Hello Everyone,
In life, we all have things that don’t always go as hoped or planned. I am not any different than anyone else. At Lane’s End, they did a recheck on me today and discovered that I am no longer in foal. Just as with humans, horses also have this type of thing happen.
I am feeling terrific! I am totally looking forward to becoming a MOM in the future. I want everything to be perfect when that time comes!
With Love,
Hugs to ALL~
Gloria Jeanne
Dottie- I hope you, John, The Moss’s and the Team along with Z are doing ok. My heart goes out to you all. I hope you all get to visit her soon. Good luck next time. Love
Trina Nagele
@Kitei–Many thanks for linking to the heartwarming video of the three-year-old girl riding the Welsh pony bridleless, bareback (+rearing, spanish walk, lying down, sitting, etc.)
This brought a smile to my face on this otherwise tearful day.
In reverberating your sentence structure, I quote: “your all nuts….your talking to a person.”
FYI – “your”, as stated, is a possessive form. I believe you meant “you’re”, the contraction for “you are”, which would be correct, within the context of your sentence/s. Proper english, anyone?
Louise Castello
Just need to point out regarding the person posting as Jess Jackson, Rachel’s facebook page had the sweetest note to Zenyatta not long after the news about the lost foal broke. Go read it as it bought tears to my eyes. So sweet! These rude people on here pretending to speak for the Jacksons and Rachel are just small people making themselves look foolish. Thank you to everyone who has educated us about what happened to Zenyatta. I feel much better now about this beautiful horse we all love so much. God bless you sweet Zenyatta!
So sad to hear the news today about our Zenyatta.Very reassuring all the kind thoughtful comments about how she’ll be fine and what happens next,not just here but everywhere online! She is sooooo loved by all! My thoughts are with all of Team Z today.
I see some silly people came by,not suprised after seeing that writer in the DRF mention this website by name,AND he printed a few comments to show,obviously,hard core handicappers reading their paper a direct arrow to get here. I think the DRF is still resentful they had to put her on the cover when she won her long overdue Horse Of The Year! Someone compared votes and the DRF was the highest number of “no” votes. They’ll never “get it” about our California Queen! :)
So sad to hear of the unfortunate turn of events, but we’re hoping there will soon be good news after your next visit to Darley. Big thanks to Dottie and all of Team Z for all you do for the fans of the Queen. Too bad some horrid people have to spoil this forum even for children and all the rest of us who love Zenyatta.
Valeria Cannon
Hi Lady Z, when I heard/read the news I thought like many that it’s an awful cruel joke by some evil, demented human specimen who seems to think it’s funny and cool to hijack someone else’s website, all in the name of an early April Fool’s day prank. 1. Dottie normally doesn’t write TWO posts in one day. 2. If they checked you a few days ago and everything was fine, why would they check again, less than a week later? 3. You didn’t mention your team nor their well-being. You always express your love/concern for your human family and fans, not today. 4. All the corrupt, ugly things being said by a few, that obviously don’t know you nor even care to. If I’m wrong and this is true, so be it, but something just doesn’t feel RIGHT!!! 5. I’ve visited Lane’s End and Darley’s website and no press release has been published, when you were in foal, press notices were posted. Even Bernadini has not responded on his facebook page! By the way, he did update his bio and named you as his Queen. 6. I know that the report has been posted on DRF, Bloodhorse, Thoroughbred Times, to name a few. But normally, Dottie announces all the news to your fans First, and the newsgroups quote from your website, not the other way around.
Maybe I’m wrong and just don’t want this be real, but I can’t help but think that something’s just off-center.
If the sad news is true, I send out my sympathy and love to the entire Team Z, her family and most of all her true fans. You my sweet Lady, could never disappoint us, even in this time of sadness, you’re still teaching us about grace, courage and determination. As we humans have done such a bang up job in nearly destroying the one world we have, maybe it’s time for us to stop and listen (yes, listen) and learn from the animal kingdom how to be a nobler species! I love you, sweet lady, as many who visit here do. And I want nothing but the very best for you, in health and happiness. Now, go be what God has created you to be, a mighty Queen!
