Hello Everyone,
In life, we all have things that don’t always go as hoped or planned. I am not any different than anyone else. At Lane’s End, they did a recheck on me today and discovered that I am no longer in foal. Just as with humans, horses also have this type of thing happen.
I am feeling terrific! I am totally looking forward to becoming a MOM in the future. I want everything to be perfect when that time comes!
With Love,
Hugs to ALL~
No lie. Read Bloodhorse. Very sad but things happen
For a reason. The best is that you are a maiden no more
At least with mating. That has to be positive.
S in San Diego
So Sorry this has happened Z. A March baby would not be a bad thing right? A another trip to see the handsome Bernie. To all of Z’s family..I know you must be disappointed but she has never let you down and when that foal does arrive, I am sure she/he will carry on in Mommys footsteps. Love to all xoxo
Sorry to hear about this, but not too surprised, as I know this isn’t rare. There’s plenty of time left in the breeding season. Best of luck to Zenyatta and her connections.
Winged One
Awww Zenny dear, I am so sorry, I know you were excited. =[ We all still love you dearly tho. <3 Just remember that!
Holly Zemba
I am so sad. Try again, you are going to be a wonderful mother one day. So sorry to hear the bad news Z. Thank you for telling your fans first.
Cj Blevins
If you were not being watched so closely Dear Zenny no one would even know..Good job Lands End..you are staying on top of things..and now Zenny and Bernadini can give it another go..love hugs and peppermint kisses to you Zenny..
Awww Zenny I am sooo sorry, Im glad that you are doing so good, I know how it feels to lose a baby, and my heart is with you, I know you will be a GREAT MOMMY!!!!!!!
lots of love and hugs
wow… I’m so sorry that happened zenny. You will get another chance before you know it! I know you never give up! That’s what makes you SO special and give us all strength!! Love you Zenny!!!
nancy in nj
@Trina Nagele – I wish I could take credit for the name “Zenya” but it is actually a nickname given to Zenyatta by Mr. Shirreffs. Thank you for your kind words.
sandra gomez
Debi Hamari
Beautiful Queen Zenyatta, Dottie, Mosses and team Z.
I am so sad and sorry for this loss. It is not easy to understand why sometimes bad things happen, but like so many others have said, everything happens for a purpose.
What I have loved about Zenyattas words so beautifully expressed by Dottie is a heart of gratitude and joyful hope through all the changes.
Praying for much joy and fresh expectation an the Queen Zenyatta continues on the journey to motherhood. When it happens, the little one will be so worth the wait.
Lave and hugs!
My the Intercession of St. Francis watch over you & your future !
Marilyn R.
OMG! I didn’t think I had any more tears for you Z, but I was wrong. So sorry about the news — I hope you get bred back this year. If not, enjoy a year of freedom.
My first thought when I heard the news – “Is Zenyatta ok?” My second thought was “How is Zenyatta’s team?” We take so many things for granted and maybe this is God’s way of letting us know that we cannot do so. God willing we will soon have another foal to be looking forward to but overall it is Zenyatts’s health that is most important. Love to Zenyatta and her team.
It is very sad that some of the new folks on this site
Are taking advantage of our sad moment. They
Are all very unhappy and angry people. Please keep this
In mind when you read and bypass their comments.
Thanks to Lanes End for maintaining control
Of her breeding situation and not having the fans
Visit at this very delicate time.
Sweet Dreams Zenny. Enjoy your pears and bananas
And eat lots if grass to stay healthy. You look wonderful
And the photo of you is magnificent on this entry. XXXOOO
Amanda Gilliland
My Sweet Lady Zenyatta, I read this post this morning and I told you how sorry I am this happened. I always reread your posts to see what everybody says to you. I love you, Zenyatta and I wish I could make it better for you but I know in my heart it will happen when the time is right. I want to tell The Mosses & The Shirreffs how sorry I am for them. I know Zenyatta is your girl and you hurt for the loss. To all of Z’s Teams at Barn 55 & Land’s End I’m sorry too.
To The Mosses & The Shirreffs I ask you to please continue with these posts. I am so disappointed and ashamed of what I read posted on My Sweet Zenyatta’s wall. I will not write their names or acknowledge them but what they wrote is so disgraceful, so uncalled for, mean hearted & disrespectful to our sweet Zenyatta. Zenyatta’s Fan Family love her so much because God gave her a special talent in addition to being this magnificent racehorse. She has the talent to connect with everyone who is willing to listen to her heart. I have seen Zenyatta reach out and connect with people where they needed her. That’s what is so wonderful about this site. We, the people, that love her understand that and appreciate her for all things she means to all of us. Zenyatta is bigger than life. The Fan Family is made up of so many wonderful people from all walks of life. The people who own, work with or really know horses do a great job sharing their knowledge to people like me & others that want to learn more about these amazing animals & racing. I had a horse as a child but she wasn’t a TB and this site is so important to me. Dottie does a fantastic job with the posts sharing updates on Zenyatta and making them educational. We are so Blessd to be living at this time of Zenyatta and to be able to have seen her race. Zenyatta has a brillant mind & wisdom that she displayed in her racing. I wanted to tell the people that wrote the ugly posts that Zenyatta is the reason I’m here today. So Do NOT say anything else bad about My Sweet Lady Zenyatta or Her Fan Family! I love this horse & her Diary Post.
