Hello Everyone,
In life, we all have things that don’t always go as hoped or planned. I am not any different than anyone else. At Lane’s End, they did a recheck on me today and discovered that I am no longer in foal. Just as with humans, horses also have this type of thing happen.
I am feeling terrific! I am totally looking forward to becoming a MOM in the future. I want everything to be perfect when that time comes!
With Love,
Hugs to ALL~
I’m so very sorry. This made me sad but as long as you are healthy and happy, that is all that matters right now. God bless yo.
Marilu V
Dear Zeny: I am so sorry to hear the news but most important of all – you are healthy. It’s OK Zeny. God knows what is best for you right now. You are in my prayers all the time. Hugs, MV
Never give up hope, Zen. I’m a virgin to this day. 66 years young, m’lady. I know the right girl is out there for me. Sure I’m stubborn, don’t shower everyday, have a massive collection of breyers that might be a little disturbing to those without the gift of collectin’…but all an’ all I’d say I’m pretty good. Keep fairly fit considering the bulk of my day consists of posting on internet message boards. What do you think, Z? She’ll show up one day right?
Roberta Smith
I just read the sad news. I am at work now with tears in my eyes. I know as soon as I leave to drive home the tears will start to flow. There will be another time for you Zenyatta and that time will be the right time for you. Until then, be happy and stay healthy. There are so many people who love you! XXXXXXXXX
You are the idiot, Michael! Everyone on here knows we are posting our thoughts and prayers and that Zen is not capable of reading them on her “Ipad”. However, Dottie goes out of her way to keep Zen’s fans updated on her life, health and caregivers. Dottie and several others from Team Z read these posts I’m sure. It gives them support to know how much we love Zen. If you find this offensive or cannot understand our feelings….stay on your own turf!
Sorry Z, it happens but maybe it was for good reason, when the time is right Zit will happen……………
Linda / NJ
Hi Zenny: I am so sorry to hear this. Things do happen in life. Everything will be okay. You’ll see. You’ll try again. Sending you a great big hug and kiss! Love, Linda
Well put Marilyn. Michael needs to mind his own business.
Whoever called Michael a ‘troll’ hit the nail on the head. I rarely get into a debate on blogs where most people are anonymous anyway but who somehow feel it’s their forum for insulting others, bashing them and belittling their feelings. As someone else said “YES” they realize they are speaking to a “horse” But they also pretty much understand that Dottie is the ghost writer for Zenyatta. This site was developed for her followers, both experienced and knowledgeable “horse people” and racing fans as well as brand new fans to the sport — thanks to Zenyatta and Rachel Alexandra. These two great athletes have brought more positive attention to this sport and keeping the fans involved in their lives may seem hokey to some but heartwarming to others. The thought of losing touch with Zenyatta was too much for some of her fans to bear and I have nothing but respect and admiration to her entire team for keeping Z in the limelight and sharing her new life with everyone. You are not forced to read or post to this diary. If it bothers anyone, they can simply stay out of it.
I think it is terrific the way Zenyatta, through Dottie, is educating the fans and explaining things that are downright technical and foreign to most people. And there are children who read this so it has to be done in a way that they can understand. Sadly, they have to learn of life’s unfairness with the news that was shared today. Even Rachel Alexandra posted a note of condolence on her Facebook page. And we KNOW RA didn’t type it herself!!
Hopefully, Z will be re-bred and this time will be a success. What her fans need to know is that this occurrence is quite normal in horses and that she was not even aware of the loss until checked. She did not suffer pain or discomfort. It’s still early enough that she can be successfully bred back to Bernardini and in a few months, we’ll hopefully be hearing more encouraging news.
Dottie, we know you are reading these posts and I know this must have been terribly difficult to put into words. Usually these events get little to no notice but because Zenyatta is such a mega-star, it couldn’t go unmentioned. Our thoughts and best wishes are with you and Team Zenyatta and hopes that we’ll have good news down the road.
Alexandra Bowdoin
I am very sorry to hear this. It happened for a reason, we may never know why. I hope in the future you will be a mom…We
love you!
