Hello Everyone,
Del Mar sure got off to a wonderful beginning yesterday! I gather it was quite a party atmosphere with approximately 48,000 happy people in attendance. The racing was fabulous and the crowd had a great time. It was perfect weather…in the low 70’s and really pleasant. Good luck to everyone during this entire meet.
While all of those people were enjoying their ‘DEL MAR FUN’, Tasty Temptation and I were out having a PARTY of our own grazing and enjoying the outdoors. You can see I am getting a bit more of a baby bump and my coat is ‘highlighted by the sun’. I do think it is definitely a great look for ME… if I say so myself.
I’d also like to CONGRATULATE my pal, MR. COMMONS, for winning the Oceanside Stakes on Del Mar’s opening day card. At Barn 55, he was stabled about 3 stalls down from ME. We saw each other all of the time and often grazed together in the afternoons. He is one handsome lad and I am so proud of his effort! What a great victory from off the pace! YEAH, MR. C!
I also noticed that MY JOHN had on his LUCKY Z CAP…..which has MY NAME on the back. It looks terrific on him….if I say so myself. The guys on TVG even commented about it. I know he really thinks about ME often and I will ALWAYS BE A HUGE PART OF HIS LIFE. What a bond we have had…very special and very nurturing. He was always so lovingly supportive of ME and ALL OF MY NEEDS! I, in turn, totally loved every moment of being at Barn 55 with MY JOHN and MY TEAM. I always tried to do my VERY BEST with every task I was ever asked to complete!
It’s starting to get a bit warm out here now. When it is like this, they take us back to the barn and let the fans circulate the cool air around us while we are relaxing in our stalls. I’ve even heard they are going to cancel the Woodbine races today because of this extremely hot weather!
Just as I thought….here come the guys now to take us inside!
Just like we are doing….please take extra care of yourselves in this HEAT!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Don’t forget….Saratoga opens tomorrow! Our sport is SO MUCH FUN! Something is always happening!
Lynn ..... (nearby Hwd Park) California
Hi Zenny … you are marvalous in the photo. Love to see all your new photos. Thanks Lane’s end for allowing it.
I took photos of you at Santa Anita and Hollywood park (in action). I never got to have a photo of us together.
…. When I visited your stall at Barn 55 this year, I was fortunate to have my photo taken with Mr Commons. He was grazing on your grassy area. I was so thrilled. And now he won an important race this week. I’m so happy for him.
It surely feels so awesome to have a photo of a special horse, and one that You know! LOVE YOU ZENNY… :)
s (in San Diego)
@Judy B. thanks for the suggestion. I called my daughter (lol) and she helped me get the picture to Z’s page.
Irene Caty
Hi Zenny, I like the picture of you and Tasty Temptation and I think you look great. This is the first picture I have seen of you since you fully sinse you are in foal and I really like it alot. You look beautiful, bump and all. I’m sure you are very proud and I love you dearly.
Anne from Paramount, CA
Hi Zenyatta! Seems I say this every time: great photos! Love ’em all and could linger over them again and again. Please stay cool, which I say to everyone with these terrible temps…just makes my jaw drop, so much, all over.
@Gary Moulton, loved the Saratoga poem, thanks. @Catherine Hicks, Happy Birthday-I agree, a wonderful gift! @Patricia Littlefield, happy to make your acquaintance! Way to go! :) @Eveline, what a GREAT memorial service for your husband. Wow. @ Diana S, yes thanks for that charity information for JAG’s sister, Mary Rico. @Terry Crow, I like ALL the tracks…they each have their own distinctive features. I agree Santa Anita is beautiful: very soothing. And, yes, great Opening Day at Del Mar. Nice column in the LA Times about it–from our friend Bill Dwyre.
