Hello Everyone,
Del Mar sure got off to a wonderful beginning yesterday! I gather it was quite a party atmosphere with approximately 48,000 happy people in attendance. The racing was fabulous and the crowd had a great time. It was perfect weather…in the low 70’s and really pleasant. Good luck to everyone during this entire meet.
While all of those people were enjoying their ‘DEL MAR FUN’, Tasty Temptation and I were out having a PARTY of our own grazing and enjoying the outdoors. You can see I am getting a bit more of a baby bump and my coat is ‘highlighted by the sun’. I do think it is definitely a great look for ME… if I say so myself.
I’d also like to CONGRATULATE my pal, MR. COMMONS, for winning the Oceanside Stakes on Del Mar’s opening day card. At Barn 55, he was stabled about 3 stalls down from ME. We saw each other all of the time and often grazed together in the afternoons. He is one handsome lad and I am so proud of his effort! What a great victory from off the pace! YEAH, MR. C!
I also noticed that MY JOHN had on his LUCKY Z CAP…..which has MY NAME on the back. It looks terrific on him….if I say so myself. The guys on TVG even commented about it. I know he really thinks about ME often and I will ALWAYS BE A HUGE PART OF HIS LIFE. What a bond we have had…very special and very nurturing. He was always so lovingly supportive of ME and ALL OF MY NEEDS! I, in turn, totally loved every moment of being at Barn 55 with MY JOHN and MY TEAM. I always tried to do my VERY BEST with every task I was ever asked to complete!
It’s starting to get a bit warm out here now. When it is like this, they take us back to the barn and let the fans circulate the cool air around us while we are relaxing in our stalls. I’ve even heard they are going to cancel the Woodbine races today because of this extremely hot weather!
Just as I thought….here come the guys now to take us inside!
Just like we are doing….please take extra care of yourselves in this HEAT!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Don’t forget….Saratoga opens tomorrow! Our sport is SO MUCH FUN! Something is always happening!
Barbara Wood
@Brenda S–so glad you made some wonderful memories.
@Diana S–I’m in for the convention too. I think we’re witing for an “organizer”.
@Jan–I’m in Waco.
@Julie Duvall–truer words were never spoken
@Gary Moulton–great poem.
@Lisa G–LOL! Ain’t it the truth???
@Sarah Powell–animals are definitely SO amazing. I remember reading that the elephants sensed the coming tsunami a few years back and moved to higher ground.
@Zenny–good night, sweetie. Hoping all turns out ok for your Mikey. Love you always.
Abigail from Montreal
Good night sweet girl. May angels keep you safe…and fans keep you cool!!!!
Dear Zenny
Love that photo. TT is a very beautiful mare and you
Look so relaxed. So glad you are staying out of the
Heat. Don’t want to get dehydrated while pregnant.
I got a couple pics of Bernie after he made his
Moneighs. He looks like he had fun and is very proud
Of his work. What a doll. Such beautiful eyes.
Have a restful evening. XXXXOOO
Hey big gal,
Me and the hubby went to Del Mar Opening Day. It was awesome! What a beautiful day. Saw your buddy Mr. Commons. He helped us win 5 of 6 on the pick6..yay!!! Being there made us think of you. Miss you so much! Hope you’re doing well!!
Oh yes, lots if new things with equine anesthesia and
Recovery. At New Bolton they recover in a pool so if they
Thrash around like Ruffian did. They won’t hurt themselves.
Horses are very difficult to anesthetize correctly because
Of size. Wish she would have lived to be a broodmare.
s (in San Diego)
Dear Z friends, especially those of you who are in or near Southern Illinois or Evansville Ind. On facebook, yesterday, there was post being shared of a lovely thoroughbred mare who was on her way (scheduled) to the slaughter house. She is in the care of a gentleman who is trying to find her a new home. It stated the “trainer” wanted $400.00 for her or she was going to be killed. I spoke to the man who posted the picture today. He was very nice and actully had brought 2 horses home with him. He is keeping the 2year old and trying to re-home the mare. He says she is sound and has a very nice attitude. She is only track broke, but he had his step daughter on her and she was fine. I have offered to pay the $400.00 for her, but bring her to San Diego is not something I can do. So…he has also had another woman call and offer to contribute. What I am asking….I will pay for her..is there anyone out there who could take this sweet girl. Keith said she is a very nice horse and I’m sure will make a nice pleasure horse, maybe more. I have a picture on my facebook page, so please take a look. On facebook: Stephanie Adamson (if there is more then one of me :) I am the one in San Diego. There is probably a way to put the link on here …but I am ashamed to admit I have no idea how to do it:)
Kathryn Cogswell
Margaret: See Madeleine Pickens`site . .. this connection is eluding and dropping a current search; sorry, but thank you for your notes. BLM is an industrial-strength villain mis-managing on purpose American lands to the benefit of vested interests never intended by earliest legislation. Thank you. Kc. ~ DJ: vespers a` capella, in the nick of time.