Cathy P
Oh I’m so sorry to hear that Zenyatta, we know you will be a great mom when the time is right. Remember you are a young girl and you do have time on you side. Let us know if you need anything at all!! Would you like some of your favorite peppermints if so let me know and it will be done. We all love you so much and wish you all the best. With Lots of Hugs and Big Big Kisses, Cathy
Rachael Z
I’m so sorry Zenny – this is one of my worst nightmares come true! I hope you are able to hold the next one and deliver a healthy beautiful foal next March.
Mary Davies
My heart is broken for you…your time will come again, and then it will all be perfect. You are a beautiful lady “Z”.
From our hearts to yours!!! Love you so…
So Sorry to hear this for you owners & the Staff At the barn. In the near future, we all will be able to share a new foal someday.
Stephanie Gladney
I am so sorry to hear this. I love you still and hope they try again soon.
Pass The Biscuits (for friends of Zenny)
“When I was a kid, my mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner every now and then. And I remember one night in particular when she had made breakfast after a long hard day of work. On that evening so long ago, my mom placed a plate of eggs, sausage, and extremely burned biscuits in front of my dad. I remember waiting to see if anyone noticed! Yet all my dad did was reach for his biscuit, smile at my mom and ask me how my day was at school. I don’t remember what I told him that night, but I do remember hearing my mom apologize to my dad for burning the biscuits. And I’ll never forget what he said, ‘Honey, I love burned biscuits.’ Later that night, I went to kiss Daddy good night and I asked him if he really liked his biscuits burned. He wrapped me in his arms and said, ‘Your momma put in a long hard day of work today and she’s real tired. And besides..a burnt biscuit never hurt anyone!’ You know, life is full of imperfect things…imperfect people. I’m not the best at anything, and I forget birthdays and anniversaries just like everyone else. What I’ve learned over the years is that learning to accept each others faults and choosing to celebrate each others differences, is one of the most important keys to creating a healthy, growing, and lasting relationship. So…please pass me a biscuit. And yes, the burned one will do just fine! And please pass this along to someone who has enriched your life..I just did! Life is too short to wake up with regrets..love the people who treat you right and forget about the ones who don’t.”
I am taking the liberty to repost the actual words kealy wrote earlier — she said it best. Z and Z Tem, all my prayers and best wishes are going out to you. It will all be OK again.
“I just read a comment about the breeding being too soon after her racing career ended. I so do NOT agree with that comment. As has been the case from the moment this beautiful girl hit the ground running, EVERY decision that has been made about her and for her has always been calculated to the Nth degree by a TEAM of professionals. Every possible minute detail was covered in making the decision to breed her at the point she was bred. Can we all just take a moment, pause, express our thoughts in a kind and compassionate way as opposed to any negativity? It didn’t happen for Z this time and yes it is a disappointment to her fans but nothing compared to what Team Z is experiencing right now. This girl, Zenyatta, is a gift to everyone that should be cherished. If she is meant to be a Mom, it will happen for her. My thoughts are with ALL at Team Z and I wish only the best for every single member of that Team and especially for Z.”
Iron Sheik
To Michael…
You are another faggot son of a bitch, no good low life, I wanna let you know you a punk you are fag you are punk little gay, worse than Michael Jord…err Michael Jackson.
It was great feeling. I have a lot of respect for other posters like Lizzy and Susan. Great posters, great theatrics, but that little punk Michael another little fag worse that Michael Jackson. I didn’t like him, didn’t like his attitude. He was a punk. I can break his fucking back…BREAK HIS BACK!! MAKE HIM HUMBLE AND THEN FUCK HIS ASS!! I didn’t do it on Uncle Mo’s facebook page because I respect horsie pages and Jerry Moss. I’m a professional!!
Deanna Martin
We pray that you have just the right Mate and just the right Foal. You are the best and deserve only the best. God bless you!
Don’t be upset.Some of the very best horses have been later foals. Early is not a big advantage. Man O’War was born on this date March 29 in 1917. Northern Dancer was born May 27th. Nature likes foals to be born in the spring when the grass is green and growing.
