Happy Monday Everyone!
Wow, it has been a busy, but OH SO WARM WEEKEND! (At least here and on the East Coast! My Team told ME that it was fabulous weather in Del Mar… the low 70’s!)
The Saratoga Meet got off to a great start. The racing was very competitive and the stakes results were very solid. The horses seemed to handle the heat…as did the fans!
Del Mar weather and racing was terrific from all reports. Shorts, hats, and California Casual dress worked well for everyone. It was crowded over the weekend…but nothing like opening day. The entire environment was perfect for betting, enjoying the horses parading in the paddock, and having a bite to eat.
I’d like to give a special ‘shout out’ to my Barn 55 pal, CLOUD MAN, who won a very nice allowance race at Del Mar on Friday night. During the Del Mar Meet, they have a late first post each Friday, 4 o’clock, run the races, and then have a concert for the fans.
Each week, the group performing is different. These concerts are really well-attended. Last year, the performances were held in the infield, but as the Meet progressed, they thought the noise might be a bit too loud for the horses. This year, management reorganized things and relocated the stage placing it next to a huge parking lot by the beach side of the grandstand. This is a terrific location for everyone to have a great time.
Even though I love music and I truly adore DANCING…really loud music the night before a big race is not always the best thing for an athlete when he/she is trying to focus, relax and get some rest. So, changing the on-site location for these summer concerts is a fabulous thing. On behalf of my fellow horses, THANK YOU DEL MAR!
In this heat, relaxing in the barn with the cool air breezing around ME, I’ve had a moment to reflect upon so many things. Throughout the years, there have been numerous photos taken of ME that I truly enjoy. Fans often send various pictures to Dottie…ones she has never even seen before. When she saw the one above, she thought you might also enjoy it. In it…is a cartoon drawing of ME done by one of my fans…flying between the Twin Spires. Notice the intent look on my face as I’m studying this poster. I love it when I’m showing my SERIOUS SIDE!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Dearest Z,
You are so darn cute! I’m sure you can read…I believe it.
Your humble J
judy berube
Dear Sharon Call:
Couldn’t find any more video of her, but I have a feeling we’ll be hearing more about her for sure. She’s got attitude. I really don’t know why they didn’t sponge her down, as most grooms do after a race on a hot day. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear DJ:
Beautyinthepulpit won very convincingly. She looks like a very good one. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Debbie G.
That is so scary. From lightening. Bless those wonderful men who saved the horses. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Sue Frederick:
Thanks for sharing that sweet story about your visit with Z and Dear John. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Z Fans”
Here’s the article on the spill at Del Mar yesterday. Rest in Peace beautiful Be Driven. Hugs, J.B. http://www.calracing.com/drf_news.php?f=del-mar-espinozas-x-rays-negative-after-sunday-spill
Kate Wheeler
Oh, Zenny, you are always so curious and in this photo, so studious, obviously a connoisseur of fine Queen Z art!! Stay cool in this heat, stay hydrated for you and Baby Z. Your health and safety are of paramount concern to all of us.
@ Barbara Wood: Thanks so much for the link to DynaKing/Gifted and Heart of Tucson rescue. What a comeback story!
@ Susan in TN: Thank you for your updates and reports from River Edge rescue.
@Kari Bussell: Thanks so much for your latest Zenyatta YouTube tribute. You are such a master at capturing the essence of our love for Z in both pictures and music. Bravo!!!
@ Barbara Wood, Shari Voltz, Judy Berube and Diana Stuart, here is some info. re: the 2011 Breeders Cup races at Churchill Downs on November 4th and 5th.
– Breeders Cup tickets are available at bcwc11.com/tickets. Grandstand tickets on the ground floor (bleacher seating) are $30 Friday/ $60 Saturday ($90 both days) in Sections 119-121, and $20 Friday/ $40 Saturday ($60 both days)in Sections 123-125. Last year I had tickets on the rail in Section 124 and got to see Zenny’s glorious post parade and the start of the race right in front of me. From where I was sitting Zenny’s charge down the stretch was breathtaking and from my perspective it looked like she won. Oh well. In my heart she did.
Also HorseRacingNation has reserved a block of tickets in Section 121 ($90). I believe they still have quite a few left. Go to http://www.horseracingnation.com/content/2011 breeders cup tickets.
I would love to meet up with any and all of you Z-ster Dumplings at this year’s Breeders Cup. Likely the weather will be nippy, but quite lovely and most bearable, especially if it is sunny.
Hotels and motels near the track are more expensive than farther away. However there are some bargains to be had. And many, many of the facilities farther away are next to or near the interstate and no more than 15-20 minutes from the track.
If anyone’s interested, please let’s arrange a Z-ster Dumpling rendezvous.
Cynthia H.
