Hello Everyone,
In life, we all have things that don’t always go as hoped or planned. I am not any different than anyone else. At Lane’s End, they did a recheck on me today and discovered that I am no longer in foal. Just as with humans, horses also have this type of thing happen.
I am feeling terrific! I am totally looking forward to becoming a MOM in the future. I want everything to be perfect when that time comes!
With Love,
Hugs to ALL~
Merrily Fantus
I am so sorry for Zenayatta loosing her foal. It happens on 1st pregrancies. She needs to rest and get her bodies chemicals back in shape. There is always a next time.
Kim S
Heartbroken and sad but just like Pamela Hebert said, everything happens for a reason. Our thoughts and prayers are with you Zenny and Team Z. Keep thinking happy thoughts and enjoy yourself. Thanks for keeping your loving fans posted on your ups and downs. And I have to say, if you have an iPad Zen, then I guess I’d better get one too. :)
Everyone, do as lizzy said, ignore–it’s the best deterrent.
Lotsa love to all.
Deborah Lawson
Zen I am so sorry. :(
oh zenny, i am sooo sorry. i lost two before i got my sweet girl. it will happen when the time is right. love you, sweet girl!!!
D Franz
Hang tough baby girl…this happens to us human moms too. I look at it as your baby couldn’t get a good safe “ride” to be here with you/us and will catch the next “cab”…making babies is complicated stuff and God/Mother Nature wants it to be right or we go back to the drawing board and try again. I think having your baby later next spring it will be MUCH nicer for him or her to be born when it’s warm and the grass is green instead of tricking your baby to come out in the COLD winter. Your owners won’t rush him or her to the races anyhow so patience my dear and FAITH! I love you!!!
Ann from Indiana
Just got home, been gone all day and per the Blood Horse saw the sad news. We had two mares that obsorbed the embryos. Sad news but she’ll have a foal. Thanks for the update, look forward to good news soon.
Linda in Fla.
Unfortunately there are individuals who never in their lifetime experience the love and admiration that Zenyatta has received in abundance from her “people”. How sad for them. To all who love her I extend my sympathies, and my gratitude for all the expressions of thanks to Dottie, the Mosses, and everyone who contributed to her well being. We just wish her all the best, continued success, and that she will continue to be cared for as well as she always has been. Please excuse us if we take this news personally, because she has affected us personally.
Shanda Hooton
Oh Zenyatta and friends I am so very sorry to hear this news but I am confident that everything will be okay. You will have your baby when the time is right and I can’t wait but until then it’s just us..I want whatever is best for YOU and for whatever reason I guess the time just wasn’t right. I did shed a tear I won’t lie…and I am praying for you all. Love to all: )
Linda Moss
Dear Z – I just read your Bloodhorse update and I, like you, must be feeling better already! I am glad you are looking forward and not dwelling on your sad news todat – as one door closes, another opens….you must be in great shape to visit Berardini again and this time you will have some familiarity with each other :) Hooves Crossed Everyone!!
Jennifer Adelman
Dear Zenyatta, I am so sorry that this happened. But reasons we may not know because nature works in a wonderful way as it may have been an imperfect fetus. There is no solace to this tragic news and especially with your buddy Life is Sweet with her little colt it’s bittersweet. Thank goodness you don’t know sweetheart!!! You can look up to more dates with the stud and he’s going to be one happy one again!! And maybe you like it too hopefully!
Hugs & love
Julia B
My dearest Zenyatta, I am so sorry girl. Not sure how it is for horses.. but I lost 2 of mine in the first trimester- still felt such sadness inside..I will be thinking of you and praying that when the time is right for you to try it again ! You are so beautiful ! Love you girl!
Ann from Indiana
Whoops, reabsorbed was what I tried to say and had a big typo. Sorry.
Dear Zenny
So sorry to hear the news. I am glad you feel
Terrific and like you said with humans the same
Thing can happen. The early US today must have
Been done suspecting. Maybe they reread the last
One and there was a question and they re scanned
Today. Bernie still loves you along with all your fans
And Teams. Let’s get busy with charity work.
Is it too late to visit Bernie again
Dearest Z you are awesome and the time will
Be right soon!!!!!! You are a maiden no more!!!!!
I am so sorry for you and your team.As sad as this is you will recover and things will turn out better then before,have faith. I had 2 miscarriages then my next try, I had TWINS!