Dear Queen Zenyatta –
What a sad day at our house. :( We love you so much and feel like you are part of our family, so unexpected bad news hurts our hearts. We woke up to an email alert from BloodHorse.com to which we subscribe, and I nearly dropped the laptop off my lap when I read their alert that says “Zenyatta, last year’s Horse of the Year for Jerry and Ann Moss, no longer in foal.” So like all teary eyed girls, I reached out to my girlfriends, who are as hooked on you as I am, so we could talk about it like we girls do, and feel better. Just for a second I thought – oh no here we go again with the bitter part of loving someone or something. Then I realized that here, on this blog, there would be people who reach out with hugs and well wishes, and where there would be healing. As I was logged on to this site, I thought – oh yes, I’m sure this news is going to bring out the monster in someone. And sure enough, evil raised it’s ugly head here but just as I know you are blessed, Zenyatta, and held in the Light daily by your connections, I know this blog is a sacred space that will leap over the negative to shine a positive beacon for us in our joys and sorrows.
Mother Nature is a force for Good, so we are holding on to that truth and looking forward to a little Zen at the perfect time. This reminds me of seeing you race. Dead last outta the gate. Around the last turn thinking – oh my God she’s not gonna make it – and then – WINNER! So here we are again with my heart sunken and worried and for no reason. This is Zen being Zen and winning in her own way while we all watch breathlessly. WINNER!
Love and a peaceful prayer to the tiny soul waiting for you in Horsey Heaven, Zen
Roxi Cook
If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again! Good luck and all best wishes that you catch next time. Stay healthy and relaxed … maybe not so many sugary treats.
Rachael A
Leave the girl alone. Maybe she’s gay.
Kathy caldwell
i am so sorry to hear of your loss but you can always try again. Whenever it does happen, it will be a most magnificent foal. You are one of the most intelligent creatures on this earth.
All things in life happen for a reason and May-be things were not perfect for our Baby Girl,and perhaps we will never know but I think God has a perfect plan for our Queen and when all is perfect she will give Earth a perfect champion. Our prayers be with you Pretty Baby. To the men with the attitudes It is more than obvious why men are incapable of child birth, they do not have the patience,sense of understanding,or compassion for the daily respondsibilityes a pregnant female must live by{not to mention the physical pain} of the birth itself. It very tramatic for a female to lose her offspring,and very callas of men not to show just a touch of emphithy. WE all are very much aware we are talking about a horse, but not just any horse She is the closest thing to perfect i have ever seen and we are really relating our thoughts and well wishes to team Z and all that they do.
Kathy Kimber
Hey Lady Z I’m crying and I never ever cried for myself. But it will work out it did for me. Everyone is pulling for you and I know Lanes End will do what is best for you. Gio Pionte, Giacomo, Uncle Mo they are all pulling for you sweet lady. I just want you to be alright. I saw a blip on the internet and my heart dropped thru the floor. You take care and stay strong. I am going to pray for both you and Bernie every single morning and every single night. I love you so much sweet lady.
Ingrid in MA
Oh Sweet Zen… I’m so,so sorry! This just breaks my heart! I know how much you were looking forward to being a mom – we all wanted that for you,too. We all love you,sweet girl,and hope you’re feeling well. My poor girl! Love you,Sweet Zen. ((Big Cyber Hugs))
oh Z, I’m so sorry but I believe that it happened for a reason, it wasn’t your time yet, it will happen when it is! In the meantime, enjoy your friends in the paddock running and playing and grazing! love you sooo much beautiful girl xoxoxo
Just wanted to say sorry to Team Z (because come on folks, obviously Zenyatta has NO clue that anything happened), but it wasn’t entirely unexpected to me. Most maiden mares I’ve worked with don’t catch on the first try, let alone carry that one to term. Most of them I’ve worked around have to go back 2-3 times before conceiving and carrying to term, so it would truly have been shocking if both she and Rachel not only caught, but maintained the pregnancies. It’s very normal to resorb this early, so no worries everyone, she’ll be bred again this weekend and we can have fun hoping again. :)
Oh I’m so sorry Z. Can they breed you again this year? I love you!