Hello Everyone,
In life, we all have things that don’t always go as hoped or planned. I am not any different than anyone else. At Lane’s End, they did a recheck on me today and discovered that I am no longer in foal. Just as with humans, horses also have this type of thing happen.
I am feeling terrific! I am totally looking forward to becoming a MOM in the future. I want everything to be perfect when that time comes!
With Love,
Hugs to ALL~
My heart broke when I read this, but these things happen for a reason. My mares first breeding didn’t hold either, but the second time did and she had the most precious bay filly. Everything will be fine and it will happen when its supposed to. Love you Z!!
It’s Bernardini’s fault, he’s probably SHOOTING BLANKS, Sorry I make jokes when I am sad, Miss U and Luv you Zenyatta 8)
You will have a healthy foal, just not this time… sorry to all.
You will be the BEST mom in whichever way you can be….We love you Zen for your humanness, too…
Franci Nelson
Oh Zenyatta. I am so sorry this has happened. Don’t let this worry or upset you. Nature works in wonderous ways we don’t always understand. Next time will be better. My heart is sad for you & your family today… Sending you a big hug
Patricia Emery
This is such a sad and heartbreaking moment…God Be With You, & the Mosses, John & Dottie and all of Team Z and your loving fans…
Lots of Hugs and Kisses
Martha Kinkead
I am so sorry,Zenyatta.
Come see me next cycle. When I knock em up they stay knocked up. Invasor
To Team Zenyatta,
God has a plan that we don’t understand, because I know God hears our prayers. I pray for Zenyatta constantly. We know we don’t always get what we pray for.
I am so sad and heartbroken for all of us in Zenyatta world. Hugs and Prayers to all
Oh Z I am so sorry. I just heard the news. I hope you didn’t suffer much pain when you lost the baby.
Not quite sure what else to say except I’m sorry. We’ll be with you all the way through this next cycle.
Lynette Lucas
Zenny – I’m so sorry for your loss!! My thoughts and prayers are with you and the Moss’s!!! I know next breeding season will be a good one for you!!! I’m glad to hear that you are feeling good!!! Hugs and Kisses from Roswell,NM!! Love you!!!!
Shannon From Cool
Hey! She gets another date with Berni!
Kathy Kimber
YOU are a TROLL. We all know that.
Heartbreaking. I’m in tears. Just know that we’re with you all the way. We love you sweetheart.
Best wishes for the best horse. We love you Queeny.
Dottie and Team Zenyatta,
You need to ban some of these people off of here. They obviously have nothing better to do than go on sites they care nothing about and talk just to be talking. Thanks to you and Team Zenyatta as a whole,this site has become one of education, respect for the sport and love for a horse. I know the majority of us sincerly appreciate all the work you do to keep us informed and educated and are extremely grateful for you to allow us to be a part of such a wonderful phenomenon. God knows you are under no obligation to do so. I personally just want to say “thank you.” And to the ones who have nothing better to do than trash talk an innocent animal and the people who love her most…go to hell.
marcia deeb
I am so sorry, zenny, about the loss of your foal, but you’ll try again and you will be wonderful mama.\
When are we ever going to be able to visit y ou and meet you? I know myself and others have been asking and asking about this. love, marcia
mary bobolis
Oh, Zennie, I am so sorry. My sympathy to all your human connections, too. I don’t know how these things work but are you able to try again this year or must you wait until next breeding season now? It breaks my heart to hear this has happened to you. I know you will be a great mom when the time comes.
MaryAnn Donahue
Dear Zenyatta,
I felt so sorry for you when I first read the news, that you had reabsorbed your foal. After some reflection, I’m thinking that now you may give birth in springtime next year. Who knows, maybe you will foal on your birthday–wouldn’t that be “too cute”?
The most important thing is that you are sound and healthy. I know how excited everyone is about you having a foal and I can imagine you as a marvelous mother. If it is meant to be, it will happen. Good luck and sending blessings, and
lots of peppermints and carrots.
Take good care; love you,
Mary Ann
Teresa Jimenez
I’m really glad you are doing well but so very sorry to hear about this sad news. Your time, My Queen, will come.
OK FOLKS-(Z lovers out there):
This site is being slammed at the moment. Don’t know what happened to put this site on radar of trolls, but IT’S happening.
As tempting (and angry) some of the post have been on here (i feel you for you all – one of them on here said they respect me)
******you have to ignore them no matter how vile********
If we don’t, they will attempt take over this board by engaging us. I know it’s hard, especially today considering this particular Diary Post, but we have to ignore them!!!!
That’s all *sigh*
Dear Zenny,
I am so sorry to hear about this, but thank you for letting us fans know. I’m glad to hear you’re feeling great. You take care of yourself, you sweet thing. Love you and your team!
this is truly sad news – and many mares and humans have experinced it – I myself have(7 preg. and only 1 child) as well as my prize show mare (5 preg. 1 colt) things will work themselves out. I send you and your TEAM my deepest sympanthies.
So sorry to hear about the lost of your foal zenyatta. My heart pours out for you and your connections. I thank God that you are ok and there will be another time for you and Bernie to have another foal in the future. Love and Kisses
Gloria Jeanne
Zenny- I don’t think I have ever seen you have a sad face before. But the photo attached you look very sad. I don’t know if you really understand what has happened, but just know that you are loved and that you get to try again.
With all my love, heart and soul – I love you Z and you will be ok.
You are ABSOLUTELY right.
Z Lovers..Don’t engage them any further, Lizzy is right, its what they want.
Charlie Crumpton
I too am sorry that Zenyatta is not in foal. However, I am sorrier still to read some of the posts today.
I am very baffled by Scudsmother. I really don’t follow what you’re saying. Who are the “Turks”? Are you referring to wealthy individuals/corporations who are involved in racing?
As to the individual that replied to Michael, the use of the terms “fag” etc. are really quite cruel and hurtful. While I understand that you’re angry, hurting others is not such a good way to respond.
As to some who have referred to those of us who post on this site, not all of us are “spiritual” or believe in God. Many may be atheists/agnostics etc. I myself am not a religious person, but I try to be a good one. If you are a religious person AND a good person, you have my respect.
It is well to remember we are not all alike. Our differences make us interesting. However, we are alike in the essentials. We love, feel pain, suffer, feel joy, fear and so on. Even soldiers on opposite sides of the battlefield are more alike than different. They are different in language & uniform, but those differences are unimportant.
As to Michael we’re all animals. Humankind thinks of itself as superior, but we’re the ones upsetting the balance of nature & destroying our world. Which other animal is that stupid? I don’t know what other animals experience. But I do know they display loyalty, love,intelligence, and courage. Probably they even have a sense of humour. If more human animals had one of those, we’d all be much better off.
Karla Phelps
Z – Mother Nature is not kind but she does her job. I wouldn’t want you have anything but the perfect baby!
I’m so sorry Z. As long as your are healthy that is the most important thing. It will happen when it is supposed to. God Bless.
So sorry to hear that you have lost your foal. Well, mother nature knows what she is doing and you will be a mom soon!