Hello Everyone,
In life, we all have things that don’t always go as hoped or planned. I am not any different than anyone else. At Lane’s End, they did a recheck on me today and discovered that I am no longer in foal. Just as with humans, horses also have this type of thing happen.
I am feeling terrific! I am totally looking forward to becoming a MOM in the future. I want everything to be perfect when that time comes!
With Love,
Hugs to ALL~
Valeria P. Cannon
For those of us that may need a dose of hope and joy, click on the media button above and review some of Zenyatta’s videos, including the one of Liza G. singing to Lady Z. I can guarantee that after watching these, you’ll feel much better in heart and spirit!
Hugs to All,
@QH Breeder thanks for your link and to everyone else for your explanations!
Kristin M
So sorry to hear, I have been there too Z and feel sorrow for your loss. Here’s to hoping the 2nd time is the charm!
Beautiful Zenny! I love you so much and just want you to know that! Take care of yourself!
kid in writing about sports class at umw
Everyone on this damn site listen up. I had discussion about this post in my english class and I didn’t say anything in class because I felt it be better to address this on the site. This horse is NOT HUMAN. This horse to be honest doesn’t give a shit about who you all are. A horse can’t express it’s emotion, and I highly doubt it can tell it was pregnant. If you tried to hug Zenyatta, she’d probably might buck the shit out of you.
This whole entire site is complete bullshit. Why are you guys giving into something so illogical. If you had a connection with the horse then go visit the owner or talk to them. I mean for real “I am totally looking foward to becoming a MOM in the future.” It’s all bullshit. She probably doesn’t give a shit about not being mom. All she cares about is being a horse and that’s it.
Anita in Ca
So sorry, Baby :( hugs and prayers to comfort you and your loved ones. I love you. How happy we will all be when that special day comes.
Luv you Zeny!
to the kid in writing
Boy or Girl – you better stay in class a little longer. A horse or any animal can express emotion. A horse or any animal does know when they are going to have a baby. And a horse or any animal probably knew before the sonogram that she no longer has the baby. Any doubt, go to a breeding farm and watch and learn.
My Sweet Zenyatta, I’m saddened and sorry to hear the news. My condolences to you and your family. Take care, we love you dearly.
Heather Myers
Very sad for you, your team and those who love you but fate is fate. You will be safe in foal the next time with the thoughts and prayers of those who love you.
OMG I am so upset, might not be able to go to work tonite, and if I do will wear my Zenyatta hat. I will go to church in the morning and pray for Zenyatta the bestest horsie evah, EVERYONE PRAY PRAY PRAY PRAY PRAY
I feared they rushed you the breeding shed, mere months after you left the track. High spirited girls like you need time to let down your hair and rest before undertaking a career as a mom. I’m glad you are feeling well. Enjoy your pasture time. Hopefully they won’t try abain until next spring. We love you, Queen Z.
Maureen Brady
Dear Zenyatta, we are so sorry for your loss. We hope you will get to try to be in foal again this year. All the best wishes to you for a healthy 2011. Love Renee and Hubby
OraJean Stevenson
Dear Queen-Z & Team-Z,
Sorry to hear that you are not “in-foal”, but take your time and get your hormones all geared-up, and it will happen for real. Some warm weather would help, also. Say, “Hi” to Bernie when you see him next week. He’s a good match for you.
It’s your B-day week, and I hope you’re having fun!! Maybe, you’ll deliver your first foal on your B-day, next year…just like my MOM did, many moons ago.
Hugs to all. Fondly, OraJean
Sorry to hear this.
Don’t agree with the short length of time you had to come down before you were bred at all – the timing was definitely not right. Breeders!!
You gave the Mosses and all your fans the world – how much money do these people want to make out of you? I also did not like the way Mr Mosses had to be reminded by his wife to acknowledge Mike Smith in his Horse of the Year Award public speech. Mike Smith thinks the world and more of Zenyatta and yes, whilst he has also made a fortune his true colours/feelings for this horse are definitely more sincere than Mr Mosses.
She will go back to Bernardini next week to be rebred.
Nancy McNaul Applegate
Zenny, it’s no big deal. love you!
I know you will handle this setback with your usual good grace and upbeat attitude.
I’m sorry Zenny that it didn’t work out with the foal. We’re just happy that you’re healthy and happy and hopefully it will go better next time. Love and hugs to you.
Carole Cole
Dear Zenyatta,
I’m so sorry that you had this disappointment; and we are all disappointed right along with you…but your day will come and we will be shouting out joyfully at that time. At least you will have another private time with Bernardini….that’s a good thing!. :-)
Sending you love and best wishes. Enjoy a little spring break now! AND a Happy Birthday!!
Robyn Mullhausen
Awwww, Zenny. God works in mysterious ways. This was not to be this time but the main thing is you are healthy. You will be in foal again beautiful Lady. Your loving fans are rooting for you.
Lisa T
Dearest Zenyatta, I am so sorry for your loss. You will make a terrific mom one day! Thank goodness in are in good health. Hugs and prayers coming your way, we all love you so much!! XXOXX
Judy Gadwood Loves Zenny/California
Zenny, sweetheart, first of all I want to apologize for the crude and rude marks people are posting on YOUR diary. It’s not about Rachel/Curlin. It’s not about any other horse or political issue!
I wish Dottie would use a filter so that the postings don’t automatically appear until they are read. Some people really have mental problems – scary!!!
Thank you to dear Zenyatta and her team. Zenyatta has given us so much and her team has allowed us to love her. Thank you! For the love of a horse…….
We just found out today my wife had a miscarriage too. She’s one of your biggest fans. Sad for us too….
OMG I am about to cry . I love you Zenyatta I am drvistated. My friend a d I watched a show on you today and that was the first time she had heard of you and she is even starting to tear up. Zenyatta ,you mark my words in the futer you are going to be the best mom ever< and you will have the best foal.
Oh Zenyatta, I’m so sorry! When I read this my heart sank. You’re in my prayers, love you.
So sorry to hear the news Queen Z. Second dates are always better than the first though!
Good luck!
Lots of hugs and kisses!
Just want to tell you that I love you, and your wonderful family that loves you as well. To me, you are pefection and I thank god every day that you are in my life. When I am traveling I have a breyers of you..and my sweet grandaughter always calls me and lets me know that she took good careo you for me. How cute is that! Love you sweet girl.
Sweety Zen
Take it easy. Don’t get excited to be a mom. I’m glad to know that you are in good health. May your wishes come true. Take care.