Hello Everyone,
Del Mar sure got off to a wonderful beginning yesterday! I gather it was quite a party atmosphere with approximately 48,000 happy people in attendance. The racing was fabulous and the crowd had a great time. It was perfect weather…in the low 70’s and really pleasant. Good luck to everyone during this entire meet.
While all of those people were enjoying their ‘DEL MAR FUN’, Tasty Temptation and I were out having a PARTY of our own grazing and enjoying the outdoors. You can see I am getting a bit more of a baby bump and my coat is ‘highlighted by the sun’. I do think it is definitely a great look for ME… if I say so myself.
I’d also like to CONGRATULATE my pal, MR. COMMONS, for winning the Oceanside Stakes on Del Mar’s opening day card. At Barn 55, he was stabled about 3 stalls down from ME. We saw each other all of the time and often grazed together in the afternoons. He is one handsome lad and I am so proud of his effort! What a great victory from off the pace! YEAH, MR. C!
I also noticed that MY JOHN had on his LUCKY Z CAP…..which has MY NAME on the back. It looks terrific on him….if I say so myself. The guys on TVG even commented about it. I know he really thinks about ME often and I will ALWAYS BE A HUGE PART OF HIS LIFE. What a bond we have had…very special and very nurturing. He was always so lovingly supportive of ME and ALL OF MY NEEDS! I, in turn, totally loved every moment of being at Barn 55 with MY JOHN and MY TEAM. I always tried to do my VERY BEST with every task I was ever asked to complete!
It’s starting to get a bit warm out here now. When it is like this, they take us back to the barn and let the fans circulate the cool air around us while we are relaxing in our stalls. I’ve even heard they are going to cancel the Woodbine races today because of this extremely hot weather!
Just as I thought….here come the guys now to take us inside!
Just like we are doing….please take extra care of yourselves in this HEAT!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Don’t forget….Saratoga opens tomorrow! Our sport is SO MUCH FUN! Something is always happening!
Kathryn Cogswell
‘ .. . go back 100 years.’ Gary Moulton, you do Red Smith proud.
Kari Bussell
@-Catherine Hicks- Happy Birthday!!! May this new year be full of wonder, joy, glee, happiness, peace, love and may all your dreams come true!…..
judy berube
Dear Gary Moulton:
As they say in the movie “Let it Ride”; even when you know, you never know. Love your Saratoga Poem. My favorite track. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Ingrid Arnone:
He did some familiar dance moves, didn’t he! Hugs, J.B.
Cathy Marshall
You and Tasty look “toasty” in the warm Kentucky weather. Drink lots of water! Congratulations to Mr.Commons! Love ya, Zenny!
judy berube
Dear Barbara Grimaldi:
Were you referring to their article on Mikey. If so, I agree with you. Hugs, J.B.
Kim S
Here are 2 articles I found on Bloodhorse, one is about Mikey and the other is about Awesome Maria.. http://www.bloodhorse.com/horse-racing/articles/64135/mike-smith-arrested-for-alleged-dui
Kim S
Oops, tried to post 2 on the same….
Mike’s: http://www.bloodhorse.com/horse-racing/articles/64135/mike-smith-arrested-for-alleged-dui
Kim S
Awesome Maria’s: http://www.bloodhorse.com/horse-racing/articles/64131/awesome-maria-out-for-the-year-with-fracture
Georgia Harper
Yes indeed congratulations to Mr C, Mike and of course your John what a wonderful job. I was stuck in traffic and so afraid I was going to miss the race thank goodness it was run a bit late. Your John and my Bill both wear their Zenyatta hats they do look fab in them. You look absolutely gogeous basking in the sun and Tasy Temptation is a very beautiful grey!!! Hugs and stay cool
Kim S
Some more sad news about Stephen Foster winner Pool Play: http://www.bloodhorse.com/horse-racing/articles/64121/pool-play-injured-career-likely-over
judy berube
Dear Patricia:
Ninety years young. God Bless and welcome to Z’s Diary. Hope you keep posting. Hugs, J.B.