Hugs and lots and lots of Kisses….
Keep rationalizing your insanity audreyc, and dont worry picking at my grammar wont change the fact your addressing an animal on the internet. Go ask Zenyatta about the world wide web, I’m sure her animal intelligence will know all about it.
If you want to help the great sport of horse racing (which you might not, I get the vibe YOU’RE one of those PETA crazy types. Especially after your ridiculous stab at Borel for hitting Rachel during a race, uh his job, or that her connections treated her like my sarcastic berrating post designed to draw pathetic even more hilarious responses from looneys like yourself) this is not what you should be wasting your time doing.
Get out there and go to the races, bring your friends, show them what a great sport this is. You can even tell them about Zenyatta and how great she was, just stop acting like 7 year old girls while spilling guts on a strange horse diary on the internet. I want to puke.
Regina From NJ
To My Beautiful Zenyatta: You are the most magnificent mare who ever lived, and, for some reason unknown to us mortals, this is not your time to be a mama. What matters most is that you are fine and happy. Stay joyful, Great Mare, because if I close my eyes tightly, I can almost hear Bernardini whinnying, “Come Follow Me —the Best is Yet to Be!” So many hugs from all your friends are going your way with good wishes. You are loved. xoxoxo
Oh sweetie, I’m so sorry….big hugs…sometimes things happen in life we don’t understand but you are doing ok..that is what matters right now. Love and Hugs….
Martha Wentling
I am greatly saddened by your news. However I know you Will be just as good at being a MOM as you were at racing. Now its just a matter that the little prince or princess you will carry will simply be making a fashionably late debut.
Best wishes to Zenyatta and all her connections. My hope is that Z is robustly healthy despite the loss.
Regina From NJ
Dear Team Z: You can always be at peace within your hearts knowing that every inch of this Great Mare’s journey is calculated by yourselves along with the best professionals who surround her. I know you will find that peace knowing that our girl is none the worse for this experience and remains well and happy. May the heavens bless you on this day and as you go forward -Always with love and prayers, Regina
I was soooooo sad when I read that you are no longer in foal…had been looking forward to meeting baby Zenny! Do the doctors have any ideas as to what happened? Will you try again with the same sire? How long will you have to wait? Chin up and know we all love you!
Vicki B.
I am so sorry, honey-bun. But I’m glad you’re “feeling terrific”, anyway.
People, Ignore the stupid people trying to get attention on here by saying terrible things. I hope they know Rachel isn’t out of the woods yet either, sooooooooooo many complications can still go her way. Why hasn’t team RAchel let us know any updates on her, like her recent scans, only thing we have heard is she was scanned and is in foal, I would worry about that too. so you people that come onto this site comparing one horse’s pregnancy to the other, Ask yourself this, “How am I going to feel is something happens to RA’s pregnancy after I have ran my mouth off about Zenyatta’s miscarriage”? I bet you won’t be feeling to good, also ask yourself why arent you hearing any more updates on RA scans like we have on Zenyatta’s you know, the 30,, 45, day scans…. think about it and what you say, Remmeber, what goes around, comes around….
Mary From FL
Dearest Queen Zenyatta, I am so sorry for your loss and these sentiments extend to all of your wonderful connections. The main thing now is that you are in good health. When the time is right, I know you will have a little foal to love and care for. Take care beautiful ZENNY and know that so many people love you.
