Hello Everyone,
Del Mar sure got off to a wonderful beginning yesterday! I gather it was quite a party atmosphere with approximately 48,000 happy people in attendance. The racing was fabulous and the crowd had a great time. It was perfect weather…in the low 70’s and really pleasant. Good luck to everyone during this entire meet.
While all of those people were enjoying their ‘DEL MAR FUN’, Tasty Temptation and I were out having a PARTY of our own grazing and enjoying the outdoors. You can see I am getting a bit more of a baby bump and my coat is ‘highlighted by the sun’. I do think it is definitely a great look for ME… if I say so myself.
I’d also like to CONGRATULATE my pal, MR. COMMONS, for winning the Oceanside Stakes on Del Mar’s opening day card. At Barn 55, he was stabled about 3 stalls down from ME. We saw each other all of the time and often grazed together in the afternoons. He is one handsome lad and I am so proud of his effort! What a great victory from off the pace! YEAH, MR. C!
I also noticed that MY JOHN had on his LUCKY Z CAP…..which has MY NAME on the back. It looks terrific on him….if I say so myself. The guys on TVG even commented about it. I know he really thinks about ME often and I will ALWAYS BE A HUGE PART OF HIS LIFE. What a bond we have had…very special and very nurturing. He was always so lovingly supportive of ME and ALL OF MY NEEDS! I, in turn, totally loved every moment of being at Barn 55 with MY JOHN and MY TEAM. I always tried to do my VERY BEST with every task I was ever asked to complete!
It’s starting to get a bit warm out here now. When it is like this, they take us back to the barn and let the fans circulate the cool air around us while we are relaxing in our stalls. I’ve even heard they are going to cancel the Woodbine races today because of this extremely hot weather!
Just as I thought….here come the guys now to take us inside!
Just like we are doing….please take extra care of yourselves in this HEAT!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Don’t forget….Saratoga opens tomorrow! Our sport is SO MUCH FUN! Something is always happening!
Kari Bussell
My Queen- What a beautiful picture of you and TT….You are just glowing…TT looks great also….I am glad you are inside ..I live so close to you and it is stifling here…Our local channel gives us your weather during bad storms and I always think of you worry and then pray…Wow so many Tennessee fans…Yippee there was a time when I felt alone in that and did my best to help the world learn about YOU….What a JOY you are to so many now…We were blessed when God sent you to us…
@ Allen Moulton- What a gift you have…That poem is awesome….It would make a great song.Thank you for sharing it with us.
@ Judy Berube–Barbara Wood & Sharon Call–I missed all of you and everyone else too!!! Very thrilled to be back online…
@Eastcoast….I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your post. You are so passionate and positive and I agree with your every word…
Christine Coleman
Oh Zenny! I know this is rather premature, but please reiterate to your connections that I still think Candy Ride and you would produce one heck of a horse. I just watched a replay of Candy Ride blowing away Medaglia D’Oro (sp?) in Del Mar some years back. He was fast as lightening and an all surface horse. The Argentinian breeding and yours compliment each other in so many ways. Besides, isn’t he right there with you at Lane’s End?
Hi Z love seeing pictures of you and your friends what happened to Pirates Queen? cant wait untill your fans can see you? love ya always
Kari Bussell
@Gary Moulton the above message addressed to Allen Moulton is of course to you. I had Allen on my mind since he posted he is also from Tn…I apologize for the error…
Rosemarie Cola
With all those beautiful dapples, maybe they should name your baby ZAPPLES! That might be fun. Enjoy your day with your friends darlin! (and don’t forget the sunscreen, you’ll become a bleached blonde if you get any lighter! LOL!)
You’re looking pretty wonderful Big Z. :):)
To Rosemarie C: That’s just ‘TOO CUTE!’ Spoken like a true Dumpling…
Leslie R.
Hi Zenny, the pic of you and Tasty Temptation is beautiful! You look gorgeous! I’m glad they are taking such good care of you in the heat.
Congrats to Mr. Commons, your John and Mikie! I think Mr. Commons borrowed a page from your game book.
Please stay cool!
Hugs to all,
I am glad they are taking good care of you all with this terrible heat!!! But you are the Queen and us fans love calling you that. You are just “too cute” with your baby bump. Stay cool….hugs to you Z…
Your coat looks amazing! You are truly won beautiful horse! I love you Zenny!!!
Gloria Jeanne
Hi Zenny – love you and your pal enjoying the day with your baby bumps. Stay cool and compfy.
Gloria Jeanne
You really are getting a lot lighter hanging out in the sun!!!
Carole #42
Zenny…GREAT PICTURE beautiful girl. Stay cool. Hugs to you.
Sarah Powell
Glad you got to enjoy outside a little while – it’s tough trying to get any comfort. You always look beautiful! Misted all my babies off before I came in a while ago. I know they are taking extra good care of you. Prayers for a break in the weather for all of us.