@Queen Z: listen up: here is my feel good story: earlier this week we had the need for a refrigerator repairman. Bottom line, pay up and get a new thermostat. Anyway, before he left, repair guy Martin saw a horse picture on the wall and asked, “Is that Zenyatta?” Willing my jaw not to drop,of course I said yes (just got it at HP last Sat as part of their grab bag giveaway–from 2009 BC)and this led to a wonderful discussion of racehorses past, present and YOU. Martin knows his racing. He mentioned John Henry, Secretariat, Johnny Longden, the Triple Crowns of Silver Charm and Real Quiet, and this led into YOUR Breeders’ Cup races. I think he said he was in Vegas for 2010 (as were we)and he said everyone in the casino cheered for YOU, Z! He has gone to all of the local tracks and when his wife asked him once what he wanted for his b/d he replied he’d like to go to the track–by himself. Seems she is not as “into” racing as much as he is. Anyway, Queen Z, see what a picture of you on a wall can do–lead into a spontaneous and lively dicussion of horse racing in general. It was a really great unexpected conversation! Once again, thanks to YOU, our now maternal girl. :) P.S. @ anyone: the Triple Crowns of Silver Charm and Real Quiet–wow. I can still remember how “down” I was that they both missed by so little in the Belmont. I just adored Silver Charm. Beat on Rod’s shoulders every time he ran. (I made sure he was lined up just so in front of me.) It took a while, but then came OUR GIRL and I had reason to pound his shoulders once again.
Good night all!
judy berube
Dear Lisa G.:
Posted a couple of links of Native Dancer for you (one with a good photo of him) on Diary #301. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Ann from Paramount, CA:
Thanks for a wonderful post. It’s so amazing how many lives Z has touched. I remember those Belmonts of Silver Charm and Real Quiet vividly. So, so close. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Z:
Goodnight and Sweet Baby Dreams. Love you beautiful girl, Judy and Russ
Perky Green
Dolores Pshsnychniak
You and your girlfriend are so pretty! What is on the little tag on your halter?
Maria K.
I love you Queen Z. You and Tasty Temptation look so beautiful.
Mama Z,
What a great photo! You look fabulous. I was just out online to read Bloodhorse and saw the news about Mike. Don’t know all the details but, Mike, collect yourself. You’re a champion just like the great Z Girl.
On a sad note for me, I lost my foundation Slewpy broodmare to colic Monday night. I was by her side in the last 24 hours, holding her IV in place, and tending to her as best as I financially could, but she went downhill instead of up. I owned her for 11 years and I just want to thank her and acknowledge her for the 7 wonderful foals she gave me and others starting with my first out maiden special weight winner, Joule; multiple winner, Rambo; my sweet, Slewsy, who made the Oldenburg Registry main mare book and remains my riding horse; Two Two, injured before she raced but now a recipient mare; DJ, waiting for his chance; Maddy, a star on the horizon and most probably Three’s legacy; and Charlie, Dwight’s hope. Thank you Three and RIP.
Barbara Grimaldi
JUDY B–yes, that’s what I was referring to. I’m not usually skeptical but I’d like to know more about this case. Some say he was on his own property on his own road and he was nailed there by the trooper. Others say differently. Jockeys are compact and so meds and liquor will have a bigger effect on them than those of us who eat. Mikey didn’t eat, so the reports say–he had a few glasses of wine and no food because of his weight. He doesn’t strike me as a reckless guy, so there has to be more to the story than we know. sometimes, I’m part Sherlock Holmes. Drunk driving is a terrible thing–puts people and property at risk–so dangerous. I do not condone it at all–never have, never will–but I’m sure we don’t have all the facts of this story. And until I do, I’m on Mike’s side.
MARGARET–as I’ve said for almost 30 years, BLM is ALWAYS the enemy. They are the stooges for vested interests, and do not serve the interests of the animals.
We all do not live on farms, so so many of us cannot take in a horse. But I wish I could…with all my heart. I just hope Zenny’s big heart (and Rachel’s as well) will rock the public and heighten awareness for what’s happening to horses who fall into the hands of hoarders or callous, inhumane owners who sell them off for a few bucks to the slaughter houses or let them stand in the fields without food, water, medical help…those people should be jailed. For a long, long time.
When we look at Zenny, we look at the heart of Team Z–Team Z waited for Zenny to be ready for the track and took her off the track when it was time…not everyone can live the life our precious Zenyatta can, but they can live good lives with decent care and love. Meanwhile, I wish the number of thoroughbreds born each year will drop in size. How many of 32,000 foals a year will make it on the track? What percentage? How many will be gelded, run to the ground and then discarded by unscrupulous owners? God bless Team Z, and if there is a God, please let that entity guide us in finding a way to save innocent animals.
donalee :)
I love hearing about Del Mar. I spent my summers down there when I was growing up when my dad and grandfather were training. I now live in the AZ desert and haven’t been to Del Mar in ages! It does hold such great memories for me! So many great horses I got to see there, including the ones in our barn! But none as wonderful as you Queen Z!
