Good Morning,
Firstly, I’d like to mention how ADORABLE all of you are as you respond to the SWEET SIXTEEN participants in the contest. You are so supportive of each other! This is absolutely TOO CUTE! Upon reading your comments and responses, I see the same KINDNESS and SUPPORT you have shown to ME during my career…and I realize again for the zillionth time how appreciative I am of ALL of YOU!
We will draw the ELITE EIGHT tomorrow…and they will be published on Saturday! Good Luck to ALL!
You have also asked what will happen with the postcards after the contest. As I mentioned in the original contest guidelines, by submitting a card to ME for the drawing, you are also granting your permission for ME to use your card in the future. John and Dottie have been reading them and enjoying all of your wonderful and inspirational thoughts. In the future, Dottie will think of a way to share them with ALL of YOU…in one form or another. The words are too special and the thoughts too kind not to be shared with MY DEAR FRIENDS! Thank YOU for being YOU!
Another thing you asked about in the responses is the HORSE PLANE. This is a topic in which I do have experience. In the above photo, you can see ME (my blaze stands out in the crowd) with members of MY TEAM getting ready to deplane. I always flew on TEX SUTTON planes so my comments will be based on my personal experiences. The Sutton plane is designed to accomodate approximately 21 horses in all. The plane is divided into ‘rows’ with 3 stalls in each row. It is set up just like a horse van inside with the stalls being OPEN so the horse can see things going on around he/she and not feel closed in at all during the flight! Per my John, that is the beauty of this plane…it is secure, safe, and open at the top for the horse not to feel closed in at all while traveling!
On the day I was flying, the van would pick me up at the barn. MY BELONGINGS (tack, blankets, equipment etc.) would be packed and ready to also travel with ME! Before I’d be able to travel to another state, I also had to have a HEALTH CERTIFICATE and a COGGINS completed to certify several things: I was healthy and fine to travel and also that all of my vaccinations were current. This paperwork is extremely important and would always TRAVEL WITH ME!
Once loaded on the van, we’d leave BARN 55 and be off to the airport. Tex Sutton planes fly out of Ontario, California. It is about one hour plus driving time to get there from Hollywood Park. Members of MY TEAM traveled right with ME! Mario always flew with ME and went with ME on all of my van trips. When possible (meaning depending on space) Steve, Frank, and / or John would also go on the van and / or plane with ME.
Once we’d land, the plane doors would open up…as you can see above…and Mario and I would walk right down the ramp directly into the waiting van. This is an amazingly WELL-ORGANIZED way to travel. All of these people do a great job to make it so safe and yet relaxing for the horses!
As a matter of fact, my JOHN has some video of ME while on a plane trip! I’ve got an idea…why don’t you COME FLY WITH ME!
With love,
Hugs to ALL~
Z….Thanks much for letting your amazing team share parts of your life with the rest of us. Very interesting info about the racing world…I had no idea about the flying with horses.
Sarah Powell
What a great post! I have always been amazed at the idea of flying horses cross country – I can’t imagine getting 21 on there – wow! Great to get video of you! As someone posted on your facebook page “we’re so starved for videos and pictures of you we’ll be happy of one of you just standing there looking at the camera”!!LOL Looking forward to more pics. Good luck to all in the next drawing. (thanks Dottie)
That was very interesting. I like how you are free to look around in the plane, and you look like you were very relaxed and at home there.
Suzanne G
Dear Zenyatta,
Such fun to fly with you on a plane, on a track or even around your paddock! Thanks for always sharing. Look forward to seeing the list of Elite Eight. What a great contest! Love and hugs, Suzanne G
Would love to come fly with you Z. It would be quite an adventure we’d have. Disappointed to not be in the running still but wishing every luck. As a consolation prize, it would be great to be able to come visit you! Maybe you can work on that!
Zenyatta, Thank you to you and Team Zenyatta for sharing your life and facts with us!
Any chance you could ASK your human members of the team if its possible to have a DVD made of your off camera experiences at Barn 55, flights, arrival to KY, and some Lane’s End fun experiences? Possibly to benefit Horse Retirement homes, such as OLD FRIENDS? Hugs and Prayers
Thanks so much for sharing. You are a lucky girl to have the team that you do and we are lucky too because of that team, we have gotten to be able to share so much of your life. I do someday hope to meet you in person. I was in Calif. last Oct but wasn’t able to get to the back side. Love you.
That’s awesome Zenny! They really took care of you so you wouldn’t be frightened! What a great airline and owners! Good luck to the elite 8. I am not in it, but I love seeing the names that are winning! xoxo
Stephanie Quilichini
Great topic today!! Loved the video!
