Hello Everyone,
In life, we all have things that don’t always go as hoped or planned. I am not any different than anyone else. At Lane’s End, they did a recheck on me today and discovered that I am no longer in foal. Just as with humans, horses also have this type of thing happen.
I am feeling terrific! I am totally looking forward to becoming a MOM in the future. I want everything to be perfect when that time comes!
With Love,
Hugs to ALL~
Sally (B)
Oh sweet lovable Z; my heart is crushed for you and Ann,Jerry,John and Dottie; your whole Z team. I am just happy you are well and happy! That’s what counts. Perhaps God knew something was not right?Now I know the importance of the 48 day check. I once had such a scare with my first, lifted something too heavy; doctor thought I should just lay and relax but that I could lose. I never did ! I named him Matthew (a gift from God) in the name books. You will have your foal Z, you’ll become a mama. I just wish I could be there, give you my kiss and wrap my arms around your neck. I guess I will have to share the news with my grandkids; they will be really sad. But I will make them happy again by telling them that you will sometime soon be a mama again. love you, miss you, and I still give you 2 kisses on your soft nose.(one for you & one for baby Z)
Dear Zenyatta:
We are all sorry for your loss.You will be a mother soon enough and you will have a great racing baby.Stay in great health and stand by…everything will be great.
Sleep well, Queen Z. You’ll have your date with Bernie again soon. Thanks, Dottie, for giving us the news first, just as you always do. You are a CLASS ACT.
My heart is sad and I shed some tears
hearing about the loss of your foal.
I will hold good thoughts for you when
you get together with “Bernie” again.
Much love always my queen.
Sorry Z, better blessings next time!!
Phyllis James
Dear Zenyatta, your time will come, and the baby will be a reflection of your perfection. Stay healthy and happy.
With all things there is a reason. It happens with people just the same. Fingers crossed for your next step! Love you!
Barbara Flynt
I am so saddened to hear this news. I am sure it was natures way of telling you this time it was not perfect. Your next time out
will make the perfect foal. You know what they say “practice makes perfect”. Stay strong and sweet, beautiful girl, your time will come!!
Aww Zen.. this happends to the best moms. foals get reabsorbed. ur next breeding will be a success im sure. Its sad now, but it will pass. Glad to hear you are ok. thats what matters most. best wishes on a successfull rebreeding.
Paula R Jauch
Does this mean you will be training in dressage? You are a born dressage horse.
I am so so sorry. God bless you precious Zenny.
Lori K
Queen Zenyatta, as you so wisely spoke, no one, even royalty, is spared difficulties and disappointments. There is much sadness and disappointment in the loss of the foal, but more than anything else we are thankful and happy to know that you are well. Your courage, again, is inspirational.
Lori K
@scudsmother You are not welcome here. Take a hike!!!!!
I think whatever people do with their time is their business. All the people that come on this site are Zenyatta lovers. It was really rude for Jody to tell someone,anyone what they can do with their time. Dottie and all the connections do this for Zenyatta fans. They don’t have to do this. I know I apreciate all they do for us to keep up with her and if someone like Jody messes that up for all the true fans I don’t think we are going to like it. I have never heard anyone being ugly on here but I guess there is always a first time for everything but you need to take it elsewhere. Love you Zen please excuse people who don’t know how to act.
Wendy Bratten
Well beautiful Zenyatta, the important thing is that you are feeling well and enjoying your life at Lane’s End. See how many people adore you?
Pat Beck
Looks like Bernie’s still the one. Glad this is not earth-shattering (except for us Z and Z-Team lovers). Sorry for our/your loss.
i really wish the tb industry would get in the 21 century and start doing embryo flushes on mares that are this valuable! when will they learn!!!!
Barbara C
Oh Zenny, that’s sooooo very sad, but I am so thankful that you are healthy! That is so important. Your time will come and you will be a WONDERFUL MOM! Enjoy your time, stay healthy and be prepared for the next time around. XXXXXXX OOOOOOOOOOOO
Trina Nagele
I am crying tears for you today, Zenny, and for your connections. My heartful sympathy to all–Trina
In light of this news, Zenny, I’m glad you’re feeling “terrific.” Mother Nature knows what she’s doing, and I have faith in those who are watching over you that things will be all right. For all you’ve given us, we just want the best for you and all your family. What a ride you’ve taken us on and it’s far, far from over! Dottie, today’s photo was so telling, even before reading her Diary. As Michelle said of Z in one of John’s videos, “She speaks volumes with her eyes.” Sending all our love, big hugs, and “hooves crossed” to you and Team Z!
I think you need to go back and read Jody’s post because your response to her post makes no sense.
Julie Ann in O.C. CA.
Dearest Zenny, I am so sorry to hear you’re not in foal. My heartfelt condolences to you and the whole team. These things happen to many of us. You’re young, have lots of time and a great future yet to be! We’re all here for you with lots of LOVE and a big
omg my heart just broke when i heard that news when Zenyatta was no longer in foal today in class when i came on here reading the Queen diary i hope all goes well again a second try hope she’ll stay in foal this time and things happen when woman or mare is pregnant
What’s an embryo flush and when is it done?
My heart sank for a moment when I opened Bloodhorse.com to that beautiful face. You are a most breathtaking mare Zenyatta, and when the time is right, an awesome foal will dance at your side. There’s not a whole lot to be said against dropping a foal when the ground is thawed, the bluegrass is growing and the sun is warm on your skin.
Lynn Blackbourn
It is still early in the season. Maybe you’ll get to visit your man again soom.
Ann Maree
I’ve tried to post something here twice….don’t know what is happening. Love you, Z. Your friend, Ann Maree
Hi darlin’, looks like God changed his mind and it is certainly not for us to question why. I have already thanked him for your health and I always pray every day for your continued good health. He will decide when the time is right. I did laugh out loud at the post that said Bernie wont mind trying again. LOL! I wont mind either, he’s a beautiful, wonderful, very talented Horse of the Year. I love you with all my heart Zenny.
Zenny, we still love you anyway. There’s always next time. I know you will be a great mom. It was too soon. I’m always here for you Zen. Sorry about your loss, I’m sure you feel worse than I do, but miracles happen.