Hello Everyone,
In life, we all have things that don’t always go as hoped or planned. I am not any different than anyone else. At Lane’s End, they did a recheck on me today and discovered that I am no longer in foal. Just as with humans, horses also have this type of thing happen.
I am feeling terrific! I am totally looking forward to becoming a MOM in the future. I want everything to be perfect when that time comes!
With Love,
Hugs to ALL~
Sharon in Ohio
Dear Zenny, and family..so sorry about today’s news ! I am so glad that there will be another time for you and Bernie…it will happen. There is always hope. Love and Prayers for you.xoxoxoxox
I’m so sorry, Zenyatta. The same thing happened to a mare my sister had in foal. I have to believe there was a reason for it…..maybe something wrong with the baby. (My daughter and I both had miscarriages so that is how I dealt with it.) Hopefully, all will go well next time. Sending you lots of love and affection!
*** Dottie, it is time to set guidelines on this site regarding proper comments.It is starting to look like Youtube. Advise that inappropriate language or sarcastic hurtful references will be deleted. It is truely irrating we have to sift through this trash. We have been too trusting with information only “Z” fans comprehend. Those of you,just go–you are being ignored.
Leslie R.
Oh Zenny, I’m so sorry. This is very sad news indeed and my heart goes out to you and all of Team Z. Thankfully, though, you are feeling terrific. I know being a mom will happen for you and when it does, you’ll be fabulous, just like you are in everything else you do.
Love & hugs to all,
Kathryn Cogswell
It is never a mistake to risk caring, no matter what life throws. Stretching to contain sorrow really does soften the heart to carry an even fuller love next time around. Zenyatta teaches by example what calls to the universal from her own bravery. The chance to watch her courage [origin: ‘From the heart as the seat of feeling’], drew a desire to be and do more as she so easily does. Resting for awhile — reminded of what already has brought such happiness — there flows an easy assurance of more good to come. The mention of ‘Z`s own babyhood, as ‘Little `Tige,’ is what got me most, when someone I tried to scroll to, but couldn`t locate among these 594 notes above, lovingly said ‘Good night,’ to you in Don Robinson`s pet name, it dawned on me that there is still in you now, that little filly, full of her own gifts and timing, as others have written. Taking care of her was always what your family has done best. That pattern is what comforts me, concerning days to come.
Barbaro's Forever Friend in CA
Oh Beautiful Girl..I just read the sad news..and am sending you hugs from far away…I’m so glad you’re alright and I know in time, there will be a beautiful foal for you to show us all..but my heart hurts for your lovely people tonight…sweet dreams *Z* I love you!
julie june stewart
Ohhhhh – I am so sad and sorry to hear this. Hugs to my beloved Zenyatta and all her connections. Am glad you are ok and will keep you in my heart, thoughts and prayers tonight and always…
candi cartier
I cannot believe that none semse person said that about our beloved queen also to her loving human family, no matter what terrible you said we all love zenyatta dearly and no one can take away that from me she is my inspiration and light of my life.For zenyatta always praying for you that you safe ,healthy.and happy everything gonna be alright I promise you gonna be a mommy someday,Love always muah.
Thoughts continue to be with Zenyatta and her team! As long she is happy and healthy – we can hope for all the best and pray that all proceeds to foal next time. Thank you Team Z – this has to be tough to share.
To you, dear Zenny, and to all your Team Z, I am so very, very sorry to learn the news. I know we must believe that all things happen for a good reason, but this does not seem to fit that reasonable thinking. Still, I know there will be wonderful, wonderful days, weeks, months and years ahead when happy news will abound. Love you, always. Chin Up, dear one.
Dearest Zenyatta,
So sorry to hear the news.Hopefully the nest time will be perfect!Enjoy your free time in the paddock!Spring is so beautiful in Kentucky ! Have fun with Pirate.
Disappointing, but your time will come!
Just posting this to express my sympathy, and empathy, for Zenyatta, and all of her team. Ohhhhh….it is sad, and disappointing news. There have been many beautiful, and heartfelt posts above ( I won’t even dignify the very few that were totally inappropriate, base, rude, and creepy, with an acknowledgement). I suppose, though, that we can all take comfort in the fact that, as something obviously went awry, it happened so very early on, (or perhaps something was not quite right from the very inception.) So, we rejoice that Zenyatta is okay and healthy. There is always the next time….Love you, big, beautiful girl, along with your human family…..
ps: Bernardini said he had a terrible time, he also told me she would have to pay double his fee just for him to have to go there again. he was quoted saying “shes just too big for me”.
oh and one other thing. your all nuts, your talking to a person who made a post pretending to be a horse, what is Zenyatta gonna go check her mac and read what you all are saying, jesus. Help the sport go out to the races or something.
Barb Zylbert
So sorry to hear this, Zenyatta! Hope you culture negative and that there is still time to try again this year.
I’m definitely not an expert on horses, but it’s been said that Zeny liked people more than most thoroughbreds and really seemed to relate. Animals do have emotions and I think it is possible that she is having a harder time adjusting because of her feelings. I sure hope that some of her old friends will continue to visit with her. Bet she even misses her little practice horse buddy. Maybe they can make an exception and let Mike or Steve take her for a jaunt. I really think she needs something like that to calm her. I’m sure if John Shirreffs were to have a “talk” with her, she would like that as well. We’re with ya, Zenyatta.
@DJ ~ Thanks for the hugs (video), I like those (hugs and videos about them!) too!