Kate Wheeler
Oh Zenny! You and Tasty T are just dazzling in your dapples in the hazy sunlight! The apparent serenity of Lane’s End surely suits you. I’m so glad to know they are keeping you cool, when needed.
@Diana S: Thanks so much for directing us to Mary Rico’s chosen charity.
@Abigail from Montreal: I loved reading about Zarkava and All Along and I especially appreciated your tribute to Charlotte Farmer for her extraordinary quest to secure Noor a permanent resting place. She is a true heroine. Your writing is always so chocked with information and is simply exquisite. Thank you so much for sharing the Vault with all of us.
Debbie G
@Brenda S – Thanks for the advice. I’ll be sure to bring lots of peppermints and tell them all what good boys they are. :-)
@Shari Volz – I’m glad you had such a good time on your trip. Did you get to see Cigar and Funny Cide at the KY Horse Park?
Z, your blonde highlights are gorgeous! Real mares have curves!
Barbara Wood
@Diana S–one more post, and then I promise I’ll stop. I forgot to say thanks again for working on those name tags. You are really pressed for time I imagine.
@s in San Diego–God bless you! Praying someone will step up to help. PLEASE keep us posted.
Zenny, you look stunning. Pregnancy looks good on you. Glad you and TT are enjoying the lazy days of summer…you have earned every minute of relaxation afforded you.
judy berube
Dear Sarah Powell:
Thank you for sharing the story of your sister-in-law’s mom. Animals ARE AMAZING. They’re life savers. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Shari Voltz:
Check out Bloodhorse.com, Daily Racing Form.com or Thoroughbred Times.com. They all have the same story about Mikey. I don’t want to link it, as I feel it’s being blown way out of proportion. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear s in San Diego:
Hope someone contacts you about taking this beautiful mare. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Signofthetimes:
Can you post the photos of Bernie on Z’s Facebook page? Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear DJ:
Thank you for another beautiful prayer. Hugs, J.B.
Pamela J Hebert
Z what a beautiful photo of you & TT. The bay & the grey. You look wonderful sweetie, dazzling dapples. Congratulations to dear John & Mr Commons!! How sweet he wore your Z cap. You stay cool honey during this heat spell. Hugs & kisses!!!!
judy berube
Dear Trina Nagele:
You’re welcome. Thanks for pointing out that Bobine’s a female. I was wondering if John took her out of the race or if it was the vet at the track. Hope she’s OK. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear s in San Diego:
Don’t belong to Facebook or I would attempt to link your photo to Z’s site. If you can put your photo of the mare on Z’s Facebook page, I probably will be able to link it here. We all have access to Z’s Facebook page. The icon is at the top of every Diary page. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Terry Crow:
How lucky you are to be near to these special racetracks and to have seen so many Great Ones up close. So true; even when you know, you never know. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Kari Bussell:
Wow, that’s surprising. There is one of Z to “Like To See Her Strut” (I think that’s the name of it). Don’t think Brick House is any different than that one. Should have known you would be the one to think of Brick House (your so creative). Has such a catchy beat. If you try it again, I hope You Tube allows it. Hugs, J.B.
Peggy (N)
@Lisa (G) the retired race horse that went into the pool was “Caper” a beautiful Stallion boarded I believe in Melborne, Fl. I am so glad he wasn’t hurt.
My prayers go out for all the animals in this such hot weather. (And Humans)
@Zenny Love ya very much and you take good care of you and the little one. Please stay cool. Love Peggy
judy berube
Dear Brenda:
We’re not that far from you here in New England. Tomorrow is supposed to reach over 100 degrees with a heat index of 110. This weather pattern has been brutal for so many for so long. We’re just getting into it now in our area. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Gary Moulton:
I remember a Summer when the heat was absolutely brutal in Saratoga. They cancelled a few times that year. They will probably not run the full card tomorrow if the heat is too much for the horses and riders. I just hope they do it before horse or human is overtaken by heat exhaustion. Hugs, J.B.
Kate Wheeler
@Sharon Call: from Diary Post #301 – Thanks so much for the info on River Edge rescue. I appreciate your help.
Good Evening Queen Z. You look fabulous. Sure looks like you growing in all the right places. I too love John’s Z hat. I have 2 just like it and even saved the box it came it since it came from you “Zenyatta” in Beverly Hills CA.
Sorry to hear about MIke. We all make mistakes, but as long as we learn then move on and know all your fans love you!
Good Night Sweet Z
Hugs and Kisses
What a gorgeous picture of the two of you…
judy berube
Dear Abigail in Montreal:
Absolutely love your writing. Zarkava and All Along are just beautiful. The photos of Zarkava’s filly and colt are adorable. Can’t wait to find out their names so we can follow them (particularly the Sea The Stars colt). Noticed some of Z’s ancestors in All Along’s pedigree. (Her lovely ears and blaze do seem familiar). Hugs, J.B.
Miss seeing you so much, but glad I can hear what you are doing. Your family is doing such a great job.