Happy Monday Everyone!
Wow, it has been a busy, but OH SO WARM WEEKEND! (At least here and on the East Coast! My Team told ME that it was fabulous weather in Del Mar… the low 70’s!)
The Saratoga Meet got off to a great start. The racing was very competitive and the stakes results were very solid. The horses seemed to handle the heat…as did the fans!
Del Mar weather and racing was terrific from all reports. Shorts, hats, and California Casual dress worked well for everyone. It was crowded over the weekend…but nothing like opening day. The entire environment was perfect for betting, enjoying the horses parading in the paddock, and having a bite to eat.
I’d like to give a special ‘shout out’ to my Barn 55 pal, CLOUD MAN, who won a very nice allowance race at Del Mar on Friday night. During the Del Mar Meet, they have a late first post each Friday, 4 o’clock, run the races, and then have a concert for the fans.
Each week, the group performing is different. These concerts are really well-attended. Last year, the performances were held in the infield, but as the Meet progressed, they thought the noise might be a bit too loud for the horses. This year, management reorganized things and relocated the stage placing it next to a huge parking lot by the beach side of the grandstand. This is a terrific location for everyone to have a great time.
Even though I love music and I truly adore DANCING…really loud music the night before a big race is not always the best thing for an athlete when he/she is trying to focus, relax and get some rest. So, changing the on-site location for these summer concerts is a fabulous thing. On behalf of my fellow horses, THANK YOU DEL MAR!
In this heat, relaxing in the barn with the cool air breezing around ME, I’ve had a moment to reflect upon so many things. Throughout the years, there have been numerous photos taken of ME that I truly enjoy. Fans often send various pictures to Dottie…ones she has never even seen before. When she saw the one above, she thought you might also enjoy it. In it…is a cartoon drawing of ME done by one of my fans…flying between the Twin Spires. Notice the intent look on my face as I’m studying this poster. I love it when I’m showing my SERIOUS SIDE!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Kathy Kimber
Zeny you look great in the mini skirt has anyone ever told you you have great legs.
@Abigail thanks for the video of Big Red.
Kudos to the people taking care of Dyna King glad to see he is doing so well.
@Susan in TN hos is chopper doing.
Lil from KY
Dear TerryCrow- From reading your post today, you must have misunderstood me. You are one of my favorite posters on Zen’s website, I love your jokes, & am usually laughing my head off. So, please, I meant no offense. I was actually joking with you, but maybe it didn’t come off like that.I’m sorry. I tell a lot of jokes myself, a lot of them corny, but what the heck. I’ll have to post one of mine sometime & see what you think of it.
Thank you for sharing another diary with us and the wonderful photo taken by Mike! Thanks to Mike S. for taking the photo and sharing it – this is such a great bunch of folks for sharing. You are all so generous of spirit – that is what makes this such a special place on the net. Zenyatta, I’m happy to read that Lane’s End is keeping you under the fans to keep you cool and comfortable. This heat is so oppressive it just makes me tired and gives me a headache when I have to get out to do much and it is less humid here in TX than it is where you are. Stay cool and comfortable. Thank you once more – you are the best!!!
Barbara Wood
@Terry Crow–I just realized I never answered your question from yesterday. I don’t think I ever saw Jayne’s movies. When she became really famous, I was in high school and then went off to college. When she was killed in the car accident (so sad-if I remember right, it was around the time Bobby Kennedy and MLK were killed), I was a young married, with a house, job, etc., here in Waco. Later, I’ll tell you about my only other claim to “celebrity”.
@Diana S– sounds like perfect planning to me.
@Charlotte Farmer–praying for recovery, strength, and energy for you as you undertake this most massive of projects. I hope it brings nationwide attention to our great horses of the past, and that people realize that they are a part of our heritage.
Love ALL your sides, Zenny!
Sharon in Seattle
@Charlotte – I’m thinking of you and hoping for all the best!!
@Kate Wheeler – I’d love to be in the group at CD in Nov.
@Georgia – I wonder if I’ll spot your license plate one of these days driving around Seattle?!!! At Ridgewood Ranch there was a car with the license plate “CBISKIT” – convertible, no less!
