Hello Everyone,
In life, we all have things that don’t always go as hoped or planned. I am not any different than anyone else. At Lane’s End, they did a recheck on me today and discovered that I am no longer in foal. Just as with humans, horses also have this type of thing happen.
I am feeling terrific! I am totally looking forward to becoming a MOM in the future. I want everything to be perfect when that time comes!
With Love,
Hugs to ALL~
Tere Thomas
So sorry sweet pea. Glad you are feeling well however and looking forward to the future as a mom. Love you bunches!
Linda in NJ
Dear Zenny and Team Z: I was at work when I first learned of this news. Again, I am so very sorry for you, Zenny, and for your family. A special thank you to Dottie for letting us know so soon. It would have been quite a shock to have come across this sad news through another source. Zenny, what is important is that you are okay and in good health. And as another one of your fans said: tomorrow is a new day! Thankfully it is early in the season and hopefully Zenny, you will make plans to meet with Bernie again. Sending another hug and kiss your way. Love, Linda
Zenyatta, I am so sorry for you. Please keep up your spirits and health. You well get another chance to see Berdinni again soon. All my love, Kannj
Julie DuVall
Although this is sad news, the important thing is that YOU are okay and there is still time to try again. It isn’t unusual for mares to “slip” early in a pregnancy; biologically speaking, something may not have been quite “right” with the embryo (after all, the genetic makeup of the foal is a product of a random process — one or two genes might not have “lined up” properly). Reproduction can be a mysterious thing!
You are a healthy, happy mare and with luck, you will get right back in foal. So what if the baby is born a little later than originally planned? :)
I am so sorry. Some things happen for a reason. Keep your spirits and stay healthy. You will get another chance to see Berdinni soon. My sympathies to team Zenyatta. Love with hugs. kannj
Zenny, so so sorry to hear you aren’t in foal any longer. Well, onward and upward. Stay healthy and content. What is for you, doesn’t go by you. Maybe next time. luv jan
Thanks to Dottie for so quickly and graciously sharing this news with Zenyatta’s fans.
Hey my darling Zenyatta. I am so sorry for the loss, but I am just so glad that you are ok. It is ok, really we just have to move forward with this and everything in life. If its meant for you to have a foal you will and if not well thats ok too. Remember we have the best treasure “YOU”….Remember some of the great horses that we’ve lost just in the last few years, Barbaro, Eight Belles, Pine Island, Lost in the Fog, just to name a few that brought us to our knees in sorrow. I know just for me I was truely devastated when these horses went down I’m just so glad that your with us. quite a blessing. I know some of the people at Lane’s End and they are just the best, and your connections are just wonderful. I feel you are in very good hands especially Gods hands. I love you very much Zenny. Love, Peggy
Robin A.B.
Oh Zenny. I am so sorry that you and your team are going through this. Lane’s End is reassuring everyone that this happens a fair amount with maiden mares. As others have said, sometimes the genetics are not quite right and nature takes over. We love you so much and have tears for you. And we’re THRILLED that you are so healthy and happy and that it looks like they will try again. Love and hugs to you…
Cindy Trejo
Lots of hugs and kisses headed your way! I’m sure you’ll be the BEST MOM ever! God’s timing is always perfect! So glad to hear you’re feeling so great.
So sorry, beautiful girl. It is the way of Nature. Next time will be great! Meanwhile, run and play and enjoy your companions. You earned it! Best Wishes to your human family, too.
Zenny, I am so sorry to hear the news. I cannot stop crying right now. I love you Queen Z. Hugs and kisses!
nancy in nj
Team Z, this sad news certainly must have brought you great sorrow. I hold you in my heart, with deep gratitude for your generosity at allowing us to continue to believe that we are part of this wonderful mare’s life. Zenya, you are in good company. From what I know, most of the great racemares (who made it to the breeding shed) and many of the greatest broodmares have all lost a foal or two along the way. Doesn’t diminish them – never did, never will. You and your Team need to know that foal or no foal – whatever the future holds for you – we love you; always have, always will. Thank you for “listening”. Going back into my usual lurking mode again…
So sorry Zenny . . . . . :(
Love ya’
Oh, Zenny happy happy early Birthday, Oh yeah, I’ll be back to on your birthday or before with more birthday wishes. You know you have to have a hat like Bernie’s. How cute he was, now you know we have to have a picture. what kind of Cake are you having? Oh, I know Carrot Cake. Me, I love Red Velvet Cake. Zen my Birthdays in May We’ll Celebrate. I’m a lot older than you, though I will be 58, oh my. I’m going to stay 57 just as long as I can though. I don’t feel 57 and that is the important thing, though, isn’t it. O,K. I’ve talked to you twice tonight, I’ll let someone else have a turn. Love Ya Peggy
Queen, I am soooooo sorry for your bad news…. Please don’t be upset watching Life is Sweet with her baby.. Just watch and learn.. This will give you more time to just play and enjoy being a horse! HAVE A TALL GUINESS AND ENJOY!!!!!