Dearest Zenyatta, I am so very GLAD to learn that you have evidently been tolerating the torrid heat wave which has been gripping your part of the country. It has been so difficult (and dangerous ) to endure for both people and animals. I hope that relief is on the way…soon!
I love the photo which was chosen for this particular diary entry, because it features your dear and beautiful owner, Ann, and your equally dear and beautiful friend (and muse), Dottie . The poster was designed by a lovely and talented super-fan of yours, Gina Romero, who is someone whom I see frequently at the racetrack and got to know through the magic of your friendship chain. So many of us are linked through love of you! One can only imagine the immense delight which Gina must have felt when she learned that her personal art work had been “displayed” for your approval during Breedeers’ Cup week! It is absolutely amazing how many imaginative and truly incredible pieces of art have been inspired through a need to express our love of you, from posters, to poetry, to videos to essays to bronzes…any medium which can serve as a conduit from our hearts to our hands.
Janet Cutting
Hi Zenny–love the picture of you girls!!! So, adorable. I met a horse yesterday named Jack and he is 19 years old- a quarter horse( I think) I am not one of our experienced horse people but I have seen him grazing several times when my husband and I stop at a friends house and I never go over to see him–he looks over and always seems interested–so yesterday I asked if I could walk out and visit–the owner said sure he is very friendly–so off I go with carrots-yummy. Now, I have a fear of horses steping on my feet so I have always stayed behind the fence–well not today–I called to Jack and went into his field and waved my carrot– here he came–quickly– I didnt move-he stopped and eyed that carrot–so then I rememebered from out Diary–dont give the horse a whole carrot–so I started biting off pieces of carrot and giving them to Jack-well I dont know I just got to laughing and Jack put his face up to mine and I gave him a big hug and kiss and he turned and went back to grazing— I saw a beautiful soul in those big brown eyes– Now I understand better what alot of you share with your horses. Sweet dreams Zenny and take are of your little Z.
Linda in NJ
Hi Zenny: You look Too Cute! Yes indeed, you are studying that picture looking absolutely very fashionable wearing your Breeder’s Cup Classic mini skirt. You look fabulous!!! Oh my Zenny, how we miss your racing days. I am sure all of us wish we could turn back the clock and watch you race all over again. You gave us so many thrills!! But I am sure, as with many former performers/racehorses, you are probably thinking, you had many, many shining moments in that winners circle, and now you are very content to be at Lanes End out in the paddock relaxing with your BBF. We love you Zenny. Take care of yourself. Love, Linda
Love you, Sweet Girl, stay cool, and thanks as always for your thoughtful posts and wonderful pictures. Special Love to Baby Z, kisses and hugs to both~
For those who would like to pray an Evening Prayer:
Shepherd of souls, in love come, feed us,
Life-giving Bread for hungry hearts!
To those refreshing waters lead us
Where dwells that peace your grace imparts.
May we, the wayward in your fold,
By your forgiveness rest consoled.
Life-giving vine, come, feed and nourish,
Strengthen each branch with life divine;
Ever in you O may we flourish,
Fruitful the branches on the vine.
Lord, may our souls be purified
So that in your Goodness we abide.
Humble is man who kneels before you,
Worthy of you are you alone;
Yet in your name do we implore you,
Rich are the mercies you have shown.
Say but the word, O Lord divine,
Then are our hearts made whole like thine.
………………………Omer Westendorf
Georgia Harper
@All Zenny fans, just wanted to say how fun it is to start or end a day by reading everyone’s posts and seeing how each cares about the other and shares such wonderful stories and information. I hope Dottie, you never end this wonderful website you are a jewel for keeping us all together – Hugs from Seattle. BTY, I am sporting my new license plate “ZINYATA” (had to change the spelling just a bit)
I knew it! There you are with your two favorite ladies enjoying your fan mail. The website just gets better and better.
Although it was hard to watch, the Dyna King link will help get the word out and donations. Thank God for the angel in Tucson and all her volunteers. The last quick video with him rolling and bucking tells it all. He is so happy and on his way to good health. Loved the video with the Charlie Rich song. It was new to me. I do hope this hot weather subsides very soon. It’s downright unhealthy for all.
Karen Gogue
Breeders’ Cup 2008 and 2009 @ Santa Anita:
General admission (no box seats)$25.00. You can always find a seat at any of the benches around paddock or at tables around track….had no problem with a seat anytime and anywhere during thoses dates. Or you may bring your own chair too…unless things change for a Breeders’ cup here @ Santa Anita in 2011. Don’t get me wrong, the place was jammed and jumping with Zenny running, packed! But still found places to sit around paddock or out front….but if a large group want to gather, then box seats way to go possibly. But for me, I can’t sit still – all over the place taking photos and videos, so was no problem for myself and family. But it would be an individual decision, I would imagine.
