Good Morning,
Firstly, I’d like to mention how ADORABLE all of you are as you respond to the SWEET SIXTEEN participants in the contest. You are so supportive of each other! This is absolutely TOO CUTE! Upon reading your comments and responses, I see the same KINDNESS and SUPPORT you have shown to ME during my career…and I realize again for the zillionth time how appreciative I am of ALL of YOU!
We will draw the ELITE EIGHT tomorrow…and they will be published on Saturday! Good Luck to ALL!
You have also asked what will happen with the postcards after the contest. As I mentioned in the original contest guidelines, by submitting a card to ME for the drawing, you are also granting your permission for ME to use your card in the future. John and Dottie have been reading them and enjoying all of your wonderful and inspirational thoughts. In the future, Dottie will think of a way to share them with ALL of YOU…in one form or another. The words are too special and the thoughts too kind not to be shared with MY DEAR FRIENDS! Thank YOU for being YOU!
Another thing you asked about in the responses is the HORSE PLANE. This is a topic in which I do have experience. In the above photo, you can see ME (my blaze stands out in the crowd) with members of MY TEAM getting ready to deplane. I always flew on TEX SUTTON planes so my comments will be based on my personal experiences. The Sutton plane is designed to accomodate approximately 21 horses in all. The plane is divided into ‘rows’ with 3 stalls in each row. It is set up just like a horse van inside with the stalls being OPEN so the horse can see things going on around he/she and not feel closed in at all during the flight! Per my John, that is the beauty of this plane…it is secure, safe, and open at the top for the horse not to feel closed in at all while traveling!
On the day I was flying, the van would pick me up at the barn. MY BELONGINGS (tack, blankets, equipment etc.) would be packed and ready to also travel with ME! Before I’d be able to travel to another state, I also had to have a HEALTH CERTIFICATE and a COGGINS completed to certify several things: I was healthy and fine to travel and also that all of my vaccinations were current. This paperwork is extremely important and would always TRAVEL WITH ME!
Once loaded on the van, we’d leave BARN 55 and be off to the airport. Tex Sutton planes fly out of Ontario, California. It is about one hour plus driving time to get there from Hollywood Park. Members of MY TEAM traveled right with ME! Mario always flew with ME and went with ME on all of my van trips. When possible (meaning depending on space) Steve, Frank, and / or John would also go on the van and / or plane with ME.
Once we’d land, the plane doors would open up…as you can see above…and Mario and I would walk right down the ramp directly into the waiting van. This is an amazingly WELL-ORGANIZED way to travel. All of these people do a great job to make it so safe and yet relaxing for the horses!
As a matter of fact, my JOHN has some video of ME while on a plane trip! I’ve got an idea…why don’t you COME FLY WITH ME!
With love,
Hugs to ALL~
Linda Shull
Could we get an update on Bernadini. Have you had a meeting with him yet???
OH MY, that was AWESOME, Z tell Dottie THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for sharing that with us, I haven’t stopped crying, since I started watching it and I have watched it like 3 times already. Tell John THANKS TOO. Love you Z – and Hugs to Dottie an John. God Bless You and your team, you guys are SO VERY SPECIAL, WE ALL LOVE YOU !!!!! Thanks so much, this was SO SPECIAL to get to see you on that plane.
Neva Rae Powers
I just love these posts! Always fun, always interesting, always a great part of my day.
@Cheryl Y…yes, I just lost my beloved Oliver on April 2nd. I am just very sad. He was a once in a lifetime baby, my baby. We were so connected and everything in the house reminds me of him because he followed me everywhere and never took his eyes off me. He slept with me, draped himself over me while I had my morning coffee, sat next to me when I watched TV, sat by my feet when I got ready in the morning. My heart is broken beyond repair and my life is forever changed.
My wonderful horse was named Rum Car. I had him for 15 1/2 years. He died in 2005 from bladder cancer. It was a month from his 33rd birthday. Until he got sick he never looked his age and was even in a clinic on older horses when he was 31 because he looked so good.
After he died I never thought I would get another horse but then one day I came across a horse who needed a home. Her owner had been killed and she was 22, arthritic and was going to be euthanized because nobody wanted her. Well I wanted her. She couldn’t be ridden but I boarded her at a great facility two minutes from my house in the wine country in Northern California. She loved it there and lived out her remaining days with wonderful friends and great pastures to roam. I visited her at least twice a day. She was a funny mare and when she walked anywhere she would paw and paw the ground. She was very sweet but definitely had to have things her way (she couldn’t believe I would be so stupid as to put carrots with her grain and would throw them out and eat them later).
