Hello Everyone,
In life, we all have things that don’t always go as hoped or planned. I am not any different than anyone else. At Lane’s End, they did a recheck on me today and discovered that I am no longer in foal. Just as with humans, horses also have this type of thing happen.
I am feeling terrific! I am totally looking forward to becoming a MOM in the future. I want everything to be perfect when that time comes!
With Love,
Hugs to ALL~
Jeanenne Cliffman
I am so sorry and I just know that everything will be perfect the next time. I am so relieved that you are OK and trying again as soon as it is time.
I love you
Hey baby you keep yo head up. I’ll be there for you in due time. You know you my boo.
Pamela J Hebert
Oh Zenny I am so sorry sweet girl. Things happen for a reason. The most important thing is you are well. I’m also sorry for Team Z. You take care honey. Thank you for the update Dottie. HUGS TO ALL.
Oh my Dear! I’m so sorry! Surely you will have a foal the other year! Oh my sweetness! My heart is with you!
Love and hugs from Germany!
Feel our love, sweetest Zenyatta, and remember that we are all in the exact right place at the exact right second. God holds you in His protective hands of grace and love. You can take this in your glorious long strides, knowing you’ll be a mother when the time is perfect.
You carry our hearts, Zenyatta!
I am so sorry for your setback, Z, but I have faith that it will happen for you. Sending you big hugs and kisses and much love from your home base in Southern California. We love you so much!!
I see we’ve been invaded by trolls. Sock puppets too, maybe? Grow up, children. If you don’t like some or all of the comments here, no one is forcing you to read them. Sheesh.
Trisha Veazey
God love you. When the time is right it will happen. Not to worry, you have plenty of time.
You take care because we all love you so much and only want you to be healthy and and happy.
Love, hugs, and kisses
Gio Ponti
Sorry things didn’t work out. Hey, at least you’re off your hooves. Why am I still in training? What about me? Why did you beat me in ’09 and then let that bum beat you last year? How dare you? You ruined my life!!
Tina Rodgers
OMG!! I am so sorry Z!! Hang in there and u will have fun trying again!! Love ya!!
so sorry zenny! so sad.
why would that happen? whats next?
Catherine Uher
My eyes are filled with tears at hearing this news, but I am hopeful that you will be able to have another date with Bernardini and that all will go just as perfectly as you want it to in the very near future! I hope Bernardini is holding up as well as you are! We all love you Zenyatta and want nothing but the best for you sweet girl! <3
karen gogue
Well, after being reasured by Zenny’s loving family here, I am not so freaked! Thank you all – what a blessing you all are to me! Now I know it does happen sometimes, Zenny you will be a great loving Mom one day for sure!! Love you more karen
Better luck next time Z, sometime things to work out as you said, and you taught us all to push on and never give up in the face of that, and I know you will do exactly that. When it is your time, whether you try again this year, or wait until next year, you will be a GREAT mother. In the meantime, enjoy yourself, and be a great Auntie Z to Life Is Sweet’s foal. Take care Zenny, XOXOXOXOXO
Kim Morris
So sad to hear the news. I’ve been in the same situation & it’s never easy. Just remember that God has a plan for you, and when the time is right – it will happen for you. In the meantime, accept my prayers. You are gorgeous and have my total support, Z! Love you!
Linda Moss
Dear Sweet Zenny and Team Z – thinking of all ofyou today with this news. I am sure that when motherhood is meant to be, it will happen! The most important thing is that you are well and feeling great!!
On the bright side – I know you have so many additional things going on with your new career, that good things are still yet to come on that front for you. And you can stil learn and support Life Is Sweet :)
Love to all of you, L.
Colleen Robbins
I am so sorry for your loss Zenyatta and your family of special people who love and care for you. Nothing I can say will make it better or change the fact that your dear little foul is gone. I hope you will feel better soon and enjoy romping the fields and eating pears and drinking Guiness. You are a special Lady and someday soon you will have a little Filly or Colt standing beside you.
gail ray
not to worry, Zenyatta! you have always taken your time to do things your own way, and there is still plenty of time before june 15 this season. you always come thru!
delon scott
thinking of you and sending best wishes, the way you handle the ups and downs of life really set the bar high, always learning from you on how to look on the bright side and handle anything with grace and ease–I have never learned so much from a horse than from you–so lucky to know you, thanks to your team for sharing all of this with us.
delon scott
does this mean she will have to make new friends or have new paddock buddies??
Especially Horses
Team Z, so sorry for this setback, but what stands you apart from others in this industry is your class and giving nature to Z’s fan base, which is wide and diverse. Those of us who appreciate your generosity and giving nature know that it is our turn to support you and give you encouragement during this not so happy time. Z has done everything right and within her own time; as a broodmare she is just in the beginning of her stretch run, we all know she will get there and when she does she won’t disappoint. We will all taste that Victory Ground with her again, and she will have a foal that stands and nurses. I am sure of it. God Bless.
To Zenyatta, her connections and all horse lovers everywhere, my deepest sympathy and love goes out to all. This is a disappointment that we will all overcome and live to see happier times ahead. She is safe, and ultimately that is the most important thing for all of us. There is a brighter future for her and her loved ones. God Bless Zenyatta and all that love her.
Ida Lee
Gio: Stop it..you are a beautiful boy and I love you desperately. I swoon every time I see you cause you’re so drop dead gorgeous not to mention incredibly talented. But you’re remarks are obnoxious..you got beat fair and square..so stop whining and man up .. you got beat by the best..so shut up and lower your pretty head to the Queen.
Hey doll sorry I haven’t replied to your neighing. I’ve been so behind lately it’s like I’ll never get caught up. LOL. You know what I mean? Ah forget it you always finished the job…except that one..oh LOL you know me the ham. Can’t help it. LOLOL!!
Hang in there girl, not like P. Drift though LOLOL xoxo
don’t worry baby girl, maybe your first baby was meant to be an Aries just like you!!
Hi, Zenny, so glad you’re feeling well. You have plenty time and it will be nice and warm next year when you have your first baby!
So sorry Z.
According to the article at The Bloodhose, she will be bred again this year,and as soon as possible.
Diana Hanson
So sorry Zen! But you are a big stron girl and when the time is right, it will happen. When that happened to my mare athounder Dance, it was very disappointing but she bounced back and produce a wonderful colt. Keep your chin up Queen Z! Wish I could hug you right now.
Maria McLeese
PS Zenny-My brother owned Title Nine, a good lil thoruoughbred. It took several tries before she became mom to 3 fine foals.
I have great hope in my heart for your future foals. <3 Maria
Nancy O.
Dear Zenyatta: We all know that you are the most amazing horse and we are just glad that on THIS day you are strong and healthy and beautiful as ever. Wish that I could wrap my arms around your neck right now and feed you some treats. God knows what His plan is for every living thing.