Tommorrow will be a better day for you,Zenyatta. Goodnight Sweet Z, Sending Hugs & Kisses From Alabama With Love, Amanda G.
Dottie, may I suggest that the mean hearted posts be removed and block them from ever posting? They are just to hurtful.
Ah, well, sometimes it takes a couple of tries with maiden mares. I think that you just want to visit the stud Prince again and who can blame you. Just do’t overdo it, Z Girl.
It happens to the best moms around Zen, don’t sweat it. I can picture Mrs Moss crying her eyes out at home, but don’t. It will happen when everything is perfect.
So sorry Zenny, hopefully things will all work out soon. We love you and we’re glad you’re healthy and well taken care of.
We love you Zenyatta and look forward to better news next time! Dottie, thanks so much for the updates. Queen Z has an incredible group of fans who remain as loyal and interested today as they were when she graced the racetrack … but without you and the rest of her “family” who make this site possible, we wouldn’t feel as close to her as we do, day to day. Thank you thank you thank you. Love and hugs to all of you!
Sheri Gasche
Dear Ms. Z,
These things take time, not to worry. My niece raises Arabians for endurance racing and she told me that very “fit” horses like you need to relax, get a little lazy and fat and that the breeding will take for the full term. Girl, enjoy your time and the good grazing! You are a treasure for all who love you. Many hugs (carrots, pears, bananas, etc.) to you and Team Zenyatta. Thank you for being so generous in sharing with your fans.
Jenny Krug
I am sorry to all the Team Zenyatta members. I know this is a sad day, but I’m sure there will be lots of happy days ahead. Thanks Dottie for all of the updates. Hugs to you all, Jennysu
Diana S
Nature does things for a reason, Zenny and I think you will have a perfect foal when you have a perfect embryo. Besides, you were an April 1 foal, so your momma was bred in late April or early May to have PERFECT you! You’ll get another date with Bernie this season, and that isn’t all bad. We are all supporting you and know our wait and hopes will be fulfilled. Hang in there Team/s Z – Perfection is definately worth waiting for!
myrna miller
I was so sad when I read the headline about Zenny’s loss, but I feel so much better after having read all the loving and hopeful comments here.(Except for a few wacky and pathetic ones). I love Zenny and her team, and how wonderful they always make me feel, and the love and sensitivity they give to all of us as well as to Zenyatta. To me this site is all about loving and caring and respect for one another. And it is a wonderful role model for other Equine sites as well.(Thank you Dotti!) They give us as much love as we give them, and I think it was probably hard for team Z to tell us the bad news and disappoint us and spoil our Fairy Tale, if only for a little while. But even Fairy Tales have a way of falling down in mid-stream – before we get to the happy ending. I guess I hope that I, at least, can be a little more realistic in my expectations. Zenyatta is still “the most wonderful horse in the world”, however long it takes her to have a foal. Somehow, this makes Zenyatta more human to me (humans lose embryos all the time) just as her nose loss to Blame made her more human in her imperfection.
Love and hugs to all, and an especially big hug to Zenyatta!
Melissa M
I am so sorry I am deeply sadden for your loss. Remember your a beautiful and amazing horse your time will come and you will be the most amazing, caring and blessed mother. God bless you and your family. Hugs and kisses to you my dear and I will be praying for you. We all love you Zenyatta. Stay strong and healthy.
Karey R
Robbie PK, Your post contains words of wisdom and Truth, perhaps coming from various studies in non-duality? It’s a bit rare, and certainly unexpected here, but to hear you speak of being in the moment, experiencing all things as they arise (out of the Oneness), impermanence, suffering, compassion, acceptance…
Perhaps we are traveling on a similar path. Zenyatta calls for the best from everyone who is truly listening.
Lil Bunny Foo Foo 1
You were created by a loving God. Who can look at you and not understand that God took great pleasure in making you? The same creator of the universe has you in the palm of his hand. You will be a mother when it is the right time. You are blessing enough for me. Right now. As is. We are so lucky to have you in our lifetime.
M2 + Little Bit & Ready Lady (The team from the Little Bit Ranch)
Thank you Dottie for keeping us updated. It is so like you to immediately think of the fans. Our best to all of you and we are all happy that our beautiful Zen is healthy.
Queen Z..You will have another date in Feb. Until then you stay happy, healthy and enjoy your gal pals. Am sorry for you and all your connections but it just wasn’t your time yet. God Bless You Zenyatta. You have alot of friends rooting for you. We’ll just have to wait and see what God has planned for you. He knows you’re special and he’ll take good care of you along with all your friends at CA & Lane’s End. Hope you have a happy week out running and grazing with all the girls. Take care big girl. Love you always…Lou
Meadowlark Jean & Marilyn
Dear Zenyatta, you have plenty of time to get pregnant this year, believe me, I wouldn’t even take my beaus advances because I just wasn’t ready. The next year went much better and like you lost the first try but…. the second try gave me my first son. A fine little cutie pie/little raskle who Marilyn named Montana Jasper. It was a tough winter being a human around our home but I could see that the baby brought new light and hope to the entire family. Jasper is a stone in Montana and it is meant for healing and since my son’s daddy is Grindstone, well, Marilyn thought that the name was fitting. I have read many of your postings and think that you are a lucky and deserving girl to have so touched so many hearts. I will be excited to again her you will be expecting. You will be a super mom and like I said, be patient, great things come to those who wait. Love, Meadowlark Jean and Marilyn