I looked up her pedigree and realized that her grandfather was Hoist The Flag. He was Zenyatta’s great grandfather so they are actually distant cousins. Her name is Heart of Battle.
I have been a fan of racing, been to some great tracks, involved in rescue and been lucky enough to own two ex-racers going all the way back to the early 60’s. I have never seen any horse take hold of her fans the way Zenyatta has. I love how so many people have become aware of racing because of this very special mare.
Hi, Z! I can watch you over and over and over again…and I do! Isn’t it fun to fly–especially when we have snacks! There isn’t anything you can’t do, and it’s done so naturally with amazing calm, confidence, and grace. My plane left LAX a little bit before yours did that day for Kentucky–did you see me waving across the valley? I remember you left late because of the weather back East. That was a weekend I’ll never forget: was lucky enough to see you on Saturday, then the thousands of us said a teary farewell on Sunday, and then to be in the “air with you” (sort of) on Monday, well, it was bittersweet–thinking that we might not see you again in CA, but you were on your way to a wonderful, well-deserved life of leisure and mommy-hood.
I love this little peek into your amazing life–you take to it as easily as you did to flying down the stretch. Thank you Dottie & John & Mario.
Best wishes to everyone this weekend in the drawing. I sat looking at my postcard for the longest time, trying to think how in the world to put into words what you mean to me–to all of us–and I couldn’t! I only know it’s something indescribable that touches the heart. Go California!! Bring “Zenyatta” (her bronze) back home!
Ann Maree
Hi, Z –
What a neat and fun way to travel! Thank you so much for informing us on so much of what goes on in the background! I thoroughly enjoy these educational segments! Hugs. Your friend, Ann Maree
Hi Zenyatta. I loved seeing you on the plane. You are so cute and darling eating with not a care in the world. A true world traveler! You are the greatest.
Dottie, thank you so much! Loved the video and pic and explanations!! Whatever you do, you are unfazed, Zenny! You are just a very confident and balanced horse thanks to all the love and good care you received. Your airplane food was probably better than mine :)
We flew our dog to Germany for work/training and Austria to hike in the mountains. We talked to the pilot to make sure he was aware of his special cargo and he said not to worry, he also has 2 horses on board:) Never got to see them though. The plane ticket was so expensive our dog should have sat in first class:) but you looked so comfy and as always Mario took the best care of you!
Patti in Carlsbad
Mary Copelin
Dear Z and Dottie, I still think you should assemble all of the diary entries into a book. The book could also include some or all of the postcard messages sent in by the fans hoping for the #19 Bronze.
Some of John’s pictures would be great in the book, as well.
I believe it would sell thousands and thousands for your charities.
Diana Hanson
Wow, Zen…how many frequent travel miles do you have? It is so refreshing and calming to read your posts. You are such a great girl. And Dottie isnt too bad either cause she helps you stay organized and releys your message. Have a great day Queen Z.
Thank you, once again, for taking us along “on the ride.”
Zenny: You are so uplifting. Your generosity inspires everyone around you to be compassionate as well.
uncle mo has a stomach infection. he should be ok
Used to wonder what it was like for you flying back east,now we know! :) She sure looked comfy,Mario too! Have to admit tears were falling while following your final flight on radar from here to Kentucky on TS’ website. We’ll always miss seeing you race! And dancing for us in the paddock! Love you big girl!
Amanda Gilliland
My Sweey Lady Zenyatta, Thanks so much for the post today. It is so wonderful to be able to see you flying on the plane. The photo is great seeing you way up in the air ready to board the van. I love seeing Mario with you. I can’t imagine what he has gone through not be able to see you everyday. I know Mario & Barn 55 still miss you so much. To have been such a big part of their life then moved to Ky would be hard for anyone. It’s been beautiful here in Al today and I feel sure it was in Ky, too. Goodluck to the sweet 16 going to the elite 8 tomorrow.
@MLV-I really enjoyed your story of flying with your horse. That had to be a wonderful experience & a site to behold to see your boy come down that ramp in style. When you said you missed your boy, did you leave him over in Germany? Is he ok?
I love you, Zenyatta and I hope you have had a wonderful day of fun & sun. Sending Hugs & Kisses With Love From Alabama, Amanda G.
Thank you for sharing this great video. Zenyatta knew she was being filmed, smart lady. Also, want to thank you for keeping us updated on our Queen of Hearts – ZENYATTA!
