Hello Everyone,
In life, we all have things that don’t always go as hoped or planned. I am not any different than anyone else. At Lane’s End, they did a recheck on me today and discovered that I am no longer in foal. Just as with humans, horses also have this type of thing happen.
I am feeling terrific! I am totally looking forward to becoming a MOM in the future. I want everything to be perfect when that time comes!
With Love,
Hugs to ALL~
sandy whidden
So terribly upset to read this disappointing news. Thanks to the wonderful knowledgable horse people on here I am cheered up to hear that this is not unusual and that she will be bred again soon !!!! I admit I skim through the posts everyday since I assume they are all positive responses from fellow Zenyatta fans. Now I notice there are evidently some ignorant people saying nasty things on here ? I believe we should ignore them and these very sad people will go away and seek their desperate attention elsewhere. Anyway, still absolutely love Zenyatta and know with all my heart she will make a great mother someday (hopefully soon)
Oh my Zenyatta, so sorry to hear the news but glad you are feeling good, no worries all good things will come because you are the great Zenyatta. Love you.
My heart dropped to the bottom of my stomach when I read the news. Boy, do I know how things in life don’t go as planned. My whole life has been this way!! Sure, there have been bumps in the road and challenges to face but I wouldn’t change it for the world!! Well, maybe there’d be a couple of things I would change but the rest is ALL GOOD!!! I truly believe things happen for a reason and we don’t always know what it is in the present but it seems to unfold in front of our eyes when we least expect it. I am so happy to hear you are healthy and feeling good — that’s what counts!! You are so incredibly special to your owners, extended family and all the fans!! We’re behind you all the way Zenny . . . now and forever!! Never, never, never give up!!! You will be a great Mom one day very soon and your foals will be beautifully talented. Love you sweetie — take care!!!
Elizabeth G.
Micheal: You do not believe in enchantment and dreams and the love and dignity of Zenyatta.
Pam Green
Ah Queen Z felt like my world fell apart when I heard the news. Feel so bad for you. But you will be a great Mom when the time is right. Your team has always kept your best interests at heart and I know they will take good care of you. Best Wish to all of you, including Bernie.
Patricia Emery
Zen-hope your day is better today than yesterday…How is Bernie doing? I am sure he is a sad as all of us…but just think, you & he will be meeting again soon and hopefully things will work out this time…we will pray for you both.
And…how are the Mosses and Team Z? Let them know we are keeping them close to our hearts.
If I could hug you right now, it would be the BIGGEST hug ever!
Chris K
It’s alright beautiful girl…it just wasn’t the right time yet. God will bless you with a very special foal, I just know it. You are the best, CK
The Truth
You Rachel A. fans that are on here saying all those bad things about Zenyatta at a time like this, I bet Jess Jackson and his wife would be appalled to think a RA fan could stoop so low. You know, they wouldn’t want Zenyatta fans to be saying such things if this was RA. I know they are holding their own breath and hoping that nothing goes wrong with Rachel’s pregnancy as well. People, this isn’t the time or place to say such things, it’s a difference when it’s about the horses careers and what they done on the tracks, but its not called for when it’s a life or could be an animal’s life. Think before you speak, and think about the reprocutions that can be dealt with down the road. Any new and young mare can have problems not just one that you think is better than the other. This is about nature, not competition, Competition is dealt with on the track, foaling is dealt with with nature. Zenyatta will foal again. she has always proved herself, and she will in foaling too.
@patty hale:
Thank you for link. Interesting and informative article. It mentions that “hormonal drugs are prescribed,” is this a common practice in the breeding process?
I hope you try again this year after all, you’re an April baby yourself so your baby could be one too. You just wanted to see that handsome boy again! :)
So very sorry! There’s still time for a second breeding. On the bright side it would mean that the foal would be born in better weather. Best wishes, you’re very special.