Amanda Gilliland
My Sweet Lady Zenyatta, I’ve been away awhile but I’m back and trying to catch up. Everything is o.k., just helping others. I actually turned a year older over the weekend. The 24th was my Birthday. I love the photo of You checking out the art! lease careful with this heat. Ever summer seems to be hotter than the last. I guess as we get older it just feels that way. I can’t imagine what it’s like for you carrying Baby Z. Thank goodness you have a cool place to get out of the heat. My Mom use to tell me as a child “Just think cool.” I always said I am thinking cool but it’s just not working. Now I always smile when I think of those memories. Please tell Dottie “Thanks for keeping this diary going! It means so much for me to get to keep up with YOU and to hear from the Z Fan Family I love you Zenyatta and pray for your health & happiness. Sending Hugs & Kisses From Alabama With Love, Amanda G
Roberta Smith
Hello my Pretty Girl! You look marvelous checking the poster out! Yes, the heat has been intense here on the east coast..I do hope you are staying nice and cool in your condition and drinking lots of water! I love you Zenyatta!
The Kennedys in San Diego
@Abigail from Montreal — Thank you for the link to Secretariat’s last footage — so very moving. And the Claiborne people were so accommodating. We had a wonderful experience visiting Claiborne for the first time last November — a great tour and opportunites to pet and be photographed with their stallions. In his book, Bill Nack describes Secretariat’s last days in a way the reader never forgets.
The Kennedys in San Diego
Penny Chenery — Secretariat’s owner.
Abigail from Montreal
SO PLEASED to hear that many of you enjoyed seeing the Secretariat footage and lovely to hear your stories. Here’s another that some of you will like. It’s awhile back but here’s lovely footage of the GREAT So You Think beating Arc & Derby winner Workforce. The race analysis is also wonderful, so hang in there until the end. It will demonstrate the “style” differences between the UK & North America, as well as between dirt & turf. Hope you like it!!! (I must confess, I’m in love with So You Think!)
Dear Zenyatta – I am wondering when you will start to feel movement from your little one. I suppose this will not happen for another few months. It is interesting to speculate what crosses a mare’s mind the first time she feels life within her…certainly, it is a totally new experience…..
@ Margaret – Your trip sounds wonderful. Thank you for sharing. I would love to go Yellowstone someday, and experience the wildlife there.
@ Abigail – thanks for the Secretariat video link…it brought tears to my eyes.
@ The Kennedys – thanks for your Penny Chenery link. The article was fascinating.
@Abigail; thank you for the link to the final video taken of “Himself” even though I was in tears watching and listening to it. Knowing the terrible pain he must have been in that day deeply affected me last night. Sleep did not come easy for me but my memories were with me in the dark as I finally came to the realization that his life was a more glorious memory than the last of his pain. I finally fell asleep thinking of him as he was at “73” Belmont and how truly magnificent he was and underscores why we, who remember him, continue even after all these years, to love him.
Sarah Powell
@Amanda Gilliland Happy belated Birthday and good to see you back.
@Barbara Wood – you probably know this but I’ll share anyway. Mariska Hartigay and her 2 brothers were in the back seat of that car when Jayne, her driver and her boyfriend were killed in the front seat. Mariska has or had a scar on her forehead from the accident. None of the 3 children were seriously injured because they were asleep – amazing since that was probably before seat belts in back seats.
Kari Bussell
@Abagail- thank you for the link-Of course it made me cry…I will always love him…I remember watching him as a young girl on TV. My Mother and I jumped up and down with joy as he won time and time again in spectacular fashion. My mother is 73 now and utters the names of Secretariat and Ruffian with a sacred, loving, longing tone of voice that is usually reserved for lost (human) love ones….
