Hello Everyone,
In life, we all have things that don’t always go as hoped or planned. I am not any different than anyone else. At Lane’s End, they did a recheck on me today and discovered that I am no longer in foal. Just as with humans, horses also have this type of thing happen.
I am feeling terrific! I am totally looking forward to becoming a MOM in the future. I want everything to be perfect when that time comes!
With Love,
Hugs to ALL~
Oh Z, my condolences to you. but! it’s not all bad. Just think, you’ll get to see that handsome guy Bernie again!
Christine Coleman
Hi Zenny…This is a characteristic of yours that made me fall in love with you “from the gate” (so to speak). No matter how bleak things looked, you would settle and find your rhythm, and get your kick when you were ready! I believe your greatest race performance was the 2010 BC Classic. That’s where you should what you were made of. This setback is killing us humans, but YOU are handling this like the mighty horse you are! I’m taking notes, my beautiful big girl! I have 11 adopted children and suffered from 8 failed pregnancies. All of my children are grown and some are parents themselves.
Marie Henson
I am sorry the foal was lost. You should visit CURLIN.
Lisa g
I was so distraught when I read the sad news from our Queen, that I did not read any posts. I am trying to catch up and I am just sick from what I read from so many ugly people. To have a Rachel fan speak like that makes me ill, she is a great, pretty filly and deserves someone better than that for a fan. The language used, when kids are in this Beautiful World of Zenyatta…shame, shame.
As for Zenyatta being a horse…what did Ann say..not a direct quote..by these amazing human beings disgised as horses. We are all God’s creatures and we all have spirits…animals understand, in the case of the evil doers…more than them.
I usually ignore this kind of thing, but this is the worst. Someone said these trolls might try to take over this site…NO WAY, we are Z and Z Teams fans…we will prevail and win.
I am sorry, but I had to do it this time…stay away from The Beautiful World of Zenyatta if you cannot find love in your heart.
Jane D
I’m so sorry you lost your foal. But, I hope you are in good health. Hang in there sweetie.
To Zenyatta:
Keep holding on and stay strong. You brought us up when we were down and now we will be with you every step of the way!
<3 always from NC
And that goes to ALL of the hateful posters. Your rants are inappropriate, and terrible.
Looks like you two had a fun weekend! That dainncg Frosty is awesome! Haha! Oh, I’m so looking forward to the slow-cooker recipes! Our tiny little studio apartment doesn’t have an oven, so I try to use our slow-cooker often. I made a really good Chicken Soup this weekend! And we have enough leftovers to feed my bf and I for a week! Haha! I love slow-cookers!
My condolences to you and your team. I’m so sorry. Sometimes things happen and we will never know why it happended we just have to trust. You are a sweet heart and have a lot of fans that wish you well just know we are all pulling for you. I do think animals know that something happend. I’m also sorry that some people try and spoil it for those of us who like to keep in touch with how you are doing. I wish you all the happiness in the world. I know you brought alot of us happiness just watch you race. Alot of us cryed or tryed to hold back the tears when you did not win the last race. You came back and got horse of the year that has to say something. You just keep being your self Zenyatta that says alot in it’s self. Take Care and God Bless my prayers are with you. Hold your head up high don’t let anyone or thing bring you down.
Shirley Donoho
I love you so much, Zenny. I know today, April 1, is your birthday. And I am so happy to be sharing yours with mine. I am going to celebrate at a spa today. Hope you get the great spa treatment, too. That will help take away the hurt. I will be thinking of you all day. So sorry that things didn’t go the way you wanted. But you are very young, and there’s plenty of time for being a mom. Don’t rush it!!! Much love and kisses, Shirley Donoho
Hello Beautiful Girl,
First, let me say I was sad to hear the news about the slipping embryo. Hopefully, you will be bred back to Bernardini when you are in heat again. Physically you had a lot of adjustments to deal with since last November, so I’m not surprised.
Second, I applaud Audreyc for her response on 3/30 to the negative comments coming from people who still live in the dark ages. Maybe one day they will experience a Renaissance of the mind and heart. No one invited them to this blog, so no one will miss them and their acid dripping words when they leave!
Hugs and Kisses,
Teresa E.
Zenyatta says: I do not want to have a baby and be a bored broodmare year after year. I miss the excitement of the track, and I want to avenge my Breeders Cup Classic! I miss the experience of the track, dancing for the crowds, and the baby thing is just something I do not feel like doing right now. Maybe someday, just not now. Let me do what I loved to do and that was RUN! I was hoping that my connections would send me over to Dubai so I could show the whole world what I could do but I was retired too soon. Miss you all at the track!
Lisa g
@Teresa: Loving that. If only
Donn & Jody
I’m feeling sorry Queen Zenyatta. When the birth of a little Z occurs, we will all rejoice even more.