@ Barbara Wood: thank you for posting the update about Dyna King. I’ve been following his progress from the beginning and it’s so heartwarming to see how far he has come – and I know he has sweet Barbaro as his guardian angel. I’ll have to send another donation…
judy berube
Dear Georgia Harper:
Like your Z license plate. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear DJ:
Thank you. Beautiful. Hugs, J.B.
To Djaingo: a favorite prayer that is too long to share here.. but not too long for you! ‘The Hound of Heaven.’
judy berube
Dear Linda in N.J.:
Loved that “wearing your BC Classic Mini Skirt”. Ha, ha. Too Cute. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Karen Gogue:
Thank for the info. Hugs, J.B.
Brenda S
Dear Zenny, Victoria told me this morning about the fire at Three Chimneys and the wonderful men who rescued the two mares. We were so relieved that it wasn’t Lane’s End and YOU, hopefully those two mares won’t have any bad effects from what must have been a very scarey time. I wish that this hot and stormy weather would stop, it’s not good for expectant moms and horses that have to run so please stay cool in your barn with lots of fans blowing.
Today’s photo is so cute, you were really studying that piece of art. It just shows how intelligent you are that you appreciate fine artwork – do you love Monet? I bought a lovely print of you and your Mikey when I was at Churchill Downs last week and it’s now framed and hanging on the wall above my desk.
@Kari B – Loved your video, thank you.
@Karen G – Miss your posts but I know that you’re very busy, hope everything is going well.
Zenny, hope you enjoyed the treats, stay cool. Lots of Hugs.
judy berube
Dear Janet Cutting:
What a sweet story. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, J.B.
Dear Cynthia H.:
Lovely post. Hugs, J.B.
Dear Kate Wheeler:
Thank you for all the info on Breeders Cup. I don’t think I can make it this year, but we’ll see. Hope we can all meet eventually. Hugs, J.B.
Abigail from Montreal
Just picked this up off my FB page.
Days before Secretariat was euthanized (he died from laminitis, a still incurable disease & the one that also killed Nijinsky, Barbaro and so many other thoroughbreds), Dani Crawford’s uncle drove to Claiborne to see Big Red. He didn’t know that Secretariat was so ill, or that he would be gone in a matter of days. His footage is the last of Secretariat alive:
To Kari B: Your recent video (Diary #303) is so beautiful! I knew it was from you! All of the close-ups, photos from this Diary, and the most perfect choice of words to music…your heart shined thorough to create a ‘very special love song’ indeed!! Thank you. DJ
Kim S
Happy Monday Zenny. Your interest in the every day is amazing. Wonderful picture.
Just love all the banter, jokes, updates, links and prayers.
Everyone stay cool and hydrated.
Zenny you are the best thing that has happened all of your avid diary readers :)
Have a wonderful night.
Lotsa love to all.
Hi Z – I live here in New Jersey and this Sunday is the Haskell at Monmouth Park. It’s another great day for racing. I see your buddy Mikey will be here riding Astrology. I got to see Rachel Alexandra a couple times here at Monmouth Park – wish you would have made the trip! Anyway, stay cool in front of your fan in this weather. My day is never complete until I read your dairy! Love you little momma!
Barbara Wood
@Karen Gogue–thanks for the info. My husband has a terrible back, and I’m not orthopedically great, so standing at the rail for long periods wouldn’t be an option for us (That’s why I missed Zenny in the paddock at Oaklawn 2010–darn!)
@Sharon Call– I got so weary of battling the naysayers (one in particular) on the Bloodhorse blog who said DynaKing was hopeless, and the money would be better spent on others. I said something like, “But he’s the one we have. You do as much as you can for as many as you can for as long as you can”.
@Debbie G–oh, my goodness! I can’t believe I didn’t get a Bloodhorse alert about Three Chimneys! Thanks for sharing! They are great folks.
Marilu V–well said.
@Georgia Harper– what I’d give to be in Seattle. My car thermometer read 107 when I was out on an errand. Love your license plate!!
@Janet Cutting– I can SO identify with your timidity around horses. I adore our daughter’s, but I’m still very wary if she’s not there with me. I went out Friday to check his water while she was at work, and I took carrots. I fully intended to get him to bite off chunks, but he inhaled them like spaghetti. So glad he didn’t choke. I adore him.
@Kate Wheeler–thanks for the info.
@DJ–lovely prayer.
Dearest Z–I’ve looked at the picture again, and the Dumplings are right–you are studying it! TOO CUTE! Love you always. What a girl.
Sarah Powell
Sweet Zenny – you are so curious and always in tune with what is going on around you. Three special ladies in the picture! (thanks Dottie)
@Janet Cutting what a fun experience – thanks for sharing.
Sunny Boyd
**** :)