Kari Bussell
@The Kennedys in SA- thank you for the link- it is so important to set the record straight for the new generation- also thank you for all the kindness you have shown me …
Patricia Emery
Studios & Beautiful…can “You” get any better “Z?!!!” Happy to hear all of the horses got through the heat of the weekend. Hugs and Kisses
Kari Bussell
Here is a link to the best quality footage of Secratariats Last Race ESPN-
I really wish the movie had included this one- If you have not seen this before pay close attention beginning at the 2:20 point…he looks like steam is coming out with each breath (like a machine)—
@Kari Russell
I am somewhat younger than your Mom (62) but understand her reverence for those names. Secretariat and Ruffian were just plain unbelievable during a time in the US when it seemed everything was bad. He gave us hope and she gave us beauty…two things still somewhat sadly missing…thank GOD for Zenyatta, hope and beauty finally returned to us in the form of a dappled beauty who never lost and never quit…we are all so lucky to live while she lives…
Kari Bussell
Okay -Iam am again sorry I see what I got wrong-try again (note to self pay my attention to Triana N”s instructions
Secreariat’s Last Race-
Kari Bussell
link works!
I may be in the minority but I feel it belittles the heart, strength and will to win we witnessed in the BCC 2010 to ignore it and say Zenyatta never lost. She did lose but she gave us grace, heart, brilliance and a never yield attitude in that loss.
To East Coast Kid – beautifully said, I am almost 60 and absolutely agree with your comments about Secretariat, Ruffian and Zenyatta – they have been a blessing in the lives of many more people than anyone will ever realize –
Sally (B)
Sweet Z; glad you are staying cool with those fan breezes!! A cute picture; memories are everything. At Oaklawn, the early morning, the day of Z’s race, my friend & I mistakenly made a wrong turn, found ourselves by the shedrows, asked a groom where Zenyatta was, he answered, then said, “go see her, I see other people have”. It was the most wonderful unexspected thrill of my life to be so close to Z. (How big & beautiful grazing there) As it turned out, these other people were news photographers etc., and others who had special passes! We felt, oops, we really should not be there! My only regret, was that I refrained from asking Mario if I could kiss Z on her soft nose and get a picture of Z and I together; my friend too. We could kick ourselves missing our chance. At least we touched Z when Mario walked by us. John was always smiling. Such an adventure this was, but at the same time security for Z and others is sooo important; we realize that.
Keep relaxing Z. love with two kisses on your soft nose, one for baby Z
Georgia Harper
Hi Sharon in Seattle. I sure hope you see me driving around Seattle we can give beeps and high hooves. Love the CBISKIT, we do adore our horses!!!!
And Zenyen, I also agree that Zenyatta’s one loss was one of grace, heart, brilliance, and courage – I really believe that one loss was the greatest race she ever ran- because it was the most difficult, with so many factors that worked against her, yet she fought valiantly and almost won – and taught all of us that it is the way that you do things that matters most – not that you win. Love you always, Sweet Zenny!!!
Gary Moulton
@No Baby Plays Today – 07-26-11 (1:00 pm est)
@SARATOGA & DEL MAR – DARK – Kids are all in the round play pen.
They can come out to play tomorrow.
Here is one you Kids might remember – He’s a real crown
For those who would like a Morning Prayer:
Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy,
Whose trust, ever childlike, no cares could destory,
Be there at our waking, and give us we pray,
Your bliss in our hearts, Lord, at the break of the day.
Lord of all eagerness, Lord of all faith,
Whose strong hands were skilled at the plane and the lathe,
Be there at our labors, and give us, we pray,
Your strength in our hearts, Lord, at the noon of the day.
Lord of all kindness, Lord of all grace,
Your hand swift to welcome, your arms to embrace,
Be there at our homing, and give us, we pray,
Your love in our hearts, Lord, at the eve of the day.
Lord of all gentleness, Lord of all calm,
Whose voice is contentment, whose presence is balm,
Be there at our sleeping, and give us we pray,
Your peace in our hearts, Lord, at the end of the day.
……………………….Jan Struther
Good morning Sweet “Z” and little “z,”
I will check back later for a new Hoofprint. Hope you are feeling glorious with the new little life you are nestling.
Sarah T.
Zenyatta, I remember that weekend so well when this pic was taken. It will always be one of my best racing memories ever, and the atmosphere and the excitement over you that weekend was so incredible. Plus getting to meet you the morning after the race means there will probably never be a Breeders’ Cup to top it. I just bought my tickets for it this year and I know it will be exciting but I’ll miss you all the same. I’m glad you’re getting your retirement and your time to romp and play with your buddies, but I miss the excitement you brought to racing. It was a good ride, huh?