Hello Everyone,
In life, we all have things that don’t always go as hoped or planned. I am not any different than anyone else. At Lane’s End, they did a recheck on me today and discovered that I am no longer in foal. Just as with humans, horses also have this type of thing happen.
I am feeling terrific! I am totally looking forward to becoming a MOM in the future. I want everything to be perfect when that time comes!
With Love,
Hugs to ALL~
Sue Noel
I am SO sorry about the news,but glad you will be able to try again soon. Hope all the team feels the love sent to you from us all-we DO care for you all and appreciate you all so very much.
Zenny and Team Z, I am so sorry for your loss. Zenny, I’m glad it happened now if you were going to lose your foal, it is much easier to lose a baby at 35 days than later in the pregnancy. Sounds like you are healthy and will be bred again soon. It is not unusual for a mare to slip a foal and we should not blame Bernardini since you were vet checked in foal. I’ll say a prayer that you get in foal again quickly and have a safe pregnancy and deliver a healthy foal.
Dottie…thank you for sharing all things Zenyatta with her fans. You have touched many hearts with the daily blogs.
To Buffy Trotts daughter:
God bless you…perfectly said from the mouth of Babes :)
Oh Zen my hearrt is broken reading this news. I just want everything to be perfect for you and when it isn’t I just can’t express how sad I am. You are the main concern and I am sure all will be fine. It’s so like you to help explain this event and I am sure your heart has reached a lot of women who have gone through the same experience. LOVE YOU
Linda Clausen
Dearest Zenyatta, I am so sorry to hear this because you were really looking forward to being a mom. But the most important thing is that you are fine and feeling terrific. Like you said, it will happen when the time is right for you. Love you!
So sorry Z, but God works in strange ways. Your time will come, and we all need to be patient. Actually, I think you just wanted to see Bernie again! Take care, enjoy your life, and think good thoughts-just like the rest of us should do.
Cynthia Holt
My heart is broken. I love you all.
Best wishes, sweetie. You get to see Bernie again.:)
Zenyatta, from what I’ve read, you have had a few setbacks in your life already. But you came roaring back and finished in fine form. Hang in there, Zenyatta. So many people love you and will always love you no matter what. Hooves are crossed!!
Tears flowed after reading this news. Oh my, is right. Sorry Zenyatta and team Z as well. You are all in this together and will get each other through until the next breeding. Heartbreak isn’t suppose to happen to you nor your gracious and loving team. Things do happen for a reason but hard to think about it that way at this time. Take care of yourself, chin up and take a deep breath better days are coming. Look at all the people who have responded, 470! How many horses can say that or humans for that matter? Only YOU! We all love you!
The most powerful weapon in the World is prayer…so I am praying for you S.M. for your healing.
You and your whole team are fighters.This shall pass. Sometimes things like this happen and they remind us that after all we are in G-d’s hands. I’ll pray for you and the wonderful people that take care you with great love and devotion.
That’s the spirit, Zenyatta. I like your attitude. Out with the sadness, in with the gladness and you will do just fine. You will be a great Mom and have the most beautiful colt or filly that ever was.
Zenny, I’m so sorry to hear this. It must have happened for a very good reason. You’re going to be a fantastic mom.
Love and hugs,
Tracy K
I’m so sorry Zenyatta. I know you’ll be a great Mom in the future.
Oh Zenny,
I am SO sorry to hear this sad news. It must have been very difficult for you (and Dottie) to write this post, but you are a dear and brave horse, and you let us know with your usual class and candor. For whatever reason, it just wasn’t your time, but your time WILL come, and we will all still be here cheering you on. I just got home from mailing your Birthday card, and I’m sure mine won’t be the only one that mentions your foal. I know you will understand that we couldn’t have known, but I hope it won’t make you too sad to read them. Love, good health, and best wishes to you and all of your Team Z and Lane’s End connections. Your Ohio friend Sandy.
Tracey - Ottawa, ON Canada
Ahhhh! Yes that is part of life taking the good and bad. There is plenty of time to have young ones … there is no hurry we would rather see you healthy Zenyatta!!
So sorry Zenny ;(…..just wasn’t time..sorry for your loss.
Stella Bagwell
Dearest Queen,
We all have bumps and setbacks in life and you, sweet girl, have taught and inspired me to perservere through anything and everything that is thrown at me. I know you’ll get through this sad time like the champion you are and I’ll pray that all will go better next time. God will send you a foal, I’m sure of it. In the meantime, dear Z, keep your head up and your ears forward.
With very much love to you and your team,
jeanie langford
So sad. I guess we will have to wait. It is not too late to try again. Foal would have a march birth day if you go back soon. Remember you were born in April.
Love you so much, sweet girl – it will all be okay – so sorry, much love to you and all of your family and Bernie.
Stay healthy – may God bless you, sweetheart. Many hugs and kisses –
Mary R. Oakley
So sorry to hear that sweet Z. Just glad you are doing well, which will always be most important. Love you!
Everything will be as it should be.
Barbara Grimaldi
Dearest Z–YOU are first and foremost in all of our hearts. The fact that YOU are well and happy is our primary concern. You have time, and what will be will be. Just stay the beautiful, lovable, wonderful, affectionate and happy horse you are–tomorrow is another day.
I love you dearly…
Barbara from NJ
MD Reynolds
Bless your heart! I hate to think that anything that isn’t wonderful touches you. You have done so much for so many. What an inspiration you are! I know you’ll become a Mom when the time is right & everything will go as it should. God Bless you Zenyatta! You are loved so very much!
Oh beautiful Zenyatta my heart just broke when I saw the news. I know that things happen for a reason and it is good something like this happened right in the beginning. Still I can’t help but shed some tears. To know you are okay and doing well though is uplifting and it is what is the most important thing of all. I just want to let Mr. and Mrs. Moss and Dottie and John, those at Barn 55 and those at Lane’s End – all who have cared and care for Zenyatta – to know how sorry I am and I hope they are doing okay. We all love you Zenyatta and know that when the time is right you will have your beautiful foal. xxxooo
Yvonne and Maurice Kirby
Hi Zenyatta, we are so sorry, we know how much you wanted to be a mommy – and what a good mommy you will be. It was just not meant to be this time, but when you are able to be bred again, may God bless you and your baby. Love you, Angel in Disguise. You are in our prayers tonight.
Teena Dennis
Dear Zenny! I am really sorry. Everything will happen in God’s time. Stay healthy and happy! You are still the queen!!
hey z these things happen my friends horse had the same thing happen but as always you will get to try again. i hear you get to go see bernie next week hooves crossed. i just know that you and bernie will proud parents soon
Michele B
Everything happens for a reason. Nature has it’s way of being the boss :-). When it’s time, you’ll be a great mom.