I know how sad those who truely love you feel about your baby falling away…your short post tells me it brought much saddness, I myself cried…
Sometimes special people come into our lives and their ups and downs bring happiness and saddness to our hearts, our love for you brings soooo much happiness, tears of joy and now tears of saddness. Its called LOVE and in times such as these LOVE is needed more then ever before.
Sweet sweet Zanyatta, my heart aches for you but I know you are strong and such a happy horse. A Queen! You will be a wonderful mother when it is your time, and we are all so excited to watch this miralce happen when that time comes. You are the most splendid creature; inside and out. Love you more than I would ever think possible! Shoshana :)
Awww Zenny…that is sad news! When the time is right….EVERYTHING will be perfect! xoxo
Jana Bail
Don’t give up.You will be a mommy,soon!
Here’s a great explanation:
So sorry to read this Zenyatta. I know you will be a great MOM soon!!!
Zen, I am so sorry you lost your little one. When the time is right it will happen for you. All you can do is ask your man if he wants to try again. :)
We love you z
Daina Ryan
The big beautiful Z just continues to be an example for all of us – teaching us great lessons. I’m so sorry she lost the foal but this is not a bad part of the story – it’s just a part of life. She’s real – – and as Z explains – life isn’t always perfect – we’ll all hit a few roadblocks but you figure a way around and keep on plugging. The most important is that she’s healthy and happy. She will be a mom someday and we look so forward to that special little foal when the time is right.
So sorry to hear this news, gorgeous girl!!
Patricia Emery
@ QH Breeder…thanks for the link to the article.
And to the individual making all of the incredibly insensitive remarks…my mother alwways said, “if you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything at all.” Team Z, the Mosses, Zenyatta & all of the fans that go to this site because we truly love to participate(or not) are here for genuine reasons of affection for our dear “Z.”
So…if you don’t like Dottie’s method of conveying her thoughts for Z and communicating to the 10’s of thousands of her fans, then don’t visit the site. We are all here for good reason and your comments yesterday, during a time of sadness for all of us, was with disregard and disrespect. I highly doubt any of us here, are going to any of the other horses websites and making cruel and unneccesary comments.
So please stop.
WE LOVE YOU ZENYATTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Zenyatta, I went to bed thinking of you, I woke up thinking of you.
Dottie, Thank you for your brave “Zenyatta voice” of reality and future hope. As long as Zenyatta is fine and well. Hugs and Prayers
Thank you QH Breeder for the link. That info is really appreciated. We are all so concerned and interested – mother hens we be.
@ Ingrid. You also gave me quite a chuckle. That is turning bad to good for sure!! Thank You!
Chris Balmes
Oh big girl and your loving family – I am so sorry. Again, you remind us all of life’s lessons………….what a special “position” you were born into and what perfect timing for your teachings for all of us.
Chris Balmes
P.S. Now, go out and eat as much green grass as you can, as fast as you can! That is what I would do!
Kim Noble
SO sorry Zenny and family. Tears, hugs and peppermints for everyone. So very happy that you are okay and hope everything goes much better for you soon. Love you always! (((Zenyatta)))
Emily and Ben
Not to worry Z, just a little set back to show us yet again how you will persevere. We can’t wait to see your “Z babies” dancing on the track. All our love and prayers to Z and all of your connections.
Amanda Gilliland
Good Morning My Sweet Lady Zenyatta, I hope you are feeling better today than yesterday. My heart still hurts for you & your family.
Zenyatta close your ears.
This is for the jealous people of you.
Dottie & Zenyatta, I know that there are some people who rejoice in the misfortunes of others especialy if they are Blessed in life with good fortune, dreams come true and true happiness. Because of their unhappiness in life they try to project this in meaningless words.
Zenyatta is a “Dream Come True” for you & John & The Mosses and especially her fans. She has Blessed all our lives with her wonderful pure & natural racing abilities & her hugh her of love. You can open you ears now, Sweet Zenyatta. Sending Hugs & Kisses With Love From Alabama, Amanda G.
Amanda Gilliland
I meant hugh heart of love instead of her love.