LouAnn Cingel of Union, Missouri
So sorry to hear of your news today, Zenyatta. My head is bowed & tears in my eyes. Sometimes in life,certain things happen and we don’t understand why. The time just was not right, and God works in mysterious ways. So glad that you are doing well and are happy-that is the most important thing at the moment. Just remember dearest Zenyatta, you are loved and will always be a very special lady!
My Prayers, Love & Blessings to you sweetie! You are so precious!
Look on the bright side you get to see BERNIE again…..
So Sorry…..
I just wrote a post to Zenyatta. This is for Jerry, Ann, Dottie, and John. I want to get some solace out of what I just wrote to Zenny( I hardly ever call her Zenyatta). BUT I`m finding it difficult. I can`t imagine how all of you feel. I`m sooo upset. Although, I kinda believe things are meant to be. Why do bad things happen to such WONDERFUL people? I know she will become pregnant again but this is very upsetting. I`m very sorry and love her very much!! And all of you are the best EVER!! ALENE
Susie Bowie
Oh Z….God works in strange ways…It will be okay sweetheart….Next time will be the charm…All our love is with you Angel Pie<3
Interesting information on the peppermints. I hope the powers that be catch this….something certainly to consider, if she in fact has been the receiver of a lot of peppermint.
Debbie G
Oh Zenny I’m so, so sorry. I’m fighting back tears as I’m writing this, but everything will be OK. You’re a big, strong, healthy girl and I’m sure you won’t have any problem having a successful pregnancy in the near future. My heart goes out to you and the Mosses and everyone close to you and I’ll keep you all in my prayers.
Abigail from Montreal
Oh Zenny & Team Zenyatta — This is a little sad. But only a little. As in humans, embryos that don’t take are often not right to begin with. But that doesn’t make it any easier for your human connections, I know. It would just be so much easier if you & Bernie had “quality time” all to yourselves, right? I mean: how many two-leggeds conceive the very first time? I just know that it will all be fine, Zenny, when you’re ready. Love to you, big girl, and to your wonderful team.
Linda (Canada)
Hey Queen Z – sorry to hear- but it’s only March – lots of time to breed back to Mr. Bernadini…you WILL be in foal!Your are THE QUEEN after all :)
Karey R
So many heartfelt comments from sincere friends who love Zenyatta and the joy she brings us because of the generosity of her family. I hope all the darling people on Z’s teams are feeling uplifted by the outpouring of care and concern – and I hope they can overlook the bizarre rudeness that some mixed up folks have posted. One of my favorite ideas so far today is that a birth in spring will be such a treat for Zenyatta’s little one. The foal will have softness under hoof, warming hugs from the sun, and a mom full of contentment and rich bluegrass for extra yummy milk. Here’s to Spring 2012!!
On this sad day, thought i would share a couple FUN things ive seen in the last 2 days..ZENYATTA SITINGS.
1st, if anyone watches the dan patrick show on directtv channel 101, one of dans guys “SETON” has a zenyatta bobblehead that sometimes gets seen
2nd- last night on AMERICAN PICKERS on the history channel, the guys went to aplace in the malibu hills and the man there was wearing a “ZENYATTA HAT”.. couldnt miss that!! was so cool seeing Zenny items on tv..would love to know if anyone knows how SETOn got the bobblehead as that show is done in connecticut
Jan from Georgia
My Dearest Zenyatta,
My heart sank after reading the news on your facebook page today.
I wanted to share with you that your body may still be “adjusting” to the many changes in your life, from being the magnificent Thoroughbred racing Queen, to preparing to become a mom.
During and after spending just 13 weeks at Parris Island as a female recruit, my body went through many “major” physical changes, and it took a while for things to get back to “normal,” I think you may understand what I’m trying to explain to you. I’m praying that this may be what you may be experiencing and that when the time comes, you will be a great Mom.
You and Team Zenyatta are in my thoughts and prayers. I love you, Little Tige, and I hope you are not in any pain.
God Speed, Little Tige, I love you!!!!
Lisa B
Oh my Precious Zenny,
I am so sorry! Just want you to know that I love you and you are in my prayers everyday. You take care of yourself. Stay healthy and safe. And most of all be happy. I to have lost a pregnancy. Just think if that had not happened I would have not gotten pregnant three months later to such a precious son. OOOXXX Always Lisa
Carol M
I hope the bad people are blocked who don’t wish you Z only good things as well as all your fans. This site is for all of us. We know that your team loves you like we do, and does the best for you, dear gal. We all pray the best for you! (Thanks Z Team for all you do and we know you are sad)
Oh Zenyatta. I was sorry to hear the news. You are a very positive lady, and things will work out the way they are supposed to work out. I send you a huge hug and much love.