Hello Everyone,
In life, we all have things that don’t always go as hoped or planned. I am not any different than anyone else. At Lane’s End, they did a recheck on me today and discovered that I am no longer in foal. Just as with humans, horses also have this type of thing happen.
I am feeling terrific! I am totally looking forward to becoming a MOM in the future. I want everything to be perfect when that time comes!
With Love,
Hugs to ALL~
For the record, I have no idea why there is an article posted after my post (pingback?) – I didn’t put it there! At least it’s about Zenyatta. And please everyone, don’t respond to the creepy people who are posting today. Ignore them.
I dont know how to say anymore than what has all ready been said but ditto to all the comments!!
My heart is breaking for your loss. I know this is a big blow for you and all your connections. My sympathies and prayers go out for you and your family of humans.
Big Bernie
None of my other ladies had a problem (and let’s just say I’ve had a lot). What’s your excuse?
Zenny try not to give this a second thought. You are strong and healthy. Yes, you`re right things happen for a reason. You must believe that. You WILL be a mom one day and you and your baby will be happy and healthy. Now obviously was not the time. Everything in life is timing. You know that just from horseracing. This was just not meant to be right now. That does`nt mean forever!! Again, you are strong ,beautiful, and most importantly healthy. I`m sure you`re disappointed but everything MUST go well. Obviously this pregnancy was problematic. God forbid for you or your foal. Keep up the good additude and DON`T let it get you down beautiful girl. You`ve been blessed with so much. This is unfortunately, one of lifes lousy set backs BUT your life and health are worth more then anything else. You will have another baby. Next time everything will be PERFECT just like YOU!!! To everyone involved with Zenyatta, Please get through this as you always rise above.Ann and Jerry her health is the most important thing. This time it just wasn`t meant to be but God willing next time there will be a beautiful foal and most importantly a HEALTHY ZENYATTA!!! Much Love to all of you!!! Take it easy!!! ZENNY is a gift. Remember that. Her well-being is MOST IMPORTANT!!! ALENE
So sorry Zenyatta. This is the last thing that I expected to hear today. I’m sure everything will work out:)
***I believe Scudsmother has Schizophrenia.
Sally (B)
Oh my oh my oh my Z: This post forever reason, and I seldom have time to read all, did have some serious stuff that I agree does not belong here. Sorry that you had to read it. I just wish they would take it elsewhere. This diary post is cherished by those that love you; and this is a simple request. Please don’t give up on us that love you so. kisses on your soft nose
Dear, sweet Zenyatta, we can imagine that you and your loving humans (and Bernardini) are disappointed, but it’s going to be OK! You guys will just try again! It sure is true that sometimes things don’t go as planned, and that sometimes you have to be patient. We’re glad you and your “transcriber” let us know, and you’ll be in our thoughts until there is more good news to report. Chin up, big girl, we love you!!
Sally (B)
P.S. I love you Z, and I loved the beautiful picture of you.
christine VA
Zen Lovers,
I had to come back to feel the support from all of you on this day of sad news. Zen is strong and WILL be in foal again. To Team Z give her a big hug from us. She might not understand but it sure would help me to know she got an extra HUG today.
Buffy Trott
I helped my daughter write this. She’s very upset!!
Dear Mr. Scudsmother, and to all the others who said terrible things today. I am not Buffy, but I’m her 7 year old daughter. I would like to thank you for ruining this site for me. My Mother won’t let me check my favorite site anymore unless she checks first. I’m just a little kid who still wants to believe in Santa and the Tooth Fairy. I know they aren’t real, but whats wrong with pretending. You are really mean people. What did Zenyatta ever do to you. I have dogs, and cats, ponies, and a fish. I talk to them all the time. This isn’t any different is it? I feel really sorry for you if you think it’s ok to hurt other people’s feelings. My Dad said that people who need to hurt other people, are probably really sad themselves. Maybe you don’t know what it’s like to Love, to dream, or to believe. Today, You hurt my feelings and I think you should go away. You are a Bad, Sad person. I’m done talking to you!!! And know I want to tell Zenyatta and her family, that, even thou this is a sad day, it will get better. I Love You Zenyatta, and I’m just glad that I get to share this planet with you. I can’t sign my name, my Mom won’t let me. xoxoxoxox
It’s all ok Big Z we well the farm I work on, we have a couple of girls as yourself that didn’t keep there’s after 14 days either but were still trying in fact if you look at my profile pic, Puzzle is her name she goes to meet her honey again in the morning, it’s all ok still early enough, you want to have your baby when it’s a little warmer any way, with love….
Dear Zenny,
Such a gorgeous photo of you, it made me gasp — then saw the sad news and feel so sorry. But I wonder what percentage of anyone (human OR equine) manages this on the first try? If you’re going to go see that handsome Bernie again (the silver lining!) make an effort to lay off the peppermints afterward, because too much peppermint oil (the flavoring in peppermints) is known to be adverse to maintaining pregnancy, especially in the first few months (at least in humans). When it comes to peppermints, pregnant ladies should really not “consume mass quantities”! See this page — it’s on the list of “Herbs to use only in moderation during pregnancy” down near the bottom of the page: http://www.pregnancyandchildren.com/pregnancy/pregnancy_dangerous_herbs.htm
Google , there is more…
Love you baby. It’ll be okay, you’ll see…
To the people making unkind posts — no one forces anyone to come to this site. Ther are billions of other websites you might prefer, so, please, go find something that actually makes you feel good, as this site does for those who enjoy it! Trust us, if you follow your own bliss, you will be glad you did! Complaining about other people’s enjoyment is nothing but a ridiculous waste of your precious time.
obviously we all use this blog to wean us off of missing “the world champion” in action….”memo to mike”…yeah, we all get it….so whats your problem ? you have to come out of your way to get here and post…just a loser with nothing to do…as for ZENYATTA…i know its only a horse but i felt so bad for her and her connections…my first home bred mare did the exact same thing , then got in foal on next cover and resulting foal was her best ever ! may the same happen to Z…..and whats with the turks??? somebodys off there MEDS. LOL
Zenny life has its ups and downs. It’s how we deal with it that counts. I will keep on praying for a better result next time. Take care and stay healthy.