And, for Buffy Trott’s daughter, and the little girl in us all:
We love you and are thinking of you.
We’re all rooting for you, Zen. We’ll keep rooting for you, and your baby. I know you and Bernardini will have a beautiful little foal. I bet you’ll time it just right; I hope you get a January baby. Good luck and we love you forever!
Charlotte A. Farmer
There are no words to describe how I feel at hearing that you are not “in foal.” I agree with you that when the time comes everything WILL be perfect. It just means that, for now, your life will continue to be one of adventure there at Lane’s End. I love you Zenyatta!
Shocked by the news, hoping Z continues to thrive and her Team knows her fans are supporting her and hoping for the best.
Tomorrow is a new day and all is well with Zenny,she is safe and happy which is all we can hope for, I am grateful for that.
Love ya Z.
jess jackson
Who’s got the better mare now, huh Jerry?
Livin large sippin wine, Curlin and Rachel bringing me a step closer to racing domination. BIG BOY JACKSON OUT
To those of you who wonder why a check was done “ahead of time”, it is typical to check for a heartbeat at 30-35 days. If I recall Zenyatta was bred on 2/24 which would be 35 days today. On her breeding date, I posted the embryo check schedule day 14 vesicle present, day 30ish heartbeat check (which I said was the most important), and day 45 check to see if the embryo has attached to the uterine wall. IT IS VERY COMMON for Maiden mares (especially) to reabsorb the vesicle which means there was no heartbeat present, and therefore no foal anyway. Zenyatta is very lucky she slipped the foal so early as she will need very little prep work to be rebred when she comes back into heat. It is also VERY DIFFICULT to get a mare to conceive in the winter, nature wants foals to be born in the spring, during WARM weather, and mares conceive more easily as the days get warmer and longer. There is no reason to think she won’t have a successful second round in the breeding shed resulting in a perfectly healthy foal. She could conceivably be bred into June and still have a late April baby which isn’t too late to make the big races since the average gestation is 325-335 days.
Leslie Simis
So sorry Zenny…it will be ok…you can still see Bernardini for another date. Love you girl !!
Leslie Simis
To the funny guy who said he was Jess Jackson…go and air your “comedy” on some other site. We here truly love this mare & horse racing…we don’t need morons like you making ridiculous and hurtful comments. Jeez dude…get a life.
serafeim panagiotakis
These things do happen sometimes… what is more important now, is that you’re OK!
I’ ve got to tell you that you have lots of fans in Greece (that’s where I come from) and we all wish the best!
I just want to to enjoy your life at your new home!
Everything is gonna be all right, Big Lady!!!
Sorry, normally I do not lower myself to respond to ignorant people who have yet to evolve. However, yes – Dottie is the spokesperson. Zenyatta herself is not speaking, in words. However, animals are intelligent, USE tools, are sentient, are capable of problem-solving, are far more aware than most people ever will be throughout their lives, and – if you know anything about a horse, and their wild instincts, you might know that a horse, like a cat, is the only domestic animal that can revert to the wild. This is not conjecture – these are scientifc, biological facts, that have been proven through many years of research, and the research continues to prove even more. Did you know that whales actually have individual names for each other, and they call each other, by their names, using a very complex mode? Do you know anything about the wild horse’s family mode – how important family and freedom are to them? Truly, I think Dottie is right on – and she can ascertain many things about Zenyatta, through their relationship. There is a mode of communication between people & animals, and THAT has been proven again, and again, and again. The people who post here, are compassionate, OPEN to further education, are a support system, and are the type of people others feel happy to have in their lives. Your negative comments are deplorable. As far as Rachel Alexandra goes – I am happy that she is still in foal. She was a tremendous race mare, and I am sure she will be a good dam….However, one just needs to go back and view her last year, ESPECIALLY her last race – and see the agony (boy, were the whites in her eyes prevalent) as Borel repeatedly hit her – to know that – the people responsible for her – treated her – pretty much the way your post goes….Oh – but I am sure you never noticed that. Actually, I feel really sorry for Rachel Alexandra. Her spirit was broken that last year. And, as far as people like you ( I would NEVER do a negative post on Rachel’s site – I have too much class) – I encourage you to – educate youself, grow up – stop the stupid, inane competition (there is room for many great ones), and above all – please realize that condescending comments, based on small thinking.. will never prevail. I thank you.
deana dameron
My heart was placed on “hold”, I had to catch my breath upon hearing the news! You had just been scanned so it really caught me off guard. I am just pleased that you are healthy and doing well. I offer my empathy to all of your connections on this loss. I know that everything will work out for you and you will give birth to a beautiful foal worthy of your embrace. Share you feelings with your gal pals in the paddock and always know that beyond your family and wonderful team, you have legions of fans that only want the best for you. You are in my thoughts today and everyday.
A little more explanation of my previous post. At about day 37-38, the endometrial cups form to support the pregnancy. If Zenyatta had passed this point and THEN lost the foal, it would have been much more difficult to get her back in foal this year. So her early loss is very good news. A mare who loses a vesicle/foal later in the pregnancy can be left with what is called a “retained Corpus Luteum” which will prevent the mare from returning to a normal heat cycle. It can take many months for such a mare to return to a normal breeding state…so let’s all rejoice that Zenyatta is getting the very best veterinary care and will be able to be rebred very, very soon, perhaps as soon as three weeks from now.
Nancy McDonald
So sorry Zenyatta, I hope you are bred again soon and have good luck the next time. Feel so sad for you, but glad you are doing well. Take care. Love you