Happy Wednesday Everyone!
I simply could not wait to tell Matt the news…and I gather he thought I was just being
TOO CUTE! During the last few days, Dottie has been working with Jeannine Edwards
and Amy Zimmerman from ESPN on an update about ME. They want to present this
segment on the ESPN racing broadcast this weekend.
Dottie just heard back from Amy and the piece will be aired during the Hollywood
Park Gold Cup racing program this SATURDAY on ESPN. I’m not sure of the time yet…
as so many of you live in different time zones.
I know they will have some very current photos of ME as they are being taken this
Thursday afternoon. Oh my…I must get my beauty rest…and look fabulous! Now, this is
so special!

I had to stop and tell PQ about it as well. I’m such a lucky, lucky girl!
Hope you get the opportunity to watch the broadcast.
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Okay, J Smith, I’ll be taping it because not only can’t I go to Hollywood Park on Saturday, darn it, but I won’t be home to watch the races and Zenyatta on ESPN either, so I’ll get it recorded. Have fun up in Napa!
Valerie Chase
thank you so much for letting us know Z!!! Won’t miss it! :) xxoo
Yvonne and Maurice Kirby
Hi Zenyatta. I am having so much trouble with my old computer – hopefully this message can be posted. We are going computer shopping next week – yea! Your picture with Matt is too cute – you are looking at him with such love while whispering all your fantastic news to him. I will be taping ESPN on Saturday and can’t wait to see all your pictures. I know you will look like a model on Thursday. We will be going away for a couple of days but I will be catching up on your diaries on Saturday. In your picture, you look so beautiful as an expectant mommy! I love your pic with PQ sharing all of your news – I know all of your BBFs are so proud of you. Just love you big girl. Please stay comfy, eat well for two and have loads of fun grazing with your friends and sharing so much love with your human as well as equine friends. Love you, Angel in Disguise.
Would love to see some video footage of you please!I will be watching miss you so much but excited for the update on your new life as at the farm(:
judy berube
To Ingrid Arnone:
Dear Ingrid:
I think she is alright. If you scroll down to the bottom of this link, it says she gave birth on May 7, 2011 to a chestnut colt by Japanese Champion, Zenno Rob Roy. Hugs, J.B.
Yippee! Can’t wait to see the show.
Susan in TN
@Fellow Z fans: Thank you for the links, thoughts, etc.!
@Kari B: Good to hear from you!
@Terry Crow: Good one-it could happen!
@Diane S: I didn’t get all the details, but I saw something about a dust storm going thru the Phoenix area?? Hope all is okay with you!
To Susan TN: Thank you for your e-mail! Did you receive mine? :)
To Kari B: Welcome back! By your exuberant “Hello” it sounds like things are back in Order! (or as much as can be in this life :) Hoof-Ray!
judy berube
Dear Kennedy’s in San Diego:
Here’s a link in which Don Robinson references the agreement to have Vertigineux return to Winter Haven Farm. Hugs, J.B.http://community.tvg.com/t5/History-and-Photos/Fond-memories-of-Zenyatta-s-family/td-p/250635
judy berube
Dear Kennedy’s in San Diego:
Oops: that should be “Winter Quarter Farm”. Hugs, J.B.
Susan in TN
WE HAVE A WINNER!! Our own DJ has won the colt-naming contest at River Edge Farm Horse Rescue!! Her winning entry was “Sasparilla”, which is too cute! It was a tight race until the very end and I know for sure that all the entries but one (and maybe that one, too) were submitted by Zenyatta’s friends on this site. The rescue raised $466.00 from this contest and that goes a pretty long way in Tennessee (as apposed to socal,?) so THANK YOU from the horses, ponies and donkeys at the rescue who really, really needed the help. God bless you! I am proud to call you friends! <3
Andrea from Germany
Oh my I would like to watch your update so very very much -but- as I am so far away it will take a time till it gets here. Stay healthy Zenny. LOve you.
Andrea from Germany
This foto is so cute.
judy berube
To DJ:
Congrats on naming Sasparilla. He sure is a cutie. Hugs, J.B.
Shari Voltz
Oh Zenyatta you popular girl. I love the pictures. Sarah takes the best ones. My children in school always asked about PQ. I am glad your still BBF. I will tape the special on you. I am so glad ESPN is doing it. You have made your sport more popular and I am so glad. It can be a fun sport if the owners and trainers care about the horses. I love you sweet Zenyatta. Tell Dottie thank you for keeping us informed. (If anyone knows the time for the east coast please post it.) Have a great day sweet girl. Hugs and Kisses, Shari XXXOOO
@ Dawn thank you for the call. You made my night. I will talk to you the beginning of next week :)You are my special friend.