@Gary Moulton great poem – thanks for sharing
@Catherine Hicks what a wonderful birthday present – Happy Birthday.
@Kari Bussell surely is nice to see you back posting.
@Patricia Littlefield – you give me hope!
Hi Zenny, my, my, you look wonderful! LE is taking such great care of you and it certainly shows. You’re right about “your John”. He certainly loves you and knew exactly how to help make you into such a spectacular horse.
It seems as if you and TT are enjoying yourselves.
Stay cool…we’re baking in Va.!
Sarah Powell
Forgot to say congrats to your John and Mr. Commons and Mike – great race!
Nancy Colley
Miss Z, First of all you look absolutely gorgeous enjoying yourself. You are truly a gift to us all. I enjoyed opening day at DelMar; what a beautiful place to be. TVG did a great job. Mr. Commons reminded me a lot of you coming from behind, and yes he is very handsome. I enjoyed the interview with your JOHN. He is too cute. I am really enjoying all the information you are providing about horse racing. I an new to the sport and am learning a lot. Keep up the good work. Keep Cool.
You look beautiful Zenyatta, as always. Stay cool and keep enjoying yourself with all your wonderful friends.
Sue MacGray
Zenny you look fabulous. I think the Commodores actually sang a song about you. It was titled, “Brick House.” Even pregnant, I can’t help but thinking when I see you, you’re built just like a Brick House. Perfect in every way! (and other horses looked like mere “mortals” next to you, and still do)
The Kennedys in San Diego
Continuing some of the posts regarding Ruffian (#301), during a visit a few years ago to San Luis Rey Equine Hospital in Bonsall, CA (San Diego County), I asked Dr. Barrie Grant (equine surgeon) where the greatest advances have been made in equine surgery. He responded — anesthesia and went on to say much of Ruffian’s problems after her breakdown was the knowledge/administration of anesthesia at that time. His opinion of the area of the least progress — the treatment of laminitis.
Dr. Barrie Grant was the doctor who performed the surgery on Seattle Slew’s back that allowed him to live and breed mares in his final years. He gave a detailed account of how that surgery was performed.
Can you believe we even went “on rounds” of his equine patients with him.
Christine in VA
I was feeling down and just one look at you and my spirit was lifted. You have a glow about you …well baby bump glow…love you ZEN
Barbara Grimaldi
I just love that photo–you two make a great pair of girlfriends–girls just want to have fun!
Some latebreaking news from DRF doesn’t seem fair to me…
Barbara Wood
Big Z– please rest assured that YOU look GREAT from any angle at any time anywhere. Your BFF TT looks to be a sweetie too. Is she not as far along as you are? You are gaining in all the right places.
@Patricia Littlefield–I’m so glad to have you here as we all discuss our favorite famous horse.
@Diana Harris–I’m afraid your friend is right. I think KY is even stickier that is is here in TX.
@Celeste–no fair–it’s 102 here in Waco!!
@Catherine Hicks–Happy Birthday. Would love to see all those beautiful farms.
The Kennedys in San Diego
Info on Seattle Slew’ surgery performed by Dr. Barrie Grant.
Diana S
@All: Quick note to those of you who have asked where to send donations in memory of JAG’s sister Mary Rico. She volunteered feeding the homeless at St. Justin Community Ministry; 2655 Homestead Road; Santa Clara, CA 95051. Please note “in memory of Mary Rico” and if you feel its appropriate, you can mention Zenyatta and our Judy JAG Gadwood.
diastu in tempe
Kathy Baldwin
You and Tasty both look beautiful Zenny!;)
To ANNE from PARAMOUNT, I have to say that
although I live closest to Del Mar and love it, HOLLYWOOD PARK is my favorite
track and I try to get up there as much
as I can. I do enjoy Santa Anita and also
Los Alamitos, as well.
Hope to see you and some of the other Zenyatta gang at one of these tracks
someday. ;) I do feel blessed to be close
to these wonderful SoCal race tracks.
Sending refreshing ocean breezes to all of
you suffering from the heat wave in so much of the country. Praying for a cool
down to come your way. :)
Peace & Love,
Kathy from SoCal
yes indeed you look great and so does Tasty. so worried about all the horses in this heat. Glad for John and Mike and Mr. C. Stay cool.
Dear Zenny,
I have 2 of your hats and I wear them for good luck just like John! Stay cool; your guys should wet you down too.
Especially Horses
Definitively a favorite photo to date! You look beautiful!
Queen Z and Tasty T
That definitely has a ring to it!
How are you today, dear one? You look gorgeous — I guess you could say you have natural “highlights” from the sun? Some of us pay big money for that!
The two of you look so peaceful — like you haven’t a care in the world and only have one thing on your minds — grass!
Please enjoy. You deserve it.
Your humble J