What a beautiful picture of you. It just seems to show the emotion that all of us are going through right now with the sad news.
Robbie Pfeufer Kahn
What an abundant outpouring of compassion for Zenyatta and her human family–520 posts at the time I began to write, minus the ones that don’t belong on this site.
Zenyatta lovely one and your human family–so many humans cherish you and wish to communicate with you across the human/animal boundary. I can’t pretend to know how you feel about the pregnancy loss. As you so often say, “I am a horse,” a different creature (and much more kind and innocent than humans) from “us.” I deeply appreciate the experts on the site like L.S. who have explained that it is not unusual for maiden mares to lose a pregnancy.
Impermanence is the fate of all living things, including those coming into being. Impermanence causes suffering (even something like your splendid racing career ending brought sorrow) and suffering can lead to compassion, including self-compassion. This mindful awareness is easier to write down than to live. The present moment, now, is the only moment that is available to any of us. I take comfort from the mindful wisdom—impermanence, suffering, compassion– because they describe the experience of living and dying better than any others I know. Joy still is possible, so long as I realize that the moment will pass and another, perhaps less pleasant, will arise.
Perhaps a lesson this foal that came into being for such a short time has for us fans is to live more in the present moment, and try not to have such excited expectations and imaginings about the future. The future will unfold in its own time (thinking here about Zenyatta breeding again with Bernardini). Meanwhile, Zenyatta is alive and healthy, and we all have the good fortune to love Zenyatta and to write to her without worrying about species difference. How lucky we are to cast aside our adult shells and to believe that humans and nonhuman animals can communicate in human speech.
Rosemarie Cola
Oh,Z, I’m truly sorry to hear about this,please know we all feel for you and your connections.Glad to know you are okay and feeling good. I’m sure the next time will do the trick. And besides, you’ll get to see Bernie again!
Dear Z,
I am so sry, it will happen one day for u and when it does we ar all here for U cause we LOVE YOU very MUCH.
Hugs and Kisses,
Mary Hale
I totally agree with Kealy. Team Z would not put Z in jeopardy. They have proved over the years that every decision made was in Z’s best interest. My heart goes out to Team Z. It just wasn’t meant to be this time.
Mary Hale
Well said Robbie.
Sharon Kvistad
so sad to read this post! but what is meant to be will be–it happened to me once too–you will be a terrific mom when the time is right!! I am so sorry
Trina Nagele
Dearest Zenny– I just saw Linda Moss’s post referring to the good news on Blood Horse that you will soon be bred again to Bernardini–really soon! That’s wonderful news for all your fans. Now I can dry my tears and smile again, thinking of you and a bright future ahead.
Best wishes to you and Team Z– Trina
Janet Cutting
To all of Zenyatta Diary folks– I am not experienced with horses and this news was very sad for me–but from reading some of your comments –I am looking forward to another “date” with Bernie. ALSO, as for our rude vistors out there– IGNORE THEM ALL!!!!
Jeanne O.
To all of Team Z…we are all so sorry to hear that Zenyatta has lost her foal. While it is not unusual for a maiden mare to lose her first foal, we all grieve this loss with you. The main thing is that Zenyatta is healthy and happy. If she NEVER has a baby, that will not diminish her in any of our hearts and minds. She is, and always will be, simply Zenyatta.
Sorry for your loss Z. You mean the world to us (your fans).
Trina Nagele
@Nancy in NJ — I just read your sweet note to Team Z, and then to “Zenya.” Wouldn’t that be a lovely name for a future filly? I can’t help but think ahead again.
you people are all idiots
Sharon Tupper
When I read on Bloodhorse.com that you had lost your foal, I couldn’t believe it. I know you were looking forward to being a mom but I also know that hopefully the next time you get bred, things will be better. You are a healthy mare and that is all that counts. We anticipate the next breeding with Bernadini and hopefully the live cover will be a good one and you will remain in foal. Best of luck and stay safe!!!!