Kathy Kimber
This is a new day God’s blessings on you Zenyatta and all the people who love and care about you. Enjoy your day sweet girl we love you
Jennifer Remazki
Zenyatta and team, at first when I heard the news I was sad but with further reading was put at ease with Lane’s End’s statement that this is not uncommon for maiden mares. So I hope and pray that you are just following in your own biological patter in that you, from what I read, were a late foal yourself. I hope the second time’s a charm. What some girls will do for a second date, eh, Zenny? Love you girls…stay well and I am hopeful that all with go perfectly for you the second time around. Hugs, carrots and love, Jennifer
Tonya Reems
Beautiful Queen Z,
I think you just needed more time to rest, run & play on the farm there. I know you will certainly be taken very well care of & you have lots of well-wishers out here in cyber-space! Do you know how much you are LOVED?! :) You are such a gorgeous BEAUTY of a GIRL & a marvelous spirit <3 I hope you & all of your wonderful team can feel the love & prayers that are being sent your way. Rest up ~ I think you probably have birthday celebrations to think about next!!! Hugs & kisses to you sweet baby :)
Lisa g
Ms Zenyatta, thought about you all night last night. I read that you and your Bernie are going to have your second date next week. I prayed and prayer that this will be your last date this year…as you will be having a beautiful baby…I love you so much…Lisa g
Scudsmother is obviously mentally ill. Seriously people…nobody with an ounce of sanity would post that nonsense. prayers to you Zenyatta. love you big girl!
So sory Zen but I guess it is better to lose early than late like La Villa Rouge when she lost her filly very late. It will give you a chance to be bred again soon or hopefully so with the wishes that the second time around is a charm. There was a reason and only the man upstairs knows why. Love you.
Ingrid in MA
@ All Team Z Fans – regarding the non-friendly posters slamming us…. what would Zenyatta say? Well,first,I’m sure she’d remind ALL of us to “play nice” on this Diary. Secondly,remember that Zen has NEVER bad-mouthed an opponent. She’s always had the utmost respect for them as horses and athletes,with nothing but good things to say. So even though there may be a few rude,crude,OBNOXIOUS,illiterate posters,embrace them as Zenyatta would.
Just an aside @youpeoplescareme – SPELLCHECK. And take 6th grade english again. “Loony” is an adjective, not a noun,therefore cannot be pluralized as in your post. Even if it COULD be,you have to change the Y to I and add -ES, making it “loonIES,” not “looneys” (which you spelled wrong to begin with). But I’m sure you’re a very good person,and could become even better…with some help.
Linda Weiss
I’m so sorry pretty girl. This news made me very sad & I had to catch my breath. But so glad to hear you are healthy & feeling good & strong. Perhaps you will have another date with Bernie as early as late April if the timing is right for you. You have the best care & sooo much love always around you Zenny. You are in my thoughts & prayers today & everyday. Sending you all my love with big hugs & kisses!
Short cycle and rebreed and you’ll be good to go. Still, its disheartening!!
TV in NJ
So sad to hear your news. You are a strong girl and I am sure with God’s help, you will someday soon be a Momma. Best wishes to you and Bernie.
Sandra Frey
When the time is right, sweet girl, it will happen. You have so many who love you and care about you. All will be well. Much love!
Shari Voltz
Dear Zenyatta my students feel so bad for you but they said at least Zenyatta is alive and ok. Children always seem to see a bright side to things. Another child said, “Zenyatta is young and can have more babies.” That is right it will happen and as long as YOU are ok and healthy things will work out. Just know that we ALL love you very much. HUGS AND KISSES from Shari and Homeroom 215 XXXXXXXOOOOOOO
I was very upset to hear of the loss of your foal. Yes, I know that this is common but that doesn’t diminish the sadness. I would like to thank Zenyatta and Dottie for sharing every step in the process and Zenny’s new life. I thank you for that. It must be difficult to write about the sad things but such is life and the whole thing has been done with tons of class.
However, I am disgusted about the negative trolls out there who are writing garbage and discussing their own personal agendas. This has been a child/family friendly site from the time that it was put up. I would like to see it stay that way. Kids come here to read about their “horse” and live the dream through her. It is a beautiful site so please post your GARBAGE elsewhere and let the rest of us enjoy Zenyatta’s various life journeys without having to explain your verbage to young readers.
Again, thank you to Zenyatta and Dottie for sharing both the ups and the downs with all of Zenny’s loyal fans.