit more compressed and becomes the PAD for the track. The remaining portion which is about 3 1/2 inches deep is the more ‘fluffy’ part of the surface. This is what you actually see when you are looking at the track.
Normal scheduled maintenance is required using harrowing and water to keep the 3 1/2 inch ‘fluffy’ part of the cushion ‘consistent’….all the way around the entire oval.
Needless to say, CONSISTENCY is extremely important! This is so significant for the horses, of course, but also for those who enjoy handicapping our sport!

Thank you so much, MR. MALLOY, for adding your great knowledge and experience to our Santa Anita dirt track!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Jane Wade
Thanks for the information on the track and keeping us up to date as always!
Take care!
Diana S
@Mr. Malloy: Can you do my yard next? LOL. Your work is art cast in soil. How beautiful the track looks in that last photo. Hoping there are no fatalities, no breakdowns, no humans hurt this coming SA meet. Just once – a spotless gathering of horses and hopes.
diastu in tempe
JAG :-) California
Zenny ~ if the track is NOW SAFE ~ that’s all that MATTERS! The winter meet was NOT a good experience :-( I never want to experience that EVER again :-( :-( Way too many horses lost ~ thankfully, YOU didn’t race on “that” particular dirt!
On a light side, check out tomorrow’s race: Frankel, Canford Cliffs face only two rivals in Sussex
6 a.m. PDT/9 a.m. EDT
Marilu V
Dear Zeny and Dottie: Thank you for the information on the resurfacing of the track. I hope it will be safer for the horses. I read there were several casualites last season during training and during the races. I was there when 2 horses were euthanized which made me so upset as that was a first for me. I wonder how your John and all the other trainers, owners and connections cope with such a loss. Zeny, you are so blessed to retire healthy and strong. By the way, I have been trying to find out how LIFE IS SWEET is doing? Is she OK?
Hugs, Marilu
JAG :-) California
P.S. I have a wish on my “bucket list” ~ I win lots of money in the Lotto and I pay Lane’s End a “bribe” (charity) to come and see your Baby Bump at full term :-D ~ well, I can dream can’t I!!!! ;-)
The track looks great….
Selene McCarthy
Track looks beautiful! Mr. Malloy, could you bring your tractor east and resurface our arenas? Just kidding, but truly a horse’s performance in any sport is always effected by the surface on which he/she performs. You cannot overestimate its influence from dressage to racing..it is in itself an interesting science.
Wow! That’s a lot of work! BTW…I was hoping that we could get an updated picture of your pal Life Is Sweet with her foal frolicking in the field. Thanks. Hope you’re handling the heat okay, Z.
Sue Fredrick
Hi Big Mama, wow there sure is a lot of work and planning involved in the building of those tracks, I sure hope this prevents any more breakdowns too many good ones have been lost. High Hoof to Mr. Malloy! I waited till the new post to answer some posts from yesterday to be sure those mentioned would see my comments:
@Charlotte Farmer, I pray you feel better soon you have given so much of yourself to Noor’s cause I think you are just tired and rundown. I pray you feel better soon so you can enjoy the fruits of your labors. God Bless you!
@Abigail from Montreal, thank you (tearfully) for posting the last film of Secretariat, he was such a handsome man and a real presence. The man in the video was sure lucky to get to see him before his passing, I only have seen him on film.
@Barbara Wood, thank you for posting the lastest news on Gifted, he looks fabulous and it is truly a miracle story. God Bless the people invovled with his care.
@Margaret so sorry to hear of the Wild horses that were carelessly killed by a motorist. I wonder if there will be any prosecution of this person. These horses belong to all of us they are a national treasure and must be protected.
Luv to Z and kisses on her nose
Thanks to Dottie, Zenyatta and John for Santa Anita updates. Beautiful pictures.
Hope you are having a “cool” Tuesday.
Take care of yourself and baby Z.
