Happy Monday Everyone!
Wow, it has been a busy, but OH SO WARM WEEKEND! (At least here and on the East Coast! My Team told ME that it was fabulous weather in Del Mar… the low 70’s!)
The Saratoga Meet got off to a great start. The racing was very competitive and the stakes results were very solid. The horses seemed to handle the heat…as did the fans!
Del Mar weather and racing was terrific from all reports. Shorts, hats, and California Casual dress worked well for everyone. It was crowded over the weekend…but nothing like opening day. The entire environment was perfect for betting, enjoying the horses parading in the paddock, and having a bite to eat.
I’d like to give a special ‘shout out’ to my Barn 55 pal, CLOUD MAN, who won a very nice allowance race at Del Mar on Friday night. During the Del Mar Meet, they have a late first post each Friday, 4 o’clock, run the races, and then have a concert for the fans.
Each week, the group performing is different. These concerts are really well-attended. Last year, the performances were held in the infield, but as the Meet progressed, they thought the noise might be a bit too loud for the horses. This year, management reorganized things and relocated the stage placing it next to a huge parking lot by the beach side of the grandstand. This is a terrific location for everyone to have a great time.
Even though I love music and I truly adore DANCING…really loud music the night before a big race is not always the best thing for an athlete when he/she is trying to focus, relax and get some rest. So, changing the on-site location for these summer concerts is a fabulous thing. On behalf of my fellow horses, THANK YOU DEL MAR!
In this heat, relaxing in the barn with the cool air breezing around ME, I’ve had a moment to reflect upon so many things. Throughout the years, there have been numerous photos taken of ME that I truly enjoy. Fans often send various pictures to Dottie…ones she has never even seen before. When she saw the one above, she thought you might also enjoy it. In it…is a cartoon drawing of ME done by one of my fans…flying between the Twin Spires. Notice the intent look on my face as I’m studying this poster. I love it when I’m showing my SERIOUS SIDE!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
What a lovely weekend it was Z. Miss you so much here in SoCal. How’s your lil one coming along. When can you tell if its a boy or girl?
So glad I made it to Churchill for your last race Zenny!!!! <3
Huh I’m first?
Tammy B
Queen Z, you always make my day with your pictures and posts. Thanks so much Dottie for helping Z with her diary.
Dawn Deems
Zenny, your expression in the photo is TOO CUTE!! :)
I was wondering, what are your turnout hours in this extreme heat? Do they adjust your schedule to combat the heat and the flies?
Have a wonderful day. XOXOXO
You appreciate art. This shows your innate intelligence. Stay cool, girl
Mary Alison Knighton
As always… Love u Z. You are the GAL!
Lil from KY
ZEN——Love the picture. So glad you’re in your barn staying cool, sweet one!I was out to lunch today , & saw a fellow drinking a guinness, thought of you, & I’m so sorry that you have so long to wait until you can have one again!
Take care, darling one & little ZEN!
You did great in Churchill on great picture Z!! :)
Happy Monday Big Mama. Nice picture. Keep cool. :)
Thank you, Dottie and dear Queen Mommie, for all the posts. We can hardly wait to read them.
Ingrid in MA
Oh Zenny,this just makes me miss your racing days. Hopefully your foal will inherit your dancin’ shoes! Racing needs more dancers! LOL
Love you,Sweet Zen!
Phew! I got just home from being for two weeks and spent the last hour unloading the car. And then I thought I was first!
Hay I had a great time in WY. NV was blazing hot and WY was just hot–not blazing.
Yellowstone was fabulous. I stopped at a place called Mud Volcano and there was a bison right below me–I was on this boardwalk. Oh my! I was so close. He was beautiful.
Last Wed I got pictures of a bull moose. Okay, I’ve seen bull moose before but to get my own shots–that was really cool. And then I got to see a mommy moose (their called cows) and her baby. The NPS guy wasn’t so cool–he started yelling at people to drive on and that scared the mom and babe. But as soon as they were safely away they stopped. I know cause I saw the mom in the bushes some 25 yards from where she had been.
And here’s an interesting fact about moose. They can hear up to two miles away, plus they are the only land mammal that can hold their breathe, go underwater and eat the grasses on the land underneath. They can hold their breathe for about one and a half minutes!
More later, I’m beat.
Kari Bussell
Oh My Queen I LOVE that picture…Please keep cool and comfortable….My air conditioner was out this weekend (repaired) and I focused on you and did this video to keep my mind off heat…You deliver for me always period! I will love you forever. This has photos from your diary and 6 my husband tool of you at Churchill Downs Barn the day after the 2010 BCC
stephanie from akron, ohio
Great photo with the two very special women who share you with all of us !!!
Hi Zenny, I was just watching another great video of you made by Kari Bussell. She always does you proud! Stay cool and rested, precious Z, and know that I love you very much.
Jeanne from Texas
Any picture, day or night, morning or evening, of Queen Zenyatta is always appreciated more than you know! Thanks so much. Love it!
Lovely picture – you’re just taking it all in with such intensity!! Happy Day to you!
Great picture. You stay in your barn and keep cool. Have a great day Queen Z.
Karen Gogue
Zenny, you are just so smart – you don’t miss a thing! Have I told you lately that I love you? Well, that’s a given! Coming up for air – hahaha! I need to check what’s goin’ on Zenny! Z’sters know what I mean!!
Zenny…this picture really is “too cute”.
Sandra B.
You look fabulous as usual. Stay cool.
Brenda from TX
Thanks for the moose info Margaret, very interesting – lucky you for getting to go to Yellowstone – Z , you were really studing that beautiful piece artwork – YOUR JOHN looked very CA Fri nite on his way to the winner’s circle …
Marilu V
Hello Zeny! How are you today? Hope you are doing well! What a wonderful picture of you with Dottie and Ann. So happy to hear Cloud Man won this weekend. I will try to go to Del Mar this weekend. Hugs and Prayers going your way! Marilu
Karen Gogue
I miss you Kari….your videos ARE tonic for the soul and your talent for these videos is unmatched by any other…so much LOVE and YOUR soul is there in each and every one…thank you my special friend….the Zennyland dream is all the more special and alive because of you…
Hi Zenny
Yor just so beautiful come back to Calif where it is nice and cool We miss you so much and love you , And would love to see you , God Bless you and yours
Pamela J Hebert
Thanks for today’s post Zenny & Dottie thank you with your busy schedule for being Z’s voice. Any news on the Z pin? Stay cool sweetie. Hugs & kisses.
Lisa g
Ms Zenyatta, you really are enjoy your picture, studying the details, and probably remembering when. I like your serious side to, you are one curious lady…which makes you even smarter…Love that Pic, love all your pictures, videos..you name it, if you are there…I LOVE IT…Thank you for sharing, thank you for being there for us…I love you…I love you…Lisa g
I love that picture of you, Big Mama Z! You really ARE studying it. Such a smart girl. I watched Cloud Man win. Yay to your John and all of barn 55!! Love to you and all of Team Z. XO!
An OTB just opened at the Cherokee Casino here in Sallisaw, OK (former home of Blue Ribbon Downs, now, sadly, closed). I took the opportunity to place a small wager on Cloud Man, so I was doubly delighted to see him fly across the finish line first. Thanks for mentioning him several times before in your diary. Good tip. Stay cool, dear. This weather is dreadful for you after the mild California climate.