Amanda, my horse went back and forth from California to Amsterdam and back to California again. I was moving to Europe but things didn’t really work out so back we came. People told me I was nuts not to leave him there as it cost $10,000 each way to fly him but leaving him would have been like leaving my child. So I went into great debt but that is only money. He was my baby and he belonged with me. He lived a long and wonderful life but sadly died in 2005 from a tumor in his bladder.
His death was very sad but also very beautiful as he was the old man at the barn and was revered by all the other horses. He was still the fastest though and nobody could outrace him in the pasture. On his last day, and he knew it was his last day, he went and said goodbye to each and every horse in the barn. It was incredible.
Abigail from Montreal
Loved flying with you, Zenny! You sure are a calm, cool & collected flyer….
Team Z & Z’s diary community: Related to what to do with the postcards, although I’m sure that Dottie & company are already listing their own ideas! But, a few years back, there was an AMAZING project called the 1,000 Journals Project. It involved 1,000 people contributing to the same journal. It was actually published as a book. The rest of the story is on the website (see below). Does this suggest some possibilities for the postcards? It could be a Zenyatta Diary with the postcards & some photos of you, Zenny. Here’s the 1,000 Journals Project site:
Debi Hamari
Beautiful Queen Zenyatta,
Thanks for sharing the video. As long as you are eating, you are happy! You bring us love and joy every day and you are a gift from God.
Love and hugs!
Kathy Beyers
I had heard thT when horses travel they also take along their own water….is that true?
Paula Higgins
I have often wondered what her flights were like. Thank you so much for the information and video! The video is wonderful. She has the most amazing personality and it comes through even in her stall, flying in the clouds, chomping on hay. She is just a hoot! Dottie, you or John need to write a book about the Queen. It would be a bestseller. Some of us who blog on Bloodhorse have been trying to get Steve Haskins to do it but so far he hasn’t “bitten.”
Paula Higgins
MLV, what an amazing story. It’s very impressive and heartwarming that you brough him back and forth from Europe. Sorry for your loss. He sounds like he was a great horse. But I understand, we have a dog we have never left at the Vet. to be boarded. He has always been with one of us or on vacation with us. He is like our heart.
@ J Smith: I was going back through Zenyatta’s diary posts and the restaurant you’re looking for (from yesterday) is from post #69: “OC GRILL AND SPORTS Facility. It is located at 2369 S. El Camino Real in San Clemente, CA.”
@DJ: The Derby is right near Santa Anita and was opened back in the 1930s by George Woolf, one of Seabiscuit’s regular jockeys (when Red Pollard was injured) and I believe it does have some Zenyatta memorabilia – have to stop in there one day soon to find out!
Thank you for sharing the video! So glad that Mario was with her:)
Z I have said it before you are the Coolest Horse on the Planet. Good luck to all in the contest. Question Z do you have a Derby selection yet? What about the Oaks? let us know love ya
Debbie G
Thanks for the info on the plane, Zenny. I’ve always wondered about that. I just love your diary. It’s fun AND informative! I was just curious. Do you have any idea how many postcards were sent in? Good luck to the lucky few that are left. Loving you in Lexington :-))
Irene Caty
Hi Zenny, Thanks for the invite to COME FLY WITH YOU. That was fun and all the info. that you explained about how it all goes each time was interesting. I know Dear John always did the best for you in what ever was going on. It makes me feel good that he thought you were so special. You are the #1 Special horse in the world. There are some big races on Saturday, you will probably be watching them. Love you much Big Z.
Oh how cool Zenny! Thanks for the info! Hey I have a question. What is your status when it comes to breeding? Have you bred with Bernie again yet? If not when will you? Love you Zenyatta!!! :D
Lori Stein
Congrats to the sweet sixteen. Good luck to all to move on to the next level. Big Z you look so cute with your big blazed face looking out on the plane, but you look good anywhere. I love the picture of you when they had your birthday party and you were eating a carrot and you had the leafy greens sticking out of your mouth, TOO CUTE! Just a comment on the post from LS yesterday about people calling LE to ask to see Big Z. LS is right, LE is a huge operation and this time of year would not be a time for fans to get to see the Queen for all the reasons she said including the Keeneland sale right now. Hopefully we will be lucky enough at a future date for LE to hold maybe a few days a year that fans can come to see her, that’s if we are lucky. Right now I’m just focused on the big one being happy and hopefully becoming safely back in foal soon. If she does get back in foal this year I’m sure we all can understand that she and the foal come first and foremost. To be able to see a little Z like Life Is Sweet has means everything, so I’m just praying for that! Again good luck to all tomorrow to move on in the contest. Love Ya Z