Stella Bagwell
Dearest Zenyatta,
Thanks so much for the great photos! The track at SA looks like it’s going to be fabulous. Let’s hope it helps keep all the horses safe and running their best!
I do hope you and baby Z are keeping cool.
Love and kisses,
hi Z! that’s very interesting about the Santa Anita track, thanks for the info;) YOU keep cool gorgeous mama, love YOU xoxoxo
I know I posted this the other day, but I would like to send Dottie a private message. Does anyone know who I can contact or what steps I can take to do that? Thank you so much for the help!!!!
Susan in TN
Zenny- isn’t it beautiful?!? Makes ME want to run! Thank you for the info. There is so much that goes into things that we don’t ever know about. Was Sophie the first to test the track? What was her time-haha? Hope you are having a peaceful, healthy day with Tasty T- or in your stall with your fan! Love you<3
JAG :-) California
@ Scott, have you contacted Barn 55 and asked someone who works for John how to contact her?? It’s just a thought!
Abigail from Montreal
Hi Zenny & Dottie: Wow! The track looks amazing and how interesting to hear about the process that Mr. Malloy applies to the surface to render it race-able. I can just imagine Sophie taking her evening constitutional with Dottie & John! I miss you, big girl, but know you’re in the best place and enjoying your BFF. Love You!!!
I posted this on #304, but late today. So I’m re-posting. For anyone interested in Secretariat –this film is a TREASURE!
@ Kari: The footage you posted of Secretariat’s last race is pulled from this longer film made by the CBC at Woodbine in Toronto, Canada. It is my FAVOURITE footage about Secretariat. It takes you behind the scenes to hear about Big Red from Eddie Sweat & Charlie Davis (his two best friends), as well as Penny & Lucien Laurin. ENJOY — I THINK YOU’LL LOVE IT!!!
This is Part One: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ig6mVScZ4bc
This is Part Two:
This whole piece is also on the most recent version of The Life & Times of Secretariat, available at secretariat.com
Sharon Call
@Ann Maree. Thanks for the link to the Breeders Cup poll for their 2012 calendar. I didn’t see anything about voting for the cover. Is that just automatically included in the overall vote?
Barbara Wood
Dearest Z–thank you for all the new info. on the SA track. But I have a question: How is this track different from the old dirt one? Safety is our primary concern. Way too many horses are losing their lives.
@Margaret and Sherry Drish–what dreadful news. People need to be help accountable, Grieving with you.
@JAG–I’m with you on the bucket list!
@Ann Maree–thanks for the link to the voting on the calendar OUR GIRL is way ahead.
@Terry Crow–while waiting for your daily joke, I’ll tell about my other connection to “celebrity”. On my daddy’s side, I am related to Phyllis Diller’s ex–the one she always referred to as “Fang”, I guess. Diller was actually her real married name. My daddy came from Ohio, and the Dillers were there at one time, too , I guess.
Susan in TN
@Margaret: I love your passion for the wild horses and I am so saddened by the awful loss of those two horses.
@JAG: We must own the same bucket!
@Ann Maree: I voted:)
@ALL: Going to get caught up on previous posts and see how you all are doing!
Shari Voltz
Dear Zenyatta. I am sending you big kisses. Thank you for the information-education. I love to learn new things and never knew any of that. Santa Anita looks so beautiful with the palm trees and mountains in the background. I hope to see it in person someday. I wanted to tell you and all the fans another thing I got to do in Kentucky. I visited the retirement farm Our Mims. It was so moving to meet all the broodmares who reside there. Jeanne Mirabito the owner was just wonderful. She works so hard to keep the girls as she calls them happy and healthy. Hana Bride resides there and she was once owned by your mom and dad. Your mom and dad being the wonderful people that they are found out and sent in a generous donation. I know a lot of your fans donate to Old Friends but if anyone wants a really good place that is in need of help please donate even 5.00 to Our Mims. I hope that no one gets mad at me for asking, it is just that I saw first hand how many mares live there and heard each ones unique story. Our Mims has a website so anyone can go there to see for themselves. There is also a Facebook page. Thank you Zenny and the Z family for listening to me. Tell TT I said hi. I love you sweet girl. Many Hugs and Kisses, Shari XXXOOO
@ Thank you Dottie :)
I am glad you and your team are keeping tract of the renovations on the Track.