So sorry for you Z! I hope you will be a mom someday! :(
PS Have a great day
Aw Zenny thats so sad!!!!!!
I Can’t beleive it! I’m crying right now. Oh well. I can save the stuff for when you do get pregnant! (It’s a halter, lead, treat for you, and idk what else). But i’m so sad right now! This is so bad. But…
Dottie If you read these comments Also zenny you guys look up Big Brown he is a major stud and the half brother of Barbaro and Almost! Won the Triple crown he lost the belmont due to poor shoeing (I’m mad at his groom) Any who he would be a perfect match he is this centuries Racing King as you the Racing Queen (of all time) Any who gotta go spread the news to Fallon.
Hugs and Kisses Zenny.
Sorry to hear Z lost her foal :( Glad you’re healthy Zenny!
And Morgan, Big Brown A) is not related to Barbaro and B) since he lost the Belmont did not win the Triple Crown. “Poor shoeing” was not his problem, “soft feet” were his problem, and the groom has nothing to do with shoeing. And who is Almost?
how sad, that some people can write terrible things about an innocent horse and her fans. Dottie, you have brought simple joy and education(on different facets of racing) into our lives. I’ve been going to the races for 35 years and Zenyatta is the most positive force I can remember. thank you for keeping her in our daily lives.
Anthony Andrews
I remember reading the news with sadness, but most notably, with your well being in mind. You have touched the lives of so many people, and we love you without condition. The Bible says that for everything, there is a season. A season to cry, and a season to celebrate. I am confident that the season will come in God’s time when motherhood will call you. In the meantime, I am confident that you rest in the palm of his loving hand. For someone as beautiful as you could have only come from him and his loving ways. What a gift you are to all of those who love you and cherish you. Be well sweet baby.
May the soul of the little embryo you lost be blessed and reborn again in fortunate circumstances.
Zenyatta, I am really sorry that you lost your little foal. How did it happen? This makes me want to cry. I wonder what that sweet, innocent, little unborn foal somehow did to deserve such a horrible fate. I hope it makes a miraculous comeback or that another one takes its place. The sooner,the better. You have my very very deepest sympathies, Zenyatta. I hope you get pregnant again very soon. I love you very very much.
This is to the “kid in writing about sports class at umw”: If you think that this is such a bullshit site, don’t look at it. You have a lot of nerve coming on to here and talking like this. If I ever find out what you look like and we physically meet, you will be running for your life. As far as I’m concerned, you ARE NOT welcome to this site. Take your opinions elsewhere. There are proper and improper ways of expressing your opinion and your way of expressing is improper.
This is to Gabbie-Mar.30, 2011: Why are you calling Jerry Moss insincere? I didn’t see the Eclipse Awards, but the Mosses are very well aware of Mike Smith and all of his love for Zenyatta. Just because Mr. Moss didn’t mention Mike Smith in his speech doesn’t mean he is unaware of Mike Smith, his accomplishments, and his love for Zenyatta. It also does not mean that they only care about money. These people care deeply about the animals. You are just as bad as the “kid in writing about sports class at umw” who thinks that everybody who writes into here should accept that Zenyatta is just a horse and not elevate her to godlike status. Before you make such comments about the Mosses being heartless and not giving Mike Smith credit, get your facts straight. You obviously do not know what insincere means. Do not EVER use that word about ANYONE until you actually know what it means and you are saying it about someone who REALLY IS insincere. Until then, shut up.
Dear “kid in writing about sports”; what are you so angry about? Certainly not a horse or people that enjoy following her life. Zenyatta would not kick the s__t out of you or not care about a visit. She is obviously very loved and sweet because of good treatment. Only animals that have been ill treated by humans will be agressive or angry like you. Perhaps if you had a pet or knew anything about horses it wouldn’t be necessary to use profanity to describe your emotions. I had a horse and now care for others horses but still enjoy Zenyatta’s website. Horses do care and love you back. If Z could meet everyone that loves her just because…she would love it because she loves attention like my horse did. He was quite vain & proud of his accomplishments with his strut but also very friendly with his fellow stable mates and humans in his life. Everyone that visits this website enjoys it regardless whether angry people think they can spoil someone else’s decent fun or intentions. Vent your anger where it belongs and then you can join the rest of us who find fun and genuine pleasure from following Zenyatta.
Casey L.
my herat sank when i read what happened Z! I hope everything works out for the best. And of course, we all know it will. Can’t wait to see your foal in the future! You are gonna get so many “Best Mom” and “No. 1 Mom” awards! love you!
i think bernie had this planned to come back for another try, “he wanted another date with her”,smart horse jk
erikka jb's GF
hey Zen dont feel bad. When the time comes for you to be a mom, racing fans will stand at your side watching as a brand new life starts. we all ask if it will take its place as the champion his mom was, or even better.