Anna M
Zenny you look so beautiful.. And you have that mother to be Glow to you.. I thought of you today cause I went to a pet store that is a couple miles from our house.. and they have the Zenyatta Breyer.. I want to get it.. Eventually I will.. I collect breyers and have ever since I was 8 years old (I am 34 now lol).. My husband for Christmas wanted to get me the Zenyatta breyer but he couldnt find one so he got me Secretariat instead lol…
Rosemary McCauley
What an amazing photo! Zenyatta just gets more and more beautiful. Thanks for sharing with us.
judy berube
Dear Catherine Hicks:
Happy Birthday. Hugs, J.B.
Congrats to Mr. Commons !! You’re beautiful !!!
Congratulations to Mr. C on his win. You look lovely Zenny, grazing outdoors with your pal Tasty Temptation. Take care.
Gary Moulton
Looks like monmouth Park has some sense, They are going to cancel tomorrows card 07-22-11
Gary Moulton
I hope Saratoga doesn’t start something they can’t finish tomorrow
Kari Bussell
@-MIKE SMITH—I wish I could give you a big hug…You made a careless mistake, but my heart goes out to you…I always told Zenyatta and all of Team-Z that “Come what May” I will love you ALL(Mikey) until the end of time….You are in my thoughts and prayers as always…this too shall pass….Love Always- Kari
Hi Zenny! Yeah it is insanely hot here! The heat index is over 100! Haha! Love you Zenyatta! :D
Barbara Wood
Such sad news about Awesome Maria and Pool Play. Glad it wasn’t worse, though.
@Eveline–dogs are so amazing in what they feel and can sense, aren’t they? Praying for comfort for you.
Mr. Commons is a hunk!
So sad about Mikey. Bummer.
Kari Bussell
@-Judy Berube Hugs back to you!!! About a year and a half ago, someone went around to all Zenny videos begging for us all to do a video to Brickhouse….I did one and Youtube would not take it…..However they are known to change their policy from time to time. I will check to see if it is allowed….they did allow their(Commodores) songs “Jesus is Love”… “Just to be Close to You”….and “Endless Love”….go figure-LOL….
Kudos to Mr. Commons and good luck to Cloud Man on Friday! Lookin’ good, Z!
I have a special private message I wanted to send to Dottie. Does anyone know a good way to get in contact with her? Thanks!
Brenda S
@ Debbie G – I was surprised that I was able to give treats. You’ll soon see that those boys know how to play to the audience and love getting a reward. Try talking to Langfuhr and telling him how good he is, (maybe you’ll have to be Canadian)and he’ll nod his head back to you. He really seems to know what you are saying and is agreeing with you, so take those peppermints and tell the boys how great they are.
@ judy b – it really was a wonderful day and a pleasure and joy to meet Dawn. Not really looking forward to the drive home tomorrow. If they cancelled racing at Woodbine it must be bad back home so thank goodness I left the AC on when I left.
@ All – I believe we should all say thank you to Ann and Jerry Moss for choosing such a wonderful home for Zenny in her new career as a mommy. We should all be so lucky!!
Diana S
@Gary Moulton: Love the Saratoga poem and passing it on to colleague with family ties there.
@Z Convention Conspirators from Post 301: I would go to a Z-ster/Dumpling Convention anywhere – even in Alaska – – – especially right about now! And BTW, I’ve got the “name tag” thing wired! :-)
@lobieb: Please contact me off blog diastu46@gmail.com
@Awesome Maria: Fast and event free healing to you beautiful girl. I’m conflicted about seeing you race again or not.
diastu in tempe
You and TT are looking good. Keep cool Big Mama.
@All of our Texans out there: I’m in Houston. Where are you??? :):)
Diana S
@Kari: Happy to see you back. Sorry, but I cracked up over the 3 grandkids demolishing your electronics while G’pa snoozed. With me – I blame everything on the cats!
diastu in tempe
Julie DuVall
You and Tasty look beautiful! On Sunday, I saw the film “Buck” and last night finished reading “The Faraway Horses”, which was written about 10 years ago by Buck Brannaman, who the movie is about. I have been thinking about how easily horses can have their lives and potential ruined by ending up around the wrong people, and how they can have their lives and careers turned around by finding the RIGHT people. By the RIGHT people, I mean folks like Buck Brannaman and YOUR JOHN. People who understand the horse and work WITH them instead of fighting against their nature. Think how YOUR life could have taken a different path if you hadn’t been purchased by the Mosses and sent to the Mayberry’s in Florida and then to YOUR JOHN.
I want to send a sincere wish that ALL horses are treated fairly and respectfully by the people who are responsible for them.