None of us have to worry that the job isn’t done perfectly~!!!
Love you Zenny~!!!
Brenda S
What an interesting post today. I guess we all go to the track and never really think about what goes into making and keeping it safe as well as looking good. Mr. Malloy has done a fine job and John’s pictures are great, I wish I could see it in person.
@ JAG – I don’t think anyone has made a big enough bucket for all of us. Maybe somebody could win a huge Powerball lottery and get a group discount.
Do you have anymore pictures or videos of Z? I want to make sure she’s happy!
I was just reading thru the comments and laughing at many. What a marvelous bunch of fans Z has! About the new surface at SA…I recall as a kid maybe in 4th grade(late 50’s-early 60’s in N.Calif), they brought in truckloads of what I would call mulch for part of our playground. I found an aluminum horse shoe! I found out it was from a race horse, so can only imagine that this stuff was from a track someplace. Anybody know if wood mulch was ever used as a surface for running???
Nice pictures and the track looks pristine! Thumps up to Mr. Malloy and his crew! Never knew how much went in to making a safe track for you all!! I’ve been to that track and will be back out there again this year.
Hope you’re having a great day!
Paula Higgins
Dottie/Zenny thank you so much for the information on resurfacing the track! Very interesting to see that process. I hope that it makes it safer for the horses and riders. Got my copy of Zenyatta, Mare for the Ages from Thoroughbred Times (from eBay) and there is a stunning picture of Dottie and the adorable Sophie Shirreffs inside. Lots of good articles on our girl, Jerry and Ann, John and Dottie, and Mario.
Paula Higgins
Mr. Malloy and crew, thank you very much for your hard work to make the surface perfect and safe for the horses and riders at Santa Anita.
Being around horse racing since I was a kid I know that tracks try and put there best forward. My hope is with the new surface we will not see what had happen during the fall and spring meets at SA, to many horse had gone down and were van off. I love SA and HP very much I look forward to the fall meets at both tracks. Mr. Malloy and his crew have always done a fine job hats off to them.
Dear Queen Zenyatta and The Royal Baby –
The pure passion and devotion that you, the Mosses and Dottie and John bring to all things horses inspire us and keep us coming back for more – more education, more involvement, more philanthropy, more horse knowledge and more ZENYATTA!! Thanks, always, to Dottie, the Dean of Information and the beloved Voice of Zenyatta.
Thanks to Mr. Malloy and the involvement of the trainers and owners in the important improvements at Santa Anita, and oh my – that expanse of dirt reminds me of all the mud pies I made as a kid, along with a “salad” of weeds and wilted Peony blossoms! As long as the horses are safe, that’s what matters. Our horses on my Grandfather’s farm had to deal with rocks, stones, uneven ground and God knows what else so this is a vast improvement in safety and caring.
Terry Crow I love your jokes and thanks also to the sweet person who posts the Prayer every day. I just love how each person here contributes his/her own strengths, much like Zenyatta contributes so much to the horse industry and her fans.
Miss seeing the Dumplingz, though. Can we plan another get together?
Hugs and Peppermint Treats for All – HH
judy berube
Dear Margaret:
Is Cloud the same stallion that PBS has done, I think three episodes on? I’ve watched all of them. There is a woman who narrates and films as she searches for him, his mares and foals every year when weather permits. Cloud is a beautiful stallion (Palomino I think, but very light). The programs are wonderful and sometimes sad as they tell the story of each band, their lives and deaths. I don’t recognize the names of the two horses that were killed. Hugs, J.B.