Miss seeing you run. Have a great day. Love ya
Lisa g
Ms Zenyatta, yet another real lesson in the Life of Zenyatta…it is so cool. Thank you, and thank John And Dottie. Does Mario Tango with you often, I bet he misses you something fierce. I cannot watch the video, clicked and it says restricted…I am at work..they are so weird here…I will watch as soon as I get home….I love you..hugs and love…Lisa g
Marilu V
Hello Zeny: Thank you for sharing your experiences in the plane. Your post lifted my spirit and made me happy. I just received unpleasant news but after reading this post and seeing your cute picture in the plane I feel so much better. That’s why you are a miracle to me. Hugs, Marilu
Lisa g
@William and Linda of Texas….you both must be in the Elite Eight…bring Zenyatta to Texas….Give me a Z
Lisa g
Good luck to the Sweet Sixteen…to become the Elite Eight….
Z….you’re just one cool and collected horse. Not even a hair ruffled in all that traveling you did. First class all the way. You deserve all the best babe!
Lisa g
@Mary, I love your idea. It would be wonderful.
Jill Mabry
Zenyatta, you are TOO CUTE…I love the video, thank you so much for sharing!! :) Sending you Hugs and Kisses from CA XOXOXO!!
We love you,
Laura Wetzel
Thanks for sharing that interesting information about flying. I am always learning something new from you.
Good luck to everyone, still in the contest.
Rita Stack
Thanks Z, I love to read all about you.I really want to visit you, how can I do that? can I just show up at lanes End or make an appointment? Love you so much.
Hi Angel Girl, what a special day today – the Flying Zen video, all those pictures, and the Original Moneigh by Zenyatta was delivered here to my work this morning (I was winning bid in Charitybuzz.com auction). I’m so excited and can’t wait to hang it in my home. I will look at it every day and feel your incredible spirit. Also, bought the May Readers Digest (I’m sorry, forgot who mentioned it in a previous post, but thanks for telling us about it) and there you were, full page with a “too cute” blurb about you. I’m seeing Z’s everywhere this week and couldn’t be happier about it! Love you.
dunie oneil
Indeed you have wings, dear Zenny!
Dearest Sweet “Z”,
Thank you for the generous montage of video and photos. My favorite is of your lovely Mrs. Moss feeding you the carrots and you taking them in one big nibble and leaving the tops! Then, your grateful thank you with your right hoof! Will enjoy more later…Blessings to All :)
tony and sue
We loved this post, Zenny. Anytime we can learn more about YOU and racing in general it’s a good thing. Thanks to all of team Z for keeping us up close and personal with the horse of our lifetime.
judy berube
Dear Z:
Wish we could have greeted you in person as you deplaned. How lucky the people are that were able to see you and even touch you when you were racing. You are magnificent. Thank you for all the info that you and Dottie provide us. Good luck to all of those in the next drawing. Dottie, thanks for the video and we look forward to reading some of the cards that were entered in the contest. Love to all of you. Judy and Russ
I thought you should know that your mobile me gallery is open in case you didn’t do that on purpose!
When my horse flew to Europe with me he went in a huge 747 with two other horses. The horses were in the back compartment of the plane, they were raised up into the plane on a pallette which was divided into three stalls. The airline provided two grooms who looked after the horses. I was the only owner on the plane and they let me go back and see them several times during the flight. When they opened the back door to where the horses were, you could actually see their heads if you turned in your seat and looked back.
The first time I went back I was very surprised because the horses were at the top of the plane and you could look down to the cargo area and see about six cars and lots and lots of crates of who knows what down there. Because it was something like a 12 hour flight, the horses were tranquilized just a bit. Enough to relax them. They were all three very well behaved.
When we got to Amsterdam I was surprised to see TV cameras waiting in the cargo area. One of the horses, a stallion from Germany, was coming home for stud work and it was a big deal. They immediately unloaded the stallion who was very well behaved. My boy, unfortunately not so much. He was a Thoroughbred after all. He began stamping his feet so his handler decided to take him off the pallette. He came bounding down the ramp just snorting and prancing away. Of course all the attention went from the stallion to my boy and his handler was happily parading him around. My relatives could not believe I owned such a beauty but he was a sight to behold. Big, strapping bay TB who was a race horse turned into eventing champion. All muscle and grace. The perfect combination.
I miss my boy.
Hey, Baby Girl.The posts are wonderful as always,but I’am just a little concerned about rebreeding to Bernardini.One would have thought it would have happened by now. Is everything with you alright? I know that owners&trainers like to have their foals as close to Jan1,as possible.I want so much to see your baby Z in earily 2012.Please stay sound & healthy LOTS”O”LOVE
i wasn’t able to watch video but love the picture and i can imagine you and mario flying together! thank you for your kind words today. i was watching an interview with john on youtube (not sure when it was) and he was saying that you allowed them to give people such access to you because you are so kind and gentle and love people. what a special soul you have! thank you, team z, for sharing her with us. good luck to everyone in the drawing!!
@ MLV: enjoyed your story and can tell you miss your boy-that speaks volumes.
Yes, as Anna mentioned…sending your “Gallery” of photos may not have been delibrate.