Marshall (girl's name)
Sweet Zenyatta, you look gorgeous (no surprise there), and your friend, Tasty
Temptation is very lovely, too. Hugs and kisses!
@Kari Bussell: What a delight to see your postings again! We have certainly missed you!
To everyone at this site: Thanks so much for the “good vibrations” from the nicest horses, dogs, people and other creatures
@Eveline: How touching to have the dogs at the service for your husband. Comforting thoughts sent your way, too.
judy berube
Dear Stephanie Adamson:
Here is your photo. She is a beautiful looking mare. Hugs, J.B. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2203143967762&set=o.142579315768994&type=1&theater
Hey Z, you are looking great and definitely losing your waist line. Glad to see you doing so well and enjoying your “retirement”. Take care in that heat and humidity, and don’t overdue it!!!
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
This is the mare (photo in the above link) that Stephanie is trying to find a home for. Scroll up and you will find her post under s in San Diego. Hugs, J.B.
You are so beautiful! Your John is so proud of you and I know that Henry is so proud of the two of you. I wish you could have visited Loma Rica in years past.
You Rock our world Z.
You’ll make a great Mommy. Enjoy your Life honey!
Anita in CA
Hi Zenny! You are beautiful. It’s so nice to see a picture of you and TT, grazing and being together as mamas to be. You are both too cute. Congrats to Mr. Commons, your John & Mike! I missed the race, but will look it up somewhere on line. I miss you racing, too, as others have said. Watched some YouTube tributes to you this week and thought of how beautiful you were prancing & racing and what joy you brought and still bring to my heart. You are a gift. I can’t wait to see your foal. Love, hugs and kisses from my heart to yours. @Kari B – nice to see your post.
s (in San Diego)
@Judy B. Thank You so much for posting the link. Doesn’t she look like a sweetheart. Someone will be so lucky to have her.
To Diana_NV: I am so, so sorry about Slewpy. Just heart-breakingly sad. She sounds like such a wonderful horse. Your love and comfort during her last 24 hours perhaps gave her the permission to let go without further duress. She gave you a fine equine family to remember her by. Thank you for sharing her tribute here. A prayer and a candle for her..
Stay cool and happy, dear Queen!
I read a few comments last night & thought someone asked about Life is Sweet.
She was bred back to Bernardini this year, same as Z.
Balance, who lost her foal this season was bred to Smart Strike as was LIS’s dam, Sweet Life : )
Looks like some one has been eating your tail. However, you look wonderful.
Lisa g
@JB…OMG, thank you, what a beautiful way to start the morning…was he not beautiful. I adore him, I just love him.
Lisa g
@Peggy (N): Thanks, too cute name. I am so glad he was not hurt either. Cute story since everyone came out of it just fine.
You and TT look just beautiful out there but I’m glad your people are watching out for the heat. I just keep reminding myself…’this too shall pass’. Take care lovely lady!
Barbara Wood
@judy berube–for some reason, I thought you were in California.
@Shari Voltz–glad you’re back safely. KY is certainly addictive, isn’t it? I could spend a month there if I had the money–lol! Speaking of Blame, I posted a few days back while you were gone that there is a lovely picture of him on the inside cover of Bloodhorse magazine–sweet face!
@s (san Diego) I’ve been thinking about your situation. This would be hard to figure out, but it seems to me that if you could arrange something like a pony express run, it would work. Maybe one could take her so far and then hand her off to the next one. There must be a way. Or maybe you could hire a transfer and some of us could kick in a few dollars each.
@Diana (NV)–grieving with you over your losses. I dread the day we face that with our daughter’s horse.
@Ensign, any guesses as to how much Bernie’s fee will be next year? He is smokin’ hot these days. Too bad about the Balance foal, but stuff happens. Do you know if La Ville Rouge was sent back to Dynaformer?
@Barbara Grimaldi, actually the North American TB foal crop has been dropping. It’s down roughly 10,000 individuals over the last 5 or 6 years. The problem is that the horses that are coming off the track now are part of a much larger crop. benefits from the smaller crops won’t be realized for some years, unfortunately.
FYI, since you were wondering, about 69% of TBs will start in a race. Some of the remaining 31% are bred as sport horses and are never intended for racing. Well bred females often go straight to broodmare duty. Some belong to owners who can’t afford to race them. Some are unsuitable to race, some are injured, and some flunk gate training.