@ Susan in Tn You are Too Cute :)
Zenyatta, I’m so glad to hear that you are making an appearance on ESPN. I will be glued to my television set from 7 to 8 oclock on Saturday. I miss you so much It’s good to see PQ and you together chatting. You look fantastic as always. Just ordered your Zenyatta Breeders Cup glass set. Can’t wait for them to arrive. Have a terrific day and get plenty of rest. Love You Yvonne
Will be watching ESPN on Saturday. Do you know the time. Good to see PQ. Your looking good as usual. Stay healthy and happy Big Mama. :):)
Trina Nagele
@DJ–Congratulations on Sasparilla!
@ Abigail in Montreal, Brenda (and Vic) in Fort Erie, Tracey Dryka and other Canadians—I imagine this is sad news for you. I kind of feel the U.S. “stole” something from Canada (and I didn’t even know this mare):
Gary and Mary West have privately purchased Canadian champion Milwaukee Appeal from C. E. C. Farms and have retired her to their broodmare band…. The 6-year-old mare has been sent to Frank and Mattie Justice’s Dell Ridge Farm near Lexington.
To Susan: How exciting! I only offered the suggestion, “Z”‘s Family made the decision. Since his mother is “Secret” and we do not know who his father is, I will always think of him fondly as “Sassy’s Secret!” Since you now have Rootbeer, Pepsi, and Sasparilla, we just need Dr. Pepper and Mountain Dew :) You are just wonderful Susan..thank you for all you do for the least of our beloved four-legged ‘friends.’
Marilu V
Hi Zeny! So happy and excited about the ESPN news. There is also ESPN2 so I have to check both of them. I am planning to go to Hollywood Park this Saturday for the Gold Cup. I read Twirling Candy and Blind Luck will be in the race. I wish them both a safe and great race.
You look so cute in the pictures. Matt is so lucky! Hugs and prayers going your way. Marilu
Sharon Call
@Judy Gadwood. I hope I got this right and you are the one that posted the link on 289 about the rescue of the humpback whale. Still have tears of joy from seeing the magnificent creature vaulting into the air.
@LauraJ. Just got a chance to view the video you posted on 289 of Totila. Help me with something. In my readings and conversations with people way more knowdgeable than I am about dressage, it was my impression that the rider is supposed to be motionless on the horse and any signal to the horse should be pretty much invisible. When looking at Fuego and Totila, this certainly was not the case since both riders’ lower legs were moving back and forth and the cues were completely visible. Also, I was under the impression that the feet in the stirrups should be parallel with the horse’s sides at all times, not with the feet turned out which was the case with both of these riders. It could be that my information is dated (to say the least), but I just wanted to ask about this.
Mary Alice Ker
Oh happy day…what great news! I’ll be at Hollywood Park to celebrate all the great Hollywood Park Gold Cup racing; and will also make sure that I record it too! Keep all those fabulous photos coming Queen Z as I and your thousands of fans can never get enough of seeing you in your new wonderful life!!
Zenyatta – you seem to get close to those who take care of you. You obviously love companionship. That’s so endearing. Love the horse captured in the background – great composition. And the photo with PQ – can almost hear the quiet, maybe a horse nickering in the background. Just a tranquil feel to it. So glad to see Pirate Queen if just in the shadows. I’ve been wondering how she is. Would love to hear more on her. Hint, hint! Enjoy your warm and sunny, lazy grazing Z. Thank you for sharing your photos Sarah. :) And thank you Dottie for the continued kindness in keeping this diary up to date and here for Z’s fans whether they post every day or just pop in for a quick hello. You are amazing.
Rita Stack
Hi Z, you look great, nice to see you having fun.
The Kennedys in San Diego
@judy berube — Thank you for the Don Robinson/Vertigineux link. Lovely recollections of V, Z and Eblouissante.
Kimberly Potter
I am so excited about YOU being on ESPN. I will be watching AND recording, so I can go back and watch YOU again and again.
I LOVE YOU SO….beautiful Zenyatta!
Your #1 fan in Montana!!
judy berube
Dear Kennedy’s in San Diego:
You’re welcome. Mr. Robinson really loves Z and her family. He must be a lovely person. Hugs, J.B.
Gary Moulton
I can’t wait to watch you on TV.
The Cup might turn out to be a battle of the Baffert Dudes. I hope they don’t eat to much Candy, LOL
judy berube
Dear Gary Moulton:
Got a feeling he might be Twirling too fast for anybody to catch him. Hugs, J.B.