Hello Everyone,
In life, we all have things that don’t always go as hoped or planned. I am not any different than anyone else. At Lane’s End, they did a recheck on me today and discovered that I am no longer in foal. Just as with humans, horses also have this type of thing happen.
I am feeling terrific! I am totally looking forward to becoming a MOM in the future. I want everything to be perfect when that time comes!
With Love,
Hugs to ALL~
While this news makes me feel sad, the most important thing for me to keep in mind is that you, Zenyatta, are still healthy and feeling good. These things do happen in life and as long as you are determined safe and comfortable, I’m sure your connections will take good care of you. Thank you, Dottie and Zenyatta for letting us know.
Sue B.
Zenyatta I was so sad when I read your post. It was like everything just drained out of me. You are healthy, strong and beautiful. It just wasn’t the right time. God has a reason even if we don’t know why. Your time will come. When it does you will have a beautiful foal just like you…
Deborah Richman
Just a word of thanks to all of our experienced horse people and professionals who have commented on how common it is for a maiden mare to lose her foal at this stage in her pregnancy. Your comments are always so valuable and appreciated, and today, very comforting as well.
Robin Stevens
awwww…lol…so sorry team Zenyatta…we have been so very blessed with ZENYATTA : ) god sent her from heaven….& when the time is right he will give all of us another lil american honey : ) : ) don’t get me wrong i luv luv luv Bernardini : ) but his SPEED mixed with Zenyatta’s size?? IT WOULD BREAK OUR HEART’S (Ruffian) maybe god’s way of saying no?? …Zenyatta needs a stallion with HER RUNNING STYLE….A CLOSER…. : ) hmmmm…. MIDNIGHT LUTE?? just a thought….
@Linda – Yes the news is true and verified by Blood Horse and DRF. Unfortunate yes but true.
@Carolyn – Not really. A foal does not gain most of it’s size until the very end of the pregnancy. La Ville Rouge, who usually foals early April, slipped her 2010 filly in December ’09 and was never in danger. In fact I believe she was bred back to Dynaformer on schedule for a 2011 foaling.
What a major bummer. So sorry for you Z and all your connections and fan. Wasn’t meant to be right now, so maybe later. We still love you and wish the best for you!!
Oh Zenny…. I lost a baby too…I was really sad but a couple of years later I was blessed with a beautiful baby girl who happens to love you very much just like I do. You and Bernie will have your precious foal. Sometimes things aren’t just right so nature starts over again. We love you sweet girl….
@Robin Stevens,
MIDNIGHT LUTE was a sprinter, not a closer.
Beautiful Zenyatta,
You are perfect in every way. There will be another time for you to be a mom and a great mom you will be. I love you.
@Robin Stevens,
Also if you read the Blood Horse article, Zenyatta goes back to Bernardini probably no later than next week.
sherry drish
Sometimes things happen for a reason… I am so sorry to hear the news. There is still plenty of time this year.
D Slater
The Lord has some beautiful plans for you Zenny…You have blessed so many in your life I know He will bless you when the time is right. If I was with you right now I would give you a hug, a scratch behind your ears, and your favorite candy!!
nicole tufano
Scudsmother: I respectfully ask you to please stop your insane rantings on this page. At this moment people are sad and they have every right to express their feelings on this site. You make no sense and you are insulting to those of us who love and respect Zenyatta and her team. A really sad thing occurred today and everyone on this site is offering solace to each other. I am sure there are plenty of other sites for you to spew your craziness.
Carolyn equineheart _Carolyn K
My Dearest Beloved Zenny I’m typing between tears…………I know there is another time .It’s just that you deserve for everything to go as smooth as possible as you have given of your heart and soul to us !!! I am saying a special prayer to ask God to keep up your morale and health for the next try !!!! You have a whole world Support system Love you so.much Feeling unstoppable tears right nowl ..xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Karen Mitchell
Dear Zenyatta, Dottie and John, Ann and Jerry, Mario and Carmen, Steve and Mike and all the other thousands of people who love you: I send my deep condolences on the loss of your foal but share with others the hope and belief that you will soon be a wonderful mother to a beautiful foal. Whether it is next year or the year after that or whenever, it will be perfect as is everything else you do and touch with your love and gentleness and inner beauty. Thank you all for sharing your sad news, which can’t have been easy for any of you. Love and hugs to all.
mary bobolis
No one hacked the website and it is true since it is posted at Bloodhose.com. Mares can often just absorb the embryo. It’s not like a human being’s miscarriage. Since John Sheriffs does not feed his horses anything but oats, hay and water, it was not too early to breeed her after retiring from the track. John is not dosing his horses with all of the drugs like othe trainers do,so the person who said that is way off base. She’ll be bred back during her next heat.
In God’s time…Queen Z :)
karen gogue
For A Special Someone
Some horses bring joy and love
wherever they go, they brighten
the lives of people they know…
their nuzzles are so soft,
cheerful and so reassuring,
their feelings for others so
warm and endearing…. you my
sweet precious one, brings joy
and love wherever you go….and
mean more to others than you’ll
ever, ever know……there will be
another tomorrow… just so others
will know! Love you more
precious one!!! Karen
I am so so sorry to hear of this. Hang in there Zenny, you will be a momma soon!
Darling, darling Zenyatta. My heart breaks for you because I know how much you were looking forward to becoming a mother. What matters most right now is that you are okay physically and I know that you will be alright, that you will be brave and carry on. I love you, honeybunch and so do soooo many people. Feel our love and our hugs and kisses, too, sweet one.
I’m so sad. But I’m glad you are ok. That’s the main thing. I love you. You’re a wonderful horse.
Nancy Bickford
I hear you’ll get another chance to be with your beloved Bernardini to start another new life! I’m so glad Zen! That really upset me with your sad news, but I understand life has its ups and downs with humans as well as with animals, so here’s to life starting over again! Good luck in the breeding shed again, My Queen!
We love you Zenyatta and we know you will be a terrific MOM when the time comes.
Bryna Dambrowski
My condolences for the loss but I am glad you are feeling terrific. Having a baby will happen in time – you are still the best! Thanks Dottie for sharing this sad news with all of Z’s fans.
ohh noo Zenny!! well I will continue praying for you my dear friend! When the time is right you will end up being a fantabulous and amazing mother((=
Here is the story in the LA Times. Preg check was done at 35 days.
Lori Stein
Although I am very, very sad by this news, I am relieved that my Big Z is healthy and OK. I am so sorry to all of you that are her connections, I’m sure you were all very excited up to this point, but all things happen for a reason and the best things in life are definately worth the wait. Hopefully our big beautiful girl will get some rest now over these next few weeks and she will be back to romping with the girls in her paddock. Next year is a new year and it will give her body some more time since she really is not far from being from the track. God bless you Big Z, he will take care of everything, Love, Lori
@Iron Shiek: please choose your words for this diary post. We are here to share and enjoy the news about Zenyatta. Thank you.
@: To those who choose to use this diary post as a means of attacking the happy reasons – why we read and write here every day, this is not the place for it. Thank You
Gloria Jeanne
Oh Zenny- I am so sorry. I feel really really bad, my heart is hurting for you. The good news is you get to try again : )
and see Bernie. That might be fun for you.
Again I am very sorry and my heart goes out to you, I hope you are not in pain and maybe it’s a sign that you were not ready just yet. Keep on trying it will happen in time.
Love and Hugs – Give Bernie a big fat kiss for me.