I’m so sorry to read about your news, but we thank Dottie and all of those who love and care for you in sharing the news, both good and bad. Mostly, we are happy that you are healthy and trust that you will become a Mama when the timing is right. On another note, I’m so very saddened to see that your wonderful website put together so lovingly by Dottie and all your connections has become an arena for some very crude and cruel postings. This website is for “All Things Zenyatta” Most of us come to this website with nothing but love and affection for Zenyatta and would not like to read such negative postings. Ths is not the forum. For most of us that visit this website Zenyatta is the most uplifting, gorgeous creature that inspires us to be better people and treat others with respect. We all come to it for the joy of keeping informed regarding this beautiful horse that has such a human connection to those that love and respect her and her connections. None of the comments rise to the level of a response. Please be respectful of all who visit this website especially children.
Zenyatta …. heard about Zardana and maybe she will come visit you at Lane’s End.
Best regards to all at LE, Barn 55 and Hollywood Park.
Macy Rowan
So so so sorry Queen Z…God has perfect timing and a reason for everything. I am glad you have a great team to take care of you through all of this. Hope your next date goes well<3
Bobbie from WI
Dottie thanks for sharing the news. Team Zenyatta has so much class. Zenyatta you are in my thoughts.
That is so sad! I am so sorry Zenyatta! Best of wishes to you! You’re still young though! Theres plenty of time. Stay Strong! :)
Zenyatta I am sorry to hear this but you will be a great Mommy someday. Hopefully this next time will be that time. We love you Z and you are always a winner no matter what you do!!!! :)
Its ok Zenny! It wasn’t God’s plan for you yet! But don’t worry! Theres always next year!! :)
Don’t let this get you down! Stay positive! At least you didn’t get hurt! :)
Oh, Zen, my girl. The time will be right eventually. I’m so sorry, Zenny. Take care of yourself.
Paula McCaleb
OH NO, I’m so sorry to read this news. My heart goes out to the Moss’s and the whole Z team, I’m sure they are deeply saddened as we all are. I hope you are doing OK our Sweet Zenyatta. I know when the time is right you will be a mama. My thoughts are with you tonight Sweet Girl. Sleep well our PRECIOUS one….Dream about Bernardini and your next visit! xoxoxo
FIRST To Zenyatta and family: I am so sorry to hear of your loss. God does everything for a reason. It will definately work out for you. When people are as kind and concerned for other people as your people are Zenyatta, God will reward you~!!!
SECOND: To the Morons who have posted the garbage on this site. GO ELSEWHERE. No one here wants to hear your cruel nasty mouths, via Texts. Go where you belong.
THIRD: I believe that your posts should be taken down. NO ONE coming to this blog wants to see them.
Tulio Duran & Family
Hi Z, I am following you from Canada. The time of god is perfect so take it easy girl you will be the best mom
Shari Voltz
Dear Zenyatta I am so deeply sorry. I am crying and can’t help it. It is like your a part of my family. I truely feel it was not to be right now but it will happen. God will give you a foal. I just know it. I love you so much I wish I could just give you a big hug. When I tell my students tomorrow I don’t want to cry in front of them. I will explain that this sometimes happens. I know they will take special care of you at Lane’s End. I think sometimes when you are an athlete a women’s body needs time to gain the fat and get out of athlete mode to be ready for a baby. Maybe it is the same with horses. I don’t know why things happen as they do but God has a plan. All I know is that you are one special girl no matter what. I love you and I am sending many Hugs and kisses. God Bless you Queen Z, Shari from Ohio XXXOOO
Oh My Precious Girl – I am so sorry for your loss and that of your family – words can never say! Just know that all of us who love you are holding you in our hearts and hugging you so tight.
To Dear Sweet Zenyatta and Team Z,
I am sorry about this news. I know it brought me to tears, so I can only imagine your feeling of loss. I pray that all goes well next time and Zenny will have a beautiful baby to show off to the world!
I love reading this diary every day, it is very special. Please know how very special ALL of you are, not just Zenyatta.
I also want to apologize for the few ignorant people that have posted negative comments. I think that it is sickening that they came here and posted like that.
Cammy Getschow
We so appreciate being kept up to date by the Zenyatta team……even the difficult news. Thinking of everyone who is taking such wonderful care of our Zenyatta and confident that all will work out wonderfully when it is mean’t to. Z is healthly and that is what is most important to all of us.
Christine in Michigan
Zenny I am so saddened to hear your news, but I know things will work out as the Good Lord wants them to. On another note, here we have a perfect example of how one black soul is trying to destroy the only good, kind, peaceful, loving thing that has happened to the world in a long time and to top it off, a lot of people have taken the bait. It doesn’t take much does it? Please stop!